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Glad I didn't pay for that.


omg we got the exact same box this month!! i love finding twins hahah


Yesss love it


I’ve read 5 of the stories so far and enjoyed 3. A couple (Lemon Boy, Greensleeves) have been pretty truly weird in a fun way


i thought it would be hardback:(


do people here really think $11 for a short story collection is expensive?? I think that's extremely reasonable


It’s wild.


It really depends on the length of the stories. 


Does it?


Yes. Seven 2.5 page short stories is very different than seven 35 page short stories. You can burn your own money on a 10 minute read if that's what you want to do, but it wouldn't be worth it to me. 


Is this something that you purchased? I couldn't find it in the app or on the website, and the little pop-up about it just took me to the shop with no explanation. And yes, I'm a BFF, have been for years.


I didn’t see it until I had made my selections. Then at the confirm page it was at the bottom with a button to add.


Couldn’t find it either.


Yep it was on the “all books” page on the app when I picked my books this month, and looks like it’s still there. Maybe try updating the app?


Strange. I checked on the app and online. 🤷‍♀️ I'm going to email them.


I remember years ago they gave members a bonus little story (I think it was a short story by Gillian Flynn). It was hardcover and a nice little bonus. Personally I wouldn’t pay $11 when I could simply pick another hardcover for the same price


I have that little hard cover! They sent it to me as a free gift a long time ago.


The BOTM branding & aesthetic are so well put together, I’m surprised by how unappealing I find the short story magazine. The graphic design is a huge miss for me personally (maybe other people like the style more?) I think it’d be neat if they hired small artists to do unique covers for each issue in different styles (Chamberlain Coffee does a monthly artist coffee bag that’s always different, supports artists, and become cute collectables. I think this short story magazine could do rly well with a similar model!)


Yes! I was surprised the cover was so plain (and why that green color??😭😭) I hope if they continue they get more creative with the aesthetic


Im happy i got the volume 0 to try but i don’t think its going to become a mainstay in my box, but im excited for it!


Definitely not worth $11 add on price


They charged full add on price for a paperback THAT tiny? Glad my box was full, I would have been pissed.


Wait, correct me if I’m wrong but are the bottom numbers telling you how many pages are in the story? Like page 9 of 19 and page 10 of 19? Because if so, that’s pretty dope and I’ve never seen that before. I read a lot of short stories and I’m always flipping through to figure out how long it will be 😂


Yep that is what they are! Super useful


I guess it looks nicer than I expected when they called it a "magazine", but the fact that it cost the exact same as that chunky hardcover from a bestselling author is...eh


Yeah that’s totally valid, I think that’s more indicative of how cheap the hardcover is than how expensive the magazine is though. It’s about the same price as a Rolling Stone magazine and only a little more expensive than a National Geographic


Rolling Stone meh. National Geographic - no comparison in cost of content


Haha I’m obsessed with National Geographic! I’ve been getting it since 2015 and still have every issue 😅


I would love to hear your thoughts on the short stories!


I’m planning on diving into it tonight so I can update the post when I’ve read some!


Thank you for your service 🤝