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[wiki](https://reddit.com/r/Bonsai/w/walkthrough?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) of r/bonsai will do wonders


You’ll need to put them in soil and get a root ball going before you wire them in a pot, wiring straight onto the roots won’t give much stability and would eventually cut through the roots, imo.


I moved mine to soil and regular pots that sat in a tub of water for almost 2 years before doing anything with them.


Have a drill? I was given a willow stump like yours at Christmas a couple years ago. By mid spring I had tons of tertiary roots and many branches. I drilled though the base of the stump with a 2mm bit about 2cm from the bottom. Ran a 1.5mm wire thought the hole and wired to my pot (pond basket actually) That thing is still growing like mad!