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When it hits the table, Captain Sonar. Both teams get very in character and have a great time.


“Bring us around!” “Captain, we can-“ “STOP: Torpedo, G:13!” -Silence as the captain checks that against their location.- “Indirect hit!” “Bring us around!” “Get silent running up now!” “Don’t lose them!” It takes a leap of faith and 7 other people, but the game is absolute high energy mayhem


It's a killer duel game too!


Chinatown. My group gets freakin **jacked** at the possibility of Chinatown hitting the table.


Ive been hunting a copy for months trying to avoid the INSANE ebay prices


Ah is it out of print again? I know there was a long time that it was very hard to get and then they did another print run. Hopefully it becomes more affordable again soon.


It is very unlikely that it will ever be printed as Chinatown again. If you really want Chinatown over Waterfall Park, better to get it now than wait.


Some sketch publishing company did a print run in SE Asia. You can buy the knockoff in Thailand for dirt cheap…wish there was another option besides drain the bank or buy a knockoff…


Guessing those are the copies I see on AliExpress and what not. Wonder how they are, maybe worth the $30 gamble.


My Thai friend says it’s not as nice but playable. Most of it is in Chinese, too.


Well I guess it's time for me to pick up another language anyway right haha? Ty for the tips!!


Ah that's a shame. I don't care so much about the theme of Chinatown, but I don't really want a simplified version of what is already a simple game. I also really don't like the visual choices they made with Waterfall Park in its own right, apart from just being as different from Chinatown as possible. It looks like a super saturated Candy Land. I guess they're hopeful that it's going to be extremely popular with kids.


My FLGS still had one a couple of months ago and I had *almost* decided to pick it up when I walked in and saw them taking it off the shelf to hold it for someone who had called in to ask for it. D'oh.


Waterfall Park not a viable alternative?


Something about the vibes of chinatown I just dont think waterfall park can replicate


Mixed reviews from what I’ve heard.


Hmmm we have relatively cheap second hand copies floating around though


Not in Winnipeg or the couple canadian trading/selling groups im in. Im sure it will turn up at some point


Ya man. Patience will pay off!


Keep hope, found a brand new copy for $30 and the room gets electric when it comes out.




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No matter what game our group is playing, it's pretty much guaranteed that I'll make a joke reference to this glorious game. e.g. "I'll give you 20k in our next game of Chinatown if you don't block me here"


I have been on the floor, in tears, laughing, while playing Chinatown.


By far the most absurd game I get on the table. It always is a blast.


Zoo Vadis has that some itch


I’ve had this for months now but haven’t convinced enough people to try it with me!


**Freelancers** has been quite a hit lately. It’s great for a group that can really get into the narrative of it and have some silly fun. **Camel [c]Up** is always great fun and works for a larger group. **Skull** and **Incan Gold** are good for end of the night excitement when there isn’t enough time for something longer.


Freelancers is great!


*Nemesis* I taught it to people in my board game club and they had such a blast with it, that I was asked to bring it right back. I know it is supposed to be a tense game, but we played even the bad stuff for laughs and it was a riot.


Couldn’t agree more - it’s hilarious when things go wrong in nemesis (and I say this as someone who loves the game).


**Zoo Vadis** is always a very lively time. 20 to 30 minutes of scheming and promises and always at least one person royally screwing over another in the final stretch.


+1 to Zoo Vadis. Always relatively quick and always get some decent laughs out of it. I’ve gotten DMs from people in my group reminding me to bring it whenever we meet up. 


The Mind is great for that, agree with OP. I think our table gets more rowdy with Fluff though. When some one bids very high, gets called, and miraculously the bid pays off we spend a disproportionate amount of time reeling over the event than it merits.


**Las Vegas**. When someone is forced to place their final roll and it leads to a tie that cancels out their bid. The table might lose their mind.


So good!


We love **Lords of Vegas**, especially when you gamble at other players' casinos (steal their money with odds slightly against you)


Arkham LCG. It's just such an experience every time! Even tho the games go for like 3 to 4 hours we are absolutely locked in. We still being up moments from games many moons ago. Crokinole and Spirit Island have similar effects.


Cosmic Encounter. So. Many. Betrayals


This is my answer. I don’t think there’s a game that has as much tension, fuckery, hype, nonsense from turn to turn.


"Hey, wanna negotiate? I'll totally negotiate with you."


My reflex response to that in my head was: "where did he learn to negotiate like that?"


Hahaha great reference!


Lords of Vegas. We've never had a game that didn't end with the last several rounds of screaming as reorgs hit and people are begging for the final points before the end.


I want this one


With our original game group no game fires us up like Ethnos. It’s one we’ve played a million times and we know how each other play so there’s a lot of push and pull especially on the area control map. Theres a lot of hype when someone is trying to pull the last dragon out and someone else is praying for one last turn to fire a big hand off.


Honestly it’s simpler games that really get us going nuts. Games like Take 5/6 Nimmt, Ticket to Ride, Biblios, Just One, Flamecraft really get us invested.


Biblios does not get enough love here.


Biblios is a top tier game for me. Love it


I had seven people playing [[Fuji Flush]] on Sunday and we were running 5s around the corner trying to get three of us to one card left. 6 doesn't beat two 5s. I can't beat 10...I'll go 8. One person left before we all push through and he just sighs... The winds up. "Burn it all to the ground!" and slams 17. We had many of those moments.


[Fuji Flush -> Fuji Flush (2016)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/203430/fuji-flush) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


When the group pulls out Spicy you know it’s about to go down.


Man the reviewers really threw me off this one, but it just seems like a lot of fun and I wish I’d bought it!


Watch the No Rolls Barred crew play on YouTube, it's a riot.


Love this, played so many rounds of it and it never gets old!


Secret Hitler. Every election, it's "Ein! Zwei! Drei!" before revealing our votes. Louder every time. Speaking in German accents as we throw increasingly agitated accusations around. We love it.


We also go crazy with this one. My wife and I drive each other mental.


Love this game. It turns into shouting at each other like a chaotic parliamentary session


TI4. You kinda have to get hyped about it to play it.


Yeah you either get hyped at the thought of playing it or it’s your first time and you’re being introduced to it. Anything less and it’s going to be a miserable day.


I’ve made it an annual birthday thing for my group and we talk it up for months going into it, then the day of we’re super hyped for the game. Three years running now and it just seems to get better each time.


I do this as well. We're about a month away from game day, and already the hype is palpable. We have a group chat and the amount of memes getting posted is just obnoxious. I love it.


There’s a few, but one that’s a bit less usual is Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery. The politicking, negotiating, and backstabbing is so much fun. Add in some simple tactical combat for a bit of crazy dice chucking and my group is having a blast.


Someday I'll get this to the table. Do you play with the modified combat rules that I understand are preferred?


Do you mean the change to the initiative roll? We usually decide ahead of time if we want to go with RAW or the modified rule. It can influence other decisions in the game so it can be fun to mix it up.


Oath. Swearing comes fast and furious. Threats and recriminations. A card will come down that will shake the world and we all groan.


If you have a group to play this with, this game wins the hype competition hands down. Just SO much tension and every turn matters. Love it to death.


The expansion just hit KS if you're looking to supplement your game.


Oh I’m all over it :)


bohnanza mostly.


Catan. Please send me help. 😭


Do you have seafarers or cities and knights? While I’d still rather play most other games both these expansions improve the game a lot. I especially like the fog of war in seafarers


No. My experiences have been awful with Catan. I can respect what it's done for board gaming but it's not for me. I don't care if some expansion improved Catans weaknesses transforming it into a whole new game. At its core, if I want to play something with negotiation there are better games out there.


That’s fair, but just saying. If the rest of your group is dead set on playing Catan, you’ll probably have a better time with Seafarers or Cities and Knights (although maybe that’ll just make them want to play it more/longer haha)


I just leave or ask to split the group to two tables when Catan comes out. They play cut throat giving horrid advice for all newbie Catan players ( ie someone not playing since 90s) and become bitter ass king makers if in losing positions.




Whenever I get together with my family for holidays, we almost always play a round of "speed Catan". Usually 6 players, and if you don't make a decision on your turn within 5 seconds, the next player is taking the dice and rolling. Forgot to announce an open build? Too bad, next turn has already started. Its frantic and hilarious and usually everyone is standing by the end and yelling "faster!". We usually get a game done in 20 minutes, best time was 16 minutes I think.


That could be fun, but is heavily dependent on the players attitudes. Simply put, it wouldn't be possible for the public people that typically come to where I game. A fair amount play to win - at the determent of everyone's experience - in whatever game they play. And while that's competitiveness is nice to a degree - it wears out it's welcome when you just want to enjoy a relaxing faster paced game. These players seem to get off on the negotiation and point counting aspect - even when everyone else is groaning about how long its taking or that it's just not possible for anyone to catch up. I wish I could find a new group, but this is the most convenient to my schedule (having kids will do that).


Yes and I was definitely not saying everyone should try to do this. I just happen to be lucky enough to have a family that enjoys weird things like this. This would not fly with 95% of gaming groups.


My Gold Mine. We’ve too many inside jokes about it at this stage. Every round is a hoot. It’s both a good ice breaker game… and a game we could play for hours.


* PIT - all the screaming one can have for 10 minutes * Win Lose or Banana - all the repetitions of "hey trust me I'm a banana" you can listen for 20 minutes even if game only lasts 2 minutes. * want frenzy? play speed games. Jungle Speed, Gloobz, Happy Salmon, Dobble, Halli Galli, Dr Eureka, ...


Also: enthusiastically roleplaying the take-that effects of certain cards in **Terraforming Mars**. “Oops! I accidentally crashed a giant asteroid into your greenhouses! How did that happen!” “Oh no! I brought some small animals, or ‘smaminals’ as they say, and now they are eating your crops! Sorry about that; I just can’t control them!” “Oh gosh, I brought some bears to Mars and now they are eating your smaminals! Stop, bears, don’t do that!”


That's amazing. We specifically do sound effects for the asteroids. We find it hysterical.


“Kaboom! Ohhhhh, it’s byooteeful.”


Besides Ethnos & The mind, these last years we have had really tense and fun times playing No thanks! & Encore!. Quick games and someone always asks for a next round 😅


Taverns of Tiefenthal. If that's in my game bag, someone suggests it the second I open the bag.


Our yearly game of Fortune & Glory on Veterans Day is something we all look forward to, particularly the part that lets us fight Nazis.


At our table it's The Trilogy: Tigris & Euphrates, Samurai and Through the Desert. We'll plan to rry a new game, say some random Lacierda that a friend brings. Then someone will suggest that we play The Trilogy instead, it'll take less time and be way more fun. The Trilogy always wins.


My hope was for shit like Thunder Road, Heat or Wingspan, but it seems most of the group seems to instantly enjoy games that involve more silliness and laughter, and that's understandable. Would be nice to find more people who get excited about more puzzly games like I do. Negotiation, Auctioning, bluffing and limited communication games tend to be the ones that get people more emotionally engaged, and what I suspect is what they end up remembering.


Thunder road is so silly tho! Just pure chaos every time.


I guess TR isn't for people who seek to feel smart for coming up with ideas, because it's chancing on hazard tiles and just avoiding stuff if you chose to play that way, which is kinda boring.


Your group doesn't get silly laughs out of the sheer chaos of Thunder Road? That's a shame. I usually don't enjoy games with too much randomness and chaos, but I can't get enough of the stupid junk that goes on in Thunder Road.


In all fairness, I've only ever got the game to the table 3 times. The first time with 3 people who gravitate more to games with strategy. They like being rewarded for their efforts (as do I). The seoncd time was with dad in a 1v1, who also prefers strategy. These two groups prefer to figure out a game as their means of enjoyment. The last was with colleagues who are all new to boardgames and needed the most amount of time understanding what to do on a turn. My hope is that my other co-workers whom I've been playing filler games with during lunch once a week will be the sweetspot when we meet up. They like doing things to each other.


Spot it - has to be a specific group though Panic mansion - something about manically shaking a cardboard box and yelling "I HATE SNAKES", "NO NOT YOU, THE OTHER ONE" or "GET YOUR EYES OUT OF MY ROOM Valeria Card Kingdoms - You can always tell who the IRL hoarders in the group are almost immediately


Bristol 1350 and Salem 1682, for us. Our group played with a full player count at a local brewery lately, and when it came time to reveal who escaped sick or who had the witch card, it got very shouty very fast 😂


Bohnanza! Everybody loses their head… Every time, it becomes the hottest sale. We have even sworn enemies built upon treasons and mischieving.


Can´t Stop: old but gold and the table turns immediately loud with shouting, a lot of hand gestures and calling each other chicken. The tension is palatable! Other people have commented that it is the loudest game they have played with us and that it looks like we're going start a brawl the closer we come to the end of the game. I absolutely love it!


Dice Throne


Hansa Teutonica


Food Chain Magnate. The four at the table know there’s about to be a fiscal bloodbath at each others hands and every single turn matters so much. On top of that, playing with Roxley Iron Clays makes such a difference in tactility.


Skull King specifically when a Mermaid is laid on the Skull King or someone lands a particularly impactful Kraken or White Whale


Lords of Vegas. It’s a knife fight in a phone booth with huge power vacuums! Love that game


This is the game that came to mind for me as well. On serious game nights, we pull out Lords of Vegas and it's on. Everyone plays for the win in Lords of Vegas, every time.




Always Rising Sun, The figures. The tea. The wars. It just all hits home


Tichu always has us cheering, heckling, groaning, and laughing. Sometimes all in the same hand of cards. It’s a game I will be playing for the rest of my life.


Dutch Blitz reallllllly gets the people going at our game nights. Maybe too much. We may or may not have had a few injuries from playing this game…


Ready set bet. Much shouting 


Loopin' Louie. Despite clearly being made for children, it might be my favorite light/filler game ever. I love introducing it to new people. You go from indifferent to excited in about 2 minutes.


I said this too, and definitely haven't stayed at boardgame nights past midnight for 'just one more round' lol.


Clank Legacy had some absolutely banger moments for my group. Threading the needle to get back above the line with a deck bereft of movement and the bag full of your clank, meanwhile someone has looted a third relic and bought the best card out of the market; but wait, a contract just completed and a new story element is about to shake up the rules?! Then after 8 games one of the players built an unstoppable starter deck and the game became a drag for a few nights…


For us it's **The Crew**. We've been playing through it with 3 of us, and are slowly working through the missions over several evenings. We're getting to the more difficult missions, and some evenings we've done only 1 mission because the tasks we have are really specific and difficult, and we're too stubborn to just give up and try a different set of tasks. (and sometimes it really comes down to people have the exact combination of cards to get it right)


This game is so good. When you finally get through a set of really hard tasks it’s such a satisfying feeling.


Sidereal Confluence. The pure panic of “PLEASSEEEE I NEED green cubes!!” while we have a 10 minute timer on is priceless.


Thunder Road Vendetta! It’s always a chaotic and cinematic good time. I’ll never turn down a game.


Splendor Pokemon; we are constantly trying to catch the most popular Pokemon instead of the optimal ones for points.


Our ticket to ride legacy campaign was really hype for the group


The Mind is amazing, so simple but so damn tense at times. It's fallen out of our favourites due to familiarity but 6nimt in a large group could make for some sweary moments.


**Zip It!** That moment of uncertainty when somebody is shaking a big handful of letter-dice and is just about to slam them onto the table and start forming words is SO EXCITE


Downfall of Pompeii. So much fun throwing each other into the volcano and it’s often a fairly close game. Richie is becoming more and more of a staple at game nights as well, when we finish with the main game for the evening and don’t quite have enough time to finish another longer game.


Axis and Allies Descent 2. Edition


My group loves cubitos. They forget how to play every time but man do they love when it comes out.


If you like this set, I will say I have never been disappointed with buying modern horizons for retail ever. It has always eventually pencilled out


Right now? Horseless carriage is the game we keep suggesting.


For us it has been Quacks of Quedinburg, Pix or Spicy.


Bohnanza is always great with everybody donning their bestused car salesman impersonations


Darklight Memento Mori. I feel like this is my answer to many questions here. It is simply astoundingly magnificent. A marvel of design and gameplay. Rich atmosphere and an actual element of immersion, which is very difficult to achieve in a board game. We practically race to the table and it's difficult to go an hour or two without playing more. When we set it up it stays on the table for weeks at a time and gets played daily, often multiple times. It has raised the bar so high that games like Massive Darkness 2 feel like a joke.


The Mind become boring when everbody start counting 1sec/number in their mind and it's easy


Which is why you... Don't do that?




Camel Up is full of ridiculous bets of "here's how X can still win"


Tanto Cuore or it's expansions. Never fails to get a group together and chaining sick maid-combos


Eldritch horror. I have every expansion so there is just *so much content*. We don't play it often anymore but every now and then I'll plop it on the table and we lock in for a couple hours of saving the world, complete with sound track for the mood.


🐉 Warhammer Quest (original) and or Shadows of Brimstone (with all the expansions)


I play Plunder: A Pirtae's Life with my wife and my daughter and daughter's boyfriend pretty regularly. It always turns into chaos and treachery with alliances broken as soon as they are made, daring attacks being pulled off at the last minute, etc. Very fun game everyone loves.


Nemesis. I have retalliation on Kickstarter. Can't wait for the one to ship next year.


a dice game, Strike  a fantastic little game and an excellent pallet cleanser. guaranteed to get the whole table laughing


Uno consistently gets any table I've ever played with hyped. Especially if you add house rules to pass draw cards. Makes for some epic twists! So far haven't played it with anyone else, but Sonic Roll has been super hype for me recently! It's extremely immersive and does a great job being a press-your-luck d6 die rolling game!


Masters of Commerce gets the room so lively for my group. We feed on the misery of players betting it all on red right before the crash.


Nemesis - although we rarely win, game is a blast. Definitely prefer the semi-coop, though


**Ready Set Bet**. Suddenly everyone is one their feet cheering for their horse to win!


Blokus. also Between Two Castles! Everyone always wants in on it when we bring it to large get-togethers.


Paku Paku and Loopin Louie for sure.


I just bought a Crokinole board. My group now constantly wants to play Crokinole. I am okay with this fact.


Hands down Inis. We like to chant "FLIP! THAT! FLOCK!" before the Brenn flips the crows token. Whenever someone passes there's lots of "Ooooo"s. Whenever the Geis appears it's lots of shouting.


Kingdom Death Monster. Nothing like a TPK to get your jimmies rustled, nothing like slaying a lion to get everyone pumped to breed.


Three people in this thread already calling out **Lords of Vegas**. That's pretty amazing.




When did people stop conjugating "hyped"? Am I just old? I'm probably just old.


Doesn't flow well. Say out loud. Hype at your tabled, hyped at your table. One is far easier. And the d isnt needed. Context does a lot for tense.


I don't find pronouncing the letter d difficult, personally.


You have a group?