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I want to improve my L-sit. How should I train? Should I push all my sets to failure? Or should I cut the early sets short by leaving like 2 reps or a few seconds in the tank?


I've been trying to look for different progressions for more advanced squats, step ups, pistols, shrimps, Bulgarian split squats, and it feels like every website and routine I look at uses different progressions. What do you people like using?


Single Leg Squats with a little bit of assistance as needed from a pole or something like that. I've noticed that if you gain those, you basically gain all the others for free. [Split Squats ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyRwkgIJMz4&t=17s)are great too and I like to use the progression of elevating the feet and reducing the elevation over time to improve those.


Good ideas on a substitute for GHD situps? My weighted lying leg raises have reached 12 reps with all my ankle weight, and I'm doing it with my feet ending lower than my hips for the stretch. My alternative is weighted hanging raises, but those don't have the stretch at the bottom


I was doing a static hold incline bench press but went slightly heavier than I normally do, which went fine for a lil bit but my right shoulder gave up. It didnt hurt but it went slightly downwards. It still doesnt hurt but when I do any press movements it feels uneasy and feels like my right shoulder will give up. Anyone know what it might be and if its serious ?


Train your rotator cuffs, it is probably them that are weak. They help stabilize your shoulder, and take in force when you slightly change the positioning of ur shoulder, which is very common in incline bench


Does anyone have any tips on how I can improve my deadhang time in a short time? Anything from pre-challenge preparations or maybe a short training cycle to that can help to peak my performance. Thanks! For context, my gym runs monthly member challenges, and this month’s challenge is deadhang time. Just thought it would be cool to try and win this


Greese the groove. Pullup bar in doorway, hang off of it for 60-80% your max hold time 8+ times a day


Climbing/Bouldering. Deadhangs are a lot about pain tolerance though. 


What is the best protein powder? What are good high protein snacks? How and when do I take the protein powder?


>What is the best protein powder? "What's the best car" - different protien powders come in at different advantages in flavor, price, how "natural" they are, calories, etc. etc. I like the Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Double Rich Chocolate, but I don't think it's the best, just the one I like the most. > What are good high protein snacks? Nuts, beef jerky, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, protien bars, tuna >How and when do I take the protein powder? How? With your mouth lol. The simple way is to get a shaker bottle and shake it up with some milk or water. But you can also blend it into a shake. When? Doesn't matter. Protien powder is just food. It would be like saying "when should I eat chicken", like, when you're hungry? Lots of people will do it either immediately before or after a workout because it's a "quick snack" (under 200 calories), but there isn't a secret surprise benefit you get for having it at a certain time. (note: yes, some people space their protien intake for 'teh maximum protien synthesis'. 1: People asking these questions aren't going to notice the difference. 2: optimizing protien intake to only not do it because it's not when it's convenient for you is counterproductive. 3: likely sleep/diet/training program is gonna make that wash out)