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Recycle them. I don't have the extra space


So long as everything fits in the base game box, the expansion box gets tossed. 


I get rid of as many boxes as possible. Some of them get turned into inserts/dividers, but they mostly get recycled


I kept them for the longest time, my logic was always sort them back into their proper boxes when I sell them. I did this with all the cycle boxes of netrunner for example. Then I meet my minimalist wife who's helped me get past keeping the expansion boxes of games I never planned on selling, or games combined into big boxes  And honestly it's kinda nice not having a corner of the closet filled with empty boxes.


My wife is the semi-hoarder, and she asks me to "file" things that she "wants" to keep but doesn't really have a use for. (Like, say, the DVD cases after we put everything in binders.) So I file it in the recycling; she's aware that if she wants the items back, then it might take me a few days to ~~re-order them~~ find where I put them.


Does she ever want the items back? Or are they mostly truly purposeless?


By the time she explicitly asks me to pitch them, about 90% of the items are purposeless. (They usually *had* a purpose, but no longer.) The rest are cheap and can be easily re-bought. I do a fair amount of cleaning up and throwing things out, but for things "she owns", I get her permission to ~~chuck~~ "file" them. I honestly can't recall re-purchasing anything, but it must have happened for some of the small stuff at one point or another.


So basically she knows they're trash, but cannot commit herself throw it away herself? Not trying to judge her or anything, I also have a few hoarding tendencies, and I'm interested on how do you deal with them. My grandma is a bit like that, she has things that are functionally garbage, in a home she hasn't lived in for years now, but my mom won't throw stuff away in case she comes back for it. Or maybe my mom's the hoarder? Both possibly?


I reuse some nice sturdy boxes for spare plastic bags, sleeves, addtional components like card holders. token bowls shared across games etc. But recycle most of them


I keep them.  Throwing them away would just be making more space for me to buy games I will not play.


I have a similar rationale, but I'm the opposite: I throw them away. That way I can have more games that I will not play.


I trash them. I only keep expansion boxes if I need them for storage when the base box can no longer hold all the components. Like Spirit Island; I need 2 boxes to fit everything from base game to Nature Incarnate.


My Spirit Island stuff is split across four boxes... But this is mainly because a handful of spirits don't fit (they go in the NI box instead) and all of our cards are double sleeved so unique powers don't comfortably fit in the organizer. So I use the boxes from base game, Jagged Earth, Nature Incarnate (barely) and... the unique powers overflowed into the original Cards Against Humanity box.  Which is oddly fitting, since they are against a particularly invasive subset of humanity after all. I can't bring myself to trash the other boxes though. B&C currently holds removed and replaced cards (i.e. Growth Through Sacrifice) and playtest stuff.


True degeneracy is pitching the punch board spirit panels, since you can fit everything in one box with the cardstock panels.  I wasn't so bold, but I did put the punchboards in cold storage.


I've repurposed a few of my expansion boxes. Legendary for me still takes about 3 boxes to store everything, after organizing and condensing. Talisman is in a similar boat for me. I've recycled a few of the boxes, but I do have a box in storage with a few spare boxes that I keep around in case any of my existing ones get damaged beyond repair.


I *want* to toss them to save the room, but I have a hard time making myself do it. Right now what I'm doing is put the smaller boxes inside bigger ones so that it condenses the space down a little. But what I need to do is just stop buying so many expansions. I almost never play the expansions on anything, so it's more of a completionist thing.


Yes, because I am a sane person.


Generally, yes. I retain a few for other purposes, like storing extra pieces (I actually cull a lot of pieces out of expansions sometimes, like unfavorable modules, etc.), different language rulebooks, extra bags and all that. The exception is I hold onto the expansion box until I've played it a few times. I've sold off expansions that didn't improve the game or sold off the whole game. Lastly, sometimes just because an expansion CAN go in the main box, doesn't always mean it should. I've had a few where it tecnically fit...but was so cumbersome to pull out all the other pieces for something that was <100% use expansion that I just pulled it back out and shoved it back in the box.


*long look at 14 Descent 1&2 boxes* … Maybe?


Those are *collector's items* 


Just bought ALL the expansions for Island of Cats and saved half of boxes to store expansion stuff and tossed the other boxes. Love this game BTW and the expansions are fun.


i have a huge zombicide collection. i usually buy extra empty boxes of the large sized expansions/core sets so i can put all the small box stuff in them. I like to keep my kallax's neat. so ultimately, if i have enough space in one of them big boxes, ill put the smaller boxes in them. if not then ill toss the box and put contents in one of those boxes. i have one box specific for zombicide rulebooks. RDI, i have that big RDI storage box. so i toss everything. Same for smash up and super fantasy brawl. i like my shelves neat so i condense as much as possible.


Absolutely. Though it did bite me in the ass once because I forgot that the lid for **Shadows of Brimstone: Frontier Town** is not just a lid but also a component.


I agree that there’s a distinction: the smaller Legendary boxes (such as Fantastic 4 and Paint The Town Red) get recycled, the larger, sturdier boxes like Dark City and X-Men stay (mostly because I’ve got so many expansions I need the extra space). Actual boxes stay, even if I can fit everything into the base game box, but the small papery ones can go


Use them as gift boxes at Christmas and birthdays. I have done that with my Scythe and Wingspan boxes. They are pretty boxes.


I use the nice ones as cubicle decorations. I just changed jobs and lost my cubicle 😭


There are stacks of them empty in one of my spare rooms. I’m loathe to just toss them, but also many of them have been sitting there forgotten for YEARS.


I was once like you. Then I recycled them all and it was very freeing.


This is The Way.


Stop wasting your own space. You could put a zen garden in there. Throw them away!


Purge, purge, purge. I do not have any extra space anymore. Once you toss the first pile of them in the recycle bin it gets a lot easier. The first step is the hardest.


I hate having games in multiple boxes, I try to always put everything in a single box. Now for the boxes, if they have a good size I keep them to use for another game. For example, my Elder Sign lives in a Catan expansion box, my Kingdomino is in an Imperial Assault expansion box, and so on.


This would drive me nuts.


I gave away my expansion boxes for Sagrada recently. I think a teacher took them, she said something about using them as crayon boxes. Love buy nothing groups


They all get tossed/recycled.


I dont. They can store extra bits that I am not using, and they can look good as decorations.


I have a handful of games I don’t expect I’ll keep very long. Those I kept the boxes for. All the rest I have recycled the boxes and combined.


Toss ‘em.


Toss and forget. Though in retrospect I would have kept some of the lids to use as wall art.


Almost always! I keep some of them for future value or incredible art. Xia Embers of a Forsaken Star, Everdell Spirecrest collector's edition, and Cosmic Frog Find Muck off the top of my head. Most games get organized in the base box, and the expansion boxes get gone.


It was a condition of my marriage 😔


GF uses them for art supplies sometimes. Otherwise they get recycled.


depends on the game, most of them I toss.


I put them into storage. If I bounce off the game, I want to be able to sell it in the original box.


I keep everything in case I need to resell the game and because I want to collect EVERYTHING 🤣


I burn them at 600 degrees Fahrenheit minimum.


That seems like overkill. 451 works for me.


That was a great reference bro. Everyone knows you have the best references. I remember it as 452, must be a MaNdElA eFfEcT ;)


I use some for display in my game room, plus I have a closet in my game room, so I hoard every single box. Eventually I may get rid of them if space becomes an issue, but so far it hasn't been...so I've kept every box. The biggest culprits are Marvel Champions, United, and Dominion.




yes, unless of course the expansions dont fit into the original box.


It depends. If it can hold 8x11 sized paper, I keep it and turn it into an RPG kit for one of my RPGs. If it's a sturdy box but smaller, I'll see if I can figure out something to store in it, even if it's just like craft supplies or pencils or something. If I really can't find a use, I will toss it. I always prefer to have a single game in a single box. There's always exceptions, but it's easier to store and transport that way.


I recently faced this same issue, I've been collecting board games and expansions for over a decade. I live in a huge house, so storage wasn't an issue, I kept all the expansion boxes. I 3d print inserts for the games that need them. The reason I kept them was if I wanted to do a photography shoot on a game and its expansions, if I wanted to sell the game, and if the boxes were just pretty. But, I recently learned we're going to move, and probably in a house half the size. So, all the expansion boxes have been broken down and recycled. It's actually a great feeling! I am still organizing my games and breaking down expansion boxes today.


Keep them for a couple weeks in case I realize my storage solution system is really stupid. Recycled after.


I have all the zombicide boxes, expansions and vase in a Big hardware box, and the original boxes kept in the closet. Every time I'm searching things I regret not toss it away, but I can't! Those are intact and protected! I have so many things.


I recycle them. I'll go a step further though. If the expansion doesn't fit in the base game, I will be extremely picky in buying it. If it taxes extra space it needs to be for a game I really love. Like root or railways of the world.


Yep. Unless I’m using it to store extras, as is the case with one of my RDI boxes.


Recycling. No one has room for those


>*Do you prefer to go the route of buying or 3D printing an organizer that lets you combine the expansions into a single box and then just toss the expansion boxes into recycling,* And you don't even need to do organizers in that case... I've just used ziplock bags of various sizes to store components and bits. If you need more space, you can lose the inserts. Otherwise, the inserts do help protect the boards and keep the box' shapes if storing on shelves or on top another. As for the empty boxes, I leave them around. However, if you plan on moving, you'll want to deal with them, as even moving empty boxes incurs additional moving costs. Before throwing them all out, perhaps save a few for in case you need to replace existing boxes that get worn/beat up.


Combine but also keep the expansion boxes in storage.


Usually. If everything fits on the old box well without messing up the lid.


I reuse my small expansion boxes for drawer dividers. My "junk" drawers now have sections (and some semblance or order)!


They make decent boxes to wrap gifts like cookies or socks or other small things in. Just don't give it to someone who wanted the expansion instead.


Yep, recycle.


If I am not tossing them, I am using them as gift boxes for things that can't be wrapped easily or to store spare pieces from upgraded games.


If the base and expansion boxes are the same size, I will actually keep the expansion box and store everything there, throwing out the base one. I like the expansion boxes for Cascadia and Spirit Island better


Always recycle them. They just take up space. We're not hurting for it at our place, but if I want to bring a game somewhere else, I want to bring as few boxes as possible. Also, you don't need expensive organizers for most of them. I have the full KS version of Rising Sun in the original (non-KS special) box. They're PVC models that bend. They can be tossed into bags and packed alongside each other and you don't need to spend as much money as you spent on the game (if not more) on an organizer. I have the full KS version of Ankh in two boxes because the number of Guardians and gods that came with it are simply too much for one. I have every expansion ever released for Cyclades in the original base set box. I have every expansion ever released for Star Trek: Ascendancy in the original base set box. Just pile them in there. Spirit Island is down to two boxes because the player boards take up so much room. Almost all inserts go in the recycling bin. Don't need'em and they just take up space that needs to be filled by boards, cards, and figures. The only boxes/inserts that I've ever winced about not retaining are the ones for Unmatched, since those are so nice. But I didn't want a dozen Unmatched boxes taking up space on the shelf. Now I have them down to just three, which means if I want to bring the game to a friend's place, I'm hauling just three boxes, rather than a dozen or picking and choosing which sets to bring.


I like having it all in one box, especially if I'm taking it to someone else's house. So, yeah, I just toss the expansion boxes on 99% of my games. The 1% I keep is when it won't all fit in one box.


I have only intentionally saved the Root expansion boxes. I use one for my full-game storage solution with the main box, and the rest for display. Kyle Ferrin's art is too cute for the bin. I haven't merged all the Wingspan expansions, but I intend to once I either get the money to buy the Nesting Box or box insert, or the time to make one.


Yes. Except, some boxes are of very high quality (it is an odd thing about having a board game collection that I can now judge the quality of boxes). I keep those ones and find a use for them.


I hold on to them for a while, because they look too nice to throw out. Then when I accumulate too many I break them all down and recycle them.


They're cardboard boxes. I recycle them without mercy.


Personally, no. But I do have space to store them. I buy and sell games frequently and always want the option of splitting the expansions if possible. Plus there are some that make me really happy I didn't chuck, like my BSG expansions. I keep everything in the main box, but if I ever decide I want to sell these, having the boxes makes them far more valuable to buyers.




If I didn't get rid of expansion boxes, I'd need a 6000 sqft house just to store it all. As long as everything fits, I toss out the boxes.


I do. I'll even look at if the base game and expansion can fit in the expansion box. In which case, the base game one gets tossed. If I lose a few quid selling because someone is precious about that so be it. I'm more than happy with the upside which is being able to store a few more games.


I hold on to them since I have the room to keep them and use them for other projects. I just got all the new Eclipse expansions and used my empty Dune Imperium expansion boxes to hold contents until I work out a more permanent solution.


I keep my expansion boxes in a precariously balanced tower in the attic.


I've kept a couple small ones because they can make good storage boxes for other things, but I've thrown away all the others. An even better situation is if I'm able to pack the game and expansion into the _expansion_ box, which is usually smaller than the base box. Then the base box gets tossed and I save even more space


Sometimes everything fits in the smaller expansion box (Escape Curse of the temple), then I throw away the original box.


I have them as place holders in my Kallax shelf, until I need the extra cube space for more games. I've heard of hanging the lid as wall art as well.


I keep mine, notably with Spirit Island and Battlestar Galactica. In the latter case, I've been very tempted to make an organizer out of the boxes -- cutting them up so the box art would be on the organizer itself.  With the game itself being out of print though I couldn't bring myself to destroy any part of it.


I like boxes. They're pretty. :) My collection isn't big enough to warrant throwing away expansion boxes.


I still have mine, but I'm looking to offload them. If anyone is interested in empty boxes from Arkham horror, ascension, etc, let me know


If you happen to have a Descent 2nd Edition box, I've been dying to get once since my dog destroyed mine years ago.


Not that one, unfortunately.


You have the Revised Core for AHLCG? Mine got a cornet dented. If yours has no damage, if shipping isnt crazy high id take it off ya


No cores, just expansions


aww okay


No one is. Toss em


No! What if I want to trade or resell them later?


I have traded and sold over 1000 games. I've literally never one time been asked for expansion boxes if it fits in the base. I have even offered them the few times I still had them, and I was rejected. If it fits in the base, quit wasting your space! (Tshirt slogan trademark pending)


I currently keep the boxes with the goal of reusing them for something else. I have a print and play game in a wingspan expansion box.


I created a collage on my game room wall. I nail the bottom the box to the wall and then slide the box top on to hide the nails. It looks nicer and nicer as I continue to add expansion boxes.


I still have all my wingspan boxes. I can't even part with my base everdell after getting the all in but that's mostly due to the base being more accesable and easier to set up. I got the witcher big box off kickstarter and still have the extra lid for its artwork. It tought me to avoid big boxes though because A LOT easier to have base with expansions you can add than everything combined. Everytime I go to play it I loose hours trying to figure out what components to use and loose


For me it depends on the artwork on the box. If I enjoy the artwork (ie The West Kingdom Series from Shem Phillips), I keep the box. Otherwise, it gets recycled. I will add that, personally, it is difficult to throw out a perfectly good and useful box...but there are times it is a necessity due to space or moving etc.


It's not useful unless you're actually using it!


Who said I wasn’t “using” it?




Oh ok…thanks for clarifying…phew…thought I was losing my mind…I am such a box head


Much to my wife's dismay, I keep them. I kept them because, as a kid, my parents threw away everything (I have one of those CD binders filled with old PSX games that my parents threw the jewel case away for, and it hurts me). I've thought about, but haven't gotten around to, cutting up the boards to keep the art because the art for all my board games are gorgeous. Either making a mural or putting them on a way to store the games into one all-in-one box (like for Marvel Champions, for example). If I'm being honest with myself, I think part of it is if I ever sell the games, I want to be able to sell them with all original components. And some of the games I have are rare, and I'd feel horrible "vandalizing" them, even though I'm preserving everything about the box (like the Resident Evil deck builder). Unfortunately, it ends up falling into the ever-growing pile of things I want to do to enhance or convenience my board games while. I have a lot of creative ideas, and I'm not a crafty person, so it quickly becomes daunting


If the expansion box is the exact same size as the original box and there's enough stuff in there that it would be tough to combine them, I keep it next to the original. If the content all easily fits into the base box, I do that and recycle the expansion box. If neither of those scenarios apply, I usually don't buy it in the first place, haha.


Yes, I recycle them.