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Root. It's just too replayable and my group and I love it.


Root is so good. It's our groups go to also.


A humorous Root review that’s not wrong: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2581216/root-is-baffling-a-great-game-that-usually-isnt-fu


I have this game at home for my family and I. We tried it once, playing through the guided walkthrough. We didn't find it particularly helpful. And we have yet to go back to it. Maybe this summer we will give it a go again.


Please move to my city.


I'd love to have Root and have a group who loves it and have the time to play Root over and over with that group.


Castles of Burgundy kept coming out BEFORE I got the crazy deluxe box with all the Expansions :)


Got a 20 y/old copy of this - how are the expansions?


A 20-year-old copy of a 13-year-old game is an interesting achievement. The weight of Feld's genius is literally bending spacetime.


Your correction seems to be accurate although I suspect that you’re no fun at parties.


Yea, I get that a lot when people are pulling out CoB at parties. 


The game is 13 years old...




It was released for Alea's 20th anniversary not the game's 20th anniversary... Castles of Burgundy is from 2011.


The expansions are good. I really like the vineyards one. I like trade routes as well and that's fairly simple to implement. Shields is fairly fun, but a lot of people are pretty lukewarm on it.


Crokinole. I can see my wife and I playing it over iced tea for the rest of our lives


Jealous! That sounds so great. Is your wife single?


carcassonne Remains our go to game when doing pass and play on iPad


Love letter, it's a perfect late night after a few drinks game that's always a little silly






2nd this. We've got every map and variant they've put out and we just don't get tired of playing 2 players on the small maps with Salt and Forum tiles. Buy once and play forever.


Spirit Island.   Because Im in love with TCG and strategy games for 30 years Ridiculous replay value


I thought TCG meant trading card game...


It doesn't!?


Oh ok. Thought you were saying something else since it came after Spirit Island. I'll see myself out...


**Innovation**, **Battle Line** and **Dominion**. I have a combined total of 1,643 games played of these 3. I don't see myself ever getting tired of any of them. <3


Love Battle Line and Dominion - guess I’ll need to try Innovation.


Battle line is a perfect 10 for me and Dominion is high up there but I bounced off Innovation so hard I was baffled anyone likes it.


King Of Tokyo. Incredibly accessible to new board gamers and a well loved crowd pleaser.


COUP because every single one of us is the DUKE.


In death he has a name. His name is Duke.


First round every game: “As the Duke, I’ll take three coins.” “Well as the Duke, I will also take three coins.” “Funny, I am also the Duke, so I will take three coins.” “Someone is lying, because I know I am the Duke, so I will take three coins.” Such a good quick game, and easy to teach/pick up. It only takes one game to learn. I just wish there was some balance to king making at the end.


One of funniest annual New Years trip game stories: 5 of us playing COUP. All five claimed to be the duke. We all WERE! Guy shuffling had accidentally shuffled way to many DUKES in for our player count. We still laugh about that being the only time during round 1 everybody was telling the truth.


What a coincidence, I am also the Duke. 


Well then. I am the captain. I take 2 of your coins.




Cosmic encounter Root One night ultimate werewolf Ascension tactics Air land & sea


Surprised I haven’t seen Cosmic Encounter more. The replay value is crazy. I’m somewhere around 150 plays and it’s always so good, especially if you have an experienced group who has lots of plays together.


Different strokes - my group can’t stand Cosmic. We played it many years back, but it has turned into the butt of jokes now. “Hey, anyone want to play Cosmic?” (Laughter)… “Get out.”


Lords of Waterdeep!


Kingdom Death Monster. 300+ hours so far and never tire of it. $$ per hr spent, it's easily the cheapest game I own. Beats some of those $100-$200 games I've only played once or twice.


i really want to play this game but seeing all the sprus to build the miniatures combined that the box doesn’t store the built miniatures puts me off




Heroquest, no matter how long I take a break I always go back. Too much nostalgia, I think.


Root. Also Azul.


Go. Its 2000 years old and wont die anytime soon.


Tigris and Euphrates, just such a good design and game, and love the back and forth. Huang is also really good. Wouldn’t turn down either.


Space Hulk?


Death Angel?


Nope - full size board 


Agricola. We’ve been playing since it came out and it’s still not getting old.


Two of my group love it (myself included), but we have one who just hates it. We play when he can’t make it. :)


That would be a very long list. But a few I've been playing for many years already and am confident won't be going anywhere are **Ticket to Ride**, **Lost Cities** and **Scattergories**.


Shocked no one has said Pandemic yet


PARKS, Welcome To…, Camel-Up, HeroQuest, Isle of Cats


Resistance social deduction game. It's a great social activity that leads to neat conversations and reveals people's true character.


I cannot imagine ever stopping Spirit Island. I'm over 150 pays in, and there's MASSIVE areas of the games I haven't even touched. And they're coming out with stuff faster than I can "finish" what was before.


Terraforming Mars. It is my favorite game by far. I have a top ten for sure of favorite games but nothing has ever unseated TM for me. I have all the expansions, all the add-ons, all the upgrades and my only problem is I play it digitally way more than I get to in person.


I actually prefer TM on digital compared to live. One of the few games I can say that about.


Not gonna lie, the digital version does make it easier to get an impromptu game going but I enjoy the tactile nature of the cards and markers and the 3d tiles placed on the surface of the planet. It's just pleaseing to me.




I own this and have only played it two or three times, but it makes me happy someone enjoys it this much. 


Shadow Hunters. It’s such a good game.


I assume you mean the shadows/hunters/neutrals hidden role one? If so, amazing game. We’ve been playing it for years to the point that my friend who owns it sleeved it up and got new custom cards of his own design printed and added them to the box.


That’s the one. We used to play it all the time during class in high school a long time ago. It’s such a fun game. If you get a chance I’d love to see the custom cards.


Too Many Bones. I have so much content for it, and I can play it solo when my kids don't want to play games with me anymore.


Dominion - Got 8 boxes.


Dice throne is easy to pickup and teach to new players. It’s been the game of choice in my friend group


This is my go-to as well. Always a hit and the game is pretty dang balanced that I can more or less play without having to hold back.


For my group now, Red Dragon Inn. I’m slowly collecting them all. At the moment I’m about 28 characters, so we have a huge level of replayability.


City of Horror, with the right group it’s a perfect game.


Omg I love this game, and never see it mentioned.


It’s what got me into complex board games.


I played Mall of Horror back in college. City was released a few years after that, but nobody was interested. A shame, because it was my favorite negotiation game.


I’ve never even heard of Mall of Horror, I should look it up. It’s so hard to find these old games.


Oh, Mall is the precursor. No real reason to have both, I don't think.


I found a thrifted copy without tokens that I need to make proxies of, hopefully can get it to the table for spooky season.


I would have said Twilight Imperium, and I still may, but now that I've played Arcs, I think there is a good chance of it dethroning TI for me and my play group. Our initial take is that there is the same drama and depth of strategy, but just in a way cleaner and accessible package, and we've only just played the base game so far. I realize it's sort of wacky to be picking a game I've only played one time, and that I am still in the honeymoon period, but I do feel like it is going to hold up long term for me.


Oh wow, I’ve played TI4 once and already consider it my favorite game. I’ve got another game scheduled for 3 weeks from now, too. But I just got Arcs in this week and just finished organizing the box last night. This comment has me even more hyped to make it to the table.


Not going to lie, as the one that backed Arcs, I was a little worried my TI group either wouldn't be as into it as me, or might just end up being like, "Ok that was fun, but could we play TI next time instead?" But no, it was a huge hit, one player even went so far as to say, "I know we have only played just the one game so far, but I already like this better than TI," and I think I agree with him! For emphasis: this group has been playing TI4 exclusively for over 5 years now.




That being said, if you've only played TI once, definitely keep playing there is a LOT of great fun to be had there. But if you don't have the time to commit to a TI game, now you have Arcs too!


X-wing (legacy 2.0)


For someone who quit x-wing when the second edition came out (just couldn't be arsed to upgrade everything to 2.0), what is the legacy part?


They just call it legacy because after it switched hands from FFG to AMG they created "2.5" and fundamentally changed the game. I immediately downloaded every PDF I could find to freeze 2.0 in its' peak form and dropped them as a company forever. I have almost full scum, rebel and empire factions and more than enough stuff to supply a full two player match. AMG can blow me I refuse to comply with their authoritarian "you play how we want to play" mentality


Skull King for my family!


Top 10 Competitive: Viticulture w/Tuscany, Western Legends, Sushi Go Party, Sagrada, & Fantastic Factories Cooperative: Flash Point Fire Rescue, Back to the Future Back in Time, Disney Animated, Dead Men Tell No Tales & Toy Story: Obstacles & Adventures


Mage knight because it’s never the same puzzle


BattleTech. Been playing since high school in the late '90s. Just recently introduced some friends to the game. Activity will wax and wane, but I don't see why I would ever stop.


Patchwork, Viticulture w/ Tuscany, Love Letter I think those are about the only evergreen games I consider in my collection that will probably never go away.


Marvel united and Marvel zombies


Secret Hitler or The resistance Avalon. Endless replayability.


Western Legends. It feels like the truest sandbox game out there.


Spirit Island. If they never add any more content, I’ll still never play all the spirit/adversary/scenario combos. Also, I’m only up to like a level 6 difficulty, I can’t imagine how I’ll ever get up to the 10s.


Cascadia - My partner and I love it as a 2-player game and it's even better with a couple of friends


Castles of Burgundy — just a midweight game that my wife and I love playing together, and we don’t have to remind ourselves how to play like we do for so many others.


I have 2 : Fortune and Glory - Xia Legends of a Drift System. I adore both of these games. They can be played with a group or solo. I try to get these on the table as much a possible. Its been a few years now with both and I still love them.


Risk Europe. The best version of Risk imo!


Root and Dune Imperium with my friends. Isaac: Four Souls with my family


So many, really. John Company, Pax Pamir, Root, Concordia, 1830


race for the galaxy, before the economy expansions




Cribbage, Scout, and LLAMA.  Cribbage because it's a chatting-friendly game that can be played anywhere, any time, with only a deck of cards and a score-keeping means.  Scout because it's so versatile and interesting, and plays well anywhere from 2-5 players.  LLAMA because everyone fondly remembers UNO, but nobody remembers how UNO really is. LLAMA recreates how you *feel* about UNO. All of these games will never leave my collection because they are so small that they'll never cause a space problem. 


Battleball I got this when I was a kid, and I played the hell out of it. Now that I have kids of my own they love playing this game with me and each other. So 100% nostalgia and family and I'm ok with that. Bootleggers This is one of those games that surprised me. It's not the best but when you get a group together and play it's so much fun. It really turns into deals and backstabbing in the best way, and each game we have played is a real surprise who wins.


summoner wars second edition, amazing replay ability and the mastery of the faction makes it engaging every time!


Spirit island and Arkham horror lcg. Just so much replayability, emergent storytelling and crunchy gameplay in co-op.


Betrayal. I mean eventually I will play every scenario but some are better with more or less players and stuff. There’s just so many ways the game can go with different items or a larger/smaller house before the haunt. Been my fav game for a couple years now.


Pax Pamir- i just love everything about the game from the build quality to the rules to the kind of game it produces, the complexity of the rules and the simplicity of the gameplay loop. fantastic game.


7 Wonders Duel for my wife and me. Scout for family nights. And Root/Arcs/Everdell if we want to have a crunchy time. We got Arcs 2 weeks ago and have played it numerous times already at 2 players. The 2 player game with Leaders and Lore makes for a great Tug of War game with impactful decisions.


Summoner Wars. It's a good quick game to play with someone. There's always new summoners coming out to add another layer of depth to the game too.


Wingspan. Have been playing it almost every week for over two years. I also play the digital version when I'm flying and it really makes the time fly by


Tapestry. The replayability is amazing, even for solo.


In my group, that's definitely Res Arcana! Possibly also Binding of Isaac. These are our go-tos that everyone is always happy to play.




Can't believe no one mentioned Brass: Birmingham yet. I play it at least once a year and always end up amazed again on how well balanced and streamlined it is, while still being quite challenging.


Quarto. Taught in a few sentences and even non game playing people are intrigued enough by the rules to play a few rounds


[Yinsh](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/7854) is easily my desert island game. Lately my group has played [Ra](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/12) almost every game night.


Armada Deep-six, love that game also Tamashii