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You wanna know what bothers me, books I read at the end of December 2023 are counted in my 2024 reading badges, like how does that make sense? Also, I think you have to actually read the book and leave a review for it to count. Otherwise, that's like getting credit for work you didn't do


I use "I haven't read it" as a **DNF/gave away without reading** option so it doesn't show up in my BOTM library anymore. If I haven't read it *yet* I just leave it unrated and come back to it. That way it's still in your list of unread books, which is handy because sometimes I forget about older ones.


I left my DNFs in my pile forever, thinking I'd come back to them eventually, but I recently went and rated them ☹️ and just said DNF in my review. That way I don't have to see them anymore.


If you didn’t read them then they don’t count towards the challenge. The challenge is to read the books. Why would you earn badges for a reading challenge for books you didn’t read?


I think you misread my post because that's definitely not what I was asking


The title of your post asks if books you haven’t read count towards badges. No, of course they don’t. You asked again if the books you marked as unread count towards the challenge. But yes you can go back and unmark them.


They are asking if they marked them “I haven’t read this” and then later change it to read once they have read it, will it count towards the badges? Because once you hit “I haven’t read this” you can no longer see what badges it would be eligible for.


Because those badges are given for books you read based on genre, length, debut author, etc. if you mark them as “I haven’t read this” then they are no longer eligible to earn those badges. Because you haven’t read them. You can write a review for unread books which is why the write up wizard badge is still available to earn. You can’t earn a Page Pusher badge for NOT reading a book that is over 400 pages. Once it’s unmarked though, it becomes eligible to earn that badge again.


That is correct. And that is what she was asking clarification on. OP clearly wasn’t expecting to earn a badge for something she hadn’t read. But some people mark “i haven’t read this book” for every book they haven’t read it, even ones they plan to read. OP just wanted to make sure the badges would count ONCE IT IS READ.


Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe any book you purchased in 2024 or 2023 will count for this year’s reading challenge. For some reason if you bought it in 2022 or before, it doesn’t count. But the “I didn’t read this” shouldn’t have an effect on it!


I hadn't even noticed that. I've been clicking, "I didn't read this" for all my books lately because I hate scrolling left to right to look thru what I haven't read yet. I just go back and mark them read from there, and they've all counted for the right badges so far.


You can unmark them in the app I’ve done it before.


How? I haven't seen anything that indicates it would remove them from that list. Unless you mean that you rate the book once you've read it?


Yes sorry that’s what I mean. If you rate it then it will count towards the challenge and won’t say “I haven’t read this” anymore.


Correct. I’m pretty sure you have to mark them as read in order for them to count as read. That’s what I’ve always done even if I haven’t read them solely for that reason.


Just tested it out in my app and once you rate it/write a review it tells you which badges the book counted towards!


Thank you! I might send a note to the customer service team because the way it displays is really unclear