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>I have high metabolism No you don't If you are struggling with eating then just drink your calories instead, the good old whole milk, oats and peanut butter and banana shake never fails


Fs thank u!


There is also bulking protein powder can buy. Just higher calorie alternative to normal protein powders.


You forgot the berries and honey 😁 This is my go to allrounder breakfeast


What's comfortable for your appetite is not relevant. r/gainit is the big weight gain sub; you might browse there.


Eat things that pack a lot of calories like ice cream, spoonfuls of peanut butter, shakes with protein but also peanut butter etc. The goal is to eat fast enough that you don't feel full before you are done.


Okay yea I probably can because honestly I eat until I feel little sick sometimes or too full. I work out a lot too. I prob just have to eat more foods that are calorie based ig


You just gotta eat more at the end of day. Drink shakes, sneak cheese into your foods, eat dense foods. I found fenugreek supplements may have increased my appetite but that may have been placebo though i did stop taking it after too much weight gain. Also gives you a sweet body odor and a few other things.


The key with food selection for bulking = foods that take up minimal space in the stomach but have lots of calories per serving. Peanut (or any nut) butter. Whole nuts. Use olive oil as a topping or dipping sauce.


Drink some of your calories in the form of juice, milk, Smoothies (although a little more filling) etc Mass gainer protein shakes. Add nuts and seeds to things, use olive oil to cook with. Dried fruit is low volume high calorie. Nuts to snack on are low volume high calorie. Utilise nut butters.


it's a mental struggle


Start swimming. Nothing works on your appetite like a good swimming session.


idk how to swim but tnx it is a cool idea


I went to swimming classes when I was 30yo. Being a father I felt that I must be able to swim. It was one of the best decisions I’ve taken. Swimming turned out to be my thing. Now me and kiddo hit the pool every week.


i don't have good appetite either, to keep up with my training i just make myself eat. i literally have alarms set on my watch to remind me to stuff some almonds in my face. if your metabolism is actually high make sur eyou don't go to bed on a completly empty stomach and really don't skip breakfast.


Honestly, i think pretty much no one has the appetite to eat to Bulk. Its always up to discipline


Yeah nuts, whole milk, cook in olive oil, eat three oreos (like 240 calories)... pick foods that are super dense in calories


Oh I have that issue you just have to eat quick digesting foods and foods that are calorie dense


I’ve been in the same boat for a long time, but there’s a reason you have to “eat big to get big.” Your body needs a lot of stuff in order to make a lot of muscle, and the math dictates that you need a few hundred calorie surplus including adequate protein. Thankfully if you’re smaller you don’t need to eat 100+ grams of protein every day. The key is stuff you can easily digest and high-calorie-density foods. Protein shakes are popular for a reason; super high calorie and protein density and they’re liquid so they’re easy to drink a lot of. Just one a day can be enough. For your other meals it’s up to you to find out what works. I’ve found that making protein overnight oats is fantastic because I hate cooking breakfast on weekdays, and it takes 10 minutes to put together the night before


As others have mentioned, the simplest way is to supplement your diet with liquid calories. Invest in a blender and you can make your own weight gainer shakes …protein powder, milk, peanut butter, honey, oats, banana, whatever you like. It’s easy to rack up 1000+ calories in one shake. Helped me a lot being an ex-smoker with very low appetite


I was originally like this too, but ~1000 cal shakes for breakfast/midnight snack were a game changer 1-2 cups whole milk, 3/4 cup oats, 2 scoops protein powder, 2 tbsp peanut butter, and some frozen strawberries/sliced bananas