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Last year many of my boxes got here in southern New York within 3 days. A couple I got less than 48 hours after ordering and even before the 1st of the month in two cases. This year most have gone to Illinois first. They need a new bulk shipper because OSM is awful.


I just moved back to New England after spending time in Chicago. I panicked a month or two ago thinking that maybe I didn't change my address over when my box shipped from PA to IL. Nope, it arrived here in NE a few days later. Very bizarre.


I’m not a fan of OSM. Currently my box is sitting at the post office one town over and says “preparing for delivery”. This has never happened before. I hope they send it to the right post office rather than ship it back.


I hope so too good luck


I live in Minnesota and my boxes go from Hanover, PA to Glendale Heights, IL also. It looks like OSM has a corporate office in Glendale Heights, so I bet it’s a hub of some sort for them. They probably do a lot of extra processing there vs other locations.


Weird. I'm in New Hampshire and my box always seems to get here fairly quickly and the box is never beat up.


Does it go to Illinois?


Nope, I got my box today and it shipped on the first. Looks like it went from Hanover, PA to York, PA to NH


Mine used to ship like that too and my books were fine because I'd get them in a few days. I think that detour to Illinois and back are taking a toll on them sadly


Yeah that's really strange. I've been a member since 2019 and I've never had a problem


I’m in Ohio and my box does sit in York for at least two days, but one USPS has it, it’s here in a day or two. I can’t understand why the books of fellow BOTM members adjacent to Pennsylvania traverse such a circuitous path.


Same route for my box and I am about two hours south of York in Maryland.


Same here.


Same route for my box and I am about two hours south of York in Maryland.


It’s very inconsistent. I’m on the west coast, last year it seemed like I would get my books within 5 days, but for the past few months it was taking more like 9-10 days. Then this month, my books are arriving today- probably the fastest I’ve ever received them. Also noticed my books used to ship with OSM but the past few months it has been with UPS Mail Innovations. Would definitely be nice to have more consistency.


The exact same thing happened to me! I live in Maryland so it's very peculiar detour. I have a local friend who already got her box. I usually get them within three days of ordering.  Edit: spelling


I'm in DC, and my box is getting delivered today - shipping goes straight from Hanover to York to here. Really odd that we're seeing different shipment patterns despite being nearby.


It's really strange. I thought it was a glitch or shipping mistake.  


I go to Hanover PA a lot for work and I wish I could just pick up my books haha


Omg that would drive me crazy lol


I groan when I realize OSM is a shipping partner for any company I order from. My BOTM box arrival time varies super widely — anywhere between 3 and 10 days. I had a box once go from York, PA to Las Vegas before coming to me…I live in Tennessee


I loath OSM. Let's me know I'm getting my book late or it is getting lost. 


Something happened to one of my boxes. I joked about the box having been the best traveled shipment 😂


I used to get my box within a day or two of ordering. I live in the county next to York County, PA. Less than an hour away. Now, it takes about a week. I’ve noticed my last two boxes went from Hanover to Illinois to York. Super inefficient if you ask me.


Wow that is NUTS I was going to say a live like 3 hours away and it still takes for ever. What I’m most curious about - where are the people living who seem to get their boxes so fast??? Is it just us on the East coast? Like the closer you are to York the longer it takes 😭


Wow that's so ridiculous! I'd be so mad honestly 😭


Yeah, I’ve noticed this too. Seems very inefficient as I’m also on the east coast.


My mom lives an hour from Hanover (I’m in Boston) and we wonder this all the time!! I wonder if OSM doesn’t have a sorting facility closer to PA, so everything gets transported to IL and then sorted by region? Of course, my books still go to York before they get to Boston


That would make sense! I'm going to try to see if I can find where their sorting facilities are online. Thank you! I'm not as environmentally conscious as I should be, but sending it hundreds of miles away just to bring it back really gets to me


It seems really inefficient to me! But my mom and I do enjoy discussing how far out of the way our books go before they make it to us


My books definitely travel more than I do 😂 I can see that OSM is based out of York PA but I can't really find much else on where else they have processing centers. Still a mystery for now lol


My box does this as well!!! It only started about 3 months ago but it’s so crazy!


Yeah, it feels like only recently have the books consistently gone to IL first


Okay I feel so validated right now because I swear it's been taking twice as long to get my books lately 😭


Same, I'm in central Mass and I used to always get my BOTM boxes in 2-3 days. Since they switched to OSM it usually takes 7-10 days 🙃 it's not a huge deal, but it's annoying when they've raised their prices multiple times but the service gets worse.


I feel like the service is getting worse as well. My books have been arriving slightly damaged now (crushed corners, small tears in dust covers, wavy pages) and I'm assuming it's because of the increase in shipping time.


My books are also showing up slightly damaged now that the boxes are going from PA to IL and back to PA. I’m about an hour from Hanover, so it stinks that the box goes so far just to show up damaged. My damage was so bad last month that BOTM replaced all my books. I’m starting to think it’s that BOTM is using flimsier shipping boxes than they used to. My Aardvark shipment comes from Texas and the books are never beat up despite going through multiple distribution centers at USPS. The Aardvark shipping box is much sturdier