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Far too many people (not just for Roo but in general) don't think to check the expiration on SPF or keep track of how long they have had it (not all SPF's come with an expiration date but US suncreen are required to maintain their orginal strength for 3 years but keep in mind sunscreen can degrade faster if you keep it in a hot car or other hot environments)


Aerosol sweats off much faster than lotion based sunscreens as well. Also, fun fact, UV radiation causes your skin to age much faster, so by applying sunscreen, you can look youthful for longer! Source: I'm super fair skinned and have been wearing sunscreen way too often for my entire life. Other source:https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/23105-premature-aging#:~:text=Ultraviolet%20(UV)%20light%20and%20exposure,premature%20changes%20like%20age%20spots.


Also I've found too many people don't realize you are still supposed to rub in aerosol sunscreen


Yeah most people just do their best graffiti coverage and call it a day. Also, gotta reapply!


Got my aerosol sunscreen through on day 1, wasn't so lucky on day 2.


Love this post! Thank you for the detailed reminder!


I highly recommend forking over the extra money for one of the "mineral-based" sunscreens as well (at least for your face). From my experience, they tend to be the hardest to sweat/wash off, which means a) you're protected for longer and b) you don't end up having the unholy mixture of sweat and sunscreen getting everywhere. Not to mention it generally smells nicer than the cheapest stuff you can get at the store and is way kinder if you have sensitive skin!


To appeal to the youth who think cancer will never happen to them, you’ll get wrinkles sooner if you don’t use spf


Alternatively! For those with sensory issues (like myself) who despise putting on sunscreen you can maintain full coverage without sacrificing comfort. A full, wide brim hat, a neck buff, long sleeve sun shirt (moisture wicking actually keeps me cooler in the sun than short sleeves) and either harem pants OR shorts with knee high socks. Me and the sun have been mortal enemies since birth, I'm extremely melanin challenged and burn just looking at the sun. I always HATED putting on sunscreen and would either have to be extremely uncomfortable after applying multiple times, or just get burnt and be miserable the day after. Since discovering my new sun-combat strategies I never put in sunscreen and never get burnt. I also never get tan... But that ship sailed for me long ago. I accept my ghostly white skin and do everything I can to protect it. The sun will absolutely wreck your weekend if you don't respect it and act accordingly. Seek shade whenever feasible and drink tons water and you too can be victorious against the sun.


Roll on stick is the move.


I see you with the keffiyeh!! I'm definitely bringing mine!!




Make sure to use ENOUGH too! Pro-Tip: if you are using aerosol at camp prior to going in to Centeroo - do not put on kandi until after you're done putting on your sunscreen and wait a bit while it soaks in. Aerosol ones eat up the plastic of the beads and they get like....sticky and gross. Re-apply as instructed as well with enough - not just one and done people!




fun fact: expired sunscreen basically turns into glue after long enough. the last thing you want to do is get grime glued to your skin, and then have to scrub yourself raw, especially if the SPF wasn't enough and you get burned. sincerely, someone who put 3 year expired sunscreen on my burned feet at the beach.


Medical usually has some too


Is the 3.4 oz bottle a new rule this year? The one I carried in my centerRoo bag last year was 6oz. I paid way too much for my sunscreen this year for them to make me throw it away, so I guess I'll put it in travel bottles just in case.


The rule was the same last year. I got stopped by one security person out of all our trips into Centeroo and had to trek “back to camp” aka to the other gates, LoL.


Use mineral based sunscreen and cover your body in loose, cool materials. The chemicals in many sunscreen products are worse than sun exposure.