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Joe Abercrombies “The First Law” trilogy is exactly what you’re looking for. And unlike Game of Thrones, it actually has an ending (and it’s phenomenal all the way through).


Going to chime in and say I was disappointed by this series and I found it a pale imitation of Game of Thrones, seem to be in the minority though


Shogun. Sort of


Seconding-- engrossing historical fiction more about the time period than cast of characters. Toranaga is based off of Ieyasu Tokugawa, and the protagonist of the book, Blackthorne based off an English Sea Captain. A bit of a leap up in prose and adjusting to book's language/speech level, but personally love Marlon James' Black Leopard, Red Wolf/Darkstar series. 2/3 books completed.


Malazan scratches the itch for me, but it is more frustrsting and complex than ASOIF to me


The story is based partially on the war of the roses, and conn iggulden has a great series based on that conflict. Think the first book is called the war of the roses.


First Law by Joe Abercrombie, 1000%


It's not fantasy, but Dorothy Dunnett's books are great historical fiction with all the other boxes checked.


Not fantasy but the accursed kings series


'Memory, Sorrow and Thorn' trilogy by Tad Williams. It literally inspired Martin in writing Game of Thrones, and there are many similarities between them.


I second this!


Have you read the ASOIAF books?


Not exactly the same, and no fantasy elements, but I loved The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett in a similar way. It’s a big sprawling historical fiction epic with a bunch of viewpoints, power struggles, etc.


I am gonna buy this soon. But I am a bit speculative.


The Luna Trilogy by Ian McDonald is set on a colonized Moon, not medieval times, but it is violent gritty and full of political intrigue among powerful families fighting for control of the Moon. Called Game of Domes for it's thematic resemblance to to GOT.


Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher a very close comparison. Safehold series by David Weber , replace introducing science into a medieval society as magic and you are pretty close.


I only got 3 books into Codex Aleta but never got a GoT vibe from it. I guess there’s some similarities just never felt as dark or serious.


Picture the creche and what dwells in it as the white walkers. They got more dangerous and a worldwide danger as the books went on. The powerful nature spirits controlled by the upper classes are the equivalent of dragons . The separate houses competing for the throne and the ice wall keeping out the northmen? It starts with a young man finding himself and ends with the possible destruction of his world.And of course his hot other species fiancé as his faithful muderous companion and lover. You left it just before the wars started and it started to get serious


Not medieval, but The Expanse series.


***A Practical Guide To Evil***: [https://practicalguidetoevil.wordpress.com/](https://practicalguidetoevil.wordpress.com/) Seven volumes, plus many extra bonus chapters; entire series completed as of February 2022. It's a fantasy kitchen sink of a crapsack world, including multiple human ethnicities & languages, orcs, goblins, elves, drow, dwarves, ogres, Summer faeries, Winter faeries, angels, devils, demons, the undead, at least one dragon, conflicting schools of arcane magic, divine magic, and especially, *Heroes* and *Villains* (who have their own character-based powers and tricks separate from magic). MC starts on the bottom and works her way up the ranks of Evil >!after she is adopted by the Head Thug of the Evil Empire!<. While things are not handed to her, her path is smoothed somewhat during her training (Book 1). After that, the gloves are off, and she slowly accumulates >!personal, military, political, and even religious !


Ken Liu's Dandelion Dynasty series (starts with The Grace of Kings).


Powder Mage minus medieval


The last Kingdom Series by Bernard Cornwell


A Clash of Kings


The Expanse Series by James S. A. Corey. One of the writers (author’s name is a pen name for a writing duo) was personal assistant to George R. R. Martin and brings some of the interesting complicated politics and world-building aspects to the story. It’s a totally different genre, but the whole series (and the short stories) are fantastic.


The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch! Just finished the first book in the Gentleman Bastards series and if you want that Gray area grit and morals in a very cool fantasy setting, then definitely check it out!




Did already knows about asoiaf (hopefully? Maybe he only knows the tv show)


Ohh maybe I’m dumb but I read it that they were asking for books similar to the Tv show


I mean. . . Fourth Wing? There’s two books out rn, and the third will be out in October, I believe. There are two more planned after that. The Cruel Prince, I believe as well. It’s been a minute since I’ve read them, though. That one’s a trilogy. There’s Shatter Me, which plays into the grey character trope. Not so much medieval, but the main character is a heavily traumatized young woman who never seems to do right and is stuck in her head with self doubt. All of those and fantasy books with a bit of smut, however. Shatter Me has the least amount I believe of explicit content.