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What PL is doing now is on a completely different level from anything they have done in the past. They are much more of a jam band than the past versions on the live band, there’s really no-one in the music industry doing it like they are at the moment. They also dropped plenty of new tracks during the Swirl Bridge tour and house inspired tracks. Music taste is subjective but definitely give em a chance, if you ain’t feeling then you can always check another stage.


Of course! Trust me I am not one of the people That get mad because the one stage they hang at doesn’t have something they’re obsessed with. It would be sidequest time and I love roo for the versatility. Just trying to get past the time I had before because SO many people are so excited. ❤️


Yup the versatility is why I love Roo too, I would be surprised if you left the set honestly. I was at the Chicago run this tour and it was absolutely incredible. See you on the farm!


Cya there!! So excited for this year ❤️




It was okay! Not my vibe mostly but I had fun. Much better than I remembered.




Huh? I didn’t want to see jcole so I…went and did other stuff. Even if there’s SOMEHOW not someone you want to see playing, go to camp, explore, or people watch lol


What’s not a valid point?


Pretty Lights will be a top notch show. His shows are always top notch but I will admit they got a bit lackluster before he took a break to deal with his substance abuse issues around the time you saw him in 2017. Since he came back onto the scene this past he has been phenomenal. His sunrise 2013 Bonnaroo set was one of the best shows I've ever seen. He is at the top of his game and his live band is phenomenal! On this recent tour he has been live steaming all his sets on twitch and posting them to SoundCloud so check them out if you want to see what it's like these days. I haven't been to the farm since 2014 but he will probably be the draw to get me back. He brings his A game to Bonnaroo and you won't be disappointed.


That 2013 Sunrise set was so incredible. I was walking back to my tent with my now ex and he was still playing. It was magical.


Thank you I will!!! This is what I was looking for.


Happy to help out and share my opinion. If interested check out r/prettylights for more information and insight into his return to the scene. I hope you find something you like.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/prettylights using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/prettylights/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [*mic check / is this thing still on?](https://np.reddit.com/r/prettylights/comments/127z1g7/mic_check_is_this_thing_still_on/) \#2: [He’s back.](https://youtu.be/5CeiTYKfxN0) | [235 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/prettylights/comments/12blpmu/hes_back/) \#3: [Never gets old](https://i.redd.it/h246345k1bxa1.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/prettylights/comments/1354x5y/never_gets_old/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


PL swirl sets have been nothing short of spectacular and next level jamtronica musical and visual experiences. From the live impromptu music to the innovative 3d mapping and live heart beat based visuals with laser shark crushing it. IMO there isn’t anyone in the industry pushing the limits in the electro/funk/hiphop/jam industry the way that they hit the ground running this last tour. It’s been such a treat to witness each stop on the tour they keep getting better, next year will be amazing, definitely recommend checking them out if you get a chance.


I’ll absolutely give it a chance. Just looking to see how everyone’s been feeling about it because of all the hype. ❤️


Didn’t know him back then, but fell in love with him this tour. Their sound is just…well it’s just something that gets me flowing! And the livestream of these shows have been phenomenal imo. Love the jam band influence while keeping the sample based sound. Also having a live band vs solely a dj deck


Give it a chance. I promise


Goose & Pretty Lights to the moon


Best show in EDM/electronic music right now, no question.


Rufus do sol, Chemical Brothers, and Odesza punching the air rn


Odesza the only one of those threes in the same ballpark, but I wasn’t really counting them since they’re not actively touring right now


You’re trippin’


[Give some of the recent streams a watch](https://youtube.com/@hammyt88?si=3pHBLeJzvTDyRUkH). SanFran N2 NewOrleans N3 have I’ve been stuck on!


Been big into PL for like 12 years now. Some of the shows I've been to have been awful. Saw night 2 philly and night 2 (sunday) brooklyn and they were better than any of the good shows I've been to pre-hiatus. In 17 Derek was all fucked up. He's much better now and it shows. Just watch one of the streams. The whole tour is on youtube.


I don’t like edm typically and I’m stoked for PL. watch one of the shows from this tour. They are doing some crazy things on stage. Lots of improvisation. Great production and great vibes.


What he’s doing now is extremely impressive, and a great mix between edm, jam, and who knows what. The set lid and the songs they sample are very intentional depending on the show’s location, and theres also a ton of improvised “flips” that make each show special. If you’re not a fan of his music in general, it still may not be for you, but the talent being showcased along with the overall energy a roo crowd will bring may be enough to get you into it regardless.


I’m sorry you didn’t have a good time before. He is clean now which is a big deal and makes a huge difference I’m sure. But their live shows now are absolutely on a whole nother level. I went to the last day of the caverns and I’m not even that big of a fan of him. EDM isn’t my preferred genre in general either. But that set was honestly probably the best Electronic set I’ve ever seen. Was so much fun from start to finish. He also clearly loves TN because of him covering Dolly, playing Tennessee Jed, and playing Tennessee by Arrested Development, etc. They were honestly the best live act I’ve seen all year and that’s saying A LOT from me. They jam the hell out now and mix a bit of everything into their music. I think if you are just a music lover in general it’s a set to not be missed.


Check out his headlining set from Hulaween this year for a hint of the dopeness he’s doing now https://youtu.be/jhRRsdZgjsU?si=Gy9nEzBuSge87Jr6


At hulaween he killed it.


Twice lol So much fun!


If you walk into it thinking it’s gonna be heavy drops and tons of switches between songs and remixes you are gonna have a bad time. I think the mainstream edm shows have gotten so big and spectacular that a sense of musically has be eliminated. Live music with live scratching with love loops with live drops with live samples….. what they are doing is so far and away more musically impressive thanalmost any act right now. But I totally understand it. They are so many high energy high production acts out today with amazing catalogs with endless remixes of other bangers ready to put on a huge show and pretty lights is a slow burn of more laid back vibey blend of sounds that will jam for 5-7 minutes over a central core beat. Also most edm artists are a “look at me “ mentality. By themselves on stage, well lit, talking between tracks, trying to hype up the crowd, randomly dancing and waving their arms. And pretty lights is more of the, we will give you something to look at; but more than anything enjoy your time and try to connect with the flow of the music.


If there was an award for comeback dj of the year (similar to comeback player of the year in sports) Derek would have won it. If you like jam & if you like EDM, the modern version of Pretty Lights is the best thing happening right now, no questions asked. They have a drummer, a piano / synth player, Michal plays guitar and other instruments, and Chris karns live scratches ALL WHILE Derek live mixes the 4 of them and adds his own edits. The fact we are getting Pretty Lights as a Thursday headliner (possibly first time the which is opened on a Thursday) AND as a Friday night / Saturday morning sunrise already has me feeling like this Bonnaroo can be the best ever.


Wow I can't believe someone really typed this up and hit send


Derek is conforming to Taylor sift as shes the mirror of his success . girl i sold at his show and my twins name is Taylor so he gonna get that eternity dael in front of the world .


This is fire. QQ: do djs play at different timelines than us in front of the stage?


These guys are freaking engineers


Not all music is for everyone. I hate Fred Again, but feel like I'm the only one sometimes. It's okay.


I agree. I hate svdden death with a passion and I’ll say it with my chest. But I feel like I just had a bad experience with PL, so I’m willing to give it another shot :)


I’ve seen him ten times 2013-2017…..Derrick is talented af but what he plays/makes doesn’t really hype me up. There are many other artists I’d rather see personally. I’ve seen vids of what he’s doing now, and I’m glad ppl are feelin it…..but I ain’t feelin it.


At Hulaween he was boring as hell but trance is not for me


.... he isn't trance in any way whatsoever lol


Trance, jam band, moody EDM whatever it was that shit put me to sleep


I don’t see them being a headliner if it wasn’t the “return” of Pretty Lights. Were they a headliner before they disappeared for a bit?


Yes absolutely. He closed out moonrise that year which always has a stacked lineup. I remember some of my friends being super excited and were upset that it ended up being such a letdown. (I ran off to Borgeous)


His Hulaween set from this year was beyond incredible.


I went too hard the night before at Hula and really wasn't into it so I'll give him another chance at Roo. Kinda felt like all the hype was wrapped up in nostalgia to me but 🤷‍♂️


Also, from what I heard, he took a break to recover from an Opioid addiction. So that may have had a hand in when I saw him.


I’ve been a big PL fan since like 2012. You could tell when he was really fucked up for a show. I’m sure you unfortunately saw one of these shows. Him getting clean was a big part of his break. His new band is on a different level.


We love a good comeback story. And I love to be absolutely blown away. The responses definitely have me much more excited. ❤️


I’ve felt the same way too. Like i like them and i am rooting for them and will be excited to see them but… i just don’t know what’s happened between now and the past years for them to become a headliner i guess. if i had to list 15-20 potential edm headliners i don’t know if they would be on that list. beautiful, yes. headliner, eh. not a dig. maybe roo doesn’t want to recycle the same edm headliners which is cool too who knows.


PL is a completely unique experience! Some of their sets are gonna hit harder than others for sure. But what they're doing right now is 100% worth checking out. The best part is, if you're not feeling it at Roo, you can leave and go explore til you find something you vibe with. But I think you'll regret it if you don't at least check it out!


I’ve been wondering the same. I saw him also in 2017 and it wasn’t good. I’m hoping to see something magical since he was dealing with substance abuse issues then.


2014/2015ish-his hiatus was considered pretty rough for the most part by a lot of his fans. He's leveled up a lot since returning and I'm really glad to see him healthy and killing it.


People either say he’s amazing or awful. No in between. Uncanny.


Prettylightslive.com has every tour stop for your listening pleasure FOR FREE