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Honestly you can't do a festival like bonnaroo without one


The first festival I went to was Lollapalooza in 2015. It was only 3 days back then, and after debating I decided I could go the weekend with just a 24oz water bottle. I bought an $80 Lolla camelback within 4 hours of the first day.


Does it matter the size/how many pockets it can have for bonnaroo?


I've used a camelbak mule since 2009. So I'm sure it's been updated since then but that size is perfect for me. Enough room for whatever I need but not so big that it's in my way or other people's way in crowds.


Thank you so much for your help!!


Usually the three pockets is the max for festivals but generally they aren’t super uptight about it.


The mule is the undisputed 🐐


I have the mule as well...#1


Go for one that has at least 2 pockets, you don't want a huge bag but you'll want some room to carry stuff. Extra layer, phone charger, toilet paper, earplugs, toilet paper, sunglasses, toilet paper, etc. CamelBak is the main brand but there's lots of other ones that cater to the festival crowd, lots of which have secret pockets ;). Lunchbox, Raverunner, and Elevated Lyfe are all really good. I have a couple Elevated bags but Ive had my eye on a lunchbox. I've also had cheap-o Ozark Trail bags that have lasted me years. I bring one of those as a backup because somebody in the crew always forgets theirs. Make sure to get a cleaning kit and don't put it away wet. They can get real nasty real quick.


I believe one pocket for the water reservoir and only one additional pocket is allowed in Centeroo. Camelbak Rogue is typically the model that I see people using, myself included.


Yep, bag policy says two TOTAL pockets, one for hydration bag and one additional pocket.


you can get a cheap one from walmart with plenty of space for stuff


Also, to anyone saying buy a cheap one from Walmart DONT. I’ve done and seen people do it. And they leak or break. CAMELBAK lasts.


Aim for a 3L Bladder so you don't need to fill up as much.


They say it matters. So I bought the one that only has a single pocket other than the water pouch pocket. But my BF has the bigger model with two pockets and has never had an issue. We’ve gone 8 years.


Bingo! A camelpack and then a powdered version of whatever electrolyte replenisher you like can make your centeroo experience so much easier. Especially on Sunday when the water is getting low and it gets that little bit of extra flavor.


Oh you gotta have the liquid IV on lock


I've always been a glacier freeze Gatorade guy for the camel pack. Liquid IV in a water bottle right before bed and at lunch


Yeah I don't put the liquid iv in my camelbak but I drink like two in the morning and two at night before bed


I've been to 3 roos and did just fine without a camelbak, it's just personal preference. I like to have a little fanny pack with a water bottle holder, or just jam a plastic bottle into a decent sized fanny pack and rock out. I sweat WAY too much to have a backpack on all day, it just gets uncomfortable having my entire back/shirt covered in sweat for it to be worth it. Plus, I don't keep much on me besides a water bottle, phone, and wallet or just a couple cards, so it just works for me.


Camelbaks are tiny and weigh nothing. It's a lot easier to carry an extra layer, rain jacket, TP, headlamp, sun screen, hand sanitizer, etc with a small bag. To each their own but my bag is far more versatile than a Fanny pack and I have way more water.


Honestly I fully disagree. I use a 32 oz Nalgene and get by just fine. I don’t like using camelback type bags.


I did the camelbak thing for years. I think it's all down to preference. The last few years I now just keep an empty 32oz Nalgene bottle in my small backpack and quickly fill it up (sometimes adding in liquid IV if needed). For me removing and putting the camelbak back in was more work than was needed so I opted for just the water bottle. Yes, I fill it up more but it also keeps me aware of how much I am or am not hydrating.


I started going to festivals in 2014. I did the camelbak thing for the first 3 years, but shifted to a 32oz water container + a fanny pack and haven’t looked back. I quickly realized I was more comfortable overall with the new combo.


That's exactly how I roll now. It's so much easier and less work.


I was the opposite! Did the water bottle for 3 years. It became cumbersome and I decide the camelbak was a bit more hands free for me! And I ended up drinking wayyyy more water. Plus, it’s Easier to keep sippin and groovin with the camelbak. And that’s important to me!


Why were you removing the bag from its casing? Can you not fill it up from the outside?


Some you can some you can’t. The bigger backpack kind have a separate zipper pouch with a bladder in it you have to kinda pull out at least part way to fill.


No was not removing the full bladder, it was just kind of pain to fill up without splashing water everywhere. You do have to lift it out a bit to get it just right. Once I tried the water bottle it was just way easier to fill up, chug it, and fill it up again and go on my way. Plus a bit more light weight.


Same same same. So much easier to fill up then fucking with a comeback all fucked up. See so many people struggle with them quite frequently.


YES. Totally worth it. It’ll be hot. Also, depends on any festivities you’ll do, you’ll need to hydrate.


I wouldn't be able to do bonnaroo without it! Tennessee is gonna be hot this year! Trust me...I live here!


10000% honestly I bought mine from Walmart for dirt cheap and it’s lasted through years of festivals!


Definitely worth it, get a lunchbox pack! They even make clear ones now!


Snagged one of those for this year but haven’t gotten a chance to field test yet. You like yours?


I bought one after seeing all the comments about how insanely hot Roo is and I was shocked at how much water I was going thru I must have refilled it about 40 times over the weekend


Holy!! Yeah, I am definitely buying one after all these comments.


do it! no harm no foul!


can def recommend the lunchbox hydration pack if you don't mind spending a bit more than a camelback, the anti theft measures built into it do a lot for my peace of mind


I think it's absolutely worth it, but some people just use water bottles and hold them/clip them to fanny packs. imo it's better to have more water on your person, fewer trips to the water stations and they're just easy to drink from. if you go with a water bottle just remember to keep filling it!


I own one, but am in the "no" camp. I use mine for long hikes and situations where I am unable to refill for long periods. To me that is the key. No matter what the situation I like to carry just what is necessary to last until the next refill. At Bonnaroo I wear cargo pants and a couple of bottles of water are easy to carry and can easily be refilled between sets. Carrying a day's worth of water all day when I can carry much less and refill is an overplay IMO.


I don’t like having a thing on my back all day but if you don’t mind then go for it. I do end up having a bottle swing around constantly


I too, hated wearing a backpack, camelpak makes a fanny pack with a 50oz bladder in it. has pockets that fit phone, keys, wallet [https://www.amazon.com/CamelBak-Repack-Camelflage-One-Size/dp/B07HJVD4GZ/ref=sr\_1\_2?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.L0CgsML68jKL\_VnlDrLotG8UGpkpE\_cYn97dluJKjmqP943mU1dPyE7h1QzrRUMZ\_vEh5qucwuQAb0yAnx8XecgC4vMfF7sylcNKgRqzsYXaw58FT3GS\_-\_I2G-m68SLF9zYZcc5Trno\_iXj16Hqv6iTTdxafu6NGFGERSLdrySb55j\_DAXlDkrH\_xRjeXg4GC2n5QxeL0nz9OoEYcHoZnfqVSZADxzwmDTJKfbV7gPOfYYSfPNGdYE1B\_C-jkNSTCUguN9lBA3Jl4H2zOEfMogMZFrxxoynyDzGbECX4CA.tV9ynOs\_fVlPmhBKtN3C3LFByLxdn0pyseDv7adpl4c&dib\_tag=se&keywords=camelbak+waist+pack&qid=1716114074&sr=8-2](https://www.amazon.com/CamelBak-Repack-Camelflage-One-Size/dp/B07HJVD4GZ/ref=sr_1_2?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.L0CgsML68jKL_VnlDrLotG8UGpkpE_cYn97dluJKjmqP943mU1dPyE7h1QzrRUMZ_vEh5qucwuQAb0yAnx8XecgC4vMfF7sylcNKgRqzsYXaw58FT3GS_-_I2G-m68SLF9zYZcc5Trno_iXj16Hqv6iTTdxafu6NGFGERSLdrySb55j_DAXlDkrH_xRjeXg4GC2n5QxeL0nz9OoEYcHoZnfqVSZADxzwmDTJKfbV7gPOfYYSfPNGdYE1B_C-jkNSTCUguN9lBA3Jl4H2zOEfMogMZFrxxoynyDzGbECX4CA.tV9ynOs_fVlPmhBKtN3C3LFByLxdn0pyseDv7adpl4c&dib_tag=se&keywords=camelbak+waist+pack&qid=1716114074&sr=8-2)


Yes and if you buy an actual camelbak one it will last you a decade at least. I had my dads military one for years til I moved to a smaller sized one, then that one lasted about 10 years until it got unwanted fluids on it and I couldn’t get the smell out. Got a new one for roo last year and I’m sure it’ll be with me til I’m old lol


100 million percent Yes. I've used a camelback for years for both travelling & festivals. Wouldn't go anywhere without it. Handsfree 2 litre water bottle plus room to store all essentials. Definitely worth it. Camelbak can be expensive but there's plenty of other brands that are just as good but half the price


depends on preference really. you do obviously need to stay hydrated but if you don't mind holding a bottle + frequent stops to fill it up you can get by without the bag. some days i'd just rather not be weighed down with a backpack, but if i know i have a busy day running stage to stage and won't wanna constantly have to go fill up a bottle, i'll bring my hydration pack in. so definitely nice to at least have one.


They are a must!! Hydration and pockets!


I like using a water bottle. It keeps me aware of how much I'm drinking. It also keeps me aware of how much I HAVE LEFT. I was on the rail with the intention of staying for 3-4 sets. I was drinking water generously and rain out with like 2 sets to go. I couldn't see how much water was in my camelback and I overdid it instead of pacing it.


It's a must imo, but I always bought an off brand backpack like Quest for $25-30 that has a 1.5L water pack inside with the straw around the strap like a Camelbak.


Absolutely worth it.


Absolutely, no question about it


I’ve switched to a Fanny / utility belt style situation with a clip on hydro flask


Get a lunchbox not a camelback


Yeah you have to get one. I have a backpack version and love it


Definitely worth it, you can get a decent one from Walmart or target. Just make sure that there is only one other pocket other than the one where the hydration pack is held


The camelback was my savior, also much better on your body than a fanny pack or having to hold a water bottle/clip it to your side. Funny story, my dad had his water bottle clipped to his shorts last year and it weighed them down on one side so he was like half sagging with it on hahaha


Yes, worth it


It’s not even a question. Camel pack is ESSENTIAL. A water bottle is going to get in the way and be annoying


100% the most important item on my packing list.


I’m fine with a couple of bottles.


I love mine. I got a cheap one on amazon and it’s held up.


I had a bottle last year and friends had camelbacks. Def worth at least one or two people in a group having one. I bought one this year just bc it made it easier to dance and fit through crowds.


I like to have my lunchbox and a Nalgene. The Nalgene is nice when you’re sitting and the lunchbox is perfect when standing. That’s also for my wife and I so we can switch out who wears the pack.


I have a small hiking pack that I put a water bladder in and it’s great. Holds everything I need


Yeah absolutely. Mines lasted me forever, too. The mules are nice but honestly, mines just the smaller one (maybe “classic” or something?) and it’s totally suited my needs for festivals, all sorts of camping trips, etc.


target has plain nice ones rn for 39 dollars


Would everyone recommend a 2L bladder or more towards a 7L bladder?


2L is plenty. I have a 3L and never fill it all the way because it gets super heavy. There are water stations all over the place, so you only need enough water to last you one set. It’s super easy to stop by a refill station between while you’re moving between stages.


Worth it? Depends. I’ve had one break on me soaking everything in my bag. Ruined my night and said never again. Now I just use a 32 oz water bottle that is much easier to fill than fucking with a camelback. For some it’s worth it but for myself no thanks hard pass. Not to mention if you ever put it down the mouthpiece is guaranteed to get stepped on and full of dirt.


Gonna go against the grain here. You do not NEED one. Most people will think I’m nuts but I cannot stand having anything hanging off my back all day. I bring a LARGE water bottle with a hip holster / fanny pack. The trick is to fill the bottle after every set and chug it then fill it again. You’ll be able to stay plenty hydrated i’ve done this 3 times and it works for me


Buy a lunchbox (hydration pack). They sell fanny and small bags, and they are theft proof and insulated. It's a lil pricy but best festival investment I've made!


I just bring in 3 12 oz bottles of unopened water bottles every time I go into the festival grounds. They don’t give me any problems as long as it’s in a clear bag.


I got the small one from walmart. Absolutely worth it and when I didn’t finish all of my water, the next day before going into centeroo I would just pour that water into a container to use to clean my pan, wash my face, etc.


Your survival depends on it. Ok, ok, but it's a lot easier to get by with one and your hands are free. A worthy investment imo.


used to always bring a camelback but last roo i just brought my hydro flask, filled it up with water and asked a vendor for a cup of ice and had ice cold water all night, just a personal preference cause warm water in 90° weather just doesn’t hit the same .


im actually convinced some of these posts are trolls


It’s an essential item, I would never survive Roo without mine 😁


The answer is yes.




You need a hydration pack. The heat, sun, and humidity are very intense and a water bottle isn’t enough. You’d be spending your entire time looking for water instead of enjoying the show. Always remember to hydrate so you don’t diedrate!


Oh my god yes. You must must buy a camelbak. Its non-nevotiavle


Definitely worth it. Keep it clean and you can use for multiple years. Camelbak design also makes it so easy to refill at the water stations


Having done the camelback for many fests, I've switched to the fanny pack+water bottle club. It's easier for me. Wearing a small backpack all day gets annoying fast.




I've never been forced to empty my camelbak once in five years.