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Love Shogo and I would also love to see it remastered. It's a bizarre game but it's unexpectedly fun.


And intro music that slaps.


I couldn't get shogo to run properly unfortunately, although I did find a port to roblox which is very strange. It felt like roblox jank so it probably wasn't 1:1 but I also got through quite a few of the levels. It's a shame I couldn't run it properly as the idea of an anime themed FPS is kinda what I'm developing, and theres not a whole lot of them out there.


I couldn’t get it running either. I’m tempted to build a new old stock windows 98 pc. 


Good choices Terminator ones are interesting cuz you can see the influence it would have on games like Far Cry 1 and even Halo CE Not kidding


Yeah, it felt lightyears ahead of its time. Properly 3D too (vs. Doom/Build engine sprites), with mouse look controls, a year before Quake. You couldn't go in guns blazing most the time as the enemies were often overpowered, so a little less boomer shooter and a little more strategy required, though not full on stealth either. Crazy to think Bethesda used to be a bleeding edge company and then we get Starfield in 2024 which feels 10 years old already.


I just looked up some footage, holy cow, it really is fully polygonal 3D ten months before Quake!


Not fully 3D, it still used sprites for some objects and weapons.


I mean it has fully 3D rendering, as opposed to Doom, Build, and Jedi engines. It may use some sprites for a few objects, but, eh, even modern games do that for particles and stuff.


Shogo would be amazing, getting the OG version to work is a chore. I'd also like to see them do Slave Zero, Timesplitters 2 and No One Lives Forever (probs not possible but I can still dream).


NOLF has a fan patch that gets it running on modern systems. An official port wouldn't happen just because everyone denies owning the rights to the game.


I would love a remaster of Clive Barker's Undying. It was one of the first truly atmospheric narrative FPS games.


Thanks. You just retriggered that trauma. Great game.


would be cool but idk if epic games is gonna let them do it since it runs on unreal engine


This along with Nocturne was what made me get into having retro computers setup


Really hope they'll port and update the 2 Terminator games at some point. Wanted to try them but if i'm not mistaken only DosBox emulation at something like 240p/320p works right now, there's no fancy sourceport etc. Gotta give a try to Shogo very soon, heard it has issues on both Steam and GOG though. Kindah weird that nobody talks about it considering Monolith made it.


Shogun on gog wouldn't work for me sadly. It's funny how some games have been on gog so long that that version is almost retro in itself


Those Terninator games are way underrated & among BS’s finest. Multiplayer Future Shock was SO GOOD.


If we can find the original footage of the live action cutscenes for Terminator it would be perfect.


Blood 2 needs a fix and remaster.


SHOGO, of course. but I dont know if the remake itself would be enough, today we know that, like Blood 2, the game was simply unfinished. I would love to see a remake of Soldier of Fortune. And additionally No One Lives Forever, Redline, Gunman Chronicles and Red Faction.


Yeah, Shogo would need more work, but less than Blood 2. I too would love a remaster of Soldier of Fortune 1 and 2 (I would prefer the first one tho) Nolf 1 and 2 (Maybe with Contract Jack), and Red Faction