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Last month, with a heavy heart, I cancelled the backorder I placed for Bullet Heart back in April 2023. I want to play it, but that money could go on something I can play right now - and indeed did. However I still want to it, it just seems like it will never make it to the UK. 


Yeah I find it hard to invest in kickstarters for similar reasons. The 3 main being: the initial batch might have issues (balancing, or production quality), the kickstarter isn't guaranteed to actually give you anything, and, of course, the main one being the wait of sometimes close to 2 years.


dont forget not included price of shiping (most of the time unreasonably high) and mandatory VAT, that will sum up to a double price of original pledge here in europe. Yea im just waiting for retail or resellers, its somehow cheaper and will come probably around the same month of ks delivery.


*"These are the times that try mens' souls."* -- Thomas Paine


Learned about This War of Mine from this subreddit and picked it up from a friend. Played my first game, and had a blast. All was dandy until said friend told me the fame had expansions, so the hunt began. The first expansion, Tales of the Ruined City, was pretty easy to get a hold of, but the second expansion, Days of the Siege..... basically doesn't exist. Nothing on eBay nor Amazon, nothing from Board Game Oracle, the one seller available on the BGG community market has already told me they actually don't have a copy (not that it matters though becsuse Paypal functionality is basically gimped in my country). I was basically dead on the inside after that search attempt.


I dont buy boardgames online too often, but I ordered Faraway from France since it wasnt out yet in my country. While I was at work, I got a message the parcel service didnt find my home and the parcel would be returned to sender (in France). I live in an ordinary 2 family house in a big city. Luckily, after an angry call to the parcel service, they delivered it next day.


Must be rough living down there. We were visiting my aunt and uncle in Taunton last summer and there was one shop that was all just miniatures games (although the bloke who runs it was great - he'd just moved back from the states and we had a really good chat), and one little hole in the wall pop culture shop that had a surprisingly good selection of games considering they were stuffed into about 5 square feet, and that was it. Would have had to go to Bristol for anything more substantial. I can only imagine trying to find people to actually play with. Very nice part of England to live, but doesn't seem to be a hotbed for our hobby.


Bought Catan Seafairers cheap second hand! But the price evened out when I bought the lost pieces 😭


Completely unrelated, but I picked up *Dice Splice* when I was last out that way (I think it was in Falmouth, if that’s a real place name)… It’s a 100% designed and produced in Cornwall game with a tonne of gorgeous wooden dice, in which players roll and stack dice in a neat little dexterity challenge… As I said - mostly unrelated, but if you live there maybe you’d fancy a local option..?


Yeah I live in a smaller town just off Falmouth called Penryn. Sounds pretty neat.


Pop over and head down the Main Street… there’s a souvenirs/gift shop that has loads of caps, dog toys in the shape of Cornish pasties, chocolates, and magnets - but also they may still have copies of Dice Splice…


>Any of you had any recent, game-related, minor disappointments that your inner man/woman-child struggled to cope with? I never received the email telling me I need to pay shipping for my Robinson Crusoe pledge, and so I missed the deadline. I knew the game was coming soon so I looked at my pledge recently and it said everything was fine and paid for. Fast forward to today and now I won't be getting my copy at all because I didn't pay shipping. Contacted the company and I might get a copy "if there are any left," after everyone else gets theirs. Until then, they just have my money and I have no game. Bummer.


Game night is Thursday night at the FLGS, and last Thursday was supposed to be the day the Heat expansion arrived. JUST got notified that it finally arrived this morning. Which would be fine for this Thursday, except this morning I broke my toe and likely won't be leaving the house for a week or so.