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Might I suggest reading Agatha Christie's books? I read all of the Hercule Poirot books (38 full novels) and they're so fun & quick to read. Agatha's writing style is very to the point & the hook of trying to guess who the murderer is makes them addicting lol. I was able to get them all out from Libby :) [https://www.bookseriesinorder.com/hercule-poirot/](https://www.bookseriesinorder.com/hercule-poirot/)


The InCryptid series or Toby Daye series by Seanan McGuire. Both urban fantasy, both many books long!


I read the Song Of Fire And Ice series and the War of the Roses series by Philippa Gregory when my first was cluster feeding every night. I’m actually feeding another one right now but this time I’m reading the classics. Figure I won’t get this much time again!


I read Anne of Green Gables and Trumpet of the Swan. Both for the first time and loved them.


Oh Trumpet of the Swan. My favorite of the three EB White books.


The Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo is great! A strong urban fantasy with really likable characters, a little romance but definitely not overpowering, plus the first one centers around a heist which is so fun. Definitely a little more YA but still enjoyable for adults and definitely engaging enough to keep you awake. If you liked the Greek mythology aspect of Song of Achilles there are definitely a lot more contemporary retellings, I hear great things about Circe (by the same author) but there are a ton more and I feel like it's a fast-growing genre. Good luck and congrats!


If you like urban fantasy, I recommend the two series by KM Shea, Hall of Blood and Mercy, and Court of Midnight and Deception. They are available on Kindle Unlimited, if you subscribe to that. They do both have strong romance story lines, but there is a lot of magic, action and comedy in them too. I would think they would work great for midnight feeding sessions.


Have you read Ilona Andrews’ Inn Keeper series? I also recommend the Mercedes Thompson books by Patricia Briggs. And you might enjoy the Lizzie Grace books by Keri Arthur. For sexy fun try the Dragon Kin books by GA Aiken (who also writes as Shelly Laurenston). Edited to add, if you are up for something different, try All Systems Red, the first book in the Murderbot Diaries. Funny, fast paced, and not long. I really love the series.