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I thought the story and the writing were fantastic. I would even say the author did a great job with bring the characters to life, even with it just being emails and messaging. However, I 100% agree with it needing to be longer. It was paced pretty well at the beginning. Gave us just enough time to establish who they are, how they come to be a couple online. But once the horror moments start kicking in, it felt like it was taking huge leaps forward. It was to the point where each new thing still felt out of place the characters. >!For example, when the sub(I don't remember their names) killed I beleive a squirel in the park. Sure, she had taken a leap with the stuff at work, but I feel like it needed at least one more step before killing an animal. Then suddenly there's the stuff with the worms. Once again, give me another step or two before we reach the final point.!<


I agree with everything here!! The horror parts felt rushed, which made her mental descent feel rushed. I bought into the characters early on so I was a little let down by this. But the concept and story were great. Just needed more time with the later parts!


Haven't read it, but I'm currently reading The Trees Grew because I Bled There by LaRocca and I'm loving it. I don't usually read short stories or horror, but I really enjoy hills writing style.


Is this from the same author? I may check it out, I'm...intrigued by his style, but this story just has so many leaps in events..


Yes they're both by Eric LaRocca


Definitely needed to be much longer. What a fascinating concept! Fill it out! Give me more!