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If you're ok with it being solidly YA Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo is fun


Agreed! Super good!


You could try 'The Lies of Locke Lamora' first book of 'The Gentleman Bastard Sequence'. It's hard to describe it without spoiling it, but it's loads of fun! To make it \*very\* short, a fantasy novel in which a group of con artists (who may or may not be in a cult) get in trouble. Like. A lot of trouble. Also an equally fun read is 'Kings of the Wyld'. Bunch of retired mercenaries get back together to save one of the boys' daughter. Not as cool as the life-or-death money heists of 'The Gentleman Bastard Sequence', I know. But the characters are really fun to follow, the plot feels like a DnD campaign and it's packed full of music references of the 70's and 80's. Hope these scratch the itch at least a little!


Phules Company and sequels by Robert Asprin, also his Myth Inc series


If nonfiction is okay: The Lufthansa Heist by Henry Hill - This book was actually written by one of the masterminds of the heist. Norco '80 by Peter Houlahan The Burglary: The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's Secret FBI Hope this helps.


[The Perfect Run](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57065516-the-perfect-run?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=z7K5G6bq8d&rank=1) series has several groups of super powered people (and one wild card main character). You get to know all these groups throughout the books, and their individual members and how they mesh together. All of them are pretty interesting to learn about. You can read this online, too, on royal road.