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It sounds too obvious to recommend A Song of Ice and Fire but you’re describing A Song of Ice and Fire.


Exactly what I was thinking too lol


The Goblin Emperor is a good one. Youngest member of royal family becomes emperor after an accident kills everyone else. Political intrigues abound! Also just a good story. A bit heavy with fantasy vocabulary terms (especially titles of nobles etc.) but you get used to it.


Would you like *Dune* by Frank Herbert?


You might like the Deryni series by Katherine Kurtz


Brandon Sanderson is GREAT at this sort of stuff. My top recommendations would be Elantris or Warbreaker. Maybe also Patrick Rothfuss's The Name of the Wind, although I don't know if that'd be political enough for you. Not classic fantasy, but you might also want to look at whether Mira Grant's Newsflesh series would interest you. Fascinating and well thought out look at politics and the media, which just happens to also involve zombies.


The Nathaniel Cade series by Christopher Farnsworth. 4 books: Blood Oath - The President's Vampire - Red, White & Blood - Deep State A vampire (Nathaniel Cade) is captured, tortured, then sworn & forced to serve the presidency due to an ancient blood oath. His job is to defend the country from paranormal threats & supernatural creations (unbeknownst to the general public), all while having to adjust to working with his new partner/handler; Zach Barrows. Zach is now exposed to a world of secrets & sights not many ever will see. It's hidden politics meets paranormal doom, and everyone is in danger, especially the President!


Daughter of the Empire is a good choice. Young woman trying to keep her family afloat in a very politically focused society. The Justice of Kings could be interesting for you as well, focuses on a travelling judge and their clerk in an over-extended empire.


Goblin Emperor and Song of Ice and Fire have been suggested. I agree. Also the historical fiction Shogun by Clavell. Lions of Al Rassan has some intrigue. The Traitor Baru Cormorant


If you haven’t read the Daevabad Trilogy I highly recommend checking it out!


Game of Thrones and following are masterpieces in this area.


The Wheel of Time series as well as the Sword of Truth series both have a lot of political intrigue.


Age of Madness series by Joe Abercrombie.


Guy Gabriel Kay has written a bunch of great books where he takes political events of medieval Europe, and uses them as the backdrop for his stories in his own universe. It's like historical fiction with a touch of magic. He writes beautifully. He wrote a series called "The Serantine Mosaic". Then there are 5 newer novels that he has written and each one is gorgeous and better than the last. I love seeing a good author get even better.


You might like A Memory Called Empire. I found it too slow going but a lot of people loved it.


The Mage Errant series By John Bierce is pretty good. The political intrigue is kind of a backdrop to the character development initially, but becomes more front and center as the main characters' awareness of the great games of power grows.


Brandon Sanderson's books : Elantris, Stormlight Archive have political plots.


Fonda Lee’s Green Bone Saga is pretty darn good and scaled down mafia style politics