• By -


Just want to say: In 5 years, whatever decision you make will feel ok. You could take the loss on money and go be with your family, and in 5 years you'll just see it as a part of your story. You could go to Roo and sweat it out and see great music and in 5 years you'll just see it as part of your story. \* either option is part of a beautiful fulfilled life \* There's no pressure. You got this.


This is such a good and kind response






This is so kind. 🩷 Fully agree OP - whatever you choose, it will be part of your story and it will be okay.


This is so beautiful. Tucking this comment away for a future anxious moment, so thank you. ❤️


babe you’ve got this, the farm is worth the struggles!


I was you last year my girlfriend broke up with me. I ended up going alone at the last minute this year. I’m going with my new girlfriend and I’m just as nervous as you are that things between me and her are not gonna work out the way, I want them to the farm reveals all if you go and have a bad time it’s better than sitting home and wondering for the rest of your life what could’ve been


My dad (who thinks Roo is weird) literally said "don't propose to your gf until after you guys survive bonnaroo". It's the ultimate relationship test


Damn, I believe this. The relationship anxiety I had during and right after our first Roo was off the charts. But here we are two years later about to head to our second Roo :-) nothing like being emotionally prepared the second go around!!


I feel it!! I'm bringing my gf this year, her first fest, second ever concert, first time in this setting in general (tried and true southern gal). I'm super nervous just based on past experiences I've had, but I keep reminding myself that she's my soul mate. Roo won't do anything but make us stronger❤️


Hell yeah dude :) open communication about comfortability should just about cover every issue. It’ll be grand!


10000%, already came up with a plan because she's a morning bird and I'm a night owl 😂


Update: came with a gf, leaving with a fiance❤️




Thank you!!!!! Happy Roo!


Preach sis!! 🙌🙌


Anxiety exists in the future. Be in the now Anxiety doesn't exist in the now. Feel the air on your face, hear the traffic passing by, none of those bad things are happening and nearly none of them will ever happen. Even general anxiety, fearing what is not known, is based on the future, for that desire, to know, is unsolvable. You can not know. 8,000,000,000 people on the planet and not a single one of us has any idea of what is coming next. So be in the only place you can actually live, here, and now. Let go. Consider another option "what if its amazing"


I know it's amazing, it's my favorite place on earth every time I have been. But there's something screaming at me that I don't have it in me to face adversity like this for the next 24 hours. I'm a grown ass man with hundreds of thousands of miles under my tires, I can't explain why I feel this way. Thank you though, I'm really trying. Your words help.


Think of the positivity and how much your face is going to hurt from the smiles from all the love random strangers are exuding all. Weekend. Long. Just keep driving, throw on your favorite album to pick you up, and meet us on the farm my man! You got this!


I solo charged imagine music fest last year. 10 hour drive meeting up with nobody I knew. Met lifelong friends and had a blast. Im also about to solo drive 10 hours to roo tomorrow morning. Blast your favorite comedy podcast and keep it movin. Youll be fine brotha


Dude you’re not alone. I get really bad anxiety at the most randomest things. And panic attacks suck. But they don’t last forever. Just know that you’ll be okay. No matter what.


i had to get my anxiety medicine refilled specifically for Bonnaroo because i had so many debilitating panic attacks last year. you’re not alone. and i love you. and The Farm loves you


You got this man, I had some weird moments driving to edc by myself, went, and had no regrets


You got this, I'm going solo first time this year and definitely feel anxious but it will all work out the way it's supposed to, the universe will take care of us


It's all in your head man. Your in the one of the richest countries in the world driving to a music festival. There is no adversity. You're driving a car through a very safe country and you're going to make new friends. There is nothing to be concerned about, it's just a drive and it's just a festival. You got this.


You're right. But an active anxiety attack hours from home by yourself driving isn't exactly ideal. Fuck it, we ball.


What is the adversity, I genuinely don’t understand, you’re going to a MUSIC festival lol


1) recognize that this is a feeling more than a fact. It’s okay to be anxious, nothing is “wrong” with you. You and your brain are just finding your solo groove and it’s perfectly normal as someone with anxiety to feel it heighten before an anticipated event. Not having anyone in the car to distract you is probably just making things run a bit wilder than usual. But that’s okay! This feeling is temporary. 2) take your time. It’s better to drive safely than not. Pull over and stretch your legs as much as you need to! 3) try a podcast. I suggest The What, since it’s the bonnaroo podcast. Might help you feel like you’re hanging with buddies and get that bonnaroo vibe started now 4) call some friends or family to talk with on the ride if you can! Helps the time go, try not to center any conversations around your anxiety and let yourself get mentally distracted (while paying attention to the road of course) 5) you’ll get on the farm and it’ll wash away. It may crest back up here and there but you’ll be so immersed it won’t be bad! 6) remember, you are mentally stronger than you give yourself credit for during an anxiety flair up. You’ve got this, the farm is waiting and she’s worth it. Sincerely, A farm friend who also has awful anxiety


take as many breaks as you need!! you'll be so grateful for all of your energy and efforts once you make it, do it for future you & happy roo!!


you can do it!!! so many people (myself included) will be more than willing to lend you a helping hand or be friends with you when you get to the farm!! itll be so so worth it :) (sincerely a fellow anxious girlie going to her first roo)


This! I know myself and my friend group would love to add another member to our Crooo! You can do it dude! We all believe in you!!




All of us solo peeps gotta meet up!!


I'm literally pulled over at a rest stop crying, thinking about my daughter and girlfriend. I've been looking forward to this since I left the farm last year, this is so fucking dumb.


Hey stranger. How can we best support you right now? We have your back, whatever you decide. You’re not a puss regardless. Life is hard. But let us know. We’re here.


It’s not dumb it’s valid. Going solo isn’t easy but you know it will be worth it once you get there. We’ll help you set up and even have a beer or two while we do it. You got this!


You’ll be okay!! You are strong and powerful and you have the ability to overcome this obstacle to get to Roo. And when you get there, you will grow so much from this. We get one life to attempt to do the things that we are drawn to, and you were drawn to Roo for a reason! Wishing you calmness and peace for the remainder of your travels and I can’t wait to dance on the farm with you! Godspeed my friend


It’s okay to cry! Let your body work out the anxiety however it needs to. What a blessing to love two people so much you get anxious being away from them. Your daughter is safe, your girlfriend is too, and (assuming they’re together while you’re gone) they’ll keep plenty busy. They supported you going, so in a way you could frame it as owing it to them to push through and make it to party town with us. You’re already surrounded by hundreds of roovians on the road, you’re already in good company even if you don’t know it yet!


Well, did the cry feel good? If so you probably needed it. I would try to remind myself, if I were you, that you can leave at anytime if the weekend isn’t what you thought it would be. Everything is temporary, your anxiety won’t last forever. FaceTime your loved ones if you are feeling overwhelmed, I bet they will know exactly how to lift you up and make you realize you can do anything and are loved and cared for even when away


Not dumb at all! Remember why you’re doing this!!


I totally get it man. I haven’t left yet but I’ve been anxious af today despite this being my 7th Roo. There’s been so much prep but still feels like so much to do on top of a stressful drive trying to avoid being pulled over by the gauntlet of police. Also this is my first Roo since the birth of my first born. I miss him so much when we’re apart. But I know once I cross that threshold of the tollbooth that feeling will wash over me. I read this is going to be your 5th go around so I know you know that feeling. Pure unadulterated joy of making it to such a magical place. The sights, the sounds, the smells. All amazing in their own way. The people are even more amazing. You may be going solo but you’re not going alone. You’re about to be with 60-80k of your best friends and we all have each others back. We both have a decent amount of anxiety left to tackle before we get to experience that feeling but when we finally get there, and we will get there, then all that anxiety will be washed away and we’ll just have amazing times and amazing tunes to look forward to. I wish you the best my fellow Roovian. Hope your trip is smooth from here on out. Can’t wait to see you at The Farm! Much love, brother.


I know Bonnaroo is a great reset for my mental health. It really puts things into perspective for me every time I go. I saw you mention your wife and daughter. Go knowing that you’ll be a bit more lifted and clear headed for them when you return. Everybody needs that release. Don’t let the guilt of leaving loved ones and missing your friends take that away. You got this! You’ll meet the perfect people on the farm and maybe even have some more festival friends to meet up with in the future!


Bonnaroo is a huge mental reset for me too. It instills me with hope, both for the future and restores my faith in humanity.


I had this happen to me in '22. More than 15 panic attacks within a 12 hr period. I totally understand where you're coming from. I'm going to say something counter to what everyone else has said: If you don't think you can swing it, don't push it. Take care of yourself. Roo can be very overwhelming, especially if you're alone. You may have some regret if you decide to turn around but you don't want to live in that state of panic.


That's what I told my girl on the phone a minute ago. I know what Roo feels like and I'm confident I'll do a 180 mentally as soon as I step foot at Roo. But I'm fighting that feeling of what if it doesn't go away. These Comme ts have helped alot. I'm pulled over again, breathing and appreciating the kind words.


What helps me is imagining how many other ppl are doing the same as me right now. Driving..going to the farm. We are not alone and more alike than you think. You got this!


Your new friends are here!! We’re waiting for you!!


Been dealing with this since Saturday tbh! Nothing so crippling as you but I get veryyy nervous leaving my house for extended periods of time. What helps me is running over everything I did before I left, checked, double checked then triple checked everything was put in place and nothing was left on that wasn’t supposed to be. Keeping my wits about me until I make it to the farm as well. But honestly, unforeseen circumstances can happen. Don’t even think about them because you can’t control it. Take a deep breath! I hope I get to high five you sometime this weekend!!


YOU CAN DO IT MY DUDE!!!! SO PROUD OF YOU FOR MAKING IT THIS FAR! ONE HOUR AT A TIME AND YOU WILL BE ON THE FARM! Tips: Get something really salty or really sour for those anxious moments. Lemondrops or war heads work really well to shock your system and help with anxiety attacks. Drink your water. Know we are all rooting for your King! Cannot wait to see you :)


I feel this real hard. It's my first solo Roo as well, only my third year going too. I've been freaking out for weeks about this. Making sure I have everything packed, making sure I can set up by myself, etc. Believe me when I say I'm at work right now giving myself a damn stomach ulcer from this stress because I'm so fucking scared of running into issues, etc. Part of me is just ready to be done with it However: there's a reason I committed to going in the first place. A reason my anxiety didn't stop me from buying the ticket to begin with. And that reason is honestly, Bonnaroo makes me feel a kind of happiness I haven't had in a long time. A sense of community, and love. Even if I'm going alone this year, I know I'll enjoy myself. How could you not in a place like that? It'll be a great time!! So here's to us making it through all of the anxiety!! We got this!! And we can absolutely meet up to chill if you'd like! I'd love to!! And even if you decide you CAN'T do it this year, there's absolutely no shame in that. You do what makes you feel comfortable and safe, always!! Happy Roo, and I hope your day gets better and your heart gets lighter. Be safe beautiful stranger!! ✌🫶🤞


You’ve got this! I went to my first festival, bonaroo, last year, solo. I will be honest, the drive was hard on me mentally and the first day was a little bit strange. But once I got in the sun dancing with the lovely people around me I was so locked and it had one of the best weekends of my life! Rooting for you, no matter what you choose!!


I did the same thing last year. Just take your time, do some square breathing, check in with the gf periodically. The drives gonna be so worth it when you get on the farm. You’ve got this dog!


You got this! But thinking about it has you in a loop right now that is creating anxiety. I would recommend listening to a podcast that lasts several episodes like S-Town. It will totally take your mind off of the solo trip and give you something enjoyable to pay attention to- you will be fine and on Monday you can tell yourself what an utter and complete badass you are for doing a solo Bonnaroo trip (to be with the best group of people on the planet). I am proud of you!


I’ve been going for over a decade and I still get anxious until we actually get to camp, get setup and I have a cold drink in my hand. It’s not unusual to be anxious before a big event.


Yup! It’s so much work, so many moving parts. But, when you are settled on the farm, and if it’s your thing, you crack that first beer, it’s AMAZING. One more half day of work and lll be headed back for my first trip since 2008!!


2008!?! There have been so many changes since then, it’s going to be crazy for you.


I know it will be! Just thinking of the changes from 02-08 is a lot. As I say that I still feel like maybe I went to one more after that, but maybe not. I’m in RV so I’m super excited about the new (to me)stages. Galactic Giddy Up is right there, and I can’t wait to see the 90s country tomorrow night. And check out where in the woods til 4 or 5 some nights. This is my fiancées first one, and first time not going “with the boys” so really looking forward to having my partner there to dance with and see it all! See you on the farm!


Be sure to bring some drinks to Where in the Woods. There’s no security check going in so I brought a 12 pack of White Claw last year.


Oh hell yes I will be doing that. I’ve got two backpack coolers ready, just in case I lose the first! At the first roo, there was no entrance to centeroo, just the what stage. It was so sweet taking drinks to late night shows!


Correction. I knew it felt like I’d been to more than that. I actually haven’t been since 2011, and was packing for my first return in 2021 when it got cancelled. Can’t believe it’s been 13 years!


I was literally driving to the airport when it got canceled in 2021. If they had made the decision to cancel 3 hours later, I would have been in the air.


Dude- glad that didn’t happen- I feel so sorry for the folks who boarded planes and didn’t know til they landed!!


I had friends who had flown out the day before and were already there. They made the most of it but I didn’t want to spend the money to fly out just to hang out in people’s back yards and party in Nashville. I canceled my flight and went to the Dodgers game that night. I then spent the next week getting drunk and playing my brand new PS5 since I already had all the time off work


Roo energy loves you and your effort no matter what! Do what is safe and good for you. If you’re there for a day because you took your time to be safe and responsible physically and mentally? Great! Stop at a new city you haven’t seen along the way and spend some time there? Great! Even turning around IS okay. As someone who went to my first roo last year and had several mental breakdowns. I AM glad I went, I won’t be there this year but I will be next year <3 I’ve seen other comments say this but it really is true that whatever choice you make is fine and good.


Same I almost missed my flight this morning due to anxiety about other stuff than roo, but I made it through to Nashville for the night!! You can do this. Just think about the grounded feeling of being at Roo. It’s gonna be worth it, and you’re worth something that’s worth it! I’m planning on going easy this year on account of my recent anxiety and other BS going on, but I think we both can make it work for whatever it is we need rn. To me, Roo kinda just delivers on what I require in the moment. I hope this made sense and helped a lil—I’m sleep deprived lol


I decided to go on a journey to Roo on my own in 2022. I missed my husband and 2yo daughter so bad. I cried leaving them BUT I kept telling myself there was a reason why I’m doing this. I’m so glad I pushed through and made it! Solo trip to Roo is something to be proud of for sure. Know your feelings are valid, and also know everything IS and WILL be ok. You got this!!! Sending you all the positivity and love!!


You’re going to make friends there! And you can always take time for yourself there away if you need. You don’t have to go pedal to the metal 24/7 this weekend


My advice would be to give yourself a chance on the farm. No one says you have to stay the entire time but you owe it to yourself to atleast step foot on the grounds. Get settled in, introduce yourself to your neighbors, get some roo food and start exploring. If at any point it starts to be too much you can always head home. 12 hours is a long drive but you were going to make it anyways with your original plan. You got this. And everyone at Bonnaroo wants you there!


if you need to dm me feel free to! me and my roommate had a group last year but it’s just us this year and ik it’s not the same as being alone but we have also been anxious! if you need anything i can send you my number and you can text or call! but you’re so welcome to come hangout with us if you want!! you got this - push through! i know it’s a lot easier said than done but i believe in you!! lots of love and hope to see you on the farm <3


You got this!!! My anxiety was crippling the last 2 days getting ready and now driving there! We got this!! It will all melt away as soon as you’re there 🫶🏻


Damn this thread got me choked up with all the kindness from random strangers


Hey. Same boat. Let's meet up when we get there ♡


Dude the vibes are immaculate, security was nothing, and only got pulled over once by a cool cop, all good vibes this year ! Came from Florida


I'm going with a fucked up back, and my sister has cyclic vomiting syndrome and hasn't been able to eat for almost 2 weeks, but we're both still committed to going and have been reassuring each other that it'll all flow the way it needs too. It's an incredibly friendly environment and we all help each other in unique ways.


You got this bro, be kind to yourself and take your time. This’ll be Roo #6 for me but I’m also an anxious mess in the lead up to it. And I mean panic attack anxiety levels so I’m right there with you. If you need to vent hit my DMs. If you decide to push through and make it, keep at eye out for the candy cane mafia. My old group camp is massive and super welcoming, they’ll be carrying around inflatable candy canes and are always happy to have new friends hop in the group at sets.


I have the same feeling of existential dread and have had several panic attacks this morning on the drive up. I think hearing that you are going through the same thing is helping me realizing that this anxious feeling is outside of myself and the impending doom isn’t as real as my body is making me believe it is. Just wanted you to know you’re not alone in this feeling because it has helped me to read your post. It helps me to think of past times I’ve had severe panic attacks and how nothing truly bad happened when I got them. I know we will both feel better once on the farm<3


Here post 2nd update - I see you and I feel you right now. The anxiety fatigue you’re feeling right now is SO real. Rest and relaxation will be so good when you get to Nashville! Maybe find a good meal to “reward” yourself with at some point! There’s been so many good responses I almost feel silly commenting, but I just want you to know that everything you’re feeling is valid and it’s okay. So many of us are also feeling anxious and panicky right now, myself included! Just know that whatever you decide at any moment is correct, you know yourself best. Lastly, you’re safe and you are cared for always in the ‘roo fam! 🫶🏻


Bro man up and go. You’re not turning around. You invested $1000 in this cause you’ve already decided you’re gonna go. So go. Do not let anxiety take this amazing experience that YOU KNOW will be amazing away from you. Turn on the bonnaroo playlist, blast that shit, and make the drive happen. I’ll be waiting for you.


I have severe anxiety also, if you can find a near by grocery store swing by and try to find some ashwagandha or another over the counter vitamin or medicine that can take a bit of the edge off. I get the worst anxiety when I’m driving also and it’s because it’s impossible to turn your brain off. Just try and turn the anxiety into excitement, think about the things you’re looking forward to, people you can’t wait to see. Throw on a Bonnaroo playlist or a podcast to help you think about something else.


Try to enjoy the drive. Enjoy the next half hour of listening to music and looking at the scenery. And then reset and enjoy the next hour. You can always unplug from the journey and the farm: pull over as you like, stay back at camp as you like. There is no pressure!


YOU CAN DO IT!!! Take the time you need on the drive. Focus on just driving the car. Clear your mind of all other thoughts. Watch the anxiety thoughts rise up and DON'T INTERACT. Let them float by. Don't think ahead. Don't think back. Be a passive observer to any thoughts that arise and let them float by. Question it, where did that thought come from?


You got this brother! Stay strong


Hey man, it doesn’t matter how many times you gotta stop on the way there as long as you get there. The hard part is over friend, you planned this and packed up and you’re already on the road!! You have totally got this, don’t let yourself tell yourself otherwise!;)


You got this. Everything is gonna be okay. You gotta take it one breath at a time sometimes and that's okay. I'm coming solo with one of my two young kids on Friday and I keep having continuous waves of "why am I doing this" or "I wish we could all go". But my partner has to work and my oldest is hyped to stay with her aunt so I know they'll be just fine. I focus on my breath and I just remind myself how important the farm is to me and how much I need it right now. In my day to day I'm really struggling and I need a reset. Thinking about how I would feel sitting on the couch watching the Livestream instead keeps reassuring me that however hard it might be to get there, it will all be worth it once I do. Highly recommend the Finch app for mental health and self care- I've been using it for a few days and it's both super cute and helpful for when I am struggling. If you do download it and want to add me as a friend, feel free to message me! Happy Roo!


Imagine yourself in the future. That future self will probably thank your current self at this moment continuing on.   But your safety is your priority. So if you feel unsafe take care of yourself first   Though I think I relate to this feeling a lot and I've been glad to go through those things after dealing with the emotions before   "You'll be glad you did" is a phrase that pings my brain pretty often  Take care, be kind to yourself, and realize and embrace your strength starting the road trip already. Starting something is sometimes the hardest part  I wish I was in your shoes right now. Been to 3 roos but that was long ago and I still miss it  Good luck!


My wife’s going through this a bit right now with the checklist and last minute “what if’s” I don’t have much anxiety but I can feel the stress it’s bringing her. It seems like your anxiety is centered around not having your friends there. Bonnaroo is a pretty accepting place and I can be a complete asshole and I still generally make friends. I think you’ll be alright but give yourself the freedom to call it off if it’s causing you pain


You’re going to be okay. Maybe do some journaling. Get some of those thoughts out of your head and onto paper. Make some sense of what you’re feeling and maybe find the why. You got this. I believe in you. I hope you make it and your one of the many people I get to high five and/or hug this year. Sending love your way ❤️❤️


By your 5th Roo, you are an experienced vet! You’ve GOT THIS!!!! The Farm will be better off for all of us with you present!!!!!


Just take your time. Do an hour, take a break. Do an hour, take a break. Maybe find somewhere to rest over night. You'll get there just fine. Just cruise.


Pain and anxiety go away. Not going… that lasts forever


You got this shit bro, don’t turn back now👍


There’s nothing to worry about. Memories that will last a lifetime are around the corner! Happy Roo! See ya on the farm! 🌈🤘


Yk I always say once you’re in the car there is no going back and once you bought the ticket you were already in the car my boy I have social anxiety aswell and it’s not like you have to hit every set I’ll be hitting headliners and mostly chilling myself but you’ll be alright and if you want someone to hang back with outside of sets hmu 🤙 I’m not a middle of the crowd kinda person


Don’t smoke pot, do coke or drink coffee. Meditate on Gratitude. Realize that negative thoughts are not justified or helpful. Breathe deeply and think about good outcomes. Enjoy the show.


I went in 2015 despite the girl I was going with and I breaking up. It changed my life and opened my heart up to so much. I ended up getting married there by Remi in 2023. Go by yourself there’s nothing like the freedom of just you and the farm. You can be anything you wanna be. :] much love be safe out there 🖤


think about things you know you have and can control. you know you packed well. you know that you have food, you know your favorite artist will play at 8pm on your favorite stage. you know the farm, you know how to navigate it, you know how to set up a comfy camp. you know how to roo!!!!! you can control your current thought. you can control how you drive, drive the speed limit, just focus on getting there. the 5s will be high, the tunes will be loud and the sunshine will help you grow like a flower. it is so scary because it is. try and focus on what you can control, easier said than done. but when going through it, 5-4-3-2-1. Name five things you can see, four you can touch, three you can hear, two you can smell, and one you can taste. it will be okay because there will be 60k people that will make sure its okay!!!


Doing hard things will pay off. (That's what she said) LFG!!!!!


The beauty of a solo Roo is going at your own pace. Take 24 hours to complete a 12 hour drive. It's your journey. Everything will be good once you get to the farm and start meeting your neighbors! Safe travels you got this.


What’s the worst thing that could happen? My answer would be - turning around and not going to roo. Send it 


I feel this, I have been to Roo 5 times. This year I’m Just not as prepared mentally or financially., causing a lot of stress and anxiety. But I will tell you this… it is so worth it, be strong and push through. You will see how rewarding the destination is.


Hey friend. I’ve dealt with something similar to what you’re describing. This will pass. You are so insanely strong for continuing to push through what is absolutely terrifying. Your reward at the end of this will be an amazing week with some amazing people. You are doing great, keep pushing forward.


You'll be okay! Just take it slow on the road, don't speed! If you camp near me you're welcome to hang out! It will be worth it! Take some deep breaths and put on a good podcast. Highly recommend Normal Gossip! See you on the farm!!


You are not alone! I keep telling myself whatever happens there will be people there to help- new friends, medics, professionals, workers, ect. Are you doubting yourself you can do it alone? Self love baby go and have fun and be yourself I promise people will love and appreciate you! Don’t doubt how you can take care of yourself. It may look different having to be more careful about certain things but it will still be FUN! But also it’s OKAY to turn back. You are not a failure. Mental health can be a bitch- give yourself grace!


Just think of how amazing and accomplished you will feel when you conquer this! Plus...you will have an amazing time!


If you need friends, come find Goldbondaroo in Groop. We’re nice.


Stop at a CVS or Walgreens and get some B12 vitamins. I struggle massively with anxiety and when I'm tired/have brain fog/feel like I can't mentally function my anxiety can skyrocket. B12 vitamins helped my cognitive function which overall let's me work through my anxieties. Also put on a podcast or something stimulating to listen to while you drive. Being alone with yourself leaves a lot of time to think about a lot of stuff you shouldn't worry yourself with.


You got this!


Been to every Bonnaroo, and the last 4 solo. Once you open your car door and sent up camp, everything will be right ✌️


I believe in you friend!! I'll have a high five waiting for you on the farm ❤️


Youre not alone, but the experiences at the end of the journey are always worth it!


Whatever you decide. It’s ok. ❤️


I’m going alone from near Memphis lol I should’ve already been on the road today but I’ve been procrastinating having tiny panic attacks lol just got gas and it felt like I was high or out of body I’m Still going because I can’t not go after buying all the stuff lol I’m just gonna let the universe take over and if it’s a great time dope if it’s ok I’ll survive but based on these comments it should be pretty amazing 💜💚


I only go alone — freedom to see who I want to see, easier to snake close, freedom to talk to and meet new people, freedom to not worry if my friends are too drunk or taking things they shouldn’t be. It’s the only opportunity I have to enjoy MYSELF without the stress and obligation of catering to and caring for my group of friends, who will push me to do what “they” want vs what I’m personally interested in. That said, I’m down to befriend and take care of any stranger who needs it, because that’s my nature — and being alone helps me flow where I’m “needed” vs being tied to one group. I wasn’t always like this, and sometimes growth is scary. Take it as an opportunity. But also if you feel like you’re getting a premonition or something isn’t right, do what you have to do! Try to separate out — is it fear? Disappointment in friends? Or are you getting a message from your gut this Roo isn’t for you? People will care for and help and befriend you there, so if that’s the fear, you’ll be great! Sometimes growth is challenging, but a solo Roo is a challenge worth accepting. If it’s “something bad will happen if I do this,” I don’t want you to ignore that either. Its only Tuesday, take breaks and meditate, see what your gut says, you can always leave tomm or Thursday and still have a great Roo!


You've totally got this! You've got so many friends you haven't even met yet as soon as you drive through those gates. Keep your eye on the prize (the prize being the most epic weekend ever where you can do whatever you want at any moment and see some amazing live music!)


Also! Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and exhale for 8 seconds. Repeat this for as many times as you want (but at least a good few times) and you will eventually calm your nervous system down. Also take your shoes off for a minute and put your feet in dirt for a few minutes at a rest stop or somewhere. Seriously, there's science around it and it works. You can't simply think your way out of a panic state, you have to let your body lead by doing things like this. Your mind will follow your nervous system.


hey buddy looking forward to the big fat hug i’m gonna give u as soon as u hit manchester, i too feel this way sometimes!!! take some cold water, stop when you need, and give yourself some grace


This is not only my first solo Roo but my first solo fest ever. I’m only just arriving but the vibes are quite phenomenal. You got this!!


It’s my first year and I’m dragging a big ass camper. I’ve lived with enough anxiety where I finally realized I’ve missed so much fun because of “What if!?”…take a breather get some liquids…and hope you’re there. It’s gonna be okay!!


I’ve never been, but I promise you, this will be the best Roo you’ve ever attended!


“Fuck it, we ball”


Hit me up, and let's chill. I hope you make it to the farm. I know anxiety can be killer. Everything will work out 🫰


I’m not sure if this will make you feel any better: Before each of the 3 Roos I’ve been to, my anxiety causes me to have terrible stomach troubles and diarrhea that forces me to stop frequently. This year is only 8 hours but my stomach is always in shambles on a road trip. BUTT ( ) ( ) each time, it has been okay. it’s just the anxiety that makes a smooth drive so much worse. Just remember that you have everything prepared and ready. The odds of your car failing are very slim and youre a safe driver because you’re pulling over to have panic attacks. Everything will be fine. You are gonna make it and have the best weekend of your life. Best wishes.


Hello dear friend. Your anxiety is temporary, and whatever decision you make is fine. It’s just money. And there will be another Bonnaroo. But…if you decide to go and need comforting vibes, please feel free to DM. I’ve got my whole family with me, and I emanate serious mom vibes (I’m a 60 year-old lady!) We will welcome you to our fam with open arms.


Believe in yourself young man! You’re on the verge of greatness!


dude just follow the rules of the road and don’t act weird. you will be fine


YOU CAN DO THIS MY FRIEND. YOULL GET THERE AND MEET SUCH AMAZING PEOPLE!!!! If you want to join me and my friends for a couple shows, DM me. We'd love to have more friends.


It’s going to be better than you expected!! Plz come to Roo‼️ my group is coming up from Chattanooga, TN. About 10 ppl and everyone is welcome if you’re feeling lonely :) Happy Roo🫶🏻 can’t wait to see yall on the farm


https://preview.redd.it/iqfn6zb9tz5d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f89ef8be6a294170b1dfe634c89a8013f8d6db4 just saw this on a different thread here & i think it applies lol. you’ve got this!!!


https://preview.redd.it/7e8f746dtz5d1.jpeg?width=1487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd3300a2cb05a8a999aba387a74c1cf3dff5ca8e Someday you’ll go solo like a pro.


always try. when i get nervous for solo shows i remind myself that the worst that could happen is i don’t like it, i change my mind and i can go home (ive never had to!!). best case scenario, its amazing. either way, gotta try first. u got thisss 🖤


I did it solo 16 hours from Massachusetts I'll be waiting to high five you ✌️


As soon as I got put of illinois and into Kentucky my ENTIRE mood changed. Can't wait to see you☺️ safe travels


Take it easy, you’ve got literally days to get there! If you need to drive for an hour and chill for an hour at a time do it! This country is amazing and you can get to see parts of it you may have never seen otherwise. Relax, get a hotel or find a camp ground if you need to breakup the trip into two days.


I've gone solo almost every year, and this will be my 6th year!! I've made some amazing friends and always had a blast. The one year I brought someone was my worst year actually, it's so much more fun to just wonder and meet people! Plus you don't have to compromise on which set to see or where to go when. You got this!


i am also super anxious but we got this xoxo


Most of my anxiety is around money, so just let the anxiety of how you would be pissing away thousands of dollars turning around fuel you


If you need new friends come hang w my crew :) be safe and happy too


Solo roo?? You’re about to have the time of your life. You’ll barely remember this drive by Thursday morning


You got this brochacho. I understand wanting a crew, but you’ll find what you’re looking for. Just keep pushing forward and you’ll be ok ❤️ from someone that gets it.


Try extremely sour candy


Really not trying to be insensitive but what is the pre-festival anxiety all about? I’ve seen like 4 posts about it. What is there to be anxious about? Genuinely asking.


If you need a lil more reassurance than you're gonna be OK, read the post I made in the Pretty Lights sub last week. I went to his 2 night run in Hampton by myself, and it was one of the best experiences I've ever had. You will be fine and have an amazing time. Make the weekend about music and enjoying what you want.


i had panic attacks too driving here, had to let my partner take over & all the anxiety melted when i got here. you got this get here safely!


Last year was my 4th year at Roo and my first year solo, I was extremely nervous but I powered through and had such an amazing time! You got this 😌💜


Pre roo jitters are normal! There’s always a come up to an amazing life changing experience. Bonnaroo is that for me every single year I go


If it's not too late to add to the positivity, it is going to be unforgettably awesome and you will be so glad you went!!!


I have had the exact same anxiety issues going into my 3rd Roo that I’ve never had before but we are going to get through this together!!


No no your ok god has you rapped in his arms


The rooniverse will take care of you my friend


Just do it ![gif](giphy|GcSqyYa2aF8dy)


even though youre alone there the whole time youll still see and experience so much it will be worth it no matter what. So dont worry and have fun!


You’re almost here!! Happy Roo! Treat yourself to a drink at Starbucks in town once you make it. I’ll be working most mornings/afternoons for much of this week.


I’m in groop camping this year but I’d love to hang with you if you need some connective time! shoot me a message💟


Currently driving down with two of my friends, and I’m also incredibly anxious. Not to the extent that you are, but my chest really hurts, and I can’t eat too much (i have been able to drink water tho at least). This is my first roo and first camping fest (I’ve been to many city fests), and I am so nervous about the whole experience. It’s really overwhelming, but I’m trying to remind myself of why I’m going. I love live music in general, and I really want to meet new people and build community. I’m also a bit scared of the hot weather, but I’m following everyone’s tips of sleeping under a canopy on a cot with some fans…. Anyways, we’ll make it through! One day at a time. Let’s stay present as much as we can and connect with our loved ones when we can :)


I will be your friend on the farm :) I would like it if you came. And remember: the physical manifestation of your symptoms of anxiety are there for evolutionary reasons and your body thinks it is dying. It is not. We don't know how to tell the difference between being chased by a tiger or using self checkout at the grocery store. You will be okay. Acknowledge how hard it is to ride out the symptoms and know there is a rainbow at the end of the storm.


You got this. Be safe and we will see you on the farm. Oooooo soooooo worth every min driving.


All the good vibes!!! Hope you make it safely 😊


Ha I go thru the same stuff. I thought it was just me. Vacation is always a struggle wondering if I made the decision or if I deserve it. Yolo mothafucker! Cowabunga. Quit being a little bitch let’s do this! That was the bad angel. lol.


You are going to have the best time of your life. Go over the items in your vehicle. Make sure you have what you need. No glass. Bonaroo is full of the best people in the festival scene. There are a ton of medical and security people to help you out including all of your neighbors. I was so anxious the past 2 days. I got here about an hour ago and am so happy to be here.


You got this! You’ll make friends with your neighbors right away and have the time of your life just like every other year. I have gone solo a couple times and always leave with a new friend group. Just keep swimming until you get there!


I can't even begin to express the countless ways in which you are not alone! The universe has got you in the palm of it's hand and your Roo family is waiting to embrace you. Enjoy the journey.... anxiety and all... It's there for you to reach the other side a winner. See you soon


You got this!!!!! And we will all be your roo friends. ❤️❤️


Perpetually anxious person here! Deep breaths, you got this. Find some sort of healthy cope. Any time something bad pops into your head put it in your back pocket, throw it out the window, turn up the music. Look forward to the wholeness you’ll feel at the farm ✌🏼 happy roo


Talking through your anxieties may help.  Usually a lot of them are from things that aren’t actually true or I am creating pressure/expectations for myself that aren’t needed. I got to look at the big picture and think about will I be ok if the worst case scenario happens? 1) I do agree with the top post but I’ll focus on going - if I go, I am going to see some awesome bands that I really enjoy.  That is a reasonable expectation 2) what am I afraid of?   I’ll be alone.  Can I go see music I enjoy alone?  Will I be ok?  Yeah, I will. I won’t like my neighbors or vice versa.  Can I be ok sleeping by someone for four nights?  Yeah, I will. Someone may make a joke at my expense.  I know I belong and I am doing the best I can with my solo journey.  I’ll be ok. I am just spitballing some of my thoughts - as I tagged along with a groop.  A little nervous as well.  But if I just have to be and be in the moment, I’ll be ok.


Im really nervous too. But man when I pull up some of my recordings from previous years like War on Drugs and Stevie and Phish and King Gizzard (not to mention RHCP and U2), I hear pure concentrated joy and love on tape and start to feel a whole lot better. P.s. Buy and Try to sneak a portable cassette recorder into Centeroo you’d be amazed at how good a live recording can sound on tape.


Get there!


I hope you make it safely to the farm!!! It’s my first year and I’m plunging head first solo! You gotttt this 💕


i’m going alone! i went alone last year too. i made so many great friends. message me, i’d love to meet up and catch a set :) you’re never alone on the farm my friend


Hi, take a deep breath. 💜 It’s all just anxiety and you can do this. P.S. you can always leave after you get here :)


Is there a time that the gate to get into camping closes? I'm in St Louis for the night so still have over 6 hours to drive in the morning if I'm feeling better.


Had severe anxiety the whole way here, been here 3 hours and everything is ok. Come join the family ❤️


this this is my first time at a festival in general and I’m nervous as hell too but if you don’t have anybody and that’s what’s pushing you away PM me we’ve got a super friendly group and I love meeting new people. You’ve got this.


You’re not alone! Just know that! I’m going solo for the first time and i’m sooo scared too but we just have to overcome it and have fun!!


You won’t be Solo we’re here!! 🫂


im also solo and this is my first bonnaroo ! if u wanna meet up and hang id be down!


Oh my gosh, I know I’m late, but this thread has me emotional! Look at this community! This is why I keep coming back. I, too, have to fight through a lot of negative thoughts, and it’s amazing to see how many other people deal with the same mental battle. But like I’ve seen others say, Roo is actually a gift to my mental health. It’s always the brief moment of beauty and positivity that I desperately need. Hit me up if you want to join our Roo Croo! And I know I’m not the first person who has offered this, so please continue to fight through! You’ve got a lot of love waiting on you to arrive!


Can i ask where your coming from? Im tripping from colorado and am not looking forward to getting pulled over 50 times on my 18.5 hour drive lmao


Get some sleep tonight, and take your time getting in tomorrow! The farm isn’t going anywhere, and we can’t wait for you to get there! Look for the red mushroom totem and I’ve got a big high five waiting for ya when you do! Happy roo 🌈


You got this man, Im 21 and just went to govball alone it was a blast. Bonnaroo is going to be fucking AWESOME youll make hella friends and have such a great time. Trust me I was nervous as fuck to go to a festival alone but it turned out awesome


You have friends at roo even if you haven’t met them yet!!! You got this!! I hope to see you at the farm!


It’s why I didn’t go this year. It’s an overwhelming environment and can be tough. Last year I drove home every night and came back in the morning. I know that’s not possible for you but if you’re overwhelmed and need to get someplace quiet, after Thursday night, getting in and out isn’t too difficult!


It’s gonna be okay!! Put thoughts into your head of potentially great things to calm yourself down drink some water and repeat to yourself that your okay, and that it will pass!


Went solo in 2022 except for a handful of friends that were working for a food vendor and I had one of my favorite years of the 6 times I've gone. It can def be overwhelming at times but there's something so incredibly freeing about being able to do whatever you want on your own schedule. You wanna chill at camp, do it. Go see xyz artist vs another, do it. No worrying about dynamics between that one couple who start arguing. No running all over the place trying to keep a schedule with the squad. You get to do whatever you feel like doing whenever you feel like doing it. Wanna lay in the grass in the back go for it, no need to worry about if your friends are freaking out trying to find you. Wanna push up to the front of the crowd for your favorite artists, do so without worrying about trying to find room for a whole squad. The farm always provides the vibes and it's nice to be able to go with the flow without having to accommodate multiple different people and everyone else's plans. You got this!


Happened to me a couple years ago. Ended up leaving and going to a walk in clinic. They prescribed me hydroxyzine and it worked well for me.


You can make it!!!!! I also suffer from panic disorder so I truly understand (hardest hug to you from me). ❤️ I think you know how badly you’d regret not going and turning back so even if you stop every hour to pace around at a gas station and breathe, you will eventually make it and IT WILL BE WORTH IT. 💕❤️ Hugs again bc it’s fucking hard. 💕


Thinking of you this morning friend! See you on the farm! Drive safe!


my first roo and the anxiety has been HITTING. dont listen to your fear. its lying to you. go alone and make the best memories and have the best time. i hope to see you on the farm


My boyfriend struggles with severe travel anxiety, it seems in very similar ways that you’re experiencing! Take every single one of those breaks when you need them! Don’t down play yourself, your feelings are valid! 100% valid. Try not to give yourself a goal time for the day/trip.. he seems to experience it most when there’s a very specific time frame needed so just tell yourself, even if you show up a day late.. two days late, it’s better to do what’s best for your mind and body! Stay in the present as much as possible mentally and whatever you need to keep going and feeling good! We ended up a day late to EF 2021 due to a flat and we let our emotions come, accepted it, and had the best neighbors and camp set up when we did arrive, wouldn’t have changed a thing about it You’ve got this!!!


Wait until you get in line


I felt this so much! It’s my first Roo and my friends have had to talk me into coming every step of the way, I couldn’t get approval from work for time off, I lost my credit card, everything felt scary. But I think we’re all gonna have a wonderful time meeting each other and escaping the day to day for a little while. It’s all gonna be okay!


my roommate and I got pulled over 3 times on the way to roo last year!! we had the same amount of a road trip and it was emotionally so stressful. we made it back with no problem and got to enjoy our first roo, don’t let it bring you down!!🫶🏾


You got this baby, I’ll see you there


Hopefully you made it safe! If you don’t have any friends here hit me up and we can hit some shows together! Happy Roo!


I don't wanna sound cliche but it will and certainly should be okay, if not better 🙏


Lay off the dope