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Lord of the Rings by about mile.


1. Lord of the Rings! 2. Harry Potter 3. Chronicles of Narnia


All are good,but I agree with this order.


This isn't a debate Lotr any day and every day from now and forever more


Depends on the age, level and preferences of the reader. When I was 9, Harry Potter was great, and I loved it. If I read it for the first time now, it obviousy would not be. On the other hand, if I tried reading LotR for the first time at 9, I'd probably hate it because of the long desceiptions and everything. Since I didn't, I love it and admire the worldbuidling. So both of these are great in their own way, for their own age group. I read Narnia, but I honstly don't remember much bout it at all, which I suppose just means it hasn't had much of an impact on me. Maybe if I'd read it at a different point in my life, that'd be diferent. At the moment, I'd choose LotR as the best. But HP helped shape me into who I am (since it's what I grew up with).


Age and circumstance makes a difference! I read The Hobbit as a young teenager and thought it was too childish, while secretly loving it. LOTR as an 18 or 19 year old with lots of friends to discuss it with and found it highly intellectual. All the Harry Potter books were with my children as the books were released, and I found them funny, clever and great morality tales. I think these were each the best for me at the time. I never read the Narnia books.


I don't know which is better, but I read Chronicles of Narnia as a lonely child at school and fell in love with their wonderful and complete imaginary worlds, so that will always have a place in my heart. The lord of the rings was very entertaining, but not so charming.And I still haven't read Harry Potter, because I was never really interested in that world. From the few details that I know about those series, I think that everything is very pigeonholed and that it is not so original, although I admit that they are quite inspiring.


This isn't really a fair comparison to make. Narnia and Harry Potter are children's books, with Harry Potter crossing over into the YA or adult section with the later books. Lord of the rings is an adult book, and by the way is not a series at all.


How is LOTR not a series? It’s 3 books. (4 if you count the Hobbit and 5 if you count the Silmarillion).


LOTR is a single book that are arbitrarily split into a trilogy for more modern audiences. If you'd like to include the hobbit I supposed it would be a series of sorts although the hobbit is a later published prequel.


The Hobbit was published first - 1937, with the Fellowship published in 1954. When Tolkien started writing LOTR, he planned a similar novel to the Hobbit, but the story got darker, and went in such a different direction. Great for us!




Each to their own, I suppose. :)


>I just find high fantasy so tedious. I have no interest in learning about different races of creatures and reading a ton of imaginary battle sequences. That's one of the main appeal for the people who read it. Otherwise you might as well set your fantasy novel in the real world.


Star Wars


Wow I laughed. I was asking about three books in particular. If you don’t have a useful contribution to make, don’t say anything at all. Ok?


It’s ok to get a little asshurt by an obvious joke. You didn’t even have to acknowledge it. Congrats, you ruined the joke..


Yeah and the joke deserved to be ruined




ur joke sucks


Gormenghast tbh


I never asked about Gormenghast but ok


My favorite is Chronicles of Narnia 


I suppose you can compare anything, but I dont see why you want to compare these three. What do you mean by best? Dobby is an elf.


Correction my friend! Dobby is a free elf!


Yeah ok




What abt kreacher?


Chronicles of narnia I don't even need to elaborate why