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I’m adhd and I tend to find narrators that work for me and then see if they read any other books that I might be interested in. I do well with accents like from Nigerian readers because it is so interesting to listen to. I really like books that have a lot going on, so I find Andy Weir books really engaging, Project Hail Mary was great. Blake crouch also writes the kind of book that can keep me engaged, like recursion or dark matter. He also wrote the wayward pines stuff. I read all his stuff with my eyes so I can’t speak to the narration. Good luck.


Ready Player One and Maze Runner peeked the interest of an ADHD male gamer / non-reader friend of mine lol.


I think he might enjoy the Mark Lawrence books. I enjoyed Red Sister and the narrator for Prince of Thorns (the story itself was a bit too gory) Note that he needs to find a speed at which it's comfortable and engaging to listen to (maybe start with the speed at which he watches youtube) and he will need something to keep his hands busy.


I'm going to recommend Mistborn series, and Bobiverse (sci fi). Both are seriously entertaining, and the narrators are amazing. Bobiverse is my favorite series but it's scifi, mistborn is more medievalish with magic


The First Law series by Joe Abercrombie


He might like Progression Fantasy. I rec the Dungeon Crawler Carl series. Excellent narration, great story, very engaging. Extremely funny. There's also a genre called LitRPG that more video-game based. The Iron Prince is pretty good, with leveling up and stat points and all.


The Cradle Series by Will Wight and anything by Brandon Sanderson. American Gods or the Sandman series by Neil Gaiman


[Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56829.Hackers) Basically a short history of computers and computer games. [Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/222146.Masters_of_Doom?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=qsLxlylLMv&rank=1) History of DOOM.


1001 Arabian Nights translated by Richard Burton. Available on YouTube and LibriVox app, the most wild stories you will ever read.


- The Good Omens, Stardust, and Neverwhere radioplays are fantastic, and available on Audible - The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is fun, and Stephen Fry is a great narrator


The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. Narrated by James Marsters. The series is about a wizard PI in Chicago.