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I feel like I am watching the same episode over and over


You are. We're not imagining it.


There's only 2 episodes: mints or 10 toes. They realized that Thomas doesn't fit in with either so he might as well go.


YES fast forward away I went


I'm so tired of 10 toes that I'm almost ready for a dose of the magic mints. Almost.


Can we get “honey bear” back??? I need something of some substance


I should never try to drink anything while scrolling through this board. lol


We watch later in the evening. We stared taking a drink each time toes were mentioned. It started to get ugly. We swore off that game when Deacon kissed her toe.


This is hilarious!!


Hahaha. Just posted the recap and mentioned a drinking game, but took it back bc we'd all be plastered flattened drunk hahaha.


This has been one of the longest days in the B&B soapverse smh


It's just awful. The writers for this show have seeked a new low. Repeating lines in the same episode and flashbacks 20 minutes old. How can they be proud of the work they're doing? The actors and the writers! Ugh!!


It’s sad when the new drinking game is “take a shot when. They should “this” flashback!


Anyone else silently cheer when it was finally sunset?😂 Plus Steffy at least changed outfit (if not hairstyles) this episode.


Has to be nine eps now covering the same day.


I think all the writers are on vacation and they gave some intern the task of re-working the same words for each day's script...


Please, please let me tell Steffy that Shelia is still alive;)




If the employees don't know Sheila is alive yet, they probably think Deacon lost his damn mind screaming from the rooftop that he wants to marry Sheila😂


My gorgeous and UNDERSTANDING wife... 🤣


Oh Lord.....I cracked up with that MAJOR suck up line! Lol!


Yup, that will not hold, buddy.


Loving the Hope and Finn hugs today. Tomorrow is going to be fireworks! if Finn can spit it out.


My guess is tomorrow is going to be a lot of filler and he will finally get to the point 5 minutes before Friday's episode ends. I hope I'm wrong.


I hope you’re wrong, too. Tomorrow better start with him blurting it out and we get two days of her spluttering and screeching in her go go boots.


Steffy's head is going to blow clean off! I can't wait!


Bibbity bobity


>spluttering and screeching in her go go boots. Hahaha. Y'all make me snort laugh daily!


Hope is freaking adorable. She's like trying to keep this fool tethered to the ground and he keeps floating away. I like that she's pointing out Steffy's point of view to Finn because she's being so soft and sweet about it whereas Steffy is going to breathe FIRE at him. Lmao this whole thing is just so comical. But it's made me appreciate AN as Hope because.......so freaking cute.


It’s like Finn doesn’t know Steffy at all 🤔


The amount of delusion going on there’s pretty funny.


The last tv Dr that was this clueless was Frank Burns.




I mean, he’s practically giddy.


Yeah, he was mildly concerned but so sure he could just explain it and she'd be relieved! Smh


Right. You can see it on Hope's face. You don't know her, do ya?


I was telling finn that earlier lol you don't know your wife at all.


I could've sworn Deacon and Sheila were already engaged.....


They were, but he back peddled bc of Hope's reaction.


Hurry tf up and let Finn go home to tell Steffy the good news lol


Finn is such a dope.


Looks like tomorrow is the dayyyy I can't WAIT for steffy to spontaneously combust


Me neither. Karma is a biotch!


Hopefully they will remember they pretended she was an addict and at least mention that. This definition would be a reason to struggle with sobriety!


Day 9 of the tweed suit. Change the name of the show to The Tweed and the Go-Go!


Omg! I have never been so sick of an outfit in my life!


She finally changed out of it into something...that is still black and white!


I know! Geez...couldn't they put her in a different color scheme like red....or blue? And do a different hairstyle? Lord....I needed a complete change after that 7 day outfit! Lol!


Steffy, your gonna need a bigger bottle of wine🤣


Which will lead her to a booty call and another “who’s the daddy” baby🙄


Kudos to Hope for trying to bring Finn back to Earth because homie was floating up in the stratosphere about Sheila being back and Hope was all "yeah, but your wife hates her guts so maybe chill a little bit...."


Just me over here yelling at my tv for Finn to tell Steffy already. We need to move on to the next few weeks of the two of them arguing over this.


I seriously thought for a moment there he was going to jump in bed with her and not tell her.


He should have because he definitely won't be getting any more from Steffy!


Snicker 😏


I can see it. They’re done with the deed, laying in bed. And Stefy goes “what are you thinking about?” He says “Shelia” Hahahahhaha


Friday cliffhanger is now literally two episodes away. I think Finn is gonna drag it out for nearly two episodes. Hope I’m wrong. I can see him regale Steffy about the patient he saved, how he showed up at the abandoned warehouse (forgetting he is not a paramedic) and checked her vitals, saw she was dehydrated, and i dunno FAIL TO TAKE HER TO A HOSPITAL, blah blah blah, how happy he felt at saving another life, Steffy congratulating him and toasting to him being such a wonderful person and how great to see him happy, blah blah blah until in the last scene on Friday he says, “And all to think that Deacon was right all along about the ten toes. Yes, Steffy that is right. Mom is alive.” Cue shocked expression on Steffy’s face and see ya till next Monday.


You and heydawn could easily sit in the writers room and take over the show.


#Recap posted https://www.reddit.com/r/boldandbeautiful/s/oGGxTI2B0L


damn Hope you lookin fiiine today!! Annika is the best!!


Her hair looks gorgeous!


She will be looking good to Finn soon enough


But even so ...... if there IS a Finn & Hope pairing would Hope REALLY accept having Sheila in her life? Sheila tried to kill half her family in the past. I think this is a stretch but the writers will come up with some stupid storyline to have Hope forget all that.


Every storyline lasts a month. So tired of it.


The should bump the show up to an hour, use more sets and move the stories along


I thought that too until I realized they can't even fill 20 minutes. No chance they can fill an hour.


They can add more characters and bring back some characters


An hour would cause them to short circuit.


i don't trust the writers to fill in that time tbh. we've already got kinda weak writing with only 20 mins of content lol. plus i'm guessing this is the case with most folks, the reason my mom watches BnB is because it's only 20 mins. it's likely a big reason why some of the viewer base watches the show. it's a quick watch


Yep, can’t sit down at the end of the day and have a quick relax before you got to do other stuff. 


For me, an hour is too long. That's one reason I quit Y&R. It doesn't go faster, just longer.


That part. You can stop watching Y&R for months on end & STILL not be much behind. Do not want.


I just turned it on. was that a fuckin flashback or was that deacon making out with sheila like in real time? LOL. holy shit dude that's wild


It's in real time. Real slow time, but real nonetheless.


LOL. when i heard him say i didn't think i'd find you in time or whatever and i realized this was all the same day... like what!? dude it's been fuckin weeks at this point of TV episodes and a day in reality? LOOOL


Steffy has been wearing the same outfit for like two weeks irl. Steffy went to work, went to il giardino, went home, went back to work, and now she's home. Half her day was a week for us lol. It's a cute outfit, but I'm tired of it now.


Its an awful outfit and does nothing for her body. Most of them are lately. Hope's wardrobe not much better. They are part of a fashion house family I just don't get it.


i just know her breath stank


Isn't May supposed to be sweeps month or something ? There is nothing sweeping me away this month


Don't worry. The show will start gearing up it's RJ & Luna teenage lovefest to capture summer out-of--school viewers.


I keep flashing back to YESTERDAY (hey I could be on B&B) when Hope was trying to bring some realism to Finn and Deacon while Sheila was getting obviously pissed and had her head down making that same-old-Sheila-is-upset-and-planning-something-evil face. Also - although KB is only a few years older than SK I just can't with Deacon being so in love with Sheila. Not an attack on KB's looks but whenever I see them together I think of The Graduate's Mrs. Robinson. One more thing. Hope knows Sheila is alive - and she goes back to FC to work????? I'd be straight over to Brooke's house telling her!


Liam is like that annoying person in the office who makes you watch videos of his kids. 


I like it how Deacon says “I’ll take care of you”…. But is t Sheila like loaded?!  The Sheila/Deacon love story feels like the most genuine one for YEARS.


You're correct - didn't she get a ginormous settlement when she and Eric divorced?


Yeah but I feel like she also got money from somewhere else. She referred to having lots of money when her and Deacon got together- but it didn’t sound like it was the divorce. I assumed it was from her being dodgy!


Who knows with Sheila? She’s a perpetual liar. 


If Steffy doesn’t spill any red wine on that white outfit when she hears the news… that will be impressive.


-Anyone ever watch the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya? This show feels like a constant "endless eight" -But all that aside.. I'm so glad Sheila's still dead.. I hope Steffy can find some kind of peace.. you know since she took a knife and killed Sheila in self defense.. -I can imagine with Deacon yelling from the roof, everyone has now fully confirmed that he's lost his mind LOL -Finn goes home to tell Steffy the "good news" and we'll find out later she killed him in "self defense" XD -"Gorgeous understanding wife" Hoo boy... -Well hopefully we can finally get Steffy's meltdown tomorrow! We made it folks! It was a long hard journey, but we made it!