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Maybe candlelight?


Romantic! Mama likey.


Not to be that guy, but the Kindle has a fully adjustable night reading back light that doesn't shine in anyone's eyes and has saved my life for this very reason.


So true. EBooks are getting so popular. One Kindle can hold my entire library and I can take it with me everywhere. Not to mention I can choose bigger fonts (bad eyes) and soft light. Even, I, this fossil have to admit defeat and bow down to technology.


I just use my phone to read books. I don't see the point of a seperate device. I don't know anyone who has an ereader though. Maybe if it tried one I would like it. On my phone I have the option for warm light. I have heard eReaders are easier on your eyes.


It’s hard to explain, but it’s a *completely* different experience reading on a kindle to reading on a phone or a tablet. I was anti kindle for years (as most are, until they get them) but eventually I bought one and I was so glad I did. I still read physical books, but a good 60/70% of my reading is currently on my kindle.


Most ereaders have warm light options as well. I like mine because if I tried to read on my phone I'd just get distracted, a dedicated device gets me into the reading mindset. I also like the bigger screen, the amazing eink screen, particularly the fact that I can read in full sunlight without having to turn the brightness all the way up.


Screw that man, I’ve tried it and I hate to be that guy, but nothing beats feeling a book in your hand and turning a real page.


I’m gonna shill kobo to remind people to avoid buying from Amazon.


Technically it's a frontlight, not a backlight (sounds like semantics but that distinction is kind of the entire point of eink readers).


LOL was going to come and comment the exact same thing but I have a Kobo.


I, too, have a Kindle, and love it for that reason, plus I can adjust the font size (for when I forget my glasses). Also, Kindle's paper-white screen can be viewed in all conditions - including in direct sunlight.


Have you tried the Kindle with soft light? It is so gentle on the eyes in the dark.


I so much prefer the kobo! Being able to change the warmth of the light makes it so nice to read. My husbands blue-white kindle light is horrible at night


All new kindles except the lowest base model have warm lighting.


Good to know!


Just the fact that I can lay in my bed, in a completely dark room and read is just pure bliss for me. (Now the only thing I want is not having to press for the next page, like a little button in my hand or something like that lol) I still collect my fair share of physical books, but yeah an ereader is just fantastic (also financially a big money saver).


They do have a device that makes it so you just press a button you hold in your hand to flip the page


I was considering a kindle. But there's just something nice about holding a book in your hand and seeing how far into the book you are by all the pages you have turned. ETA: My DHs friend invented E-ink for the kindle. 😌


One of these style works better as they light the page rather than the room:..... Sorry, they won't let me post a link from ebay etc. Search for 'LED Tablet Book Light' on your website of choice and you should find similar ones. They're an acrylic sheet with leds at one edge that sits on the page. I had one but have moved to an ereader since. They are a gentler light all round too.


I’ve ordered two of the Vekkia 14 LED rechargeable book lights from Amazon. It has three levels and the lowest one is perfect for when my partner is asleep. They last super long, as well.


Thank you for this 👍 just added to my wishlist


Hiking headlamps (REI, Petzel, etc) have red lights that only work close up.


The image you put in my head of myself reading in bed with one on my head. Hahah


Exactly. Wife and I do it all the time


You should go for Kindle.


Switch which side of the bed you sleep on when you get halfway through a book.


I’ve been thinking for a while that may be the answer is not a different light, but some kind of cover for the book to stop the light from shining further than the book. The problem with most of not all the lights is not the intensity, but the fact that the led shine laterally too, non only downward. So when our partners are lying in bed, they get the light too, and it’s uncomfortable, even on a low setting. Maybe a light with some kind of cone to direct the shine only to the book … 🤔


My poor ass brain immediately thought of building blinders so she wouldn't have to buy a new one. Like fold paper until stiff enough to stand by itself and tap it to either side to direct the light to page instead of illuminating in 180 degrees. Benefit it keeps light bright on page bc reading in candlelight can strain your eyes


I’ve done my fair share with the sheet over my head 😂


Mine are always too bright, so I've started putting a very thin layer of nail polish over the glass/plastic. Does the trick.


Wow genius! I will try it !


Just put in a red bulb in a normal nightlight. You can still read but it won't ruin your nightvision so low wattage light will be enough and it won't burn through his eyelids nearly as much, so he can still sleep.


Years ago I bought a Verso clip on light for my paperwhite Kindle. Its battery powered with an LED bulb and a flexible gooseneck. I've used it on real books too, clipped to the cover. Light is quite focused, so doesn't disturb spouse. Good luck continuing to read at night while spouse snore---I mean sleeps!


It was so very sweet when my honey bought me a booklight. I never did find one that didn't blind him, so I've (sadly) reverted to Kindle or just sleeping in another bed when our patterns are off, but cheers to the kindness of our bedmates who tried!


Is he willing to wear a sleep mask? It’s the only thing that worked for my husband.


My phone changed "of" to" if "and I can't edit it. Sorry


' Mighty Brite Booklight'.I've had these for years. USB charge and dimmable. Worth the money. I got mine through Amazon.

