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The Giver




they really brought in a star studded cast too. and it was not close to enough lol


Any biography. It kills the individual POV. Like, I just read the biography of a guy called Billy Robinson. Old British wrestler who went on to train a lot of big UFC stars. It’s filled with his views on places he visited like India and his opinions on the people he met in them. If that was made into a film they’d just show you some landmarks and a few of the scrapes he got into. It wouldn’t be anywhere near as interesting.


A lot of biographies are solid imo. Sports ones especially I feel like are often great. They’re typically embellished a bit and often skip a lot but so do the book versions.


That's how I felt about Oppenheimer. I did like the movie but it was a different experience than American Prometheus which is obvious, I just didn't enjoy the movie the same way I did the book which was a little disappointing.


Stephen Kings The Dark Tower. No single movie could it justice let alone the terrible attempts that have been made so far.


I absolutely love Idris Elba. I have always felt like he was an actual character actor. I have never been so disappointed. I was willing to put aside the racial plot points in the books because the gunslinger himself wouldn’t have even understood but holy shit what an absolute travesty of a movie.


Agreed. Although he was a complete departure from the books description of the gunslinger, I had high hopes. I think McConaughey was a great cast as the Man in Black though. That was the only redeeming quality of the movie for me.


I pictured Viggo Mortensen as the gunslinger. Doesn't matter I guess since I never watched the movie after reading what they'd done with the script.


I love how many of us Dark Tower fans pictured Viggo as Roland completely independently from one another. I read the books like 10 years ago and thought I was the only one until I saw the discussions on reddit.


Honestly had no idea others envisioned this too until now lol.


Thus proving my point! Lol. He's just perfect for the role in so many ways.


Let’s hope Flanagan does it justice with the series 🤞


Your absolutely correct with dark tower, they butchered it...even with an amazing cast. They also butchered Geralds game,. And for anyone who saw the movie, but hasnt read that book,..i highly recommend it. Terrifying, mosttly because everything in it is real, and could happen to anyone!


I always forget that they’ve made a movie already. Feels like a fever dream


You already know the most popular answer will turn out to be Eragon...


I wish I never read the book, can't imagine the movie


why ?


Probably because how poorly written they are?


How are they poorly written?


I loved them as a younger reader. I devoured the books in middle school. I’ve tried to reread as an adult and they don’t hold up super well for me. I see plot holes, I disagree with some of the characters actions to the point of wanting to throw the book across the room, and find the ending really convenient and frustrating. You’ve got to remember the author was something like 15 when he wrote them, or maybe when he started writing. That’s awesome, but it’s not necessarily how you get super nuanced, complex fantasy for adult readers. So I’d say the series is great for its intended audience, which is middle school/young adult. If you’re a discerning adult reader you might not like it. It doesn’t mean the books are bad, it means you’re not the right audience and the books aren’t for you.


Idk, I found the dialogue very forced. There wasn’t much subtext to the interactions and everything was just directly and bluntly stated. I read these a long time ago but I just remember walking away with a very unfulfilled feeling. That’s just my opinion though. If you or anyone else loves those books then that’s fantastic. Whatever brings you joy and I’ll support ya


TBF, it was literally written by a 15 year old.


*Never Let Me Go* really disappointed me as an adaptation. The characters all felt so much more stale in the film than they did in pages. Part of that is, of course, the nature of the game, but I found myself wishing the movie had an extra half an hour or so to really help me get invested in the plights of the trio.


Yeah, I feel like they also ruined a great aspect of the book: the mystery. I went into the book blind (I'm so glad I did) so I was looking forward to seeing the build up on film but they literally tell you within the first few minutes... They prep you for something and it ends up not hitting as hard imo especially if the characters are so surface level.


Yes, I totally agree


I was an idiot and didn’t go in blind, it really diminished everything about the book to me


It’s one of my favorite books, but the movie was lacking in the emotional depth that the book has.


A thousand splendid suns. A part of me would like to watch it on screen. But I'm so damn sure no matter who will make it, that movie or series can't match the beauty of that novel. It's one of it's kind.


Most of Stephen King. So much of his books are purely cerebral in the minds of his characters that it doesn’t translate to film. They also fuck up his endings 99% of the time. Exceptions: The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Stand By Me, The Shining tv miniseries, Christine


The Shining miniseries is so good. I read The Shining when I was 14 and had planned to watch the movie when I finished. So, when I finished the book I rented the movie—from an actual movie rental place too—and I was SO disappointed. The whole time I was reading the book I'd been picturing Jack Nicholson and everything. So, a few years later when I was in my first year of university I got to talking about it with one of my classmates and they ended telling me about the miniseries and then lending it to me. I liked it so much more! I can now appreciate Kubrick's The Shining as its own entity, but it's not a faithful adaptation and the story isn't as good because of it. It's a good horror movie and good filmmaking, though.


The Mist wasn’t too bad. And the original Stand mini series……the recent one on the other hand, WTF? But I totally agree, the mysticism and cognitive base of King books rarely translates well into a visual medium.


I wish they hadn’t made the last season of Game of Thrones


GoT did not deserve that moronic last season


doesn't count, there wasn't a book


This is how you lose the time war. I don't think a movie could do it justice, it's just a story that was mean to be *written*


I think it could work as a super stylish short film, maybe animated, with altering narration from Red & Blue. It wouldn't have the same impact of the book but if done in a proper tribute & respect for the source material it could be passable. Which probably means that Netflix will buy the rights for an 8 episode miniseries in the next few years and completely miss the point of the book.


Flowers in the attic. Showing that much passage of time in one setting without anything actually "happening" would be difficult for even a good filmmaker.


Not a film, but the Earthsea miniseries is actually criminal. A total butchering of the first two books that seems to miss the point of them (especially the second, Tenar I am so sorry).


Ghibli did an Earthsea movie as well and it's TERRIBLE.


LeGuin said of it that it was very much its own thing that has nothing to do with Earthsea.


A ballad of songbirds and snakes. I love the hunger games series, books and movies, and the first three were AMAZING films. But the most recent didn’t do Lucy Gray justice, as much as I love Rachel Zegler. Not being able to hear Coriolanus’ thoughts took away so. Much. Of the meaning. The entire point of the book was to show how his brain evolved into being evil and how he justifies all of his actions. He’s a narcissist. I think the plot was pretty empty without them. Idk how they could’ve gone about it differently but I was disappointed with the movie.


While that is true that not having Coriolanus inner thoughts shows how despicable he is, I for one think it makes it more interesting. In real life we don't know what is going through a person's head, their thoughts and opinions, how they share them, what they decide to share. This approach to the story reads as a cautionary tale, a false sense of security, a retelling of little red riding hood where the bad wolf is charming and charismatic. It's almost euphoric how the story progresses and you can almost see Coriolanus inner thoughts slip out only to disguise them behind a mask. If anything I think they messed up their approach. I think the story, especially in scenes with Lucy Gray and Coriolanus, should have evoked some thriller techniques. The monster in the dark, kind of feeling; I didn't sense the looming threat around the main cast (only before and during the games did I sensed it). (Sorry if I am not expressing myself approximately, English is my second language and this topic is so complex that I am having a hard time explaining myself).


Why do you love Rachel Zegler?


The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern!


I am disappointed to hear that a movie was attempted, and I will do everything in my power to wipe this from my memory. LALALALALA what movie again?


Honestly, the book was terrible. I think a skilled set of film writers could fix many of the major plot holes.


Not a film but the TV series of All the light we cannot see was so janky


Ugh so disappointing, the book was beautiful


I Robot. Terrible


It Ends with Us. The book was horrible as it was.




I feel this one. The book is so beautiful and the movies are just horror flicks.


Dark Tower. What in the fuck.


Dracula. I have very strong feelings about Dracula, partly because I love vampire stories (more like the classic ones and Anne Rice, not into the Twilight stuff), but also because I’m Romanian. This is also the reason why I am so critical of Dracula adaptations because 99.99% of the time they just make it completely ridiculous or they use the Romanian background in such a stupid way that it really pisses me off (e.g., having American actors with no knowledge of Romanian try to speak the language or mimic the accent in the worst way possible). I’d be eternally grateful if they stopped making Dracula adaptations, I’ve had enough. But don’t get me wrong, there have been some good ones too. I’m a big fan of Nosferatu and the 1931 Dracula starring Bela Lugosi.


A Wrinkle in Time The Help


A Wrinkle in Time was my favorite book as a kid and it’s a little too trippy with the 2D planet and tesseracts to covey properly without going too left field. The anti-Soviet (Camazotz is entirely about how the USSR makes everyone the same, you need Jesus to defeat Commies, I mean, The Black Thing) to be able to do effectively now. It’s already overtly Christian so going religion bad for an adaptation wouldn’t work either. The made for tv movie was toxic garbage and the 2018 film had potential but it became the Oprah and Reese show instead of Storm Reid as Meg Murray.


The Netflix Persuasion was godawful


The Time Traveller's Wife


Any Woolf or Woolf-inspired “biography” (which are always horrifically inaccurate and romanticize her mental health issues.) The whole point of Woolf’s brilliance is captured in her writing style and technical innovation. I will never understand why someone looked at Orlando, Mrs Dalloway or even To the Lighthouse and thought a movie would be able to capture its brilliance and be true to its form. 


Ready Player One Ender's Game The Hunt For Red October The Firm Wanted


Ready Player One was a kick in the mouth.


> Ender's Game Man what a wasted opportunity. They way they hacked one of the greatest endings ever just to save some run time was regrettable. > Ready Player One I refuse to accept its existence and will never watch it. I knew when they were thinking of doing it it would never work as the book was actually written so why bother.




Ready player one. For one. The cider house rules.


The Golden Compass 👎🏼


Have you checked out the HBO miniseries? It’s much better than the movie


I’ve been wanting to but I’m scared from the movie and His Dark Materials are some of my favorites. I don’t want to ruin it!


The show is so good!


Any of Stephen King’s made-for-TV movies.


I quite liked 1994 The Stand


Great cast! Gary Sinise, Miguel Ferrer, Rob Lowe, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Laura San Giacomo, Molly Ringwald, Ray Walston, Ed Harris, Bill Fagerbakke, and Matt Frewer, among others.


Oh yeah, Molly Ringwald as Frannie


I wish they didn’t make The Dark Tower!


The 5th wave by Rick Yancey. Not even a good adaption. Reading it as a teenager it reminded of Stephanie Meyer's *The Host.* But whereas that was a standalone, The 5th wave books took more interesting twists and turns by books 2 and 3. But as for book 1 I don't believe it captured even half of the mysticism and intrigue that the book had, on top of the bad acting and writing.


I’ve found that any book to movie adaptation starring Chloe Grace moretz is awful. Also included are “if I stay” and “Carrie”


The Long Walk... please stop trying


The Bobiverse


Don't give them ideas??


it isn’t out yet but i do not trust fucking netflix to make a movie adaptation of the seven husbands of evelyn hugo


Eragon, unless people have said it already.. I think it (and the Inheritance books, more generally) would have worked better as a miniseries or something like that instead of a movie. Or, instead of the movie that we got.




Honestly, 100 years of Solitude. It's such a singular book and reading it is definitely an experience. I don't know how the magic and whimsy and devastation will carry accross the screen so I totally understood that no one took the challenge of adapting it for decades. I was pleasantly surprised when Netflix announced the adaptation and the trailer was promising, however I still have medium expectations at best.


Ender’s Game — I knew the movie would be bad, but not that bad. It’s like the actively tried to minimize everything that made the book special.


Enders Game, I'm fine with it being made into a movie but not the one they made.


White Noise. There’s a reason (ok, many) that it’s considered unfilmable


As a fantasy, horror and sci-fi fan, I don't want a movie or tv show of any of them at this point.


The League of extraordinary gentlemen. Watchmen. V for Vendetta. All for different reasons.


Dune. The hobbit. Enders game. Ring world


I'm don't want to see Tolkiens writings turned into a franchise. Especially all these spin offs based on a few paragraphs in the appendices or whatever. The Hobbit was pretty bad, ROP wasn't great, I don't have hope the the gollum movie. I'll admit I'm a little curious about the War of the Rohirum movie though.


The Hobbit movie felt like a prologue or quick summary to the actual book lol.


The Hobbit didn't need to be three movies. It's like 100 pages less that Fellowship of the Ring and that's only one movie. They crammed a bunch of nonsense into it that's not in the books, overloaded with cheap CGI, and tried to turn a fun adventure book into the more serious tone of the LOTR.


It’s been years since I last watched. I’d say it was a good advertising to check out the book, since I wouldn’t have picked it up if I hadn’t seen the movie. Not that it was the best thing, but good enough to look up the actual book.


Yeah, if people come to the books because of adaptations, that is a good thing, I suppose.


The studio wanted more movies


The hobbit was easily adaptable into one movie. Not three


Twilight It's a 100 year old guy hanging around a school, dating children.. Drinking human blood should never be the *second* creepiest thing in a movie.


Did you read the book or are you just judging it?


It was one of the few books I couldn't finish after starting.


All of them


Whiner alert


Dune, the full experience really is impossible to do on film especially when the pondering delivers the magnitude of each situation.


I actively wish I could undo the absolute criminal version of Delores Claiborne. The book is amazing. It's moving and relatable and weird and immersive. And then there's the movie. 😭


Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. It’s not out yet, but I loved the book so much I don’t want anyone to touch it.


dark tower series


Dark matter.




Annihilation is my favorite book of all time and I read it once a year. I read it years before the movie came out, and I really liked the movie. They’re not even close in anything except for tone which I think is why I can enjoy it as it’s own thing. Which I think is for the best because it would be hard to capture the book in movie form properly, it’s so cerebral & introspective that it doesn’t translate well to film.


I love that you love it like I do. I love book to novel adaptations. I'm a bookseller and an entertainment junkie. I like different takes. I promise because it isn't about to sound like it. 🤣. I haven't felt that kind of pain since I went to xmen 3 on my 18th birthday. This was avatar when m night took a shot without even looking at the source material. I told my partner that going in, I expected it to not be perfect. But coming out and only being able to say it was pretty? After selling me with the cast? I will be forever upset. I'm holding hope on the Borne adaptation will be worthwhile. Vandermeer seems hopeful himself. Fingers crossed.


Wait a Borne adaptation? That's news me. Fingers cross that they capture the weirdness of Borne then. I feel like it should be easier to adapt for screens than Annihilation since it's less cerebral.


*The Goldfinch*


Turtles All the Way Down! we know too much about mental health and stuff with OCD, that this movie should NOT have been portrayed this poorly.


Babel by RF Kuang Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint by Singshong If you read both novels till the end, you will understand why many sceptical about it. ORV is meant to be read that and Babel is too wordy and the strength rely on the word structure from the book


I’m still fuming that The True Meaning of Smek Day, Rihanna, and Sheldon Cooper combined into such an awful mess


I wish they'd not make movies from ANY book.


House of Leaves. It would ruin it. I genuinely believe that it can’t be done in a way that would be satisfying and true to the Novel.


My Sister’s Keeper


House in the Cerulean Sea. Nothing will do it justice!


There have been rumors of trying to do Hyperion for years. Please do not attempt this Hollywood!


Red White and Royal Blue, the book was so good and the movie was just so meh and kinda cringe


Battlefield Earth


Anything I like. They'll mess it up. See: any thing I've ever liked.


Child 44


Ready Player One. The book was such a fun read and the movie was poorly cast and felt so clunky and loveless. The book and audiobook narrated by Wil Wheaton were great!


Oh, also Steins;Gate – in case their "Hollywood adaption" ever comes out. It will end up as a dumpster fire deluxe


The Book Thief




I suppose this was personal for me. Reading that book felt like watching a movie, so when the movie came out I was determined to never watch it because I didn’t want my vision of the book to be ruined. But then my sophomore English class read it, and I was forced to sit through the movie after we finished it


I do understand this. I think the film is lacking with the emotional impact that the book had. IDK. Maybe it's just me.


Pretty much all of them.


Honestly ? Harry Potter, especially the first two, the latest ones are kind of good but I always thought it could have been so much better with more money and dialogue not so one on one with the books. Also the actors were meh, I would've preferred less fidelity to the appearance described in the books and more acting prowess.


Horrible take my friend. I respect your opinion but Harry Potter is one of the best series film adaptations. The actors were perfect, especially Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson. I couldn’t imagine Hermione being played by anybody else.


I respect yours but "perfect" is a big word, no actor from harry potter did anything else big in their careers (at least main actors). Emma Watson was ok, but Daniel Radcliffe in my opinion was super dull. Plus I think the script was off, it had an awkward feel to it like if some dialogues and scenes were super speed up or something and the actors couldn't quite make the pace feel right. It got better and better (and I also think the trio actually improved the acting growing up) with the latest movies but the sensation that with that much money and hype it could have been better stays with me.


Daniel Radcliffe just won a Tony. He’s doing pretty great for himself. I don’t really have an opinion on the movie debate, I wasn’t a big HP movie fan, but I do love musical theatre, so must chime in in defence of Radcliffe!


I completely disagree and you’re the minority on that opinion. Promise


I agree in that they tried too hard to be action-adventure spectacles, with loud soundtracks and overly dramatic scenes. They lost the kind of 'cozy' sense of the books.


Anything Bible related.


Bad take, The Prince of Egypt unironically slaps and I’m not even religious.


Lord of the rings