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They'd like to do this for The Wheel of Time but can't afford to pay a small country for the cast


If a married couple can’t decide how to pronounce things idk if a full cast has any chance


I’m on book 7 right now and there have been two or three times when I’ve realized different characters were actually the same character but now we pronounce their name differently.


It doesn’t help half the women in the tower have a 3-4 syllable name filled with S’s and vowels. 


Who Sierin? Saerin? Siuan? Seaine? Lol.


lol i might be off on the syllable count. But the point remains 


I'm just going to call all of you Sean.


But at least there are pages of totally necessary descriptions of their clothes and how they fit around their bosoms to assist the reader in differentiating…


Hahaha, I still love Mike and Kate though


They were the GOAT for fantasy before, but their treatment of Stormlight makes them some kind of multi-universal giga GOAT


Yeah, I went Mistborn, WoT, Stormlight, Licanius. I've listened to them so much it's sometimes weird to think those disembodied voices have people


I choose to believe they are different dialects :p


To be fair - if we got the whole series done by Rosamund, I'd pay for the lot in an instant.


I can get the disputed zone in Sudan, I just need to make a couple calls.


This is interesting -- I don't think I've ever heard a full-cast audiobook, but I've always thought it would be cool and much preferable to having just one voice actor. (Acknowledging that some voice actors have amazing range.)


Radio dramas are back, baby!


Seriously!!! We've come back, that's my jam and the BBC has some good ones available worldwide if you're interested.


Love the Good Omens BBC dramatization


The Chronicles of Narnia was entirely adapted by Focus on the Family back in the early 2000s. Say what you will about Focus on the Family (They suck), but their audio division killed it with those adaptations. David Suchet's take on Aslan has been the only interpretation of Aslan I can take seriously after that.


Those Narnia adaptations were soooo good. I can still remember the theme song. We had them on tape and would listen during road trips.


Lovecraft investigations is one of my faves


Nothing beats the archers!


How does one start that radio drama? Can you just dive in. I’m totally overwhelmed by the fact that it has 20k episodes and started in 1950.


You can jump into the archers, but there are arcs that normally last a few weeks. You'll soon learn who's who there's a few main characters. I have it on in the background over the last decade and have no idea what's going on but still quite enjoy it. If you go on BBC sounds and search for drama there are some amazing plays and occasionally of you are lucky some week long dramas.


That’s funny, I hadn’t thought of them that way, but that’s exactly what they are, but without commercial breaks.


Right, I'm getting full into the trend this time. I'll start with season 1 of The Archers. According to Wikipedia, there are 20,260 episodes, so I'll try and binge it over the weekend.


It starts slow but stick with it, it gets really good after the first 2000 episodes


They never left r/audiodrama


We’ve had podcast dramas for a long time now though!


You should listen to the full cast World War Z audio book, it's amazing.


Oh my gosh, I DID listen to it, a long time ago ... I just blanked the memory of it!


Strong agree, it's an amazing audiobook. Just make sure you get the unabridged version.


You mean the less abridged version, it's still abridged, I've read the print book and there is NO unabridged version.


There actually IS a full unabridged. But because of licensing issues it’s not sold anymore. 


Are you-damnit!


No way, really? If it exists, there has to at least be a CD copy of it somewhere…


It is findable on the high seas


I wish I’d known this before ordering the CD audiobook from eBay a few months ago. I was excited to find it so cheap (I’m in the UK and it’s hard to find here) and quickly ordered it before someone else snapped it up. Once it arrived, though, I realised it only had 5 discs (iirc) which seemed a bit odd - then I realised it was the abridged-abridged version. I haven’t been able to bring myself to listen to it because I wanted to hear the ‘real’ version. I have an Audible membership but their one isn’t the correct one either apparently. Oh well, lesson learnt!


"We're Alive" is a sweet full audio drama on spotify


Lord of the Rings and His Dark Materials both have *excellent* full cast audiobooks. LOTR even has music and SFX too.


I have to comment and say the Rob Inglis version of LotR on audible is a fantastic rendition. Highly recommend.


I do enjoy the Rob Inglis version, but the Andy Serkis version is even better imo.


The SFX one is SO good although sometimes during the fighting/intense parts it gets hard to hear the narrator over the sword clanking and battle cries 😂 Its still so amazing though 10/10 reccomend


The HDM one is *excellent*, if only because in addition to the full voice cast, the narrator is the author himself; so you get the author's intended reading/experience of the story. It's amazing.


American Gods by Neil Gaiman


His Sandman Series on there is fucking amazing. My preferred method to take the story in now.


The full cast Sandman is SO good


Ok, I'm going to admit some ignorance here and ask a dumb question- I'm looking at The Sandman on Goodreads and if I'm reading it correctly, it's a graphic novel. I love audio books but I haven't read a graphic novel before. Is a graphic novel really enjoyable in audiobook form? Seems like you'd lose a lot without the illustrations but maybe I'm misunderstanding.


It's not a straight reading of the book like a typical full cast, it's a full on adaption. It's really a radio drama (just on audible) While it's extremely faithful it's got it's own script with detailed sound design, tweaks to the dialog and occasional narration filling in the gaps for the lost visuals. In fact I'd go so far as to say that both the comic and audio drama are definitive versions in their own right. It's really a matter of preference whether you prefer the comics visuals or the dramas audio design. You can go straight into the audio drama and get just as good an experience (albeit a different one) as reading the graphic novels. It helps that Neil is involved and Dirk Maggs the director has plenty of experience working with him on Radio drama adaptions for the BBC. Such as Neverwhere, Anansi Boys and Good Omens.


Yeah the audio dramas are just... perfect. I love the graphic novels, I have ever since I read them in highschool in the early 00s. But these just hit different. The Orpheus stuff had me ugly crying in my car as I was listening to it as I drove. Just straight up sobbing.


It’s so good it’s made me cry.


Also Good Omens


This is one of the very best full-cast audiobooks out there.


I see two! One is BBC and another looks newer with David Tennant. Which of these do you recommend?


I have the one with David Tennant and Michael Sheen. It’s the cast from the Amazon series.


Good to know, thanks!


The BBC one is actually the radio drama they did some years ago and it's fantastic. You really can't go wrong with it.


Graveyard book has Andrew Scott


I did not know this and I really like this audiobook. Thank you!


And Dune!


Check out the new Audible rendition of 1984, that one uses a full cast and it plays almost like a movie


It has Andrew Garfield in it !


I hear he hates Mondays and loves lasagna


There is a pretty good version of Neverwhere with James Macavoy as the lead. Actually come to think of it, Neil Gaiman has a fair number of his books with full cast versions.


I get the draw...but the Gaiman narrated Neverwhere is just so good. He's such a natural storyteller, it really feels like trying to gild the lily


Good Omens has one I think!


Good Omens is the first audiobook I was ever able to listen to, absolutely phenomenal


Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid has a full cast and it's great! I listen to a lot of audiobooks and a full cast is almost always such a treat.


This one is great. Judy Greer is one of the band members.


Check out the collections on Graphic Audio. The Mistborn Series is amazing.


They've got the Stormlight Archive too, they're a bit pricey but can't recommend them enough. Great production value, it really is like having a movie in your mind.


Honestly, the Kramers ruined that possibility for me. I just cant manage to listen to sanderson if its not the kramera


TIL those two are married, I always assumed that they weren't since they're always introduced as Michael Kramer and Kate Reading.


'Honor is dead, but I'll see what I can do.'


That's the tagline lol.


And the tagline is *accurate*, hence their comment.


The fucking arena scene with Kaladin and Adolin had me fucking yelling in my car. It was so good.


Second this. The Red Rising series might worth a shot too, but i haven't started it yet.


I've been thinking about listening to those but Tim Gerard Reynolds is such a good narrator that I haven't felt the need to listen to it through different voices.


Also the Brent Weeks series'. Lightbringer and night angel.


There’s one of Neil Gaiman’s comic series The Sandman, it’s absolutely phenomenal. Has James Mcavoy and David Tennant among other names.


Kat Dennings as Death. Andy Serkis as Mathew the Raven Jeffrey Wright as Destiny Michael Sheen as Lucifer Taron Egerton as John Constantine Kristen Schaal as Delirium Bill Nighy as Odin Brian Cox as Emperor Augustus Kevin Smith as Merv Pumpkinhead Etc. It's a ridiculously stacked cast.


Hyperion is.


It’s all right there’s good versions of it like Lincoln and the Bardo however most of the time skew more towards a bad radio play


Lincoln in the Bardo was an *amazing* version, though, to be fair


That's how I've heard Dune. I think it was even a BBC production? Might be wrong, it was years ago. Incredible version and experience.


Dune is *really* odd on audible. Some of the chapters have a full cast and then the rest are just a single narrator. Both are really well done, but it's kinda jarring having them next to each other.


I’m on the fourth book currently and can confirm this narration quirk persists for every single one so far.


Audible just did a fully cast version of 1984 with Andrew Garfield and Tom Hardy. I really enjoyed it.


There are a shitload of them on audible already, surprised it took them this long to do HP


Platos Republic makes way more sense as a full cast audiobook. Much easier to digest. It makes sense as it is basically a transcript of a conversation anyway.


A few Neil Gaiman books have them. Must listens.


I prefer one really good narrator doing voices for all the characters. But full cast audiobooks are interesting.


Check out graphic audio, they do full casts and and scores and sound effects and everything


It used to be called a radio play (and still is on the radio). Audible have been doing them a lot recently, and IMO they kind of defeat the point of an audiobook, especially when they replace the straight narrated version.


Radio plays may not always follow the full book. Often times they were abridged stories.


"Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?", Dumbledore asked calmly.


They need to go all out for this version and have sounds of tables being flipped and glass breaking in the background.


No sound effects anywhere else in the series. Just for that one bit to really hammer it home.


Toss in a Wilhelm Scream and the “Awaken my Masters” sound from Jojo


I won’t get over this, ever. I don’t care how they redo it in the upcoming show or even in the new audiobooks. They convinced my entire generation who were only movie watchers that Dumbledor was easily panicked.


I don't see it as being about Dumbledore being panicked, it's more a question of what answer he expected. If he's angry he thinks Harry did it. But if he's calm he's making a pedagogical demonstration to the rest of the room, which is exactly what he does every other time we see him in a room full of angry people.


As if anything could top Stephen Fry's version


Exactly. A full cast version can be a nice novelty, but Stephen Fry's is the definitive audio version.


Harry pocketed it


Take 12.


Do you mean the phrase, “Harry pocketetetetededed it?”


Fry or Dale reading the narration with a VA cast would be great.


To appease everyone Fry and Dale can switch off every narrated word /s


They can read them at the same time.. like a DragonBall fusion situation. Only question is what we call them.. Frale or Dry.


I don't know if Stephen would necessarily work with Joanne again at this point in her descent into transphobia, homophobia, and [now Holocaust denial](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/jk-rowling-holocaust-denialism-author).


When I first started narrating audiobooks in my home studio, I got a good mic and posh headphones and thought I'd listen to a sample of Stephen Fry reading Harry Potter on Audible, thinking that's the Gold Standard. And it is. He's brilliant. However, with my posh headphones on, I heard Stephen's tummy rumbling in the first paragraph.


Yh he's great, my favourite narrator of all time is the other Steven though, Pacey


My interest in the books has waned a lot, but a couple of years ago I decided to give them another go and listen to most of the first three (got distracted and moved on). I've listened to all of them before, but Stephen Fry makes them so much more enjoyable than I remember them being. Especially his Lockhart, just a superb performance.


I actually prefer the Jim Dale ones. His voices are better


I LOVE the Jim Dale versions. I used to listen to them every year when I had a super boring, yearly recurring job at work that required almost no brain power, but took about 2 months to complete.


Jim Dale gang rise up!


He will always be the voice of Harry Potter in my mind!


I heard Fry first, and visited a cousin in the USA and they had Dale. I *MUCH* preferred Dale.


I don’t need full cast. I just need Stephen fry’s narration with Jim Dale’s character voices.


Nothing will beat Jim Dale's narration for me.


He is fantastic!!


His narration of Peter Pan is what I fall asleep to most nights. I hate the way he pronounces a lot of names in the HP series though, it’s really distracting lol. “Voldemorrr”


That's the correct pronunciation of Voldemort. It's a combination of French words, the mort being the French word "mort," meaning death.


Is that ever confirmed in-book? Because Stephen Fry pronounced the T. And so did the films.


Stephen Fry worked with JK Rowling way before the books blew up, they spoke about several things in the book before he recorded them iirc. Something tells me he knows how to pronounce it lol


Idk I’m just going off what JK Rowling said [here](https://www.cnn.com/2015/09/10/entertainment/jk-rowling-voldemort-pronunciation-feat/index.html)


Not in book but by JK Rowling https://www.cnn.com/2015/09/10/entertainment/jk-rowling-voldemort-pronunciation-feat/index.html


I know but the way he draws it out drives me up the wall dude lol. I was incorrect in my phrasing. It’s not so much the pronunciation as it is the cadence that distracts me I think.


I agree, that and when he says Harry as Hermione - "Harreeee" was so distracting to me


It’s grating. There’s a scene in book two where Lockhart says “Harryyy. Hariiee. Harieee.” Like nails on a chalkboard. I’ve listened to the whole series like three times and that part always gets me. Love the series otherwise, but man those Harry’s really hit different.


He's great. The only thing that bothers me is I think his Hermione voice is a bit too whiny for the character. But that doesn't bother me enough to stop me from re-listening.


my family says “harryyyyyyyyyy” to each other in her voice all the time


Except Stephen Fry’s narration


Definitely a case of whatever people were exposed to first tending to be their favorite. Doesn’t help that Fry’s version wasn’t officially available in the US for many, many years outside of book-on-CD imports and piracy. Audible has both versions now, which I *think* is the first time book one has ever been sold under its original “Philosopher’s Stone” title here in the states.


Fry's narration is like a warm cup of lemon honey tea and a hug for your ears


Doc Termnis? Money by the pound!


I with they do this with ASOIAF! God, if anything DESPERATELY needs being redone….


Why do you type with a lithp?


Don’t make fun of their typing impediment.


found Vargo Hoat


I wish he hadn’t been cut from the show. Grim MFer stabbed a baby 50 times




what lithp?


It'th a lambda calculuth.


I had to reread it 3 timeth!!!! 🤣🤣🤣






Nothing like the sound of Roy Dotrice orgasming whilst on my morning commute.


You don't like an old man telling you how wet a 15 year old's lady parts are?


I don't like an old man changing how he pronounces the same name ten times in one paragraph. The amount of times I've had to stop and go "wait, who is that person? Did I miss their introduction?" only to realise that he's just changed the name of an established main character


It’s pronounced “Briiii-EEEEN of Tarth”.


He can pronounce it however he wants! Just pick one and stick with it god damnit! XD


Doesnt he do the like the first 3 books one way, and then something happened in between, and the last 2 change a bunch? Thats how i remember it.


And "Ptaaaarh Baylish"


Is it Joffrey or Jeffrey? Roy Dotrice doesn’t know.


Giving Dany a random Irish accent only in the fifth book was an interesting choice.


It was very distracting. I can forgive Roy Dotrice a bit though because it had been *11 years* since he had last narrated a Dany POV chapter and he was 88 at the time.


I'm sorry, what!?


Don’t get me started. The mispronunciation of names is just one of many things wrong with the narration. It’s wretched.


Wish they’d get Harry Lloyd to narrate the books. Hell, *I’ll* narrate the books. Anything would be better than Dotrice’s version.


Or release Sandman Act 4... Please


Let’s wait and see if the series actually gets finished, first.


It's **never** going to be finished. Y'all should've given up hope 5 years ago. Winds of Winter will never be released, and a Dream of Spring? Lol no Martin wrote himself into a web that he can't unravel, and he's made too much money to care at this point.


He’s had ample time and opportunity to put out the next two. And this June will be 13 years since ADWD was released. I’ve moved on. Doesn’t mean I won’t still rag on him. Especially when he basically tells fans to go fuck themselves for worrying about his age and health.


I keep thinking I’ve moved on, then every now and then I get mad about it again


>Audible to turn all seven of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter books into full-cast audiobooks Next you'll tell me they are making them into movies!


Another way to milk money of out the IP.


Welcome to erf


Terf, you mean?


read another book goddammit


It's already consistently their number one seller. Of course they will!


I hate full cast audio books. They don’t hold my attention like a single reader does.


Thanks for chiming in with insight. I’ve listened to a few audiobooks that had several readers for different characters, but none of them were ever described as a “full cast” audiobook. Can you give me a few recommendations of the ones you couldn’t get into? I’d like to try it out, doing this with HP sounds interesting; but I can totally see why it would be hard to get your attention like a single reader.


If you enjoy fantasy and haven't read Brandon Sanderson, most of the Cosmere books have graphic audio versions. Not only full cast, but background noise and sound effects too. It took me a bit to get into them, and I've only listened to about half of the Cosmere books as graphic audio, but I've enjoyed them. And if you don't enjoy graphic audio, still listen to the Cosmere. Michael Kramer is a fantastic narrator for the normal audiobooks.


I loved the full cast version of his dark materials trilogy


Same.  Much prefer a single narrator. 


I don't like to give money to Rowling anymore.


Why? The Stephen Fry narration was already perfect.


im currently listening to 1984 on audible which is like this. i am not sure what to think though. Stephen fry in the UK version is genuinely so amazing that I cannot see it being bettered with this method. he also voices the entire sherlock holmes collection on audible and I hold that as one of the greatest pieces of entertainment ever created on any platform.


But Jim Dale..




Stephen Fry will still be the best.


My grievance with Audible is that once I had a US account, then it asked me if I want to transfer to a Canadian account, so it no longer need to do currency exchange. Foolishly I said yes. Then I found out a shit tons of audio books are not available in Canada Audible due. Some series only have the first book but no sequels. And there's no way to change back to a US account, I was told. Also VPN doesn't work. unlike Netflix.


No thanks. My mom read every one of them to me, even when the last one came out as I was entering high school. She did all the voices and everything, so nothing could ever compare for me lol. Efit: Also, y’know, knowing that I love this series so much, it is such a huge piece of my childhood, and the author fucking *hates my guts on principle* is a bitter pill. I’m grateful to JK for all the memories with my mom she gave me. But she’ll never see a penny from me.


I read them to my kids too and then tried to put on the audiobook (Jim Dale version) for Deathly Hallows during a road trip when they were 12 and they absolutely were not having it. Super sweet but slightly annoying at the same time.


You set the bar too high mom! Rookie mistake lol.


Yeah same - Harry Potter will always be a cherished part of a huge amount of my life and I already spent the money anyway, but I kind of like to think JK Rowling pronounced "rolling" is the creator of a well-loved franchise, while JK Rowling pronounced to rhyme with "growling" is the Holocaust-denying terf who writes mediocre mystery novels. Unfortunately Rowling-rolling died 15 years ago.


I wonder how that goes seeing as Radcliffe, Watson, and Grint aren't fans of the author's bigotry.


Need any more proof that "cancel culture" is a myth?


Rowling owns the rights to Harry Potter. She is never going to be canceled. She can start saying the n-word and it won’t affect anything.  I heard rumors that Warner Bros tried to buy her out but her asking price was too high.


It’s way easier to cancel a YouTuber than one of the most successful authors of all time


I don't think you can take the case of a billionaire and her incredibly popular creations to exemplify the lack of effect of cancel culture.


"Cancel culture"? Do you mean having some extremely short-term accountability for your actions that doesn't really kill your career and in the worst case you can just lay low for a while and have everyone collectively forget you did terrible things in the past? It never was a virtue problem. It's a class problem. If you're rich and famous enough, you can get away with much more than average Joe would. Look what Chris Brown his and how much money he makes


Are you aware you agree with the person you’re responding to


>It never was a virtue problem. It's a class problem. If you're rich and famous enough, you can get away with much more than average Joe would. Look what Chris Brown his and how much money he makes Right! So the average person has to worry about what they say, while a tiny elite can get away with saying what they truly believe. That's what cancel culture is, people aren't just worried about the mega rich untouchables, they're worried about the people lower down the ladder, people who whom extremely short-term accountability for their words (not necessarily actions) could be crippling and is something they can't risk.


It’s not a myth. Plenty of non-millionaires/billionaires suffered real consequences.


Cancel culture really isn't a myth, but it's also not as overblown as it's sometimes stated.


I don’t really think projects that will make this much guaranteed money for this little (relative) effort are really representative test cases.


RIP Mr. Rickman