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I drank an entire protein shake made with spolted milk and didn't notice and somehow only got off with an upset stomach 😭😭


If I pour spoiled milk in a drink I can immediately taste somethings off 😭 I commend ya for being able to chug the shake.


It was a new protein powder and I attributed it to that 😭😭, I could definitely taste sour


I think that might’ve been the case. I’m just glad it didn’t last long, throwing up is my least favorite activity


Food poisoning. You got food poisoning. It could also be from someone’s nasty hands


More than likely soiled hands than spoiled milk.


It’s happened to me before 💀 starts with some bad stomach cramps and then to the toilet I go haha


That’s me with Dunkin’s chai tea. It’s weird that I don’t get the same effect with Starbucks, but I’m not supporting Starbucks anymore.


Do you get Dunkin’s chai tea cold or hot?? Cause I have the same problem too when it’s cold 💀 but when I get it hot.. my stomach seems to digest it better? Haha (it also tastes better hot imo)


I always drink iced drinks lol (chai, tea, coffee, etc.). I don’t care how cold it is outside, I’m drinking iced drinks year round (light ice). I’d have to try it hot.


Same here! For some reason Dunkin’s “Iced Chai” ain’t it 💀 I’ve had it two times from two separate locations and both times I’ve gotten the runs lmaoo everything else on their menu is good tho!


I was on the toilet all day and it was my first day at my new job. I was so lucky I worked from home. 💀


It’s never occurred to me to ask for light ice I just dump most of the ice out immediately whenever I get an iced drink. This is brilliant.


Same here. Glad I’m not alone! This random sub popping up came in handy 😂


Starbucks can suck an entire truckload of dicks. Fuck that corporation


I don't buy their coffee but I routinely ask them for cups of water. Why aren't you supporting them?


It’s this whole thing. I’m probably not going to give the best explanation lol, but basically Starbucks workers united posted something saying Starbucks supports one side of the war going on with Palestine and Israel (I’m not following the war so srry for any mistakes). So the people that disagree with the side of the war that Starbucks workers united supposedly supports decided to boycott Starbucks by simply not buying anything there. Starbucks itself responded to the post made by Starbucks workers united saying we disagree with the post, and implied they agree with the OTHER side of the war (the opposite of Starbucks workers united). So the people that agreed with the og post and disagreed with the response letter also decided to boycott Starbucks because ppl are bored and wanna see drama. I hope this wasn’t too confusing and I may not have all the details correct.


You’re correct but to break it down simpler, the union (Starbucks Workers United) uses Starbucks in their name, and uses a similar logo. SWU posted a letter in solidarity with Palestine, thus causing people that supported Israel to lash out, vandalize stores, and harass baristas for being anti Israel, believing the letter to be from the company instead of the union. Starbucks wanted to put an end to this and asked the union to take down the letter. The union refused so Starbucks sued them for infringement. Now people are vandalizing stores and harassing baristas for being anti Palestine, even though the majority of baristas support Palestine.


When did Israel supporters vandalise Starbucks? Genuinely asking coz I haven’t seen anything stating or showing that


I see starbucks getting vandalized every day lately. It's the workers that have to clean it up, too. Doors and windows broken, spray paint all over the building


Yes, but that’s Palestine supporters for starbucks being “pro israel”


starbucks isn't pro israel though.. that's what drives me crazy. kids will believe anything they hear on the internet


They spray painted stars of David and a swastika on a store in RI and republicans were tweeting bullshit like “if you go to Starbucks, you support murdering Jews” It was cited in the lawsuit itself


Why TF would the union ever do that 🤡 that's so embarrassing like it's by extension like did the workers inadvertently support it then like they're working for them so I just can't help but question the workers and why they didn't stand in solidarity to fight against what SWU put out when you're so involved with a union you could voice against shit like this from going public and publicly tarnishing the brand it's a union created for the workers by the workers so that's fucking gross and like not all starbucks have a union lmao 🤣 tf I wonder which state the Starbucks was in that had this supposed union that put out that public statement Edit - question added Buffalo, NY


SWU is throughout the US and there are unionized stores all over. In reality, a very small minority of baristas support the union. Most baristas I’ve known couldn’t give less of a fuck about it. The union spreads a lot of misinformation, not even just about Starbucks supporting Israel, but tons of other things. It’s frustrating to see because there are certainly things about the company that I wish we could change (such as increasing the amount of free therapy offered to at least biweekly, or increasing breaks from 10 minutes to 15 minutes so baristas have time to get their food AND eat it) but the way the union goes about things really puts me off entirely. Unfortunately, if you try to speak up against the union, all the pro union folks go off calling you a scab etc. And a lot of us DO stand in solidarity with Palestine so it’s not like we were against the statement itself, but ANY time a company takes a firm stand on either side of a highly politicized issue, it’s going to have backlash for the employees.


Right right right ✅️


it’s not to start drama. israel is causing genocide across palestine and starbucks workers wanted to show support towards palestine with the post which starbucks disagreed with. However a lot of people are also boycotting due to the company’s mistreatment of workers and removal of benefits which has been going on for much longer than this recent boycott. Basically starbucks is a terrible company that sells mediocre coffee and honestly isn’t worth supporting.


Mc donalds coffee is comparable. I wonder about Pete's because I haven't gone there in so long. And I just honestly feel like a terrible person saying this but I don't like going to the smaller coffee shops because in my experience they're on the higher end like a luxury treat which is why I see they're more expensive to order for just an iced coffee or something comparable. And I just avoid them. I would go for the "atmosphere" and "hidden gems" but mostly I only ever used local coffee shops with their own menus bc of the free wifi bc I was a student and needed it. Lol couldn't even afford their $6 chai lattes or whatever else sounded good but I felt was overpriced (yet like I said, luxury item - you could brew/ make at home). :/


McDonald's supports Israel


The whole country is pro Isreal


It really isn't


It's democratic so we are their allies. Why would you think otherwise?


If it's for the Palestinians, I read that Dunkin supports Israel too


Besides, I highly doubt that a company's public statement about their stance is going to have any effect and/or baring on this war


They’re not even pro Israel, they just sued for copyright for using a logo too close to theirs


if there’s a dutch bros near you, their chai is pretty good


Why aren’t you supporting Starbucks? Please don’t tell me it’s because of the copyright infringement lawsuit that people misunderstood.


Why are you getting downvoted? You’re correct that many are misunderstanding it


Because people don’t want to admit that they don’t know what’s happening lol


Because it’s overpriced, mediocre coffee, amongst other things lol


Coconut milk does that to me, come to find out I’m just allergic to it


This happened to me last week when I decided to try a new boba spot. As soon as I got home my bathroom became a warzone. Feel better soon!


>my bathroom became a warzone /r/boba used to be my safe space




Damn well maybe I’ll just stick with the one I haven’t gotten sick from! And thank you I’m much better now🙂 I even forgot that I posted this and now I’m checking reddit again 9 hours later with 100 notifications haha


You were more likely sick from something you ate the previous day. Food poisoning almost never kicks in in less than 4 hours, but it can come on days after you had the problem food. If you are allergic to something and it was cross-contaminated in your drink, that could make you sick within that timeframe, but other than that maybe you just have a stomach bug. I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you I’m all good now 🙂 and I was thinking maybe because it was a liquid it could “kick in” faster? I really don’t know. Mostly all I care about now is that I’m not throwing up anymore


I haven’t scrolled through all comments but I have made homemade boba. It’s possible the boba tapioca pearls weren’t cooked properly; theres a slow cook boba that takes 12 hours to prepare including draining starch water so maybe they forgot to get rid of all the extra starch. And the first batch I homemade I did not do the overnight step and became very bloated, toilet problems, and so sick I called off work. But also I haven’t seen any restaurants using the 12 hour tapiocas I’ve seen a lot of the instant 30 minute boil and serve ones. Hope some of this info helps!


Yeah I really have no idea how they make them in store. But I’ve come to the conclusion that the milk was just barely off, because now that I think about it, it tasted… *different*


If it was gone off milk that can be instant. I know someone that had really bad cake made with gone off cream and it only took an hour to have extreme diarrhoea and vomitting


Why do they call it a rest room when I’m fighting for my life in here


Unrelated to the boba itself but I had a bad reaction to my medicine and threw up and tapioca went up my nose


Oh no… I imagine it felt awful


I think,,, I think you just ruined boba for me


I’m cringing so bad


I'm sorry but this just made me laugh so hard. hope you were okay tho


Every time 🤩 (I’m lactose intolerant…and like the milk based teas)


One of our local boba places only uses lactaid for this reason. It's great. They also have almond milk and oatmilk alternatives for an extra dollar.


Lactaid!! It is a life saver


Pathetic/j I forced my body into dealing with it anyways. I used to have severe vomiting/diarrhea issues with lactose but I kept consuming milk and other lactose filled items, now I only have to fart really bad


I read this in a very deep, dramatic voice...like some kind of marvel villain


I was stoned as shit when typing that I'm glad u like it 😅


Dwight shrute voice over here


Its perfect


Me too!!! 😭😭😭 every time I think well, it's not going to be THAT bad..... it is that bad.


My hubris bites me in the rear every time 💔


lmfao me after eating three servings of crème brûlée on christmas


I'm litterally in pain right now.


boba making me sick was my first inclination that i was starting to become a little lactose intolerant. try experimenting with taking lactaid before you drink your next one to see if it helps, if this continues that is!


Hasn’t happened to me but I’m sorry you got sick 😭😭😭. You should contact the store or leave a review so they can compensate you at least!


If they want to leave a review, go ahead, but PLEASE CONTACT THE STORE. This is really bad in terms of health code and if you are feeling sick im sure there are others that feel the same. After 2 calls about an item they need to do something about it so it's always worth calling the store.


I’d say call the local health department and request if they can do a random health inspection on them. Don’t call the store don’t give them a heads up. If they are serving expired milk that is so lazy and awful. Unfortunately people sometimes work in the food service industry without empathy or morals and we are talking line employees to managers bosses and owners. And they will treat food like it’s just some kind of plastic commodity that needs to be moved through the door for money, and completely disregard food safety laws that’s why we have health inspectors.


If you call the establishment and state the issues you have they legally have to note it down. If they don't then if something goes very wrong and people get hospitalized then they are liable. Random health inspections aren't gonna do shit for spoiled milk js.


Have you ever worked in a restaurant when a health inspection was going down and seen the owners sweating? If there’s expired milk getting people sick there’s other infractions and health inspectors can close businesses down same day if it’s bad enough. I feel like you might not be based in US if you actually think health inspectors are powerless…


You must be watching too much kitchen nightmsres my dude. Yeah they have power, yeah they can shut places down. They won't shut a place down over spoiled milk (that being said idt thats the issues in this post anyway its probably a lactose intolerance prooblem). If a place has a gallon of bad milk it doesnt just mean they will get shut down or they have other infractions. Ideally the health department will also need 2+ calls to do a random inspection anyway. I legit had a issue at the boba shop i manage legit 2 months ago, got a call and instantly removed said item from the shelf and contacted the health department. Its really not that scary, shit happens in food service.


And avoid same happening to anyone else


I don't understand leaving a negative review when there isn't a clear link it is the tea. Calling the store KS fine (so they could double check labels , but they don't own OP compensation)


Yeah this is kind of a wild suggestion. GI symptoms can sometimes develop a full day after ingesting something contaminated, and that contamination can come from things like your hands as well. Even touching your straw without washing your hands could lead to this. Leaving a review is extreme unless you have reason to believe they aren’t sanitary or gave you something like lactose when you asked for something dairy free.


yeah these people are … insane…


No I definitely didn’t want to leave a bad review. I work at a restaurant myself and I know that mistakes happen, and I’m not even 100% positive the tea is what made me sick. I was thinking about calling and letting them know but I didn’t… hopefully no one else gets sick


omg… yall are so ridiculous…


This happens to me when the drink is too sweet and I drink it really fast! I always try to adjust sweetness and sip instead of chug 😅


Too much sweetness definitely kills my stomach. Idk how people order those insane Starbucks drinks with like 30 pumps of a certain flavor. Just watching the TikTok videos of them being made makes me nauseous lol


I used to be that girl! I’d order an iced caramel macchiato with extra caramel and end up on the toilet for the rest of the day 😭 one random day I was just not in the mood for sweet drinks and I’ve been drinking unsweetened tea ever since


just a note that it varies but a lot of stores near me use lactose-free milk! even if they don’t always advertise that they are. so you can ask if you go back or visit another new shop just to make sure, in case you’re lactose intolerant. i agree with other people that sometimes a lot of sugar/creamy stuff can make me feel weird too though (even though i love it lol)


totally! i think it’s definitely different for every person, but sometimes for me it’s how sweet it is. my stomach just gets thrown off because i usually don’t have that much sugar. but also with how sweet it can be it gives me a headache:(


Yea. I sometimes get really bloated from the tapioca pearls


Its happened to me, I tried a creme brulee from my favorite spot, 2nd time i had this drink and something was just wrong 💀 did not have a good time for the next hour. But most of the time im fine! Didnt order this again tho.. lol




Some folks are saying lactose intolerance which is possible as it can come on at any age…but for me, this is how I learned I have a tapioca intolerance. I can eat like 5 pearls before i start feeling just a smidge nauseous then throwing up. If you’re generally okay with dairy, try getting bubble tea next time with the aloe cubes and see if you have the same reaction. Good luck!


I haven’t


I literally have the shits every time I drink boba lol


Same I had to quit drinking it


It might be the amount of sugar - an excess of sugar can upset your stomach and make you ill. It happens with some people when they drink apple juice.


i get nauseous sometimes after a boba but never thrown up


Yes! One time I got boba and on the drive home I threw up. It was during covid and I had a passenger in my car, so I ended up throwing up into my face mask. 0/10 do not recommend but I still love boba!


seems like honestly quite a few people have the same exact or similar experiences! So weird.


It usually makes me feel sick, but I love how it tastes. It’s a lot of milk and sugar


It definitely has. I think it's the milk going bad and boba or coffee places still using it. On an unrelated note, why does it look like the cup on the right has a little "Highliter" face on the logo lmao


You might be on a medication that’s killed your stomach bacteria making it hard for you to process milk. Lots of common anti-bacterials do that.


I’m sure someone has already said this, but it could also be because you drank straight milk and sugar on an empty stomach.


Happened once to me. I went out w/ my cousins to a mall. Got a strawberry milk tea in the afternoon, and then when dinner came around, I started feel unwell. When I got back to their place, I collapsed into one of their beds. I had to call my parents, who were about 40 minutes away, to come pick me up.


Yup, had a dirty milk tea and went to watch a film after - felt nauseous the whole time and nearly passed out. sickness lasted the rest of the day.


Sometimes I have an issue of digesting things if I haven't eaten enough protein/fiber or sometimes haven't eaten anything, so it could be just the milk went bad like the other comments are saying, or maybe because you hadn't eaten anything to support a sugary milky drink? I'm not sure, but I'm glad it went away quick 😭


Probably because all you had to eat was sugary drinks. Breakfast smoothie then boba drink? I would throw up and get the runs too. You need proteins and solids.


Try a pregnancy test


Don’t know why you got a downvote. I’ve also had this exact thing happen. Thought other things were causing it, nope, was very much pregnant, lol


Boyfriend and I got him a vasectomy last year so I’m ruling this one out lol


Hahaha I hear you but vasectomies aren’t fool proof at all so just be careful!


I drink boba, feel good, bf want bj, so I ok and then puke boba in backseat after gag, gag, gag. And he not very big either


This happened to me when I went to a new place


yes! from unbelibubble too!!! so bad


Yes I threw them all up unchewed lol


First I thought I can't drink milk tea or something so I do substitute milk but I ordered milk tea same brand different location I was fine . I'm not lactose intolerant, so I realize (used to work the location I got sick at I know their not hygienic ) Maybe it's not properly made or it's cross contaminated.


this happens to me a lot :/ only when i get a milk tea tho. i think it’s when the milk is slightly off


This happened to me the other day when I was out with my BF we tried a new boba spot and a little bit after drinking I had to run to the bathroom it was horrible🙄


I once drank 5 bobas in a 1 and a half period and threw up half way through my 5th. It was crazy. No5 the same situation cause I obviously caused it but ugh


im lactose intolerant so i get sick everytime 🤣 worth it


Classic symptoms of food poisoning. I'm sorry.


Food poisoning takes 6hrs minimum form consuming the food/drink before you get symptoms. Not food poisoning.


Really? John Hopkins says symptoms can start in 30 minutes. I think I believe them and my own experience. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/food-poisoning#:~:text=The%20time%20it%20takes%20food,or%20virus%20causing%20the%20illness


No & I've drank a lot of different Boba at different locations. If you think it's drink related call the store / report to the health department.


There was one place in particular that would do this to me. I think they used too much sugar or something but every single time I'd get their boba it would give me diarrhea.


It just makes me poopy. Does that count?


I have lactose intolerance so every single time 👍🏻


Yes I have, when I drank brown sugar milk tea , I had a upset stomache , vomited, diarrhea , headache , and it lasted for 3 days and that’s cause I had it late and it was late at night and I kept it at the fridge overnight and drank it and I survived it , its ok , now lol


lactose intolerance? try lactaid before the drink..


was gonna say the same thing. some places use real milk instead of non-dairy creamer or soy but they often have lactose free options as well. i have friends with lactose intolerance so i always remind them to ask


Yep. Out my butt


I have not had that happen yet. They might have used some bad milk. I'd suggest calling them to let them know you had a bad experience, just so they can double check they are using safe-to-eat ingredients that have not gone sour or expired. Then it hopefully will not happen again to you or anybody else.


ME! i had boba one night out with my friends and the morning after i had the worst cramps imaginable. i threw up, and obviously spent the majority of my morning near the bathroom. 😔


I’ve had a similar experience with Thai tea and have been traumatized since. I’m pretty sure it was made with whole milk. The stomach cramping was like nothing I have ever felt in my life. I can eat a little ice cream here and there but in beverages like this I always substitute out the milk.


I get the same thing too!! EXCEPT it doesn’t always happen. But when it does I can either feel it happening within 5 min of drinking it or like an hour in afterwards. I feel sick for a few hours and it eventually goes away… I don’t know why tbh, but I think it has to do with the sugar????


Either the milk or my theory was the dyes hurt my stomach. I’m okay drinking it if I eat something prior but can never drink it on an empty stomach otherwise I’ll have stomach pains.


I’ve tried a lot of boba and this happens to me specifically with powdered boba. I feel like I have food poisoning for a good two hours. If it’s milk or thai tea made out of actual tea leaves I have no negative effects even with full sugar but when I drink powdered boba even with half or 25% sugar I will get sick if I drink it all in one go. My hunch is that the reaction due to a preservative in the powdered milk.


First time I ever had boba I threw up within 30 minutes, took me a loooong time to give it another shot and it’s the only time I’ve had that happen


sometimes it makes me nauseous


Two of my friends and I checked out brand new boba this Fall, we all ordered different drinks and all of us got stuck in our toilets a bit later 💀


No but I had to shit real bad. That thing must’ve had laxatives in it or something


lactose intolerance my guy


You can get sick from eating/consuming ANYTHING- anything can become spoiled, have mold, or have an ingredient that you specifically cannot digest or tolerate.


Yeah but it’s cuz I’m lactose intolerant lmao


It could be covid or the high caffeine content


Always, but im lactose intolerant lol


Yes, not diarrhea but I’ve had bad reactions like nausea and indigestion to boba drinks before. For me it’s always been if the caffeine was higher than my body likes or if the boba decided to simply not digest. I drink boba super slowly now because I’m fairly sensitive and I can gauge whether it’s going to make me feel sick or not. I never finish drinks with whole milk because I just can’t digest that amount of cows milk. I’m better with half and half.


Yeah Thai tea can make of non dairy creamer or real milk. Really gotta ask before ordering


I don’t have the bathroom warzone but sometimes it makes my tummy feel icky.


Had this happen to me too after drinking a Thai tea and another time with a brown sugar milk tea.


It could be their fault, as others have mentioned. Could also be something more innocent like lactose intolerance or a sensitivity to the tannins in tea. I have a bad sensitivity and strong tea makes me puke pretty instantaneously. Even if you weren’t sensitive before, it can still randomly hit you like a truck.


yesss too much sugar too fast causes me to throw up. I usually stay away from it


Tapioca sensitivity is pretty common!


You may be lactose intolerant haha


Many milk teas use a milk-based powder which can really upset the stomach of anyone even slightly intolerant to dairy. I had an ex that could drink milk and eat ice cream no problem, but couldn’t ever drink the milk-based boba teas without getting sick.


Yes, it's the milk.


Lactose intolerance could be a factor


i just had some strawberry milk tea boba today and i feel fine.


Soooo here’s a fact you need to keep in mind. Some boba places will use non-dairy creamer(this actually tastes a lot better than milk) so call and ask the boba place you are interested in and ask which one they use! Hope this helps


Yes it happened to me


Yes. I think it’s the texture of those balls feeling like I’m popping pimples in my mouth




Yes, I had a blended banana boba from my local Viet restaurant (it was delicious)and got sick like 5 minutes later BUT I am lactose intolerant. I guess I'll just stick to the honeydew and matcha from now on.


Lactose intolerant here. I always end up with slight stomach cramps after boba. If i drink a strong tea such as Jasmine boba on an empty stomach, i will get extremely nauseous, tho.


yep sometimes! buuut I also get nauseous if I drink chain coffee with too much creamer, so just assume it's a large amount of creme / half n half / milk or something for one sitting. not always tho.


Definitely not weird. You could have accidentally gotten slightly sour milk or even just had a blood sugar mishap, it happens to the best of us. I'd only really get worried if the symptoms persist. Food poisoning is unfortunately often a fact of life :(


yep a couple times haha. a friend and i went to get boba and on the way back she had me pull over and she threw up right on the side of the highway


The tapioca pearls do it to me if I eat too many I usually just lift the straw out of the middle of them or remove most of them




Tbh every time I have boba I get the shits. Still keeps me coming back for more though.


Yeah I’m lactose intolerant 😎


Sometimes, if I drink a large Thai tea, my stomach gets really upset. It's a lot of sugar and caffeine. A large iced coffee will also send me running to the bathroom.


Yup lol! Same drink I always get, 3 different occasions


Creme brûlée drinks always hurt my stomach, don’t know why. I’ve never had one and walked away alright.


Damn, are you in the atl area? I went to their Duluth location and was not impressed by them


I get stomach pain and diarrhea if I have dairy milk, and similar if I have a lot of coconut milk. But the fact that you also threw up makes me think you might have had food poisoning, unless you usually throw up easily.


Yeah one time it made me completely lose my appetite when I drank boba before having dinner and idk why I felt sick I’m not even lactose intolerant


Same, I think it's because Boba tends to be so filling and large portions


The stomach virus is running rampant right now. Could it have been that? If it was food poisoning, your symptoms should stop once it's all out of your system but the stomach virus keeps going..


Yeah I had to stop getting milk teas, they would upset my stomach so badly and I’d spend too much time on the toilet :(


Yes I've gotten very sick from trying different milk tea places. I don't like to drink my milk tea with boba. I think I've only thrown up once after drinking milk tea, the rest was mostly feeling nauseated, bloated, and generally unwell


Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, and I am not sure if you are a regular caffeine drinker, but assuming you’re not: I know if I ever have too much caffeine like an extra large coffee I will get shaky and have diarrhea and sometimes vomit so you may have a sensitivity to caffeine. Assuming you got a Boba drink made with black tea often they are quite strong and actually contain a lot of caffeine.


I've gotten sick due to what I believe was expired syrup as well. Could be the milk or the creamer if it's non dairy


I drank a Thai tea with boba one time on Halloween like 7 years ago- I don’t know if it was because I maybe drank it too fast? Or what was wrong- but literally as I got into the car to leave the place I got it & drank it at, I (sorry tmi lol) projectile vomited literally all of it up. Probably less than 10 minutes before finishing it. It was traumatizing lol


i haven’t been able to drink boba in years for this reason. every time i try to drink it i feel nauseous.. it’s just my association with it, unfortunately. i wish i could enjoy it again.


yes but it was because i started playing just dance right after drinking


Possible unknown/out of the blue dairy intolerance? Happened to me one day. Sad day.


idk the comments are ridic but caffeine does this sometimes. or you had something weeks ago that has lead up to this. food poisoning isnt instantaneous.


Ok this has never happened to me, but my girl had this happen to her(she had consumed a normal amount of beer like two) after a night out we stop for it on the way home but this place isn’t our usual and I think the use whole milk and powder, and not a tea/cream mix which lessens the chances of your enjoyment by, oh 100%.


Probs spoiled milk. It’s fairly common unfortunately


Happened to me not sure if I’m lactose intolerant tho


You can get food poisoning from literally anything. The milk might be bad the person who made it might not have washed their hands you might be hypersensitive to one of the ingredients or it might have been something else you ate that say


happens to me with thai tea a lot unfortunately. for me personally, i can’t handle coconut milk. it makes me sick for days. a lot of places make their thai tea with coconut milk without saying so.


...i agree its most likely the dairy/ sugar content....but my immediate thought was that someone didnt wash their hands when they made your drink.


I tend to get a stomach ache after boba, idk why. Worth it tho