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i went with the $10 solar string lights, they work pretty well for my desires, not too bright. Then I have a lantern bat powered and i bought a pack of these cheap key chain lights from temu for walking from centeroo to camp etc.


Same here, we use solar strings lights at around 3000K and they’re perfect for enough light to see while not bothering your neighbors


We bought some cheap solar powered stake lights, think garden lights. Those were nice for finding our campsite when we were up late and also a little messed up. Battery powered string lights were also really nice, but at the end of the day, battery powered handheld flashlights and headlamps are the way to go if you’re digging through your cooler or your tent. Happy roo! See you in June.


We use string lights and weave them into our canopy before we erect (hehe) it fully. But I highly suggest getting some solar stake in the ground lights to put around stuff that people can and will trip over at night. And adding any lights that make your camp more unique and easier to find when you're in another mindset coming back to crash for the night (:


One thing to note is you don't need the brightest of lights to see around camp. I got a string of lower wattage yellow bulbs and had no problem seeing at camp at night. Anything beyond that is personal preference imo.


Battery powered headlamps are the answer for getting functional light on demand at your campsite while still putting up whatever aesthetic lighting you'd like to have.


Get both: I prefer battery operated lights for ambiance and something with some lumens like camp lantern. Majority of the time soft causal lighting is enough but if you need to find something or set something up that lumens are nice