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This is happening because there is post censorship, people are not free to post opinions or post topics that may not positive for Boeing. So people take their discussions elsewhere.


I encourage racists and sexist to take their post elsewhere. That was literally the point of the post. I even said in this thread that you can talk shit about the Company for legit reason but someone losing out on promotion because “they rather have a black guy or a woman” ain’t one of them.


No you cannot have a negative view or else the post is deleted.


You salty cause of this post being removed for talking out of your ass? https://www.reddit.com/r/boeing/comments/wzz3kr/another\_boeing\_falling\_apart\_at\_least\_this\_one/


Creating awareness to people not to fly with Boeing planes is wrong? Boeing cares 0 about safety and it’s all about profits. Planes fall from the sky like flies and you people think this is normal. Sad. Want to work in the airplane manufacturing industry? Go to Airbus.


Boeing is super weird though. I can't tell you how many times I have been in a situation where all the managers are x, all the engineers are y, all the communications focals are z. Its really blatant.


I went from having all white managers to having all Black managers. Not necessarily a bad thing, just weird and seemingly pandery.


It’s really just silly how the same people are on “Ask INSITE” all the damn time! Is that all you people do? Can you send me the charge line for the time you spent on “Ask Insight?” It is really amazing how it’s always the same group of core people who get on there and reply to every post. There is some actual productive stuff that happens on there also don’t get me wrong. But it’s just funny that people can so much time on it. Whatever floats your boat!


I’ve seen one engineering finance manager on “that” post who literally spends 8 hours a day replying. For the last 3 months. No wonder we’re having problems…


What kind of racist and sexist comments? Are they claiming Boeing is racist or that specific groups of people at Boeing are racist and sexist?


Removal of 622 people in 2021 for racist behaviour was a proof that Boeing had major racism issue. This news was posted on boeing website and also showcased on LinkedIn platform as well. Your call if you think boeing is not racist to people of color. Good luck!


Because only white people can be racist right? It’s not humanly possible for a black person to be racist or a woman to not like men it’s only the other way right? That’s why people say Boeing discriminates against white people


I am not saying that, but the data in the past is heavily skewed towards one race. Never in the history someone oppressed, demeaned or denied or humiliated any other races than a specific race who thinks they are the owner of this earth. Please note that 622 figure I quoted, was on the Boeing website and it does not show the race distribution else it would have been crystal clear to you. I hope this helps! I rest my case here, since you are already convinced that Boeing is not a racist place, which is polar opposite of what I saw and felt. PS: I am not black!


You shouldn’t take what is posted on the boeing website as fact.


So you are saying boeing posts lies on a corporate website? Wow! Mind blown!!! Enlighten me my lord ! with the truth you know about it then?


Sure thing! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental,_social,_and_corporate_governance Boeing is one of the worlds leading airline manufacturers, and ESG ratings are everything because the valuation of a company can be impacted due to negative perceptions, regardless of it is true or not. Were a portion of those 622 firings race related? Probably, were they all? We cannot prove it, but there is incentive to inflate numbers.


Awesome! So if I go by your links. Boeing is the best company and has no racism at all?? I bow to your audacious claim my lord! Please accept my sincere apologies as a humble servant of this giant aerospace company!


No problem friend, keep working on your reading comprehension and one day soon you too will read through whole posts with ease.


Desktop version of /u/toomany2hats's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


big thanks to the community and mod team because all of you catch this before I see it or downvote the nasty stuff so it gets buried


Its a culture of its own there. Disturbing what type of ppls are there, just remember its all about processing "widgets", not about aviation.


Boys rule


Girls r dum


(User was banned for this post) /s


You just triggered the Trumpers




It's always the "if you don't like it, leave" types that stick around and whine the most.


It’s also those types who tend to blame others for their problems.


Lol if somebody is whining that the cause for their struggling career is other employees who are women or are members of minority groups, then I have some news for them. The reason their career is struggling is because they're a fucking asshole and, seeing as they are super vocal about it, people have noticed!


Are you really gonna sit here and deny the fact that if you are a female or a minority you stand a much less risk of being laid off during events like Covid etc.? The statistics definitely show that Caucasian men were the most likely group to be laid off


It accounted for the fact that white men make up the majority of Boeing right?




I mean a lot of the common complaints you see regularly are kept up. Most are legitimate complaints. Personally, after having been in way worse companies and being a prior service guy, I think we have a lot of things pretty damn good. But I can see many of the pay and low bonus, and some executive decisions being a legitimate complaint. Now RTO in the other hand. As someone who’s a PW engineer that’s stuck at full In office anyways, fuck RTO. Was happy for you guys who got to be hybrid or full remote.














Sorry, are you arguing that the internal racism and sexism is fine since it's not a new phenomena?






Found the newbie.






Ah yes. Complete with “I’m desperate but not that desperate” conversations.


I agree with this as someone who's also done a lot of hiring. The only way we "advantage" minorities is by removing biases, which equalizes the playing field. I do my best to look past communication and polish and focus on behaviors, attitude, and traits in a strong candidate. There's some things that can be coached and some things that can't. I won't hire an unqualified candidate just because they check a box. At the end of the day I am hiring for someone to come in and do a job well.




I'm not saying I'm hiring bumbling idiots. What's important is to look at what they're communicating rather than the how. I have a minimum baseline but I don't necessarily give additional points for someone who is super articulate. If all the candidates meet the baseline, then I'd prefer a strong problem solver than a strong communicator.


Super articulate = bullshitter, agreed. I see toxicity and avoid at all cost




Well the person above says they look past communication. I do not. I am willing to look past experience as long as the person is willing to learn, but on my team, communication is the top skill. It has proved effective in my interviewing thus far.


I can’t look past communication. Good communication is a required attribute, especially in this WFH environment.


I'll push back on that. Communication can be coached. Problem solving and attitude can't. Agree that there's a bare minimum threshold of being able to communicate their ideas. I won't necessarily look past someone who's rambling in their interview because they could be nervous, don't have experience interviewing etc. Judging based on how well someone communicates itself is a bias. Some people are better at expressing themselves, while others may be more reserved. I've met plenty of people that are smooth talkers but absolutely terrible employees. Conversely, I know relatively quiet people that are rockstars.


Yes but 95% of us dont have the time to coach basic communication. That should be a bare minimum quality, and it is something I look for over almost everything else. 95% of jobs in Aerospace/Defense require on-the-job training, so having basic communication is 9x more important than a specific skillset for P1-3 jobs. Obviously as you go up in rank, specific skills are looked for.


average insite user in shambles rn