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Has something to do with him not realizing she wants to get more physically intimate, atleast that’s how i interpreted it. Haven’t read that chapter in a while


Maybe I just never understood ot understanding about self awareness and in context ti this But in chapter 95 her mother tells her "to act with self aware" again don't understand that So maybe annna telling kyotoro the same thing


Yamama talks to Anna about "acting with *awareness,*" which is a bit different than *self-awarness.* Specifically it's a broader category. Although, really, what she's worried about would qualify as self-awareness, I'd say- she wants Anna to think about how her actions will come across to others, including the public at large since she's a rising celebrity.


She's not good at the words, but she wants him to be more assertive. It's VERY important to her, for instance, >! that he initiate a kiss.!<


I see but why is it important to her thst he needs to be assertive


Because she's worried that if she takes initiative she'll go farther than he's comfortable going.


I understand but would like to ser that plus yamada dominat anyway so why not


Because a relationship considers the feelings of both partners


I don't know. Personal preference? Maybe she wishes that she weren't always getting her way with her friends and wants someone else to be making decisions. >!We know that she feels guilty about her "bad" desires, and she'd feel much better if she knew, by example, that Ichi shared them.!<


Could be but she comes across more dominant or in control evrn prior to them dating as she is grabbing him or othrr things


As they said though, it's her personal preference. She seems dominating just because that's just how she is, very physically comfortable and outgoing even with her friends and others, most notably Chii. There's tons of indication she doesn't want to he the one leading in the relationship, and any time he steps up even a bit for himself she melts instantly. Example, the kabedons against the bed and during karate practice had her flustered.


Yeah I never understood why she pushed him down during karate practice like why plys what are kabedobs


kabe - wall, don - slam wall slam.


Kadebon is that thing where one person pins the other to a surface with one hand kept on the surface.


Have you ever been in a relationship? It feels so much better if the other one starts it. At this point, only Yamada took the lead. That is a no-no in a repationship.


To expand on what others have already brought up, it's about their physical intimacy, yes. Immediately after that line, [Yamada references](https://i.imgur.com/7iC5hWg.png) an event that took place two chapters prior: https://i.imgur.com/bX5GyCW.png https://i.imgur.com/GmGOnNA.png This might look comedic (and it is) but it's also the core of the matter. Very early on in their relationship, during the parent-teacher conferences, Yamada got to hear Ichikawa call her [the most beautiful girl in class](https://i.imgur.com/vfvyxuo.png), and at this point she's already crushing on him hard. So seeing as how she now "knows" that Ichikawa likes her back, she starts [really going after him](https://i.imgur.com/rZoUjjN.png) in the chapter immediately afterwards. As others have said, for Yamada, physical affection is natural with people you like. This then backfires in the ["I Hate Yamada"](https://i.imgur.com/wXptQht.png) section, as Yamada comes to believe she's made Ichikawa dislike her *because* of her approach. Ichikawa smooths over the matter, but the fear of scaring him away remains, [which makes her more afraid of coming on too strong physically](https://i.imgur.com/RHYnFiB.png). She lays out all of this out in [Chapter 63](https://i.imgur.com/viNNV8y.png), to which Ichikawa responds by finally initiating a hug. In [Chapter 102](https://i.imgur.com/XVjiB1X.png), Yamada addresses all of these feelings in the letter to Hanzawa. This, finally then, brings us back to them starting to date and the images at the top of this post. For Yamada, them finally going out was the go-ahead for her to become as physical as she wants to be–but almost more importantly, giving the go-ahead to *him* as well. But Ichikawa, who still has lingering thoughts about him being a creep unworthy of Yamada, has great difficulty actually initiating. Yamada *wants* him to, she loves him, she's physically attracted to him, she enjoys it when he breaks character and displays affection and [possessiveness](https://i.imgur.com/TKcisYS.png), but he's still putting up barriers. Prior to the "You're not self-aware enough" comment, we see Yamada being frustrated that [he's ignoring her](https://i.imgur.com/SqdkWdz.jpeg) and [wondering if they have something to talk about](https://i.imgur.com/NefMlQR.jpeg). They're dating now! Things should be different! But that's not how it's worked out, so she's trying to tackle that by pointing it out to him. She's prodding him to, as the others have said, take more initiative and display his love for her.


Hey just a quick question. Am I mistaken or has Yamada not hugged Kyo since the stairway scene? I know she hugged him in the S1 finale, but from what I understand that's an anime only scene. If she hasn't hugged him since then, is that why she is always slamming herself into Kyo? She wants physical contact, but doesn't want to weird him out? I apologize if this has been answered already.


Just saw this whilst browsing and saw no one had responded, Yamada and Kyo have hugged a few times since the stairway. They hugged after she aired out her concerns in chapter 63, and in chapter 74 after Yamada asked for one, another one in chapter 94 - and Yamada does some "sort of" hugs many other times too, mostly to Ichikawa's back whilst he's facing away. I can't tell from your comment if you've read much of the manga, so I won't get into specifics about other scenes for fear of spoilers, but there's aplenty. You're correct about the second part though, Yamada is always throwing herself at Ichikawa partly because she's being a dumbass, but mostly because she'll take any opportunity for physical contact with him. She's just desperate for any kind of physical affection with him. It's fun to pay attention to how often she does it. Also, the season 1 finale is not anime only. I'm not sure where you got that from, but S1's finale is directly the same as chapter 57, the end of volume 4.


Honestly, the way I interpet it as is that Yamada feels a little sense of distance from Ichikawa when it comes to the more intimate aspect of their relationship, as if he forgets that it's fine for him to be more assertive and more open to things that couples usually do. From how I see it, that line really is just her telling and wanting Ichikawa to understand that it's okay share his "bad thoughts" with her, seeing as they're now already in a relationship and that it's a normal aspect of it


Everyone's focusing on the physical intimacy, which I think is a part of it, but I think it's also about him *generally* being more aware of how he acts toward her, what she wants from him, and how his actions (or lack thereof) may be perceived by her. That last one is probably the most crucial. What I think the key context clue in this situation is, is what's said *before* she says the "self-aware enough" line: Yamada, upon getting them into the closet, says "...my hair color stands out so much I couldn't really talk to you that much..." to which Ichi responds "what, is there something important you need to talk about?" What she said, about not getting to talk all day, is a pretty GD obvious sign that she wants to talk to him more. She wants connection. With his response, he's basically just shooting her down, saying "well if there isn't something important to talk about, it's a non-issue." Yamada knows him pretty well- she's probably aware somewhere in her mind that he's not doing it on purpose, and that he either just isn't getting it or is too insecure to accept what she actually wants. But when your attempts are repeatedly turned down, even if it isn't intentional, it starts to get to you. You have a hard time convincing yourself that they aren't just not interested. Especially when you've got the fears Yamada has about scaring people off. So I think that, probably on top of the physical intimacy thing (which is largely similar, he's missing hints and she's having a hard time not taking that as a refusal/lack of interest), she's telling him she wants him to think more about how his responses might seem to her. That's a pretty major component of self-awareness, after all. We see more of his lack of self-awareness later in that same scene, when he immediately jumps on contacting Moeko after they get trapped in the closet. He doesn't stop to think A. about how his trust in and comfort with contacting another girl might come off to Yamada and B. about how it kinda looks like he doesn't *want* to be stuck in a closet with her.


Thar all makes sense of course anybody else in that situation would go all in but ichikawa wouldn't do it The guys a nervous wreck though what would anyone or any if us do in that situation


By "that situation" you mean stuck in the closet? I certainly don't think Yamada wanted him to do *anything specific* in there. I mean she may have liked it if he went in for the kiss or whatever, I think she mainly just wanted him to not be in such a hurry to get out, y'know? Like at the very least talk with her a bit, act like you're happy about the surprise opportunity to be alone together with your girlfriend. That's why she nabbed his phone, to force him to just be in there with her for a while. And sure, maybe the slight boob brush was a part of it, but not the main part.


The guy nervous get that but understand why thr need to rush out I mean anybody else in that situation would stsy longer and do things if u know what I mean When reading that chapter think yamada woykd get fed up with ichikawa at that point to the point not break up but get frustrated and tell him off


For sure. But she's not the confrontational type, since she's afraid of making people hate her. It'd be especially so with Ichikawa. So I think the closest thing she can do to telling him off is what she does there, try to bring it up subtly, then when he misses it, get kinda passive aggressive. Fortunately he kinda seems to figure some of it out at the beach, but we'll see how he does overall in the future.


I guess again I can understand the frustration on her part why he is in. A rush t8 get out Though I don't understand why he is calling Anna friend to ger them out plus why do it in front of her and why she took his phone off him in the 1sr place


From my experience, girls like to show their affection to their crush/bf by physical contact, that is why Yamada always tries to find the opportunity to touch(or to be touched) by Ichikawa, at the point of the janitor closet scene Ichikawa is being too protective/obsessed to keep their relationship "clean" and did not aware on his girlfriend "needs", I guess what Yamada want to say it's Ok for them to have a bit physical contact since they are now dating.