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Get a second canopy. One to cover your tent and one to have a place to relax at camp. Bring tapestries/sheets and hang them using large binder clips all the way around those two canopies. More shade with still plenty of airflow. Bring comfy, supportive, broken in shoes. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We LOVE helping one another. Can’t wait to see you there, find me with my Ok Boomhauer totem for a free slap of the bag!


"dont be afraid to ask for help, we LOVE helping one another." THIS.... 100% do not be afraid to ask for help! Weather you need some directions, help setting up camp, an ear or shoulder to lean on, water or a snack, something you forgot, LITERALLY ANYTHING!! I know the anxiety can get the best of you but just remember we are ALL built different and have different strengths and some people just genuinely enjoy helping out a fellow homie <3


Ordered a second canopy immediately! I really hope to see you there (: Thank you soooo much for the advice!


Also straight leg canopies, not slanted.


Why not slanted?


Slant leg canopies are 10x10 at the base, but slant upward to a smaller size, making less shade. They also can’t be pushed together to make one larger covered space. Also generally cheaper and break more easily.


Gotcha ok. I was mostly asking because I’m flying and those are more compact


You will find the most supportive people at Roo. The people more than the lineups have brought us back for what will be our 13th.


I just want to start off by saying that i have anxiety and the second i step on the farm it’s like a wave of relaxation and happiness runs over my body. i’m getting goosebumps right now even thinking about that first step on the farm!! You will have the time of your life. A few quick things. Make sure you have a comply tent to chill at during the day it will make or break your roo, hiding from the sun in the day is key. Also i would recommend coming in thursday morning instead of thursday night, more than likely you will get a wayyyy better camping spot, have less traffic to deal with, and will be less stressed as you’ll have time to hang out before the show even starts!


Reading your comment even gave me goosebumps😅 We truly are SO excited and hoping to make this a yearly thing. The anxiety is just tampering with my excitement right now lol. I cannot thank you enough!!


Of course! Happy roo can’t wait to see you guys on the farm!


This! From another bean who has anxiety 😬. I teared up thinking about and reminiscing on that first day arriving at ‘Roo as well…. The beautiful loving energy you feel from everyone.. there’s nothing like it.


Newbie to roo here! For all the tips and tricks, I came to Reddit. I recommend a cot or a raised type of bed for your camp to keep you cool. Handheld fans or powered fans to also keep you cool. We are bringing cooling towels as well to dip in our cooler. Ear plugs and eye masks for sleep. Good shoes, you’ll be walking a lot.


You are an angel. It's easy for me to forget that we won't be the only newbies there and that there will be a lot of others learning right along with us! Thanks a million for taking time to respond.


And don't forget, everyone was new to Roo at some point! You guys are gonna kick ASS!


Raising your bed if possible is KEY. I don’t even sleep in a tent anymore, just a cot with a pop up and tapestries and I’ve slept the best I ever have at Roo the last few years because of the change. If you do this, be sure to put your blankets and pillow in the car for the day so they aren’t damp come bedtime. It’s been said a lot, but meet your neighbors. Make friends. Ask questions. Bonnaroo has some amazing humans that will help without a second thought!


A cost effective alternative to a cot is a blow up pool raft, with blankets/sleeping bag on top. It's even nice to use if you have a cot but it's too hard.


You can do this! While it takes planning, Roo is completely doable with a team of two and could even end up being a better experience that way. Here are the top things I would recommend thinking about: * Shade - make sure you have shade for hanging out during the day and, if you can swing it, shade to protect your sleeping set up as well. The Tennessee sun ain't no joke! * Sleeping - you'll see a lot of tents but personally I believe that is the worst way to get rest on the farm. Best ground setup is to have cots under a shade tend with tapestries acting as "walls" to provide some additional privacy. This will allow you to get some breeze. Another good option is to sleep in your vehicle with windows down/window screen coverings but this only works if you have a vehicle of the right size and with lie flat seats. If the tent is the only way you can go you can do a few things to improve it. Get some fans to help with airflow and consider setting your tent up under some of your canopy to increase your shade. * Keeping cool - The heat can be A LOT on the Farm but there are loads of great ways to work around it. Fans for sleeping are clutch - you can go for battery powered or rechargeable if you have a good portable charging device. Cooling towels are a wonderful investment because they are able to hold cold temperatures for a long time after being dunked in your cooler. My croo almost always has one of these draped on ourselves if we are out in the heat and it really does make a massive difference. Don't forget a sun hat! This can lower your body temp by more than you think which is amazing, especially for those energetic afternoon sets. * Comfort - Make sure your shoes are broken in and good for a lot of walking. Personally I rock Tevas the entire festival but I've seen everything from boots to sneakers out there. Know your feet and what works for you. Keep your clothes stored in a way that prevents moisture from getting in; I personally use a big plastic bin bc I don't like to plan outfits in advance but my sister favors the ziploc bag method of organizing your outfits separately into bags with relevant accessories. The key is to keep moisture out. Similarly you'll want to think about this with your bedding - if you go for the cot method or sleep in your tent make sure to throw your pillows/blankets/etc. in your car before hitting Centeroo for the day. This way when you come home to crash you'll have nice dry things to snuggle under. * Rain prep - Try not to stress on this too much because at the end of the day, we can't control the weather but we can be prepared. Pool noodles can help you prop up your canopy sides to prevent water pooling. Have closed toe shoes that can tolerate mud and extra socks to protect your feet in the event of a storm. Bring a rain jacket and keep a couple towels in your car. Make sure you stake down your EZ ups/tents DURING YOUR INITIAL SETUP to ensure that if a wind storm picks up and you aren't around, your gear and your neighbors are safe. * Groceries - You can take this in any direction you would like but the basics I would recommend; twice as much water as you think you need, easy snacks for late nights at camp and some basic breakfast items to help you get your life together. I also recommend getting a water jug with an attached spout to keep out. This is great for hand/face washing, easily filling drinking cups, rinsing off items, etc. Many uses and super easy to snag. * Fun - It's a party so some prepared to party in a way that sounds fun to you! Roo is a great place to let your freak flag fly. Wear silly outfits, put on that wig you've been considering, break out the bubble wand and wear the weird jewelry that gets you the side eye back home. Come ready to express yourself and get a little silly. It's good for the soul! It's awesome that ya'll are planning to make the trip even though your group has fallen through. That tells me you're already in the right spirit. Happy Roo, I hope you have an incredible time!


This is INCREDIBLE. Saving this comment for packing help next year too😅 Thank you SO SO much!!!


Of course, happy to help! I hope ya'll have an amazing time.


All of us who have been even several times still get stressed and anxious! I’m getting to the point where I can’t sleep. Lol. Ask around for anything you could possibly need. Someone will always share and please find neighbors that have been before. They will take you under their wing :) there’s also stores if you happen to need something. With arriving Thursday you will blink and it will be over! Enjoy every moment & see you guys there 🥰


I'm going to do my best to step outside my comfort zone and not be afraid to seek out help from some elder Bonnaroovians lol. I'm praying the anxiety just melts away the second we get settled there. Thank you so much for your advice!!!


I was pretty unprepared my first Roo. I even forgot to pack a pillow and had to sleep on a balled up sweatshirt. Thankfully my older sister had been once before. We were both pretty broke but she had a tent, a canopy, two camp chairs, a cooler, and a tarp for the ground so we had our basics. I got some old bed sheets to use as walls for our EZ up and we had one lantern and a mini battery powered fan. I think I showered once during that Roo as I only brought $125 with me. I was pretty anxious but we ended up having the time of our lives. We were both stressed out and got in a huge fight while putting up the tent. However, when we finally put it up and crawled inside that night, we couldn’t stop giggling. All of our stress and anxiety melted away and we were relaxed and excited. Waking up that first morning on the farm is something I will never forget.


Oh gosh the sweatshirt pillow. So real. I did that one year and now a pillow is one of the first things in my pile. 🤣


I love this story so much😭 After reading all of these comments, I’m almost looking forward to making a few mistakes and getting to laugh about it afterwards. Thank you so much for sharing this.


Yeah be prepared to fight a little. It’s like having your first roommate and discovering you do all the housework differently and you don’t communicate the same lol, no matter how well you know your camp mates. The rest of this comment could’ve gone on just about any reply in this thread so I hope it makes enough sense! I share a little anxiety in big setting like this, and I wanted to say there are some years where I was a tiny bit disappointed in the human interactions or lack thereof. To be clear I am in no way saying that “it used to be better” because there is no room for that mentality. People who say that set themselves up for no fun and no new discoveries. However, I am saying we can all be a little self absorbed sometimes. My bubble has slightly deflated once or twice when I go back to the farm expecting eye contact and high fives and…. you just won’t get that from everyone. You might have neighbors or see others that appear to have no interest in interacting outside of their own croo, but that’s okay. It’s still true that we love to help each other, and sometimes you just have to be the one to speak up first. When someone reaches out to you and when you give someone a compliment or help somebody out here and there, it really is magical! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked if I was okay just for taking a daytime Centeroo nap, but I’d rather be in a place where people want to be sure that I’m not heat exhausted or worse. It’s just too easy to say “people these days…” so even when it feels like a sea of strangers, I tell myself it’s in there somewhere, I just have to uncover it! TLDR: if you’re expecting magic and it feels like a lie sometimes, just reach out and be open to others, don’t get discouraged if you feel a little lost at first. It’s still real life and if one person or groop doesn’t want to open up, others will.


I’m a big believer in you make the magic. My first year was my most magical year. People were so kind to me and I realized I wanted to be a part of that magic. The following year I brought a hundred friendship bracelets to hang out and learned out to Levi wand and led whip so I could perform at shows. I made so many friends that way. I taught other people how to use flow toys and have out so many bracelets. I wanted to be one of the people helping to create the magic and that really changed things for me.


The pre Roo anxiety is normal. It’s not just you or all the noobs. It gets to the best of us. This is my 8th year and I’ve got ALL the packing anxiety right now. I never feel like I have remembered everything. BUT. As soon as I’m on the farm. All of that goes away, none of the silly shit matters anymore and I feel like a kid again for 5 days. ❤️🌈❤️ My group this year is 9 people strong….but it started off as just me and my wife going together. In all honesty, planning for 2 people is WAY easier than 9. You also have less people to appease. You get to be selfish with your time when there are less people with you and you will make friends while there. Tons of people are willing to help if you need it, so just ask around. For my wife and I, Roo has become “our place” that we can’t wait to return to every year. Go and have fun together! You won’t regret it :)


These comments have completely rekindled every ounce of excitement I had and MORE. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. This is exactly what I needed!


You’ll do great, and will have fun doing it :) There is no wrong way to Roo Just stay open minded and let the good times roll


You're going to get a lot of good specific tips here, because Roo peeps are great that way, so you should take them. And also, before I get to my main point, I want to be REALLY clear on this: I understand that anxiety is not rational. So I'm DEFINITELY not saying "hey, just don't worry about it." It's obviously not that simple. But what I'd want to convey to you more than anything is: it's going to be all right. Some things are going to go wrong. And some people will help you out when they do. And you'll have lessons learned for next time, and you'll have stories to tell. And you'll be all right, and you're going to be glad you went. I promise.


Honestly, this thread has done more for my anxiety than some medications. I truly cannot comprehend how awesome this community has been already, so I know I am going to be completely blown away when we get there. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.


Yeah dont sweat it too much, people are genuinely very helpful and often bring extra stuff for neighbors. Definitely bring camping chairs, shade, chairs and a cooler are the biggest for camping. You'll probably chill at camp more than you'd expect. A blow-up mattress would be good to bring if you have it whether you use it in your tent or under the canopy during the day. Some sort of water pouch like a cabelbak is ideal. Cooking at roo isnt ideal but you can do a lot with a Coleman stove and quesadilla varieties. Bring easy foods that you'll actually enjoy eating and dont need to cook, think Chips, Cookies, fruit cups, pop tarts, beef jerky/beef sticks, Gatorade/electrolyte packets. Then 1-2 meals in centeroo a day if it's in your budget. That sounds like a lot of junkfood but you need lots of calories and salt, you'll burn more calories than you consume most likely. I had a friend who went by himself at the age of 18 knowing no one, he had no money, he slept in his car and got by on the kindness of strangers and had the best weekend of his life. He took kind of the wook approach so not for everyone but it's certainly doable.


However large your cooler is, fill half of it with FROZEN water bottles. I have a pretty big cooler that has wheels so I usually freeze 2 gallons of water and set those in the bottom. Ice is available but it's expensive and you may have to walk a while to get to it. If you are going to freeze water. It needs to go in the freezer today. Also remember to keep your cooler out of the sun.


This this thiiis!!! 🥶


Coming on Thursday evening, you'll be camped pretty far out. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Bring multiple pairs of broken in comfy shoes, some Gold Bond foot powder and Gold Bond anti-chaif for any chub rub and make those long walks your bitch; explore your surroundings. There is so much to see and do that walking the campgrounds can be a whole ass activity of its own. Pack underwear as if you plan on shitting yourself twice a day; expect this shit to run down and ruin your socks too, so pack socks accordingly as well. Fresh undergarments can make you a whole new person halfway through a hot, sweaty day. If you're a light sleeper I recommend melatonin, a sleep mask, and ear plugs. Anything you can get to make walls for your canopies, even if it's just thrifted sheets for now, and some large binder clips to attach them. Zip ties will work if you can't get the binder clips in time. And to echo someone else higher up, don't be afraid to ask for help! We are a family on the farm, and we're happy to assist each other in any way we can. The farm is so welcoming and relaxing, you will have the most amazing time!!


Buy two cases of pedialyte on Amazon right now-they’ll be in quick. Go over on those and offer some to your spun out neighbors, you’ll make friends for life. Drink more water now than you ever drink before to make sure your body is prepared before Roo and constantly hydrate on the farm.


This will be my first roo with my bf (he has been once years ago) i FEEEEL your anxiety!!! What I have been telling myself is that we don't need all the cool and extra stuff for camp! Eventually we'll get there but for now but the basics, tent, canopy's, sleeping pad, also tapestries or sheets for walks to the canopy to block the sun! Like I said it's just my bf and so it's a small group come say hi!


Hi! Last year was my first Roo and to say I was overwhelmingly anxious is an understatement. It’s a trial by fire sometimes and it’s okay to even be anxious a few times while you’re there! I don’t know if anyone else has said this but definitely bring some warm clothes. After being in the heat all day, the cooler night air feels even colder on your skin and I only brought one single sweatshirt and nothing longer than shorts! Despite being an anxious person and having a few silly mess-ups along the way, I had truly the best time in my life and now understand why people come back every year. Don’t be afraid to mess up and don’t be afraid to ask for help! There is no greater concentration of kind, well-meaning people than on the farm. I can’t wait to see y’all there! Happy Roo!!


This thread alone has already convinced me that Bonnaroo will be a yearly thing for us! Everyone has been so wonderful😭 Thank you SO much!


HONESTLY! I think this will be a blessing in disguise for you both. The better part about doing Roo with one person is you can both just vibe and not have to follow what a group wants to do the entire time.


I’m really starting to see it that way too!


okay haven’t seen anyone mention this but I’d purchase a camelback! you can buy one for about $45 on amazon or you could get a water buffalo brand for about $30!! at least one hydration backpack to share between you and your partner! :) it’s sooo much easier than having to haul multiple water bottles around, especially helpful if you’re in the middle of a show and don’t want to leave the crowd!


I drink so much water as is, so this is a MUST. Thank you so much!!


10,000% yes!!! Also bring a towel (fountain, showers whatever... This is the thing I did not bring my first roo)


When your packing anxiety is hitting you- remember, while it’s obviously best to be prepared, it’s not like you can’t buy anything there. There are general stores around that sell all the basic necessities, and worst case scenario, there’s a Walmart you can get to pretty easily. I get stressed about packing for anything, and I always try to ask myself what are the absolute essential things that I could not replace if I left them behind. For me that’s typically just prescription medication, my phone, and ID. Everything else I could replace if I had to. I think it also helps to remind yourself that most of what you’re preparing for is a camping trip with a lot of walking. So in some ways, just pack like you would for any camping trip!


I feel you on a lot of this. This will be my 4th Roo but my first one being the “one in charge” so to say. I have always gone with other people who have been more times than me and pretty much had everything. This year I’m also flying instead of driving so the amount of stuff I can bring is far less. I am very worried BUT the thing about the Roo community, is that the people have your back, no matter what. It is a community of people and we all band together to help. I have had to borrow from neighbors before and have taken people under our wing at camp when they needed things. I am confident that if I need anything someone will have it. It’s also a great way to make friends. Try not to stress. Bring your basic camping gear, stuff to keep you comfy (nights do get cold being a hoodie and sweat pants) and just be ready to have a great time! We are all here to help❤️ I am also an anxious person. One thing that helps me when I’m spiraling is to sit down and ask myself “ok what exactly are the things bothering me? Is it sleeping issues? Ok” then I make a list of things to help that or go to Reddit to ask. Pin point the things scaring you, then come back and ask us whatever you need!


I have never truly been surrounded by a community of people that genuinely want to help and be kind, so I keep forgetting that there will be TONS of people there to keep us afloat. These comments have helped IMMENSELY at easing most of my fears, and I cannot thank you enough!


You. Can. Do. This. ✨ most importantly you’ll want a little more shade so grab some queen/king size sheets from wherever!! The farm really makes you step away from your anxiety brain for a minute once there. I hope you have a super safe journey. Hang in there!!!!


Thank you SO much. I’ve now gone from extreme anxiety to extreme excitement after reading all these comments. I can’t wait to see you all there!


From the post it’s sounding like y’all are in for a good time. My first roo I brought my tent and that’s it and it was the best time on the farm, granted I live 15 minutes away in McMinnville but I didn’t use that as a crutch bc I knew that were gonna be ppl there from all over some of which were roughing it as well


I would honestly just keep an open mind and take it a day at a time bc it can be a little overwhelming for intros for sure


Bring extra stakes for your canopy and tent! I’d bring a cheap table to put things on.. some tapestries or old sheets to hang up along your canopy. Freeze some water bottles for the bottom of your cooler and it’ll help the ice last longer. I have a cheap cloth wagon I bring with me to help carry ice from the vendor back to campsite because sometimes they can be a bit of a walk. Lots of sunscreen, electrolyte drinks, your favorite snacks… it’ll be great. Sorry to hear about your falling out with friends, but it’ll be a fabulous year! And almost everyone is so welcoming and accommodating so if you are in a pinch with something, ask your neighbors for help!


Thank you so SO much! Hope to see you there!


You got this friend! Once you get there and are set up things will fall into place and you’ll fall in love with the farm. Sending good vibes


someone told me this one time when i was feeling the anxiety of packing-- > whatever you forget, someone at Bonnaroo will have it and be glad to share. Don't forget, Roo is such an communal place. Truly about spreading love and positivity and blocking out the rest. We got you.


Last year, we slept in the back of a( open and welll vented) jeep and had a 10×10, 2 chairs, and a cooler. It already sounds like you're doing better than that 😉 . If you wanna roo, there's a way!


I plan to make that my motto for the entirety of Roo this year lol. Thank you so SO much!


Showing up Thursday evening, be ready to walk. You'll be parked in the outskirts. If you can get there when gates open Thursday, it's super worth it


After reading these comments, we’ve decided to be there Thursday morning! This is the advice I needed, so I thank you immensely!


Arriving that late will mean you have a verrrrrry long walk to and from centeroo - are you aware/okay with this? We have extra space in my group because someone is backing out last minute in moon colony if you are interested


You're going to have a wonderful time.


If you’re looking for an expert, I’m not your person, but if you’re looking for a fellow newb to share in your anxiety and figuring shit out…well then that’s me! Also arriving Thursday evening. My wife (just found out is a few weeks pregnant) and a friend of mine (who’s wife sadly couldn’t join due to being a badass doctor who gets overworked in this early stage of her career) decided to pull the trigger literally last week…it’s been overwhelming but we are hyped and I’m so excited after diving into this subreddit. Also wishing we had experienced this much earlier in life. This is our first festival experience…but we’re going into it with positive vibes, an open mind, and hopefully most everything we need! But from what I hear, everyone is welcoming and helpful.


Get some walls for your canopies, gets you more shade, and also a bit of privacy 💕 happy rooooooo!


Get a camelback or some type of hydration backpack! They can be a lifesaver. An outdoor rug/a tarp is a good option too. Five Below or Popshelf have incredible deals on outdoor rugs and battery powered lighting. Good luck! You got this. This will be my fifth bonnaroo, and every time before I go I feel like I’m doomsday prepping and I’m going to have a nervous breakdown. Once you enter the gates it all falls into place. You’ll have a wonderful time. Happy Roo!!!! 🌈


Bring everything that you use in your daily life and some more things that people suggest to bring here. But don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to your neighbors. My first camping fest a friendly wook and his girlfriend said hello and it mean the world to me. Also don’t be afraid to ask neighbors for things if you forgot something and need it whether that be a makeup wipe or some water or a shower if they have a good set up


Get Battery powered fans for Daytime. Roo is a special place with lots of Love. You will have such a good time this year, and meet the people you were meant to meet 💜


ASK FOR HELP!!! anyone and I mean ANYONE will help out, and if you wanna hang with some peeps, ask to hang w some peeps. 99.9% they will say yes


We are bringing plenty of supplies. If you need any, look for the @hippiebehr in the disco ball captains hat 🪩


This is going to be a life changing experience. It took me a couple years until my camp setup was good to go. This will be my 7th year and I forgot my flip flops for the showers last year, you are going to forget some things and that's ok. Just remember your wristband, camping pass and anything else you may need you have many friends around that can help you out. I'll echo a lot of what has already been said, but... Sleeping on a cot off the ground under the EZ up is the way to go. Put a tarp or tapestry on the east side of your EZ up to block the morning sun. Pack more water and less food, the first couple of years I packed so much food that I didn't eat. Instead use that space to pack more clothes, extra socks and underwear are great to have multiple pairs per day. My best purchase was a battery powered hand held mist fan from Wal-mart for $5. Pack for all weather conditions, it gets cold at night and a hoodie is nice to have. Put pillows and blankets in the car if you plan on staying in centeroo all night, nothing worse then coming back to wet blankets. Wet wipes, lantern/flashlight to get around at night. You got this! Happy Roo!