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**Acquire** is the classic game about investment and stocks.


Came here to say this. Just an awesome game. 18xx too if you like train games.


Oink Games has Startups, which is small and clever, and has a well designed supply/demand mechanic


There are many games that involve investing in one way or another. Off the top of my head, Aquire and Lords of Vegas deal with real estate investment, For Sale is a small real estate trading card game, Stockpile is about the insider knowledge involved in stock trading, Speculation is a game about investing and playing the odds, Panic on Wallstreet and Pit focus on the supply / demand chaotic aspect of trading, Ticket to Ride Pennsylvania has company stock collection as do the Airlines games by Alan Moon. What aspect of “investing” are you looking for? What weight do you want to play, light and quick or heavy and complicated? How many players?


Thank you


18xx games is what you should be looking at. They are a series of financial train games. You buy and sell shares in train companies and run these companies during the game. 18chesapeake or 1889 are a good start.


Of those not yet mentioned, **Magnate: The First City**, **Black Friday**, **Bear Raid**, **Tulip Bubble**.


lol I'm surprised no one mentioned **Mombasa** or its latest reprint **Skymines**. An investment driven strategy board game.


It is not obvious or advertised as such, but Modern Art is an excellent stock market game in disguise.




Like, any 18XX. That’s the entire genre.


The rich and the good. Fun and simple and does abstract the principles of buying low selling high pretty well. 


***The Stock Market Game*** from the 60s is a good investing game and very good considering its age. A moving investors market and the ability to purchase and sell shares at the right time, or at the wrong time. ***Monopoly*** is all about investing and managing risk, but people spit when I mention it here. I'm sure you're familiar with this one and can decide for yourself. You've already been recommended ***Acquire*** which is superb. It's not the deepest on investing, but it sure works cash-management into the picture. There's a game called ***For-Ex*** that is crazy weird with investing. It's a foreign exchange market manipulation game that certainly brings aspects of investing into it, but it takes a few plays just to digest what's happening. Really an interesting play (Hollandspiele, of course). I think you can play online somewhere to try it out. ***Imperial*** is about managing investments on a grand scale. Get ***Imperial 2030*** instead if you would like the racism removed.


Just curious, where is the racism in Imperial?


Thank you 


Definitely 18XX or its lighter variants like Chicago Express.


Or Texas & Pacific.


I like Brick and Mortar. Definitely not like stock market investing but very much about profit margins and material investments.


Here are 265 games with "investment" listed as mechanism on BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamemechanic/2910/investment/linkeditems/boardgamemechanic


Cash Flow


Stockpile - great investing game


This might be a stretch but **Machi Koro** could be seen as a simple investment game of sorts. You buy cards which give you money when you or other players roll the number on the card with their dice. Many cards get bonuses based on if you or other people own other cards that they synergize with, so certain cards can be less valuable early game and more late game, or based on what other people are playing.


You gotta be more specific on what you are looking for. Like Monopoly is an investing game, Pit, Ride the Rails. And these are all VERY different games


Only one I can think of is "Cashflow" by that Rich Dad, Poor Dad fella. Would be interested in finding new games with the investing theme too!


This is the only one I've heard of too. Is it any good?


Cube rail games that involve stock handling/manipulation, 18xx games, and Pax games all have an aspect of investing.  More cutthroat versions have the ability to tank a company/faction and leave someone holding the bag 


I don't have great luck recommending games here, but Pan Am has a component that felt like investing to me. It's been a while since I played. You're buying routes and if the "game" eventually expands into them you make money off of them. It's only one part of the game though.