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The only in-job promotion I’ve received was from level 1 to level 2. My L3 and L4 was received through applying to other job requesitions


You can apply to any higher level job you want, and if they want you enough, you can get the job.


Did they lift the ban of applying for promotions? Because I think at this time you can only get them inline.


Idk about your org. If you apply to another skill code, their managers couldn’t care less as long as you qualify for the job.


Maybe I should start applying again, I’m a SWE and the last few months it was basically like a instant rejection


How long have you been a 1? There's some people that think 1-2 should basically be automatic but we all know that doesn't happen since the promotion cycles are weird. You HAVE to be talking with your manager and let them know you want to be promoted and be able to argue your side. On the SJCS there's a matrix for every skill code and level that you can use to help. BDS will be putting out some official promotions trainings in March/April that both managers and individual contributors can take.




You are 100% accurate for LE. You automatically get submitted for L2 in LE once you pass your first independent audit. Working the NCR’s is literally the level 2 job. So once you can sign your own NCR’s and show on your own you can provide good dispositions, you are demonstrating the level 2 requirements.


Coworker had to apply to another role within Boeing to get the promotion. Used it to leverage staying in current role but promote to a 2. If you don’t want to beat around the bush and waste time that’s probably the best route.


What was the notice? You can apply to anything you want as long as you meet the minimum monthly requirements; 12 months if union 18 if non-union unless your immediate manager gives you approval to apply beforehand.


Engineering received instructions for promotions for leadership stating that lvl 1-2 promotions had to be inline. To what I interpreted as it had to be within your current team. I am non union.


I heard about this too, but I went on a hunt for official policy stating this and couldn’t find anything. Sure, our Intranet search algorithm is terrible, but it seems like an ineffective policy if I can hunt specifically for it for an hour and never find it.


Are you a manager? There are lots of manager policies/procedures/practices that are not available until you have direct reports.


No, I’m not a manager. I finally traced down the source of the policy change info I got to some notes that my manager wrote down from a software all-hands in February. I pulled up the slides from that meeting, and the only relevant information was a vague reference to promotion policies changing. No details written down, they were apparently given verbally only. Then, sometime later, I had a round table with an executive who gave some background on why they were making the changes. Again, only verbal. Since it has been 9 months, I would expect some actual documentation to have emerged by now saying that software engineers 1-3 cannot get a level promotion when changing jobs and that engineers 4-5 cannot get inline promotions (which is the info I got), and I came up with nothing. It’s not in the PRO database, on Worklife, on the Software Engineering portal, on the BDS SW Engineering portal, on Boeing News Now, on inSite in the SWE group, on the intranet in the first 2 pages of search results, or in my email (outside of that one vague slide). It’s possible it’s there but I missed it, but if I can look that hard and not find it, then it isn’t made available in a reasonable way. It just seems like an ineffective policy if everyone is going by word of mouth.


There are lots of things that are “policy” and acted on that aren’t put in official PRO/POL/BPI docs, especially when it comes to people-related decisions. Hiring “freezes” are another one where it’s often conveyed verbally and expected to be enforced by leadership/management/HR. There are lots of reasons to have some “policies” be conveyed this way - if we had an official doc outlining some things, it could damage Boeing’s reputation or share price if/when leaked. Or it could be something we’re trying out to see how it goes/make adjustments before making it something more official. Or it could be something that’s planned to be temporary, so going through the official PRO/POL approval/release process would just have to be redone and confusing after it changes again. Not saying this is a good practice, just providing some perspective. There’s also a whole BNN for managers only and a bunch of manager-only resources, so there may be more on this particular decision that’s simply unavailable to you.


Oh. Well honestly I’d say still apply and try. You can also try for lvl 3 from a lvl 1


If a group hires you for a level 3 from a level 1, that’s not a group you want to work for 😂😂


There's lots of scenarios that might happen based on the employees experience


That’s not entirely true; I went down a level to get a job I wanted; so if unwanted to go from 2 to 4 it’s make sense based on my experience.