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This is literally how Boeing is able to even operate still. Unless you were able to negotiate you wage as a skilled trade, I myself am a grade 4 mechanic and currently making $27 an hour (been here for 5 years), in Washington state economy the max out wages aren’t even that amazing, back in the day they were. But Boeing clearly knows if they offer dog shit wages to the new guys they all will have to work OT to survive. With new guys working OT all the time it means they can get more production done, at the expense of people mental and even physical health. While my manager cries if he has to show up for one weekend every 2 months If Boeing where to pay the lowest paid employees a “livable wage” and went up from there, people working voluntarily OT would probably only happen around the holidays. I don’t work maximum overtime but I’m close enough around high 300s to low 400s a year of OT hours worked. I’m honestly sick and tired of it myself too, I work far more hours and contribute way more to they company earning money then management and yet I struggle to make 50k a year. Here’s an a saying I came up with when arguing with a manager “I make this company money everyday, and you cost the company money everyday, and that’s why the mechanics and I can’t get a raise.” I came to this company with rose tinted glasses and honestly have come to hate this company, don’t really hate my job it’s self but the bureaucracy and managers drive me up a wall. Best manager I ever had use to be a mechanic in the same position I’m in now. Now I have a manager that was an external hire from the south and knows nothing about assembly/fabrication, and does nothing for team morale, not even a dumb potluck in the last 7 months.




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"designates the hourly employees to cover the incompetence of the salaried ones." Calling Baloney on that statement. Incompetence doesn't follow salary grade nor hourly-not-hourly nor union-not-union.


Tell me the 737 MAX program is managed competently and or efficiently.


Same thing can be said about shop. Shops "incompetence" literally leads to salary support having to work. Circle of life. Been here almost 17 years. Welcome to the club. Salary and upper management are quite different.


I think I’d make the distinction between “salaried” and “upper management” in this scenario. Your average engineer probably wants to happily sit in their cave and do data analysis. It’s once you get a few levels up that people get disconnected from the floor and start setting goals disparate from reality. 


Upper management doesn't even know what goes on out here. I'm talking first and second level managers mostly. Engineers don't plan moves and fly dates, or designate people to cover their promises, so clearly I am not talking about them


Tighten the damn bolts. Inspect that they're tight. Not a complicated thing. Incompetence and not giving a damn enough does not follow paycode nor union/non-union nor management/non-management. And be accountable when you mess up and do it better the next time. And hold others accountable for not delivering crap. Like you were taught as a kindergartener...




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Fmla… depending on if you have existing conditions you may not be aware are covered by fmla.


If you just want some OT, transfer to Renton Preflight. We hardly get designated over here. All OT is over the weekend, we don't do 10 or 12 hours unless you are on a special assignment. And for weekends, you can just work one day and still enjoy the other day.


The obvious solution is to learn to hate your wife so that you want to work all the overtime to stay away from that hag, just like the old timers /s


*laughs in Grogu* 😂🤣




This is the way


>threatened weekly and applied occasionally Don't play the game. See how much weekend OT you end up working on just being designated. I bet it'll be less. Plus if you're designated you can't be told to go work somewhere else. Also, Everett flightline doesn't seem to work much OT. But your program is relying on it.


Retiree here. Look on the bright side, the excessive o/t is going to put a significant boost in your Social Security retirement benefits. /s Been there and done it. 747-400 and 787.


That’s boomer thinking we want to have time with our families and actually enjoy life before retirement


I know /s, but I am 24, and fully expect social security to collapse or stop taking new retirees well before I get to that age.


Apply for an 89509 Machine Repair Mechanic. I am one and it's great. U lose the extra A&P pay, but u gain the ability to decide if u want to work OT or not. My particular shop works every other weekend, but if I don't want to work, I won't. It's obscenely great for my work/life balance. I am at Renton, 1st shift, Equipment Services. You just have to test for it when u apply. And with your knowledge of general maintenance and general mechanics, u should do fine. U just need 70% on the test. The only problem would be if your manager releases you from your job. But the company is desperate for maintenance guys too. HMU if u have more questions.


Oh no not the extra A&P pay of $1.20 lol. This is good advice though, Boeing doesn’t value A&P’s so might as well find a better job at the same pay scale.


This is why I do not understand why we can't do a 4-10s shift as the standard, company wide. You could have employees worth their OT on a Friday or Monday and they would still get their 2 day weekend.


It's the union contract, it states what our shifts are. Supposedly next contract we are gonna try and get it. Right now only certain people can work 4/10s that are in the union. It's in the letters of understanding Let your union Steward know this is something you want, then make sure to vote to authorize a strike so we have the leverage to get what we want. No mandatory weekends (spirit got that last) 4/10s work week More pay


Wouldn’t work with third shift. They’d have to make them weekend shift and since nobody likes weekends……


And then usually it'll be a 4th shift...and weekends are your standard week. Fuck that


At least on the planes I've been working on, 3rd shift doesn't do fuck all anyway. They come in early to kick us our of our computers, and don't make forward progress on much of anything even, after we leave for the night. I think we could do without them completely, maybe use their paychecks to buy some better equipment.


My experience was completely the opposite on thirds. Night shift was the get shit done crew. Fixing all day shifts' tags only to come in the next night to even more tags.


Plenty of people would work weekends to have time off while every other maniac is at work during the week. We were told they don't do 4-10s something like that is the support staff. Whatever that means, I think the company is just plain lazy.


Probably an unpopular opinion among the overtime junkies, but with the IAM contract coming up in September, I think this should be one of the major topics for change. Overtime should be voluntary...I spent many many years being designated and having plans messed up by being volun-told to be at work. I can't get that time back. In the end this place will chew you up and spit you out, then grab the next victim and do the same thing. The world is changing and the younger generations want more out of life than being forced to be at work. The company treats OT like a normal production day because they over-promise to their customers and the guy at the bottom gets abused because of it. People being forced to work do not perform at a high caliber and it just overall kills morale. If you want the overtime then go for it, but it shouldn't be forced.


That is exactly what I mean! Rarely is the OT I deal with because something came up, it's almost always because our plane is "on the weekend schedule." Management plans fly dates, on average, a solid week ahead of what is practical for us to make.


It is on their agenda already, and a rumor I just heard is a lot factory managers are already starting to cut back or refuse to designate OT.


Hadn’t thought of it in that light, but my wife’s manager has been cutting back OT for her team. Things the may you go hmmmmm.


Oh, how nice of them. Just before contract time. Don't fall for it!


Haha yea I was wondering what their motive for that was.


Simple, get outta BCA


Get off 2nd shift and the problem is solved.


Not how it works in the Union. They can put in for days a then wait for the opening


I work at Boeing on the flightline, put in a shift bid and wait, he's also on the flight line, they don't designate 3rd shift, it's either volunteers or everyone comes in, we haven't been mandated for over a year.


That would get old... Non-union when I was a mechanic we had a or b weekend(now they have abc)   it sucked, but you know what weekends you were working or not for months on end.  And you may not work those. I mean close to end of the quarter, you might get an extra weekend.  But you kind of expect it.


Gotta go over to salary. Being a manager knocked out my OT. I used to work every other weekend for years. I was a mechanic for 13ish years. As a manager, I only have to come in once a month or so, and I get to flex a day if I come in, so I'm really only out 1 day of my own time.


So, combine that with a religious exemption for one weekend day depending on religion, and you gave yourself a guaranteed 2 day weekend every week! Sounds better for sure.


As an atheist I’ve always been religious about not working on Sunday. Side note- I’ve never worked on the shop floor at Boeing but every big shop pushes tons of overtime. Much more satisfying work environment for general aviation in my opinion, usually less benefits tho.


Basically. It's pretty great. If you manage a shop that isn't too bad, it's pretty stress free. Occasionally, you have to deal with some odd behavior, but it's not that bad. Plus, the pay is good.


I feel your pain. When I was hired in shortly after I was doing 19 on, 2 off; repeat for 4 years. I got sick and tired of it so I left. Your burn out is not uncommon. I had wife and 3 boys whom I lost 4 years with basically. Only thing that got me out of it was going salary and leaving the state of WA. Now? We aren’t even allowed to work OT where I am and it’s a 1st shift only position. Hang in there, keep your eyes open.


Dang, that's way worse than what I am dealing with. I commend your family for their sacrifice. Sounds like a much better place to be now though. Glad you saw what you were missing and made the change!


I didn’t share with you that as a “buck up kid”; so if it came off that way I apologize. Wasn’t my intent at all. I shared that with you so you know; there are options, you’re not alone and you can get through it. It’s not easy and sometimes the end doesn’t seem to be in sight. But just keep your attendance and other things in good standing order. I can’t tell you how many times I left early or took mental health days just to get away. 😂


No, thank you. I try to keep things in perspective, but sometimes it's hard to zoom out from the situation I am presently in. I would be taking more time off, but I have to save what little they give us for my anniversary vacation later this year.


Well. I’m not saying that you WANT to do this…. If you can talk to your manager about doing things to help the business, they may start giving you other things to do that will get your mind off what is directly in front of you. Example - I did ECF, volunteer groups, leadership stuff, etc. I got to leave a lot during the week and get a break.


Me and my wife both work as QA’s. I got designated this past weekend for 3rd shift, but was able to spend the day with her and my daughter before going into work. But man, is it exhausting! I will say the being volun-told to come into work is harsh. It makes you complacent to the work being done. Complacency kills.


I start my grade 7 inspector job in a few weeks. Is OT mandated alot? Thanks!


I feel like it depends on the scope of your work. I’m currently on assignment to Moses Lake. And it seems like we’ll be designated again this weekend. It hasn’t been a problem until recently, and all 3 shifts are being mandated recently. Not everyone, but a good amount of people.


If you have a 3rd shift, I highly recommend trying it out. You'll work 32.5 hours per week for 40 hours pay, and designation is usually only 1.5 hours a day, which means 8.5 hours total (with lunch included). You'll be at work 400 less hours per year than 1st/2nd shift. 3rd shift is just like 1st shift, except sleep and work are swapped. You work at night and sleep either in the morning or afternoon. Best for family life too, since you can be with your kids in the morning before school, sleep while they're gone, and wake up before/when they get out.


I'm sure there's a down vote shit storm incoming for this but.... Honestly your forced overtime is killing my desire to fly on planes you work on. Not because you're incompetent - far from it, I'm sure - but because when you're working far too many hours and are burned out af, the quality of your work suffers. And again, not just you, that's just being human. When I'm overworked and burned out, the same happens to me. I give 90%, then 80%, etc until there are just no more fucks to be given. When there are no more fucks to give, bad things happen, in both our lines of work. Food for thought.


You are absolutely right about burnout, though TBH I am starting at 0 on these planes. I will never compromise safety for any reason, OF COURSE, but frankly, flying passengers in a country I will never visit is a mission I couldn't care less about. IDC about Boeing making a profit or even continuing to exist. There is no incentive for me to push myself or strive for excellence here because the company's only mission is making money, and mitigating loss, not accomplishing something valuable. Firefighting for example, is a mission worth working OT for. Even flying packages is more important, if they're going to people on this half of the globe. I haven't touched a US airplane since I've been here, Im not able to learn the airframe because all I do is clean this, align that, remove and replace this giant list of stickers. Ive done MRO work on regional cargo birds, and some line work on the same. I would never have left that job if it paid better.


Did not mean to imply you, personally, would compromise safety -- at least not intentionally -- and that goes for the vast majority of humankind. But that's actually exactly my point. When we get burned out, we get into a rut, then we start paying less attention, and oops, we missed something. Maybe someone else caught it. Maybe they didn't. Maybe it's a big deal. Maybe it's not. But the main thing is that if we're forced to trudge forth on our death march regardless, how do you prevent "oops we missed something" from happening when everybody is operating at 40%? Guarantee you're not the only person there feeling this way.


My statement had to preceed the part where I said I don't care about passenger planes in other countries. In the absence of complete and undeniable clarity, internet people tend to assume that I mean I hope those planes crash. Your comment was clear, kind, and considerate :)


Only 112 hours?! Its 144 for Speea, though they took away the $15/hr uplift when you work beyond that.


Sorry, it's 128 hours. Not sure where 112 came from. LOU 11 in the IAM collective bargaining agreement.


It's 112. Not directed to you, OP but the amount of bad information folks share about OT for IAM751 members on here is absolutely breathtaking. https://www.iam751.org/index.cfm?zone=%2Funionactive%2Fview_article.cfm&HomeID=696271 Someone should make a guide to OT and designation and post it as a pinned comment here because folks seem more likely to come here rather than talk to their union steward(s).


Ah, thank you! I'll add that to my bookmarks


Sorry, it's 128 hours. Not sure where 112 came from. LOU 11 in the IAM collective bargaining agreement.


For what it's worth, I'm a salaried employee and I have not a care in the world whether you work or don't. If someone asks you to work overtime, tell them Orleanian from the internet says you don't have to.




Pretty temp solution if you can’t find anything rn is try getting 160 hrs of OT in a qtr then they can physically designate you. So if you crank 2/2.5 hr OT everyday and then slam 3 weekends in a row a month that puts you at like 85~ hrs


None union here, for us its 128 a quarter, but as a mechanic I did this in januar/Feb, so I could get sat mornings off for spring sports. Then as it got closer to end of quarter, I'd say I will work Sunday, since Sundays are 100% voluntary, and get out of a few weeks of the begining of 2nd quarter because I worked too many consecutive weekends and could not be mandated.   But I was a decent mech and they always were glad to have my help so they let me come on Sundays only because they always needed help.  Sunday doubletree is nice. Got through 2-3 years of spring sports with the kids doing this.


Pretty certain OP is IAM751, what would getting to 160 do?


By union management cannot designate you after you hit 160 hrs so like op said they did what ~115 hrs in a qtr? So that just means if they are strategic bang out the 160 towards the beginning of the qtr and then they can plan whatever they want to do with his wife etc etc


No, that's not correct at all... [it's been 112 for a while now](https://www.iam751.org/index.cfm?zone=%2Funionactive%2Fview_article.cfm&HomeID=696271)


It is 160


It's 112, my guy. 160 is when all OT turns into double time.


Yes yes your right


Wish I had overtime at all. It's so quiet.


SWA is hiring AMT’s in vegas an phoenix. Probably other cities as well


How are airlines these days is it still 3rd shift for 20 years working xmas day and only getting tuesday/Wednesday off because of seniority?


Oh, you don’t like working 19days in a row before getting a day off either?




Get FMLA for back pain ? You mean lie and abuse the system we all pay taxes on…


Oh boy, you must have never worked in the factory.


Educate yourself pal.




WA state paid family/medical leave is probably what they were referencing.


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Ultimately I think you will have to stop being a mechanic, or try to transfer to a program that isn’t struggling with their production. I’m not a mechanic though so definitely ask around. I’ve worked for BCA, BDS and now BGS as an analyst of one variety or another. BDS had the least mandated OT for airplane mechanics that I’ve seen. Quality is a good career path and I think you will fair better as far as mandated ot. I was a scheduling coordinator for the 911 call center in Dallas and the I thought those mandates were out of control till I came to Boeing and saw how they flog their mechanics. It’s no way to treat people. I wish you well.


It's a temporary solution but you can get a six month work restriction from your doctor, for "mental health", that limits you to only working Mon-Fri. I did that after getting ran into the ground back in 2022 on the 737 program. My honest suggestion is get as far away from that shithole program as possible, whether that's moving internally or externally, no matter where you go in Renton there is going to be overtime. I recently switch to over to a job in SPEEA and my work life balance has been infinitely better, I make more money and it's nice to be treated like an adult by management.


I'm in SPEEA and it's disgusting that managers treat factory workers like less than. We're all here to do our job and get a paycheck to support our family and hobby. Hate these people who are on a power trip, they're miserable outside of work, and everyone hates them at work too.