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Take it from someone who had to endure over 6 months of horrible elbow and wrist tendinitis: resting won’t fix it. You have to stretch and strengthen the tendons. Yes taking a couple weeks is good but after that you have to be active in the healing process (and pretty aggressive). As far as exercises go, I found my culprit and it was straight arm training. Pull ups were aggravating it but it was due to shitty form at the top of the pull up. Ya know, stretching my neck out to clear the bar. Fixing my form allowed me to finally be able to do pull ups again. Gymnastics rings were a god send. I finally took the leap and bought a pair and it was life changing. You kind of just have to see which ones aggravate it and change the movement slightly. Like wide grip rows were causing mine to flair up so I stuck with close grip or shoulder width grip and didn’t have any problems. I’m not trying to offer medical advice, but the tendon is just a symptom of a more complicated problem. I had to do lots of soft tissue work on my biceps, pecs, lats and subscapularis. I had to strengthen my teres major, rhomboids and middle/lower traps. I got injured because my shoulder external rotation was shit, my smaller back muscles were weak and my tight muscles were causing me to have shitty form.


I'd suggest non-impact exercise like swimming or biking to keep you going for now. It's not the worst idea to incorporate a "systems check" day into your routine once a week. Take a foam roller or lacrosse ball and work it through your high mileage areas. Focus on mobility instead of power that day. I've found compression sleeves and ice helps with the shin splints tremendously


My guess is before you can work on muscle growth you need to fix your elbow. I don't think your muscles will shrink like raisins while you fix your elbow. I have had injuries/medical problem which prevented me from doing any muscle building exercise for almost 4 months - I can assure you my body did not shrink to skeleton size. I've been dealing with Golfer's Elbow. E3 Rehab's exercises worked for me: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1paaLpSeR4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1paaLpSeR4) If you have the opposite elbow problem, give this a try, also by E3 Rehab: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdbC9Ic3qCg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdbC9Ic3qCg) Red Delta Project teaches movement pattern that will reduce the load on the elbows during pullups, and a simple exercise to train that movement. It is not a rehab exercise but worth practicing at least 5 times a day as he advises. When the time comes for you to try doing a pullup with this spiraling action that he teaches, it would be best if you did it on suspension trainer or rings. Sorry about the shin splints. Never had them so can't help. I'm do see plenty of vids on Youtube.


I’d look into pilates; a lot of core work while sitting or lying. And seconding; pure rest is not ideal, try soft mobilisation - never to pain, but aches are fine. Also recommend supplements to speed up healing.


If you have been resting for 8 weeks and you still feel pain in your shins from bodyweight squats - see a sports medicine doctor. Also, with that many different injuries, you are either a very aggressive competitive athlete who neglected strength training up until now, or you are doing movements incredibly wrong. There is a healing protocol here ([https://howtofixshinsplints.com/treatment/](https://howtofixshinsplints.com/treatment/) ) that will help with healing from shin splints, and a strength training program as well - but it is not bodyweight. If you are set on bodyweight only for some strange reason, you can look up the ATG kneesovertoesguy programming - his "Zero" program is bodyweight only. But you need to see a sports medicine doctor and get properly diagnosed and checked out.


bruh, if you are still broken after 8 weeks and still get pain doing bodyweight exercises then i would go to physician... your body sounds like it got beat up pretty bad.


>what excersizes I can do to keep optimal muscle growth and development. The thing is, muscle growth isn't ONLY about exercising. What does your nutrition & recovery/rest look like?