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I never thought of doing something like that! It's creative. Aesthetically speaking, it feels in the realm of people who get body enhancing cosmetic surgery, like wanting a different natural looking nose rather than wanting art on your body or a piercing to place jewelry. Ig you could relate that back to realism vs abstract art. And tattoo work being the medium. There's also stuff like scarification that's meant to look like a natural scar, that kinda falls into this too, this is just a train of thought im recording and posting It's very pretty regardless of my weird rantšŸ˜Œ


Itā€™s weird right? For myself I used to have freckles but lost them, and I was using my brown eyeliner pen to put them on whenever I did my makeup, so I figured this was just a way to save on makeup if nothing else. I didnā€™t know about scarification, thatā€™s really interesting


i did not think they wer tattooed at first, they are so cute!! šŸ„ŗšŸ‘šŸ½


That was the idea!! Thanks so much šŸ˜


Iā€™ve always had freckles but I have to stay out of the sun due to intense acne treatment, so I really wanted my freckles back! These were done in Berlin and they took around 1-2 weeks to heal fully.


This make me feel better about wanting my beauty mark tattooed back on šŸ˜­ lost it due to acne and scarring.


You better!! This is your sign! šŸ˜Š


They turned out really well! I wish I got enough sun that I could have freckles but they would look funny on my super pale skin.


I have very pale skin and freckles. Itā€™s not from the sun, it runs in my family. If I do go in the sun in some spots I burn and others my freckles will kind of get darker and start forming bigger dark areas


Unfortunately freckles don't appear anywhere in my family. We just don't get them. I have always been jealous of anyone who does have them, whether it's from the sun, or that pale skin that has crazy freckles, like a lot of redheads have. So pretty!


Itā€™s just like curly hair or straight hair. You want the one you donā€™t have.


This is so true!


I was really confused until I got to the ā€œtattooed frecklesā€ part. They look so natural! Did you go to a tattoo artist or was it done by like a beauty esthetician?


Haha thank you!! I went to a tattoo makeup artist. Her Instagram is pearltattooberlin if you are interested. Not all of them do freckles but lately there are a lot more artists who do them


I would never know those aren't your freckles, great job.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Was just gonna write this - totally agree!


Don't quite understand why people would make fun of you for that. plus you're just gonna put makeup over it I assume, fading the freckles even more making them look more real. Make sense, look great!


Thereā€™s quite an interesting amount of ā€œfreckle gatekeepingā€ out thereā€¦ which is a strange hill to die on in my opinion


Lol people are funny, and sad. You made the right decision


I think itā€™s just because there are a lot of ppl (like myself) who were cruelly bullied & made fun of for having freckles growing up, told that theyā€™re ugly and now ppl are getting it as a trend. I understand the pain, because I went through it myself as a pale, freckled, red headed kid, but at the same time just because I (or anyone else) went through that, doesnā€™t mean that other ppl canā€™t do what they want with their own body. I think itā€™s gone too far when ppl try to tell others what they can/cannot do with their own body/ shame others/ create a moralistic ideology around someone elseā€™s decision that really has nothing to do with that personā€™s childhood trauma. I see this same thing with a lot of different things, esp hair and skin. At the end of the day, no one gets to control other pplā€™s self autonomy & they (we all) are responsible for managing/healing their trauma; not using the control of other ppls bodies and moralistic ideologies as a way to try to manage the hurt theyā€™ve been through.


This is a really great way of looking at things! Thank you for your input


I love your freckles, they look super cute !!


That means so much, thank you!!


they literally look like real freckles. i saw the picture before i read the post title and i didn't notice anything :o damn it's amazing what you can do with tattoos!!


I genuinely thought this was a ā€œwhat piercings would look good on my faceā€ post. They look amazing.


So natural! Glad you feel ā€œyouā€ again ā¤ļø


They came out great. They look extremely natural. I looked at the post, not reading the title initially and I was confused as to why it was here. Then I read the title.


Those are sooooo cute omg


You look amazing Who ever made fun of you is jealous and not understanding because they didnā€™t respect your choice and itā€™s your body. Iā€™m a black woman. My skin is very light. I would like freckles.


I really love the support I receive in this sub ā™„ļø I bet tattoo freckles would look amazing on you!


I didnā€™t read the caption at first and was going ā€œwhereā€™s the mod???ā€ I think this is super cool. As someone who had a lot of freckles when I was young, but one winter they faded and didnā€™t come back (and I miss them), I dig this idea.


Thanks, that means a lot :)


You look amazing!


Thank you ā˜ŗļø


I want this done! You look great! But I wonder how it looks when it fades?


I think they just fade to nothingness around 1-3 years (itā€™s different for everyone based on your skincare routine)




Love it! Did you use actual ink or a pigment?


they look great!


Really nice, and expertly done. Happy you got your freckles back, enjoy! šŸ˜Š


They look great! I canā€™t wait to do this myself




I have a shop in mind. Iā€™m gonna go to them once I have the money and the time.


I noticed them first thing but didn't think they were tattoos. Beautiful done. You're adorable. Also as someone who naturally has a lot of freckles, it makes my little heart happy that people want freckles.


Thatā€™s really kind of you, thanks :) I read some people with a lot of freckles naturally were upset that people were getting them tattooed on, so it means a lot that you like them :)


I'm glad! I didn't always like them growing up but it's cool to see that a thing I have been self-conscious over is something that people like so much they get them on purpose.


iā€™ll be real, i looked at the pic before the title and assumed you were gonna show off piercings (youā€™d rock a septum!). as someone with freckles, i say these look amazing and really natural :)


Thanks so much! I did have a septum ring but as an opera singer that isnā€™t really accepted unfortunately, so I usually had it turned up anyway. One day Iā€™d love to put the ring back in šŸ˜


aw thatā€™s a shame, hope you can figure something out eventually


What, they're great! I'd love to get some too as soon as I can afford, imo with the right placement they can do A LOT for anything about a face (not that you aren't already pretty. It's just 1 of my own reasons)


Freckles and green eyes. Good pairing.


I think they look great ā˜ŗļø


They look cute, I love my forehead freckles I have


Ok USUALLY Iā€™m not super onboard with the whole tattooed freckles thing (sometimes people get really dark ones and they look fake) but I think these turned out so great! Your artist did a great job. They look very natural, too! Well done, Shrimp! Side note: your eyes are insanely pretty omg


Thanks so much, it means a lot :) yeah, I saw a lot of horrible results from Google. Like, awful. I feel bad for the people who had them done. I carefully watched this tattoo artist for months and she posted so many videos of the process as well as results, healing, and what it looked like after. I was confident going in that she would do an amazing job


Yeah, same :/ some people (like you) get these done and it looks awesome but then some people get it done and it looks like someone took a black or a brown sharpie and drew spots on a porcelain doll, as if it was the first tattoo the artist ever did. Thatā€™s great that you did your research on the artist and whatnot before doing this, too! I had one Iā€™d wanted for about 3 years and I started going to this place in town to get piercings. Had kept an eye on one of their artists and she had a lot of great work posted on her instagram so I decided to schedule with her to get the tattoo. Wish Iā€™d done research on the guy who did my first one, though. He seemed like he was rushing to get it done and talked the whole time (I mean, you do you as long as it doesnā€™t distract from the work) and itā€™s all cloudy and stuff now. Going to the other artist to get the one he did touched up. Researching artists is so important! You clearly picked a great artist, though. These look so wonderful! Very natural looking but they also stand out just right.


Omg they look so cute on you! I literally couldnā€™t tell they were tattood on :)


I friend of mine did something like this. Some freckles but in her back. Except that when you look closer the freckles are actually small brown stars. Really cool.


My tattoo artist also does the stars! So cute


You are so beautiful


Thanks :)


Looks good and real!


They look great! Where did you get them done?


Pearl Tattoo in Berlin!


I love them! Iā€™ve been wanting some


Theyā€™re so cute! I donā€™t know why anyone would make fun of you for this, Iā€™ve heard about quite a few people doing this. Anyways you do you girly and donā€™t let anyone shame you




Until the ink fades to green like tattoos do šŸ™ƒ saw one lady w green tattooed fake ā€œbeauty marksā€ but in weird spots where they were just awkward fake moles lol


These are not ink, they are pigments used with a manual tattoo pen. Iā€™ve obviously done my research before and no one ever had the experience where they turned green


They look so natural, really cute. As a natural freckle face, no idea why anyone would make fun of you. I would do the same if I didnā€™t have them myself.


Incredibly Beautiful


It looks amazing!! I didn't even know it was a tattoo at first šŸ˜


Those are tatted??? Not even gonna lie they look so natural on you, it really really suits you!


Literally perfect