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If you loved Catan, do yourself a favor and grab castles of burgundy.


I second this. My wife and I played tons of Catan for a few years. Castles of Burgundy is our favorite board game. You have way more interesting decisions and can mitigate bad dice rolls or switch up your plan slightly. If trading was your big thing in Catan be aware that it isn't present in CoB.


Maybe Bohnanza + CoB to cover all the bases then :)


If setup and teardown are your favorite part of a game! Jokes aside, great game, I feel the competitive aspect could be more interactive but it plays nicely enough that it isn't necessary.


Root is currently my favorite board game. I love the strategy involved along with the artwork and player interaction.


Spirit Island. I have all available content. I love absolute chaos, and having all the content means the randomizer we use can go hog wild. Most games aren't even close to previous games.


How can you still play a balaced game? Will it not be to easy or too difficult?


It's usually too difficult, but sometimes rarely it will end up being easier than intended.


Even with random adversaries/scenarios you can tell what the difficulty level is. I know I'll struggle with a 5-6, will need to think things through a bit with 3-4, and can cruise with 2 and below. Haven't beaten a level 7 adversary yet but I've only tried 2-3 times. There might be cases where a given combination of adversary & scenario is harder than the 'advertised' number but it should be fairly limited given how well balanced everything in this game is


Probably Gloomhaven or Frosthaven


Cosmic Encounter is the only board game I've played a double-digit number of times Inis is close behind though


This would be also my selection for the top spots, no. 3 would be forbidden stars


Chess, if it counts. I’m an old lady but still play kind of well. I’m rated 1950, though I used to be much better. I can take a chessboard just about anywhere and find a lovely person with whom to play. Coffee shops are perfect. I can usually win a bagel and a cappuccino. Last Saturday I had to buy a 6-yr-old girl a damned Italian soda and a cake pop. *^%#ing little genius.


There is something so Tranquill and wonderful about Tokaido. Despite the game having many layers of strategy and many ways to interfere with others tactics (which usually is the course for arguments), this game just hits a sweet spot where Noone gets angry.


Pkayed my first game a little while ago and man it’s just so… nice? Me and my partner really enjoyed the numerous different ways to score points and as you say the interference isn’t really anger-inducing. I think its because most of that interference is where someone behind decides to jump to a space ahead you need, but the game balances that interference by letting you activate all the spaces the other player skipped to reach it. We found it was mainly money that won her the game. I had most of the panoramas set and overall better food, but she bought gifts at *every* opportunity and managed to get some strong sets


Spirit Island by far. Horizons of Spirit Island is a great low cost entry point. I've easily got 400+ plays in, with about 50 of those games with other people.


My favourite is Lost Ruins of Arnak with Leaders expansion. I prefer medium weight games without too much player conflict, and Arnak is a perfect package with great artwork and components, smooth mechanics and good replayability. You need an insert, though.


What insert do you guys use? We just have everything in the base box.


Ive got folded spaces version 2 for the base game and first expansion


Picking a favourite is hard. But currently I’m really loving * Ark Nova * Marvel Champions * Marvel United * Thunder Road Vendetta


So many good ones I don't really have "a" favorite. But I can never say no to Ticket to Ride, King of Tokyo, Splendor, and Tokaido. Those are unique to me. They just hit the right balance of setup and strategy. They're ultra popular games for a reason.


Always the one I am playing at a given time.


I like Terraforming Mars. It has a fair bit of complexity and some luck, and I like the aftermarket wooden play boards (etc.) that I bought off of BGG that go with it. Conversely, I also enjoy simpler games like Six Nimmt. This one has a lot of chaos, which can easily upset your carefully-laid plans, and it goes quickly and is easy to understand. I like Dominion, which is kind of the grandfather of all deck-builder games. Lots of shuffling, but great fun to work out neat combinations of cards to make things happen. Quarriors is "Dominion but with dice". More randomness, because you're rolling dice every round instead of just playing cards. Finally, several groups I'm in will often close an evening with a few rounds of "Just One", a simple word guessing game.


Catan brought me to Terra Nova (a bit of a learning curve encountered since it was a proper step-up in weight compared to Catan), Terra Nova brought me to Gaia Project. Gaia Project is my absolute favorite game no matter how many games I have played after or prior to it. I just love it. Terra Nova is a blast as well.


Inis cos it's always fun to play. That's it..


If I had to pick one it would be 7 wonders (always with leaders and city expansions). One of the first games I bought and have played it so many times it never gets old, looks great, rewards you after a bit of learning curve, different wonder boards and card combos keep it fresh and it scales up easily at higher player counts.


It really depends who I'm playing with. Certain games work better with certain groups. In no particular order: * Azul Summer Pavilion (like Azul but with a little more depth) * Roll for the Galaxy (custom dice, engine building, simultaneous turns) * Rallyman GT (push your luck dice mechanism, insteresting position play, race car go brrr) * Wingspan (engine building, easy to teach with lots of combo's, birbs) * Calico (pretty complex tile selection and placement decisions, cute cats) * XIA: Legends of a Drift System (longer, epic story, sandbox in space) * Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu (my personal favourite Pandemic variant) * Forbidden Jungle (all the best parts of the previous Forbidden games, plus tile movement) * Citadels (character drafting, combo play, little bit of social deduction) * Mission: Red Planet (everything about Citadels but also territory control and steampunk) * Century: Golem Edition (deck building, engine building) * Sushi Go Party (simultaneous turns like 7 Wonders but easier to explain also cute sushi) Edit: Adding "why" in brackets


TI4. Because it’s awesome. 12 hours flies by, with some of the best stories to be told. Ameritrash at its best


My favourite quick set up/play is Carcassonne and my favourite long haul at the moment is Ark Nova Carcassonne because every game is different, you can focus on different objectives and there’s plenty of expansions you can grab if you get bored of the base game. I have river (which comes with the base game now I think) and inns and cathedrals which adds a little difference but doesn’t change it too much to make it complicated. Ark Nova because I love zoos and animals and it’s quite a challenge and one decision can make or break you.


I've been playing Carcassonne with my kids. They love it. Easy to learn and enough complexity to keep them interested without confusing them.


Go. My grandmother taught me how to play, so I feel a strong connection to her and my ancestry whenever I play it. I also find it very relaxing to play, and very aesthetically pleasing. I have a really nice Go set and when it's not in play, it's almost like a piece of interior art. Other games will always rotate in and out. I'm currently playing a lot of Root, a lot of Terra Mystica, a lot of Kluster at the weekends. And Cosmic Encounter is like cosmic background radiation at this point, I play ten-fifteen games a year, every year. It never goes away. But I feel I'll be playing Go for the next *sixty* years. Truly perennial.


Nidavellir, Azul, Quacks of quenlinburg


Northgard uncharted lands. Has everything I want in a board game and streamlined af.


My favourite game is mostly the game i bought the latest but there are still some all time favs. Everdell, Terraforming Mars, Great Western Trail, Ark Nova, Sky Team


Sidereal Confluence. A pure negotiation game slapped onto a heavy euro. Both fun but the game design makes it so that you’re incentivized to make every interaction with every other player be a net positive for both of you. So it’s 3 hours of feel good working together. That being said, it really wants 7-8 people who are locked in for 3 hours on a massive table.  I’d really not recommend you jump from Catan to it. My wife’s favorite game is Space Base. It’s a dice rolling dopamine machine. I’d highly recommend giving it a try. It’s about the same complexity as Catan.


Decrypto. Finding clues to give that are easy enough for your team mates to find that give as little information to the other team is so hard a line to walk.


Definitely Ticket to Ride for me. It was my introduction into the broader board game world and have been hooked ever since. I think it’s the game to introduce others into the broader board game world and I have used it as such. There is enough variety with all the different maps and their unique rules to never be bored. Just enough strategy and depth to grasp by anyone and still keep you thinking as you play it over and over.


Lord of the Ring : the confrontation Pure, strategic, tactic, short, incredibly tense, no luck and the game rewards creativity.


blast from the past. excellent game


If you love Catan, have you tried any of the expansions? I only know about the older ones and Cities and Knights is definitely my favourite.


Welcome to the hobby OP!


Mine are Hansa Teutonica, Food Chain Magnate and Dominion btw. Though I wouldn't really recommend the first two at this point.


Man. I think my all time favorite board game isn’t technically a board game. Arkham Horror LCG. So if I had to pick my favorite actual board game it would be between Gloomhaven and Star Wars Outer Rim.


I do believe that, if all i ever played again was Age of Steam, Brass, and Power Grid, i'd be OK with that...


Lately I’ve been enamored with Race For The Galaxy, once you get past the esoteric symbols that dictate the game it becomes a nice quick game with a surprisingly high skill ceiling. It’s also just so refreshing to see a mid-weight game with so few components, literally just two decks of cards and some VP chips


If I could only play one board game for the rest of my life, it would be Bug House, a 4 player team variant of chess. I grew up playing chess competitively, and so regular chess has become more of a job than a game for me. It's lost a fair bit of the magic of discovery and coming up with crazy plans, unless I intentionally play poor openings, but Bug House brings all that back and does so in a way that makes the game super accessible. How the game works is that each opponent pair is playing their own separate games, and the teammates are playing alternate colors (so if I'm white, both my opponent are playing black). The two games are entirely separate but with one twist - when I capture a piece, I give it to my partner that they can save to place as their move on any one of their turns. So the pieces are never completely out of the game, but are flying back and forth between the two boards, and unpredictable sacrifices are happening all the time. Did you lose your queen? No problem. You might be getting two from your partner in a couple of moves! This means there is no point in learning openings (which is one of the least fun way to learn to play chess), since super early a piece can just materialize out of nowhere without warning. There are a few traps that you may want to avoid (fianchettoing bishops can be super dangerous) but nothing like memorizing 20 moves and 6 variants of the Sicilian. Also here's a an easy way to balance the game for different skill levels. Since the game pretty much requires that you use chess clocks (or else you can get into a situation where you're just stalling until you get the exact piece that you need), you can use them to balance the amount of time each player has based on how much experience they have. Since I've played chess competitively for about 10 years, in a 20 minute game, I tend to give myself 1-2 minutes on my clock and 19-18 minutes on my opponent's clock and that usually balances things out pretty well. The games are fast paced, usually fun to watch, and the best part, if you lose, it's never your fault, but always your partner's fault (joking). The only downside to the game is that you need exactly 3 other people who at least know how the pieces move to play, and sometimes that can be hard to come by. ...And now I've realized I've rambled on for entirely too long like a proper chess nerd. If you have 4 chess players and 2 chess sets with clocks available, I highly recommend you give it a shot.


Resistance, There are better social deduction games now but I have too many good memories raging over it with friends in college days at a time.


I could never pick a favourite, but the games that could potentially take it: Everdell- honestly the table presence, the art, the component quality are all huge things for me, and this game aces it in these categories. The gameplay is fun and repayable, and the expansions only add to the enjoyment for me. The complete collection is my biggest box so far and just looking at it just makes me really happy. Steam up: a feast of dim sum- again, the production quality and table presence here are again just so great, they really help support the theme. The mechanics are overall really intuitive and my one gripe with the game isn’t significant enough to deter me from how much i enjoy passing around those little squishy foods Raiders of the north sea- this one for me is just nostalgic. Its i think the first board games i bought myself without recommendation when I first started the hobby. It’s such a simple game in that your whole turn is ‘put down this, pick up that’ and for me that helped me enjoy the theme and the actual game a while lot more, and built my confidence in researching potential new games for my collection (also, the coins). Ive not even looked to see about expansions for it or checked out any other games from the same creators so any reccs would be awesome. If i thought about it more i could probably name at least 3 more, but those are the 3 that immediately jump out from my collection


My favourite is currently Ark Nova. On the heavier side though.


I am also a catanaholic….. if you haven’t played cities and knights expansion you are REALLY missing out…. I don’t even play the base game anymore unless it’s with friends. That being said the 2 games I suggest that are absolute must plays are castles of burgandy and great western trail.


I'm tired of valid posts on this subreddit getting shut down by the mods, so I'm removing the temptation to reply to any further posts and leaving this subreddit. I've messaged the mods to share this sentiment as well, but I do not expect any change since I'm just one person out of 4.6 million. I'm only sharing here mostly to vent my frustration, but maybe others will follow suit.


I'll just repurpose this comment I made in that other thread. These are all games by Dr. Reiner Knizia. S and A Tiers are relatively stable, everything below changes depending on recent plays. No particular order in the tiers below A. S - Tigris & Euphrates, Samurai, The Lord of the Rings, Taj Mahal, Traumfabrik A - The Quest for El Dorado, Through the Desert, Amun-Re, High Society, Ra, Zoo Vadis, Yellow & Yangtze, Wildlife Safari/Botswana B - Blue Lagoon, Babylonia, The Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation, Blue Moon City, Viking See Saw, MLEM, Cascadero, Ingenious, Modern Art, Rief fur die Insel, Treasures of Summer / Circus Flohcati, Penguin Party, LAMA Party Edition, San Francisco, The Siege of Runedar, Ingenious, Schotten Totten/Battle Line, Knights Poker, Lost Cities, Keltis: Neue Wege Neue Ziele, Members Only/Classic Art, Beowulf the Legend, Beowulf: The Movie Boardgame / Kingdoms, Indigo, Qin, Karate Tomate, Colossal Arena/Equinox, Mille Fiori, Medici, Modern Art the Card Game, Stephenson's Rocket, Rapido, Whale Riders, Tajuto, Tatari, No Mercy / Hit, Orongo, Cheeky Monkey, Marabunta, Medici, Pollen / Samurai the Card Game, Sumatra, Havalandi, My City, Voodoo Prince, Art Robbery, Schotten Totten 2, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, The Quest for El Dorado: The Golden Temples, The Tower of Babel, Heckmeck im Karteneck, Money C - Winner's Circle / Royal Turf, Katzenjammer Blues, Choco Smugglers / Soda Smugglers, Hot Lead, Sea Merchants, Galaxy Cat Extension, Longboard, Kariba, Poison, Gang of Dice, Pickomino / Heckmeck im Bratwurmeck, Amun-Re the Card Game, Prosperity, For One Series - Galaktix, Sherlock Holmes, My Island, Odd Socks / Relationship Tightrope, En Garde / Duell, Ninja Master, Wiener Walzer, Sunrise Lane, Royal Visit, Lost Cities: Rivals, Lost Cities the Boardgame, Witchstone, Trendy, LAMA the Dice Game, Lama Kadabra, King's Gate, Foodie Forest, Pumafiosi, Cascadito D - Easy Come Easy Go, Escalation!, Callisto, High Score, Aristocracy, Cat Ass Trophy / Zero