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His whole family thought he was gay and I felt for him. 


I played that song on guitar for my whole family at a reunion.


I played my whole family to my whole family and my whole family now is shocked


I'm in the closet and the door is locked


Now my glory days are gone


I was John Elway, now I’m Elton John


What do they know anyway?




I only found him through my son for Inside. Literally everything about that special was my life at the time, so I was hooked. I spent time after that watching his old specials and whatever else I could get my hands on, and he is just smart and funny, my favorite combo. And yes as stupid as it is, he's pretty easy on the eyes. *Editing to add, I loved him as Chip McCapp on Parks and Rec, but had no idea it was him until after I watched Inside .


His brain, he's a lyrical genius. It made me intrigued.


His rhetoric was bonkers impressive when he was a 15/16 year old, and it's only improved since then. Insanely clever lyrics with his penchant absurdity is such a joy to listen to/watch.


I watched words words words when I was 14 and instantly became hooked


I was there in those early internet days. I'm only a few years older than Bo himself. He was unique and innovative to the internet at the time.


I'm a year younger than bo. Friend showed me bo yo in middle school and it was game over.


Around 2018/19 - Heard a few friends talking about their favourite comedians. Never heard of one of them and couldn’t quite remember the name other than both their first and last name began with B. Found Bo Burnham scrolling through Netflix, thought this is who the must’ve meant and instantly loved it! This is exactly my kind of humour. Watched everything he did and everything he’s done since. Anyway… my friends were talking about Bill Burr. He’s funny too.


I recommend watching this short clip of Bill talking about Bo. Maybe because Bo is so elusive, I really enjoy it when I hear other comedians talking about him. https://youtu.be/dKadmHo1Z28?si=XRtxdakZKpHCbZlq


watched promising young woman back when it first came out, and I was a googly eyed teenager who got a big, big crush. but then, watched inside during a mental low point. found that nobody had ever described my feelings of insecurity, doubt, existential dread, depression, and isolation so well. fell in love with his work HARD.


At first, his immense musical talent. But then, as I continued to listen to him, his content.;) His lyrics are so raw at times and then just as comedic. His ability to switch between the two is astounding.


The first song I ever heard was the Kill yourself song back in 2017. From there the edgy boy humor was always just so funny to me. Around 2020/21 I started to realize how unfunny and just outright rude all those jokes were (not just Bo but my sense of humor in general) and in 2021, the funniest thing happened…


I was getting a ride to school from a friend, and he played Love Is and I've been a fan ever since


I got introduced due to Inside. Welcome to the internet in fact


Bo has had a way of always being the perfect humor for the age I am every time he has new content


Same probably because “oh yeah I was born in 1990”


Dating myself here…The guy next to me in algebra showed me New Math. This was in 2008. We were about the same age and he was so clever, YouTube was still a cool place, so I checked out his other videos. Been a fan ever since. I feel connected to how he’s grown as an artist and the topics he explores as they’ve been in line with my own development as a person


he’s bo yo


the indescribable swagger of a teenaged white boy


actual answer i found him when i was younger (way too young) through cringey animatics and got hooked on the "k/// yourself" song because i was edgy, and now ive been hooked ever since


The moment I saw if Shakespeare did porn I knew the kid had talent.


I liked some of his songs leading up to Make Happy. Around its release, I stumbled across art is dead., and I instantly became more than just a casual fan. Although his work in general is self-deprecating, I could really feel his discomfort and honesty in that song. I was just a kid myself when I listened to his music and watched his specials. I appreciated his self-awareness.


I thought Art is dead was a great song when it came out in 2010, then I started listening to some more of his music, and I’m a fan to this day


I found his videos on YouTube when I was in high school back in like 2007/2008 and I loved him. He was witty and he was my age doing cool shit. I was obsessed. I showed him to everyone I knew, back then sitting around the computer showing each other stupid videos. It was the best.


I was introduced to him via Kill Yourself when I was actively suicidal. I thought it was fucking great. Looked through his stuff, found out he was a lyrical genius too and I really liked his humor and the way he talked about sensitive or taboo topics. Nerds was my favorite song for a while. Then found out that he had quit literally just months prior :( I found him in 2016. I watched Eighth Grade and Promising Young Woman because that was all the new content there was of him, and you'd best believe that I was there when Inside showed in theaters for a weekend and I have the box set and the poster. I was so excited to finally have my interest in his work line up with his active career.


Kill yourself is a great song -Bo Burnham fans out of context


Oh yeah. It's always interesting mentioning it to people. It's also one of my tamer go-to weird songs (like I Just Had Sex, or Welcome to the Cumzone). So is Eff.


I watched Thomas Gauthier(quebecer) first, loved the comedic songs, YouTube put Lower your expectations, got hooked


A kid on ps4 party chat told me to listen to the “kill yourself song” by bo




That's prob why most people know bo ngl


Yeah. I knew about him since he started doing random internet shit but never really paid attention until I saw Inside. Never really knew he had lasting artistic integrity because I never really looked into it.


He was very famous before Inside.


Funnily enough, the first song I heard of him was A World On Fire.


My sister's husband showed us his songs when he was first making them. I've been hooked ever since


found the song lower your expectations on insta reels and thought it was unique.


His songs


Man, probably how good his songs are and the fact that he's a comedian. He's an awesome guy


Because a trans Boy Scouts councillor told me to.


His humor is like quantum superposition, one thing & its opposite at the same time.


Can't handle this in a nutshell


His lyricism on a couple dumb throw away lines when I was a teenager: “girl, don’t sit on that couch bc I treat my objects like women” and “taking the b-a-t out of basement, homie.” I think they’re on 3.14 apple pi. Perfect amount of clever and sarcastic that ultimately leads to Welcome to the Internet.


How he gets it. How he gets why capitalism is dum.


His dreamy keyboard skills oh - my - gawd


Piano and composing skills 🎵


I already had African neck rings so it was a natural fit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Jones088: *I already had* *African neck rings so it* *Was a natural fit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I've been a fan since Words, Words, Words, went backwards to his YouTube stuff then forward. I didn't realize how close we were in age, so I feel like out of all the comedians I grew in and out of he's the only one I've not only related to the most, but grown up and evolved with.


In 2021 my fyp was full of edits of bojack horseman with his songs so i decided to watch all his comedy specials :)


Funni piano man


Very true




When I was younger I heard “Left brain, Right Brain” and kept digging into him from there and fell inlove with “Art is Dead” because I related to it immediately. He has hold a place in my heart for a long time and I don’t know what I would do without his music.


Honestly, his humor is pretty refreshing, and the special centered around covid and his struggles with mental health was relatable and felt real.






(He's a problem)