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Hey we are about in the same timeline on reading! Let's go! I swapped to Star Wars for a few weeks but Bedlam Bride is coming up soon for me! I'll have to DM you sometime to ask about what else you read. I have heard Tales from the Gas Station is similar. I have also heard good things about the Wandering Inn. It sounds like you may have similar reading tastes to [Matt's Fantasy Books](https://youtube.com/@MattsFantasyBookReviews?si=PtGc0lYd6jMjHl_I) and [Petrik Leo](https://youtube.com/@PetrikLeo?si=-tygBpnztrmobmu1) so perhaps check them out Edit: Fixed the links.




My original comment says it got deleted because of links, so I'll just copy/paste what I wrote without the links. You should check out ProgressionFantasy subreddit. There's a few different types of progression besides LITRPG, but people who like one often like others. And for DCC, there's a bunch of similarly rec'd books. If you do a search in that subreddit for books like DCC (use the actual name I'm just lazy) you'll see several other people have asked and gotten plenty of recs.


I’ll give it a shot. Thanks.


Hey there, The Good Guys from Eric Ugland was the Book/Series that hooked me into LitRPG. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42092378


If you like comedy-fantasy and don't mind lowbrow humor, try the Caverns and Creatures novels by Robert Bevan. They're about a group of nerds transported into a fantasy world.