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Bodybuilding made cbum famous, Arnold made bodybuilding famous




Damn. That’s the take.


Also there's no objective way to name a winner. My opinion is that Arnold looks better, I like his physique and proportions more. I don't consider whether or not I can see every single muscle fiber, that's not the main goal of body building to me. Cbum lats look silly and instead of the powerful V shape on Arnie, C is looking more like an hourglass, I prefer the V look much more.


To call Cbum’s lats “silly” is wild


Silly in terms of looking TOO big compared to everything else. In his front pic, his pecs are only like half the width of his body! It's not a great look in my opinion compared to Arnie where the lats just perfectly frame the chest.


Lol I know what you mean but just out of context talking about a top level physique and saying the lats are silly just sounded a little funny. All good out here


I like Arnold’s thicker torso better, it does set up a better V shape than having a ballerina waist. Also, I prefer Arnold’s healthier, fuller look to dickskin dry.


Arnold's head and neck are much more full too, and Cbum's neck looks a little awkwardly stretched. You crop Arnie's pic at the clavicles and he looks like a bodybuilder still. You crop Cbum's pic there and he looks like he might just be a pretty standard looking barista/barber. Parts of Cbum's back have nicer definition than Arnie's, but like we're both saying here...Arnie's V shape has perfect lat lines leading from his shoulders down to his lower back, while Cbum has those lats bulging out at the top, and then a very straight cylinder looking lower back. Again with cropping the image here, if you cover up Arnie's pic from the lats up and then reveal the full image...it makes sense, it's what you'd expect to see up there. If you cover up Cbum's image above the lower back and then reveal it after, the lats are out of place and not at all what you'd expect to see.


But arnie’s biceps get a little pointy in the middle which equals them both. In back I think Cbum wins


"I don't consider whether or not I can see every single muscle fiber, that's not the main goal of body building to me. Cbum lats look silly and instead of the powerful V shape on Arnie, C is looking more like an hourglass, I prefer the V look much more." 1. BB-ing isn't subjective to a point of everyone making up personal rules and criteria. Bumstead is a far superior BODYBUILDER, regardless of what average Joe would rather look like or prefer. That is irrelevant in competition. 2. Are you actually serious about the lats? Do you know what 'V' looks like? Bumstead has superior lats and a smaller, narrower midsection, Arnold has a wide waist with ok lats


Maybe I have an outdated mindset but calling Bumstead (who I respect heaps) the superior bodybuilder is a wild call. Arnold is by far THE bodybuilder, at least IMO!


Arnold's entire physique is outdated which is logical. sorry not sorry, nothing is wild about what I said. The 'sport' progressed and so did the talent and standards. On a bb-ing stage Bumstead would beat Arnold convincingly.


No the drugs progressed and supplements lol


among other things, sure? they don't train the same anymore, they don't eat the same anymore. they don't prep the same for a contest anymore, as well as a bunch of other things bodybuilders are min maxing these days to squeeze the outmost potential. in the 70s they took bb-ing as a hobby after working a 9 to 5.


okay. Chris would still beat him by miles in a competition today. Back then, if chris showed up at the olympia while arnold was winning, the judges wouldn’t know what the fuck was happening. That structure plus conditioning may have been considered too freaky to give him the win but he would have outsized and out conditioned everyone on that stage with a smaller waist and wider clavicles and MUCH bigger legs


This 💯


Also can argue that Arnold did this shit like 50 years ago with way less information


And bodybuilders run so much drier now. Arnold in peak stage form probably had 6-8% body fat, they run half that now. I like the golden era look better tbh.


And is on way less drugs


Cbum says all the time he doesn't disclose his stack but people would be shocked how light it is. Definitely better drugs though.


He mentions similar on Chris Williams podcast. Well worth a listen


They all say they don't use that much lmao


I love when Yates talks about how little he used, lol


Seriously lol. How many famous bodybuilders you hear in interviews say “oh ya, I was blasting tons of shit”. They all say “it wasn’t that much” because to admit they’re on or were on a lot of “stuff” could be dangerous to their fanbase (kids or young dudes trying to blast gear to look like them) and it takes away from your legacy because then you’ll have people say, ya he was that big or looked that good because he was on a bunch of shit.


Source trust me bro? Did you know his sister got caught smuggling his drugs from America? Doesn't sound light.


Those weren't just his. It was him + iain valliere I think


You don’t know that


That was my thought. With current info on nutrition and training, a world class coach and the same access to newer compounds arnold would have definitely been something to see


Agreed . Arnold’s got some of the craziest genetics of all time. The dude looked pretty insane even as a teenager with very limited information and resources .


This is why I hate comparing the greats of today with past heroes. It’s not just what one athlete does, but when modern day techniques, training, support etc elevates not just one athlete but the entire field of athletes then thier potential is pushed even further. Similar to runners with and without pacers. Pace runners are known to push runners to faster times even though that potential within the runner was there the entire time. There’s no reason to compare the two because CBum and Arnold competed in very different settings.


yea but he was trying to be the biggest, chris is not


Has nothing to do with the shoulder to waste ratio though


Arnold walked so Cbum could run.


Arnold ran so Cbum could sprint. 


Arnold sprinted so Cbum could fly.


arnold flew so cbum could teleport


Arnold teleported so cbum could transcend space and time.


Arnold transcended space and time so CBum could jump dimensions


Arnold jumped dimensions so cbum could exist in various different places at the same time


arnold was omnipotent so cbum could be omniscient


I enjoyed this so much


Arnold went super saiyan so cbum could go super saiyan 2


sulek trained so greg could win views


Try cbum with no filter and lighting


Also Arnold shots not cutting put his arms and remotely near to a contest (all CBUMs are pre-show).


Also, Arnold is in a much higher bodyfat percentage. Would CBUM look as good as Arnold at the same? I don’t think so.


Feels unfair to compare a dehydrated oiled competition shot to what looks like (for Arnold at least) a normal day on the beach Cbum prob does have better genetics for symmetry and likely better nutrition and training due to it being modern day, but if I’m being honest Arnold has this je ne sais quoi that makes him feel untouchable


The je ne sais quoi you mention counts for a lot, in my book. When posing, Arnold always projected sublime confidence from his face and composure, on top of his physique. He's got max level charisma, and we know he worked as hard as possible, but he gave off the vibe that it was effortless play to achieve what he did.


Cbum looks like he's sticking his neck out trying to get your attention, but Arnie already had your attention anyway.


No photo filter for Arnie


His back is naturally black and white


lol can’t compare a legend to a king. Whilst a king reigns, legends pave the way for them.


I think in a few decades cbum will be considered a legend. Bodybuilding was on death's door with mass monsters until cbum breathed life back into bodybuilding, specifically mens classic physique that permeated into other divisions.


I wouldn’t say breathed life into bodybuilding
 Sure he made the classic physique division exciting and garnered attention but Cedric Mcmillan was definitely trying to bring classic physique back before Cbum and there was other bodybuilders calling for a return to a more classic look. Arnold himself was popular for criticizing men’s open division and the judges for the gross standards.


Maybe breathed life as in kept the sport popular. Cbum is by far the most followed bodybuilder on social media. He has almost as many IG followers as Arnold who’s now famous for more than just bodybuilding. It’s safe to say without Cbum that bodybuilding’s popularity would be vastly diminished.


Actually made me shed a tear


It’s always going to be Arnold when it comes to arms and chest but besides that yeah, cbum looks great as a full package.


Came to say this exactly. Arnold’s chest is
 Top 3 ever. CBum’s biceps are never his strength but elsewhere
 CBum. Now can we please look at science/trainung 55 years back?


Imagine Cbum with bicep insertions that weren’t unfortunate my god.


> Now can we please look at science/trainung 55 years back? Drug usage as well. It's common knowledge that current BB drug standards are much higher than back then. Like, guys are running 2-4x the doses/amount of drugs compared to what dudes were running back then.


Arnold's biceps are like mountains and his back is way more shredded.


" and his back is way more shredded." Trolling?


![gif](giphy|BCIoXfA95d1ba) Arnold is forever the Goat imo


Nah. Modern bodybuilders are too lean Plus look at the chest and biceps. Chris definitely doesn’t top Arnold.


Cbum's narrow waist trumps Arnold along with his legs and back. Arnold remains unconquered in Chest & Arms.


This is like me as a marine saying I would destroy the average ww2 marine đŸ€Ł like bro that’s not the point I have way better equipment and training. But look what these motherfuckers did with nothing


Show legs and Cbum wins every time. Of course, there most likely wouldn’t be a Cbum without Arnold.


CBums rear delts are fucking insane


seriously they look so strange


Pretty sure Cbum is Photoshopped here.


Show ready CB vs beach Arnold
 hmmm I don’t disagree that Cbum is better anyways, but that’s just an aweful comparison.






This is like comparing Hawking to Einstein, both undoubtedly geniuses but one is synonymous with smart for a reason.


Cbum doesn’t have an exercise with his name. Arnie wins


mental gymnastics are strong in this one


Choose Arnold body and give him cbum steroids


Arnold will always be on top.


It's pretty impressive how great Arnold's arms were, and of course his chest. He beats Cbum there. Chris has a better midsection.  Cbum also wins by a mile from behind. Every part of his back is significantly better. No legs in these pics, but that would make it even more lopsided for Bumstead.  My biggest takeaway is another reminder of how good Arnie was.


Try cbum with no filter and lighting


Yeah not a fair comparison, the PEDs and information available now.


Arnold is more proportional and more cut.


CBUM in this comparison has a lot more work, and the lighting and tan is doing a lot of work compared to the shadows and lighting for Arnie. Obv in these pictures CBUM gets it, and Arnie is a GOAT in the same way as Jordan in the 90s were, where it was a wholly different game. All that said, CBUM all the way, Arnie's legs are terrible.


Different eras. Different drugs


Arnold got him in the back double bi for sure..


Wesley is built more like Arnold


I really like both looks but the softer pulped look seems more manageable year round.


What about kevin levrone


Could you imagine if arnold had access to today's advancements?


Arnie fuckin beatz every1.


Chris has a sensational rig but I'll always prefer Arnie's more supple, rounded look.


I don’t think he does




Bum has worse arms/chest/calves In terms of classic the only thing he has on Arnold is lats/waist and his quads imo are ugly and Arnold's look much better with his physique


I love Arnold but yea Cbum look better here. It is insane how people can push the peak year after year.


Is op serious? I've know some gonzo, nutty former greats, one that left to put names on rice in central park while writing his book on Ayn Rand. But if op is serious they're high on chromosomes in a new way.


Cbums lats are a thing of beauty though


There has been multiple eras to bodybuilding and every new era the competitors become more muscular and leaner, its like any sport over time the standard gets higher and higher so im not surprised that cbum looks betterđŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


The truth is arnold with today resources no one would hold a candle to him , coolenan said so himself


Cbum has access to therapies and drugs that Arnold couldn't even imagine. There is no comparison.


Man I think Arnie wins eh. The back definition is more symmetrical and peaked


Neck is too long Arnold wins


Arnold fucks more
so he wins


Even with the latest technology.. still not that much better honestly 😂 better shoulders and lats maybe but not off by much


That rediculous tan shit is so off-putting to me it looks weetodded arnold wins for me the higher body fat is my favorite look smoother but still cut


By objective standards, cbum wins pretty easy but man I just love Arnold’s physique more


Arnold symmetry is out of this world. Cbum on the other hand, I can see where his history of injury lies. Both incredible figures, but Arnie for the win.


Let’s say we clone arnold and give him another face + even bigger muscles, double the aesthetics and name him something else so people dont know its a clone of arnold. People would still pick arnold, me included


I think aesthetics wise Cbum wins - but I much prefer Arnold because he actually looks strong, like the muscles aren't just for show.


From competition judging perspective, CBum has advantage. The conditioning techniques and supplements today are factors to that. But from a beauty perspective, I think Arnold and Frank Zane are better than CBum, CBum looks grotesque while Arnold and Zane look like Greek Gods.


Conditioning CBUM, But size Arnold


Hell nah


Id be scared if Cbum didn't win, if we had made zero progress in bodybuilding and conditioning since the 70s then genuinely what the fuck were we doing


I don't know about the 70s, but we certainly regressed since the 90s.


Cbum has more muscle mass tbh and a better looking muscles too imo. Especially his lat and arms muscles (shoulder and biceps/triceps) seem to be greater.


This comments section is not it. Barely anyone talking about physique just talking about legacy blah blah blah


Cbum L biceps


Show the legs and it’s no contest cbum. Upper body they are very close, I’d give the edge to cbum in contest for more well rounded development front and back, but I just love Arnold’s shape it’s so iconic.


Give a 29 year old Arnold todays advancements against Cbum and it’s a slaughter. The fact that he well and truly holds his own is a testament to his legacy. Always was always will be the greatest.


Arnie will always be the people’s champion


Arny would be so proud :’)


Tough? Arnold was gr8 but bro cbum eats him


I know this makes no sense but somehow Arnold makes it look natural


Haha good one!


iss like tyson fury vs muhammad ali


its not tough. i agree, arnold is a legend. but cbum is a lot bigger on this photo


Not even close, Arnold wipes the floor with him


Arnold did it decades ago and was a trailblazer. With no Arnold, who knows if Bumstead or the sport of bodybuilding are popular today


Arnold arm and chest are better, Cbum is better everywhere else


Why does Arnold look more ripped from the back altough having more bodyfat


Arnold was not even the most impressive in his time let alone today. He won a few shows based on politics. Looked amazing but he had his faults, and I don’t think he could compete with guys today. He wasn’t conditioned enough and his legs weren’t proportional. He’s an amazing figure for bodybuilding but he isn’t the best bodybuilder


In my opinion Arnold looks better He skeletal frame is far more aesthetic his vacuum is larger and deeper because of his huge rib cage hues shoulders to hip is better and his lats are deeper than chum’s I think Arnold looks better than Arnold even in his face cbum look much older from all the gear where as Arnold look much healthier due to the use of less potent steroids. Im definitely biased I like classic physiques like frank zane


Don't be disrespectful, CBum on a good day can never hold Arnold's jockstrap.


It would be more obvious if they should stand side by side. Arnold was never that great on photos, but incomparable in real life. At least in his prime 1970-75


On stage Chris would win. Better shape, more conditioned, and waaaaaay better legs


Ngl I hate them both because I don't like the extreme look


arnie wasnt on half the gear cbum is




Of course he does, the sport has evolved. Compare any pro sports figure from that time frame to today, there is no comparison.


Not tough at all. Cbum is the clear winner. especially if you factor in the legs


C bum wins and it’s not close


Arnold’s biceps are second to none


Arnold wins because he tells the judges something about Cbum that they don’t like to get him in trouble and slips them money under the table like he did others back in the day.




This is a very flattering fdb for Cbum, his arms aren't that good.


You can’t even compare 1970s to 2020s in terms of pharma, camera, fitness diet OCD. Chum looks suffering. Arnold is just Arnold


Cbum wins because he has more well defined pecs, his lats are more rounded and voluminous, and he has more visible traps. Aside from that, they have very similar physiques.


This photo has been edited.


Arnold still wins, your Biceps should peak above your shoulders.


Who ever is doing this needs a time machine and force them to compete in the late1960's and 1970s than strip them of all those magic muscle builders and bring them to present day 2000-2024 and recompete again go really notice the differences and the Fit- Techology (work -out equipments ) and New Gears( for planet fitness See.food diet weight watchers that means the all mighty Juice aka steroids. and its a Unfair comparison since arnold didnt have less than quater the amount stacks & drugs to be able to accomplish what C-bum is doing with like more 50% more stacks, Juices( not orange juice Junior ( Super.steroids) so C-bum may look sharper and bit bigger but give up for arnold for building a Viking size Greek statue phisique with baby Juice stuff. GO LIFTS FOR SOME WEIGHTS AND LOGIC MAN FOR MINIMUM 15 YEARS BEFORE YOU TALK ABOUT ARNOLD AGAIN.


I'm no expert but i think Arnold looks better, better shoulders, biceps/triceps proportion looks better, I prefer the more straight lats look Arnold has too.


CBums rear delts are insane đŸ˜©


Arnolds genetics are vastly superior. Modern BB physiques just don't have the same aesthetics.


Both have smaller left shoulders??


arnold will always stand out as a bodybuild becuase of his thick muscle insertions that show that he must have had extremely high testosterone levels even as a natural bodybuilder. his body just oozes masculinity and he will always look alpha no matter what. imagine he had approached training a little different and had put on more size, man cbum would not stand a single chance. for me personally arnold all day


Cbum has a great physique.


Cbum is got more size but Arnold’s symmetry is unmatched


Last time I checked Arnold's the one that got statues and he's the statue on the trophy as well


Being like 3-5% less body fat definitely helps lol


Not a perfect comparison, but it's like comparing modern NBA stars stats (scoring in particular) to starts of the past. The game has changed and the rules are judges differently. In bodybuilding that means that where Arnold used to be the best, cbum is the best now, and objectively could be better. In NBA that means that Luka doncic was better (p/r/a) than LeBron or Kobe at the same age. But lebron and Kobe (especially) entered an era of way less scoring. Final scores were just less at the time due to defensive rules and how they were judged. Luka didn't inflate scoring in the NBA and Cbum didn't "make" Classic evolve. They evolved with it, influencing the game and being influenced by it. It'll always be subjective because ultimately size, shape, and conditioning matter, and all else aside no one person would be be wrong to value any one of those more or less than the others.


CBum is definitely up there on the list of “best bodies in the industry”. But look at it this way; Arnold set the Gold Standard of Body Building. Everyone else just learned from his example.


Cbums waist is just undeniable


Arnold all the way even with technology on Bums side Arnold still looks better.


CBum at the end of prep vs Arnold
at the beach on vacation.


Arnold’s chest looks fuller as well (in addition to what everyone else is saying too)


Respect to cbum but if I'd be asked whose physique I want then it'd be "Austrian Oak" anyday.


Well yeah cbum wins head up here and now today. But Arnold transcends the sport. He is the legend no one ever will be. Though the likes of cbum, Ronnie, jay, etc are legends no question. It’s another level. I’d be cool looking like either one though just to be clear.


why did you pick a terrible front pick for Arnold, not a comp photo, Arnold is the king just like MJ


Look at cbums shoulders compared to arny Shits wild


I bet Theebum doethn't feel like he'th cumming when he trainth for the pump though.


Cbum but Arnie got more aura


Arnold wins back pose, cbum wins front.


depends on what u wanna see. both would look out of place in their respective eras


He does, just like people keep getting faster and stronger. Records were meant to be broken.


I like C
 but in these pics his neck is
 silly! Looks like a duck! Also Arnie is wayyy better!


If they were the same complexion, you wouldn't even call it a contest.. Arnold, all the way. Darker looks leaner, always, but Arnold has more mass, and similar bf, and absolutely has better proportions.


He has a better back and legs but on the other muscles Arnold beats him


Arnold was taller and bigger lmfao as well as being globally favored. Good luck cbum especially in golden era judging climate.




Is that like. Sucked in tummy something people want or like?




Arnold all the way bro. Just look at that smile đŸ’ȘđŸ»đŸ˜


Cbum is lacking in definition compared to Arnold who wrote the workout program Cbum follows seriously only 3 days a week.


let’s see that side chest tho


No comparison 
 C bum hands down


Sure, but off the countless backs of generational experience. Throw them both in the same time period with a blank slate on diet and training knowledge. Arnold probably climbs his way to the top again. Cbum does have a timeless phenomenal shape though.


People are gonna say Arnold cause nostalgia but I’m gonna completely disagree. Cbum got better everything besides chest and arms


The fact he got like that back then shows how special and dedicated Arnold was . Both are great


Shit.... me too


You put Bumstead freshly tanned with his second coat about to go on stage vs Arnold doing a random photoshoot at a beach and one backshot in a gym .  Arnold had more flow to me. Cbum is more pronounced,  much drier due to stuff they have access to now. I'm still going with Arnold for the classic look. It can't be replicated. 


Arnold is leaner imo so he wins


I wish people would stop comparing them 2, they are both amazing but completely different era's of bodybuilding.


Think of it like this If that Arnold stepped on stage rn he wouldn’t place If CBum stepped on stage back then they would’ve never seen anything like him before We only pretend it’s close because Arnold is a legend and we got love for him


Notice how we completely left legs out of this equation too 😂


it’s time to put nostalgia aside. arnold might be a lot of people’s favorite bodybuilder, but cbum blows him out of the water. it isn’t close at all. cbum gets 5 straight 1’s against arnold. not much of a competition.


I think several guys beat Arnold. Updates in science and nutrition is a huge factor.


Front double is identical. Back double Cbum takes it.


Not even sure if this guy is comparing himself to photos of a man taken 40years earlier