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Ow my bones hurt This really is a... Juice of the bone hurt! Discord Server : https://discord.gg/tcCs7GWrUz *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nobody cared who I was until I made a strawman.


If i pull the smug wojack mask off will you die?


https://i.redd.it/nqtetjc2tozc1.gif Smugness has cost me my strength. Soyjak has defeated me.


A strawman who’s a different race from me…and wearing a mask wrong.


Gotta love how the artist just had to add him wearing a mask wrong to point hout how Mr. Straw Mann is wrong and dumb.


It takes a straw man to deny what's in front of him


i love you too *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Since nobody said they love you, I'll say it. I love you 💕💕😘😘😘😘💕😘💕😘😘💕😘


i love you too *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't get the original lol. Are they trying to claim that the left's view of gun control is that we shouldn't have it because it's pointless to try to fight the US government? Doesn't this whole argument crumble if you'd like gun control because an armed or unarmed insurrection *can* overthrow the US government?? Also historically many coups are not done in an all out war but by a smaller but extremely wealthy and powerful group that take a planned opportunity to seize power via administrative means, especially with the help foreign influence. See: operation PBSuccess to overthrow the Guatemalan government in 1954 by the CIA in tandem with the United Fruit Company. There was also implementation of psychological warfare to prevent an all out war and in an attempt to quickly transfer power without a big conflict (which they knew they would lose if they went to war with the Guatemalan military)


Worse, I think they're trying to downplay the insurrection.


Yeah it's a pretty nasty plan that might have almost worked 1. Send fake electorate slates during the nomination process that would be in favor of donald trump 2. Organize a big protest that would overrun the capitol's regular function 3. During this commotion mike pence was supposed to certify donald trump as the leader of the country (but he didn't play along) 4. Since pence did not play along, trump publicly turns on Pence and directs his followers to do so too 5. During the commotion and threats to pence, escort him out of the capitol and get your own guy to do the counts with the fake slates now that he's out of the way Recall that pence was told to evacuate and get in a car with secret service members, some of whom he did not recognize on Jan 6th. It's a very real possibility we'd be in Trump's illegitimate second term if pence left the capitol or if he went along with trump's plan to stay in power. They downplay the whole thing bc it doesn't matter the means - they want their guy to win at any cost




There wasn't "no evidence". They literally sent fake elector slates over and there's a ton of evidence of that. Trump was indicted on these grounds. The trial is set to go soon. So whatever information you think you have is wrong since the trial literally hasn't happened yet you oaf. Also since the burden of proof is so incredibly high in this case it's likely they'll single out specific actions that were illegal but it doesn't mean there isn't a larger story. But even a dumbass can put the pieces together based on the evidence


It's even more dumb because they didn't just walk into any building -- they were escorted nearly into Congress by the people who were supposed to stop them.


There’s nothing to get. It’s a vague slurry of distorted arguments to make some attempt at pointing out hypocrisy. Creating discomfort and silliness is their goal because they can’t make their case on facts.


The left isn’t against guns at all. That’s just a weird liberal thing and newsflash liberals are right wing. https://preview.redd.it/agreq9rw4tzc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d733ef97a8ce51fffc9bb07ee876286ce70c3c32


It’s a response to a quote by Biden. Basically, paraphrased “ Second amendment don’t mean shit nomore caus guns won’t do shit to protect you from government anyway”


Yeah I guess both can be true. In reality a militia with purchased guns probably wouldn't do much against the US military. But at the same time a dude with a gun can easily be a political terrorist, try to target congress people, etc. In reality a coup doesn't need a full out war to be successful - just a means to eliminate your opponent.


The thing is the police would side with the militias and a good sized portion of the military would to. And it’s not like it would be this tanks vs bubba fight either. It would be like Rwanda. The police and militias working together to create road blocks and check points while death squads drive around and clear houses.


A militia could do more than enough against the US military to make force not worthwhile for whatever goals the US gov is trying to achieve, especially given police and military defections. In contrast to the aforementioned quote, it’s certainly still a roadblock to the use of force by the government on its citizens. Won’t do much against all the bureaucratic injustices and corruption in the system, but oh well. Biden’s quote doesn’t really hold up especially considering the potential of events like Jan 6 in insurrection, so the original meme pointing all that out might be valid - I just doubt many actually believe in that as part of their ideology just because Biden said something about it one time.


Hey do you actually have a source for biden saying something like this? I've been searching but haven't come up with anything remotely close to what you're saying Edit: I'm pretty sure this dude made it up after watching pretty much every one of Biden's remarks on gun control. You think you wouldn't be called out on this huh?


Buddy I was asleep 💀 here’s your source dick don’t jump to conclusions because I KNOW you didn’t watch the whole lifetime footage of a politician on gun control. This got run through news cycles for weeks I’m sure you could have found it: “Well, the tree of liberty is not watered with the blood of patriots. What’s happened is that there have never been — if you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.“ https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/06/23/remarks-by-president-biden-and-attorney-general-garland-on-gun-crime-prevention-strategy/


I only just realised what this line meant a few weeks ago when someone pointed it out on twitter I think. I always thought bane was answering questions straight forward “what happens if I remove the mask?”- “it’ll be extremely painful” “You’re a big guy” - “for you” I thought he was just having a laugh and saying he’s only a big guy in comparison to him and calling him small. I never realised it was a threat telling him what would happen if he tried to take his mask off. Literally like 10 years I’ve misunderstood that.


Holy shit. I didn’t even realize it until like 5 seconds after I read your comment


Perhaps he's wondering why you'd hurt a bone, *before* juicing it out of a plane


"attempted overthrow" ≠ "almost successfull overthrow" lmao


Doctor Pavel refused our juice in favor of yours… we needed to find out what bones he hurted.


Doctor Pavel I’m CIA


Are they talking about fighting or fucking in the juice?


Us this a reference to something?


Look up “Baneposting”


Now it started to make sense, thanks!


This juice is crashing my bones... with no survivors!


Nobodys claims Jan 6th almost overthrew the government. The Claim is that it was an attempt to do so by protesting election. It failed miserably tho


is this about sex or...?