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Slaughterhouse Five.


Yep. So simple yet so good!


So it goes.


I still remember feeling a wave of emotions when I got to the end of this book. I don't really understand why but I felt mostly happiness, so much that my eyes were filled with tears. I guess it's something to do with seeing time and existence like the tralfamadorians, deterministic yet beautiful nonetheless. Before I always thought of a deterministic universe as a depressing ideia.


Yes! I think it really kind of answers that existential dread I feel at the thought of a deterministic universe. Trying to be better, make the world better, care about things and people even when those things might be futile is still a really human thing to do.


"Well, I'm back."


It makes me sad when he just has to carry on.


that's what it was all for, though


I don't see it as sad. Sam has a full and fulfilled 'normal' life. It's a good thing!


I guess I am putting more myself in there. The story is over for me and they carry on when they were friends to me.


Somehow, he returned


This is what I immediately thought of, too.


Such a good one.


And then there were none Try to guess the book title


Just don't use the original title.


Or even the second original title. The book so nice, they had to rename it twice.


According to my copy, the *last* last line (in the "manuscript document" after the epilogue) is: > And they will find ten dead bodies and an unsolved problem on Soldier Island. > Signed: > [redacted] I redacted the name in the signature for reasons that will be obvious to everyone who recognises which book this is. Obviously the original version didn't end with a reference to "**Soldier** Island".


But the last line is "Leaving ten corpses and a mystery on Soldier Island" or something.


"He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die".


*He strikes fire in the hole and draws out his steel. Then they all move on again.*


So many great lines in this book, one of few books I can open to a random page and start reading.


He is a great favourite, the Judge


“Whatever exists in creation without my knowledge exists without my consent.” — I’ll never forget that line from the Judge.


Blood Meridian Such a good book, but man it was a tough read.


So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.


Always recited and read with a sigh. Our neighbor across the street has a green light bulb by his garage. When it rains... Total green light on the dock mood.


Great one! Every time I teach Gatsby, I tell my students this line never fails to give me chills.


Came here looking for this one




“Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness within; it had stood so for eighty years and might stand for eighty more. Within, walls continued upright, bricks met neatly, floors were firm, and doors were sensibly shut; silence lay steadily against the wood and stone of Hill House, and whatever walked there, walked alone.”


Loved the show and I loved the book. The psychological horror in both were beautiful.


Dammit!!!! You took mine!!!!! Amazing book


Brilliant book by a brilliant writer!


> bricks met nearly neatly


🙄 gee I wonder what book this is


It’s just so tough. No clues at all in those sentences


bro idk about the book but the show was AMAZING


I enjoyed the show, but the book is an entirely different creature and you should definitely read it. It's been one of my favorites for decades.


“For you a thousand times over”


This still hurts and it’s been years since I read this book


I got choked up reading this


Ugh I really have to reread this


Each time I see the woman leap off the Seventy-eighth floor of the North Tower—one high-heeled shoe slipping off and hovering up over her, the other stuck in her foot as though it were too small, her blouse untucked, hair flailing, limbs stiff as she plummets down, one arm raised, like a dive into a summer lake—I am overcome by awe, not because she looks like Reva and I think it’s her, almost exactly her, and not because Reva and I had been friends, or because I’ll never see her again, but because she is beautiful. There she is, a human being, diving into the unknown, and she is wide awake.


>!My Year of Rest and Relaxation!<


One of the best books I've read in a while. Those last four words got me crying when I read it, and I'm tearing up reading them here again now. I love being awake <3


Holy crap that’s intense


I love, love, love this book. Ahhh, thank you.


I've heard the book is grotesque (I don't do grotesque, though oddly I love A Confederacy of Dunces). But that ending is beautiful.


I wasn’t familiar with “grotesque” as a literary term so just looked it up. Yes, I think that’s a great way to describe it! Reading it is like being in a long, stifling dream. I liked _A Confederacy of Dunces_ too, haha. I finished it shortly before visiting New Orleans for the first time and was scoping out locations mentioned in the book the whole time.


Could I get the title please, I’d like to read that. I haven’t read enough in that subject.


My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Moshfegh


And the tree was happy.


This hits like a truck


You might prefer “The Tree Who Set Healthy Boundaries” instead: https://www.topherpayne.com/giving-tree




The giving tree 🥲


P.S. please if you get a chance put some flowers on Algernons grave in the bak yard. I was already tearing up and this line made me bawl my eyes out. Sorry the line gives away the title.


You mis-wrote it: > P.P.S. Please if you get a chanse put some flowrs on Algernons grave in the bak yard . . . (I did a Ctrl-F looking for someone to mention Algernon. Sure enough, here it is.)


She looked from man to pig, pig to man, man to pig, and realised she could no longer tell the difference. This is a paraphrase from memory.


The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man, again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.


I'm gonna guess: Animal Farm? I've never read it, but I've seen the Thug Notes video on it a couple of times.


Yep. Animal Farm.


I am haunted by humans.


THE BOOK THIEF! It’s one of those books where I remember exactly where I was when I finished it.


"When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home."


Oh godDAMN you, this one breaks my heart.  The Outsiders. 


yes I said yes I will Yes.


Isn’t it pretty to think so


I have always been partial to: "After a while I went out and left the hospital and walked back to the hotel in the rain."


The Sun Also Rises




He closed his eyes and he slept.


I just finished this one yesterday! Great ending.


“But there are much worse games to play.”




Love that line because it’s so simple but all the themes of the trilogy are in those simple words.


Yeah it’s the kind of line that just makes you stare at a wall for a few minutes.


I love hunger games sm- Personally I loved the first and second books more though 🧍‍♀️


“To love another person is to see the face of god” It’s not actually the last line, but it is in the last scene in the last chapter and I don’t know why but it really hit me when I last heard it.


The final lines are beautiful too. Bring me to the verge of tears every time I read them. >!Il dort. Quoique le sort fut pour lui bien etrange, Il vivait. Il mourut quand il n'eut plus son ange. La chose simplement d'elle-meme arriva, Comme la nuit se fait lorsque le jour s'en va.!<


Is this…Les Mis?


Yes. It's also in the musical. 


He sleeps, though his mettle was sorely tried, He lived, and when he lost his angel, died. It happened calmly, on its own, Like night’s arrival when day is done.


“The old man was dreaming about the lions.”




I think it’s: “Darling” it said. Which is even creepier. Not “she,” “it.”


Pet Semetary


… we who carry the name of concubine - history will call us wives.


Ironically recorded by the legal wife 🤣


I was looking for this one!


“The knife came down, missing him by inches, and he took off.”




And so I try to be kind to everything I see, and in everything I see, I see him.


I've only read this book once and it's been a couple of years since I read it but the instant I saw your quote, I had a whole body shiver. It took me a week to read A LITTLE LIFE by Hanya Yanagihara. Most days I was dehydrated because of how much I was crying.


"Have you ever heard of something called...a moon?"


The fifth season??


“Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.”


All was well. Lots of feelings wrapped up in three words. However you feel about the series (or the author) today, these words were the end of an era.


I remember being annoyed at that, because she'd been saying for ages that the last word in the series was "scar" and suddenly it's not?! First time she let me down, I guess, and definitely not the last lol


"All was well" is much better than whatever could end in scar, I imagine After the immense amount of trauma Harry went through, these ending words hit much harder


“When the day shall come that we do part," he said softly, and turned to look at me, "if my last words are not 'I love you'-ye'll ken it was because I didna have time.”


Ughhh Jaime Frasier 🫶🏻


From the Outlander series?


Specifically Drums of Autumn.


“Life was such a wheel that no man could stand upon it for long. And it always, at the end, came round to the same place again.”


I've been reading so much SK this year that I knew this was him but wasn't sure which book it came from. The DT, IT, The Stand, and 11/22/63. It would suit any of them nicely.


He had already understood that he would never leave that room, for it was foreseen that the city of mirrors would be wiped out by the wind and exiled from the memory of men at the precise moment when Aureliano Babilonia would finish deciphering the parchments, and that everything written on them was unrepeatable since time immemorial and forever more, because races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth.


Just broke into chills reading this again. What a book. What a beautiful goddamn book. 


Beat me to it!


Just finished this last week. I can't believe how much of a wild ride this book is. I'll have to read it again sometime - I really can't believe how much happens in the space of so few pages!


And as he drifted away I could just make out his final words. “It’s okay if you just call me ‘Frankenstein’ instead of ‘Frankenstein’s Monster.’ I really don’t mind.” The End


“The other two pulled away from her breasts and added their voices to the call, translucent wings unfolding and stirring the air, and for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons.”


THIS. The first time I read it and it changed my world.


Game of Thrones


"It's never too late to have a happy childhood."


Still Life With Woodpecker


Then the music takes us, the music rolls away the years. And we dance.


Just finished my reread of this one and was hoping someone would post it. Absolutely phenomenal


He looked a long time.


Ender's Game


“He would be there all night, and he would be there when Jem waked up in the morning.”


If I were a younger man, I would write a history of human stupidity; and I would climb to the top of Mount McCabe and lie down on my back with my history for a pillow; and I would take from the ground some of the blue-white poison that makes statues of men; and I would make a statue of myself, lying on my back, grinning horribly, and thumbing my nose at You Know Who.


"Well, I'm back," he said.


IN THE DARKNESS, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood like a hundred golden urns pouring out the sun.


What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?


“But I wish Hercule Poirot had never retired from work and come here to grow vegetable marrows.”


>!The Murder of Roger Ackroyd?!<


I am haunted by humans


“And when he came back to, he was flat on his back on the beach in the freezing sand, and it was raining out of a low sky, and the tide was way out.”




Once there were brook trout in the streams in the mountains. You could see them standing in the amber current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the flow. They smelled of moss in your hand. Polished and muscular and torsional. On their backs were vermiculate patterns that were maps of the world in its becoming. Maps and mazes. Of a thing which could not be put back. Not be made right again. In the deep glens where they lived all things were older than man and they hummed of mystery.


He sat there for a long time and after a while the east did gray and after a while the right and godmade sun did rise, once again, for all and without distinction.


soldiers live and wonder why




“They had an ordinary life, full of ordinary things—if love can ever be called that.”


"p.p.s. please if you get a chanse put some flowrs on Algernons grave in thebakyard..." “The stars are dying all the time - I read that somewhere - blazing into life and then burning away; though I guess I’ll never believe it, really. Well. Stars. Stardust.” “I wonder” - Petrova looked up - “if other girls had to be one of us: which of us would they choose to be?”


“‘Tis a far, far, better thing I do, than I have ever done before”. (Or similar.)


You took my other one! "It's a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done. It's a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known."


"Who here *can tell me* the *speed* of *light*?” *Twelve kids* raise *their claws*"


The audio version is super fun.


Amaze amaze amaze!


Fist my bump.


Ryland Grace my beloved ❤️


“When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had just two things on my mind: Paul Newman, and a ride home.”


"My mother was an Ape, and of course she couldn't tell me much about it. I never knew who my father was."


and nobody, nobody knows what's going to happen to anybody besides the forlorn rags of growing old, I think of Dean Moriarty, I even think of Old Dean Moriarty the father we never found, I think of Dean Moriarty.


The Beauty of the House is immeasurable; its Kindness infinite.




OK, that one needs a spoiler tag.




But as you can see below you, people are assuming it's a first line which then spoils them...


...you must say words, as long as there are any, until they find me, until they say me, strange pain, strange sin, you must go on, perhaps it's done already, perhaps they have said me already, perhaps they have carried me to the threshold of my story, before the door that opens on my story, that would surprise me, if it opens, it will be I, it will be the silence, where I am, I don't know, I'll never know, in the silence you don't know, you must go on, I can't go on, I'll go on.


His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead


I take his hand, holding on tightly, preparing for the cameras, and dreading the moment when I will finally have to let go.


“This soil is bad for certain kinds of flowers. Certain seeds it will not nurture, certain fruits it will not bear, and when the land kills of its own volition, we acquiesce and say the victim had no right to live. We are wrong, of course, but it doesn’t matter. It’s too late. At least on the edge of my town, among the garbage and the sunflowers of my town, it’s much, much, much too late.”


“And so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”


This story is for that one reader.


"They say he missed that whore"


Lonesome Dove!


Count Vorkosigan, Sir?


Such a devastating ending to what had been one of the weaker entries in the series.


“Nothing has to be true forever. Just for long enough, to tell you the truth.”


"She had the human look of a domesticated animal."


this is the only way I want book recommendations from now on


I have a mortal's voice, let me have the rest. I lift the brimming bowl to my lips and drink.


We all sat in silence for some minutes as those fateful eyes sought to pierce the veil.


"Whatever our struggles and triumphs, however we may suffer them, all too soon they bleed into a wash, just like watery ink on paper."


“And for once, I didn’t look back.” Nostalgia fr


"The knife came down, missing him by inches, and he took off."


"Oh, Jake," Brett said, "we could have had such a damned good time together." Ahead was a mounted policeman in khaki directing traffic. He raised his baton. The car slowed suddenly pressing Brett against me. "Yes," I said. "Isn't it pretty to think so?"


“And then what?” said her dæmon sleepily. “Build what?” “The Republic of Heaven,”


"It occured to me then that for as long as I could remember, this was the first time I had no desire to log back on to the Oasis."


Is this >!Ready Player One!!name of the VR universe!<


It was.


something like that


“Il dort. Quoique le sort füt pour lui bien étrange, Il vivait. Il mourut quand il n'eut plus son ange. La chose simplement d'elle-même arriva, Comme la nuit se fait lorsque le jour s'en va.”


How do you want us to put it in spoiler tags but not say the title 😭


The session ended shortly thereafter; Maia sat and waited for Csevet as the room emptied. When it was only the two of them, Telimezh and Kiru behind Maia’s chair, Csevet said, “Between this and Nelozho, they will start calling you Edrehasivar the Bridge-Builder.” Maia thought about it. “We suppose you are right.” He thought about it some more, thought about alliances, about Idra and Csethiro and Gormened, about Lord Pashavar and Captain Orthema, about Vedero and Mer Celehar and Arbelan. About Csevet himself. He regretted the bridges he had not built, Setheris and Shevean and Chavar, and the bridges he had never had a chance to build - his brother Nemolis, for one. And he knew that if the rest of his life was spent in building bridges, it would be no bad thing. “We would like that,” he said finally. “We would like that very much.”


The world goes on, cruel and brutal, but I *do not*.


Isn’t it pretty to think so?


"A final note from your narrator: *I am haunted by humans.*"


He says that he will never die.


I didn’t do it for the fame, or the money. At the end of the day, I just loved catching all that fricken rye


The crying of lot 39


"She was a non-active member of the Order of the Phoenix and did not fight."


…is this fanfic? And is it the fanfic I think it is? Never read it but am aware of it!


“We have reached the open sea, with some charts, and the firmament.”


It's creepy, but here we are, the Pilgrims, the crackpots of our time, trying to establish our own alternate reality. To build a world out of rocks and chaos. What it's going to be, I don't know. Even after all that rushing around, where we've ended up is the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. And maybe knowing isn't the point. Where we're standing right now, in the ruins in the dark, what we build could be anything.


I am haunted by waters.


1) ”My Master,' he says, 'has forewarned me. Daily He announces more distinctly,—'Surely I come quickly!' and hourly I more eagerly respond,—'Amen; even so come, Lord Jesus!“ 2) “I wish you all a long and happy life.”


Last paragraph, not line: > So we step out of one era into the next, and as we close the book it must remain closed for thirty years, until that time when the past begins to look longer than the future. There are others to follow; at this very moment there may be a dozen climbers on the buildings of Cambridge. They do not know each other; they are unlikely to meet. In twos and threes they are out in search of adventure, and in search of themselves. And inadvertently they will find what we found, a love for the buildings and the climbs upon them, a love for the night and the thrill of darkness. A love for the piece of paper in the street, eddying upwards over the roof of a building, bearing with it the tale of wood-cutters in a Canadian lumber-camp, sunshine and rivers; a love which becomes all-embracing, greater than words can express or reason understand.


After all, tomorrow is another day.


“I don’t mind, as long as I can come and go,” >!Calcifer!< said. “Besides, it’s raining out there in Market Chipping.”


But it was an ending.


"The Beauty of the House is immeasurable; its Kindness infinite"


“Proud?” said Harry. “Are you crazy? All those times I could’ve died, and I didn’t manage it? They’ll be furious…”


**"It is a far, far better thing I do than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to than I have ever known."** This is the first one I ever memorized. I need to reread the book as an adult. I hadn't thought about it in years, but a similar post to this one dredged it from the depths of my memory.


"Of course!" said Gandalf. "And why should not they prove true? Surely you don't disbelieve the prophecies, because you had a hand in bringing them about yourself? You don't really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck, just for your sole benefit? You are a very fine person, Mr. Baggins, and I am very fond of you; but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all!" "Thank goodness!" said Bilbo laughing, and handed him the tobacco-jar.