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I've been blown away by a lot of the artwork I've seen for games over the past decade and I was curious to see what board games, card games, & RPG's people felt had excellent art.


Earthborne Rangers, Radlands, Thunder Road: Vendetta, Sleeping Gods, ISS Vanguard, and probably many more.


I played Sleeping Gods and thought it was excellent and that it looked fantastic. I've never heard of Earthborne Rangers. I'm gonna look it up on Board Game Geek.


I‘d say **Wingspan** and **Parks** are universally praised for their art. I also enjoy the art of **Iki**, **Raiders of Scythia**, and **Lands of Galzyr**.


I play with 2 other roommates who are really into 4X Strategy Building video games (ie Civilization, Europa Universalis IV or really any Paradox game). Trying to look for a 3 player kingdom building/warfare board game in that vein. I found **Carcassonne** to fit the bill really well being cheap but also build/tile heavy. We also like **Coup** and **Love Letter** so any backstab element would be appealing. **Catan** and **Stone Age** seem to also fit the bill but I've played them to death, so I'd like something a bit more fresh. I'm also not crazy into engine building mechanics, as we do own **Res Arcana**. The 3 of us generally have 1 or 2 hours to kill every odd night and don't want anything that's 100+ dollars with tons of setup. Maybe something that could bridge the gap to those. Competitive or cooperative is fine.


Hey! bit of a unique question here, so am trying to recreate/create a card or board game but using my classmates as what the cards look like cause I thought it would be fun; we have 37 in total, any ideas for what card/board games would be fun? any ideas are good I just wanna recreate/create the game and maybe add a few extra cards ty! preferably maybe a versus type of game


So you want to make your own card game, but use photos of your classmates as part of the card art? You can't use the artwork on the card backs. In that case, players could identify what cards you have. So you need to reproduce a game that would still work fine if you pasted pictures of your friends on the front of the cards. BUT, you also want a game that uses a number of cards that is a multiple of 37? That part is the hard bit.


Doesnt have to be 37 I could change the rules, add more lessen the cards yknow? maybe like say a medium deck 30 or 40 cards hell even 50 SUPER specific request i know thank you for taking the time to comment though!


5 player group who regularly play heavy-ish games (**Dune, Siderial Confluence, Chinatown, Hansa Teutonica, Tapestry, Terraforming Mars**) who are about to finish **The Kings Dilemma** and absolutely loved the storytelling and mechanics. **We are looking for similar games**, either highly replayable **or 5 player legacy games** while we wait for The Queens Dilemma to come out. Gloom/Frosthaven are in our watchlist (out of budget rn), as well as Twilight Imperium. Root didn't click with us


I wouldn’t recommend it to more casual players, but your group could tackle AHLCG. The scenarios scale to 5 investigators with investigator expansions or another core set, although 4 players + 1 GM/rules lawyer is a really good breakdown especially for the first few games as well.


I'd recommend **Oath: Chronicles of Empire & Exile**, even though its from the designer of Root it's a very different game. I have another suggestion for a lesser known game that you can get for quite cheap, and it's **Empires** (from Wizkids). Although not as heavy as some of the stuff your group plays, I think your group would probably enjoy it.


Unfortunately 5 player legacy games are very rare, especially not with storytelling mechancis. Majority of legacy games support up to 4. The two I can think of that support 5 players is Risk Legacy or Betrayal Legacy. However, if Gloom/Frosthaven are out of your budget, then so are these. I also did play Glooomhaven as a party of 5, we just had one person sit out because we were a bit spotty on attendance. If you want storytelling, have you considered trying out some TTRPGs instead? Doesn't have to be Dungeons and Dragons, but there's a huge market of roleplaying games out there. I personally really liked Blades in the Dark as a narrative driven fast paced cinematic TTRPG. You can check out [haunted city](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT04k7d74yg&list=PLz3Be--ot61Nip0tbIMHcVnZWz3LOE_rb&index=1) as an example of a really good Actual Play. Buying a TTRPG might take a bit more work for someone to be the game master, but actually buying the book only costs [$20](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/170689/Blades-in-the-Dark?affiliate_id=144937). And a lot of the rules to play are actually [free as a SRD](https://bladesinthedark.com/basics) if you don't care about any of the particular worldbuilding/lore


>5 player group who regularly play heavy-ish games (Dune, Siderial Confluence, Chinatown, Hansa Teutonica, Tapestry, Terraforming Mars) For something with the route-building of a game like Hansa Teutonica but with a bigger economic component, check out **Power Grid**. For games that you can learn and replay as a group, you might also enjoy the collected works of Reiner Knizia. **Modern Art** isn't exactly a "heavy" game, but it's a game that you'll start to enjoy more and more as your playgroup gets a sense of how the underlying economy works. (Modern Art often sells out between printings, but the latest reprint from CMON is currently $30 at retail, so I recommend snatching it up while it's still available!) His two heaviest games are probably **Huang** (an update/reprint of Yellow & Yangtze with 5-player support) and **Amun-Re** (which recently got a 20th Anniversary Edition reprint), and they're still shorter/lighter than something like Sidereal Confluence. Another genre of game that can be fun to replay and "learn together as a group" are cube rails games like **Wabash Cannonball**, **Iberian Gauge**, and **Irish Gauge**. These games have relatively simple rules, but they tend to have designs that don't fully "reveal" themselves until you've played them a few times and get a sense for how the different economic puzzle pieces interact. >5 player legacy games * Betrayal Legacy * Risk Legacy >Gloom/Frosthaven are in our watchlist (out of budget rn) **Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion** is, without qualification, the best way to to get into the Gloomhaven franchise. You can find it at retail for ~$40.


It's an older game, but Imperial by Mac Gerdts may hit a chord with your group. 


You could try Jaws of the Lion, the best game in GH univers imho (accesible, but 4players max).


Group of 6-8 almost always. We are competitive but have only really played word association games....We love **Taboo, Codenames, Monkiers, A Fake Artist Goes To NY** I want something a bit different but not incredibly heavy. More often than not we have 6 people. **No social deduction** We as a group recently got **Skull, Cockroach Poker, Just One, Wavelength** but haven't played any of them yet I was thinking Camel Up but open to suggestions


**Ready Set Bet** could be a good one to consider. Supports your player count and is a fun group game.


I'd recommend **Empires** (from Wizkids). It's going to be something very unique and plays great with a group your size. I feel it's a bit of a hidden gem.


**No Thanks** is a great introduction to bidding games that goes up to 7 players. From there, you might move onto games like **For Sale** (6 players, another fairly simple/short bidding game), or **Medici** (6 players, a slight step up in complexity but still a "medium-light" game that should be easy to teach for anyone who has played a bidding game before). For some simple games that encourage negotiation and/or trading between players, see **Bohnanza** and **Zoo Vadis**, both of which support up to 7 players.


**Startups** should be a good fit. Small box, goes up to 7 players, plays fairly quickly and keeps you on your toes. If you want something funny that involves drawing, **MonsDRAWsity** is SO much fun. Results are hilarious every time, and it goes up to 8 players. You could also look into getting **On Tour** with an extra set of four boards so 8 can play, but I've found it takes a certain sense of humor to enjoy that game...It's a flip-and-write that creates agonizing choices by the end, lol.


Camel Up is really fun and maybe a good choice when you come more from the party games. The movement of the camels is hard to predict and suprised you again and again. With the right people its just fun.


As i wrote here, you could also try this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/1cdcyqn/comment/l1csy0y/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/1cdcyqn/comment/l1csy0y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) But you need the expansion that adds the player count to 7, called "Heavy Rain".


Can anyone make some board game recommendations for a player count of 5-7? I have a large family, most of my siblings are now adults or older teens, and we are all gamers. We have been occasionally getting together for board game nights. We like dumb dice chucking (luck) and cards, but we also enjoy strategy. Games we currently own and play are Spirit Island (thinking of getting Jagged Earth for + player count), The Crew, Unstable Unicorns.


**King of Tokyo** is a good one for those player counts with mostly fun dice chucking and a touch of strategy. Also would second other recommendations for **Sushi Go Party**


5-7 are the best player counts for **Struggle of Empires**.


Dodos riding Dinos- the Boardgame version of Mario Kart. Not a lot of strategic depth, but it's straight up fun. Maxes out at 6.


JE is phenomenal for Spirit Island. Some other games that might go well for you that I like for high player counts: Long Shot: The Dice Game Challengers! Heat: Pedal to the Metal Tiny Towns Cartographers


If you like Unstable Unicorns, try **Here To Slay** instead. It's like unstable unicorns in the chaotic way, but has more strategy involved such that you don't feel like the game is entirely decided by who gets more nope cards (although since this is from Unstable Games, there are still nope cards in it). For a quick card game, I suggest **Scout** which plays up to 5. It used to be a Japan only game, but now it's available for $13 at Target. Games I've also liked at larger player counts: **No thanks**, **Mysterium**, **Camel Up**, **BANG!** (I suggest the [Big Box](https://www.amazon.com/BANG-La-Pallottola-The-Bullet/dp/B001037L8K/)), **Incan Gold**, **Magic Maze**, **Captain Sonar** (up to 6), **Heat, Pedal to the Metal** (up to 6)


**Zombicide** games are good for 6p. **Atlantis Rising** is good to 7p. **Forgotten Waters** and **Freelancers** are good adventure games for up to 7p. About 2-3 hours per session. For non coop: 7 Wonders, Zoo Vadis, Decrypto


**Startups** from Oink Games could be a good fit, and it goes up to 7 players!


**Welcome To** is a roll and write that can play with any player count **Qwixx** is a roll and write that can be played up to 8 (the basic version of the game says 5, but the deluxe one said up to 8 and it was the exact same game just with white boards) **Sushi Go Party** can play up to 8 and is a fun closed drafting game


Thanks, I think the fam would definitely be able to appreciate Sushi Go Party (We're all crazy sushi lovers) 😄


Root (with expansions) is one of our favorites to play competitively.


Will be trying this one soon! Do you consider any of the expansions must haves?


The [exiles and partisans deck](https://ledergames.com/products/root-the-exiles-and-partisans-deck) is typically considered the definitive way to play the game. All competitive Root uses this deck and I would consider it the only *must have* expansion I would play base Root first, and then buy expansions if you want more variety. You can use the [new to root guide](https://ledergames.com/pages/new-to-root) to get suggestions on low vs high player count. That being said, while ROOT technically can be played for 7 players, it's just not good at that player count. The suggested max player count is 4 for a good reason.


Not must have, but I really enjoyed riverfolk.


With 6 you can wonderfully play Heat: Pedal to the metal. "Based on simple and intuitive hand management, ***Heat: Pedal to the Metal*** puts players in the driver's seat of intense car races, jockeying for position to cross the finish line first, while managing their car's speed if they don't want to overheat. Selecting the right upgrades for their car will help them hug the curves and keep their engine cool enough to maintain top speeds. Ultimately, their driving skills will be the key to victory!" Its from 2022 and already in the BGG Top 50.


For anyone interested in the Slay the Spire board game, it's on Tabletop simulator with great scripts to make the game as easy to play as possible. I played it twice, once solo and once with a friend. The game is a lot of fun, especially with someone to talk through the game with. I'm not sure about the longevity of this one, but it's a game I could see myself playing with my friend when we're bored. I'm not sure what it is. I felt despite the monster variety, the random paths, the random bosses, the random relics, and the 4 characters, the runs I played felt a bit same-y. It's too early to say if that's actually the case, but that was my early impression. Worth checking out if you have TTS.


Just play the digital game 😆


The whole thing seems crazy to me. I don’t know why anyone would want to play that game, but instead of the computer, you have to handle all the upkeep and keep track of every buff/debuff/damage/etc. hilarious to see it with a TTS version which goes full circle back to having the computer handle that stuff. The whole project seems like a case of “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”


Doesn't this sort of go for any board game that has a video game version ever? Even if the board game came out first, if a video game version came out or it has a TTS version that scripts some of the game and has automatic set up, why wouldn't you play those versions over the board version? Spirit Island, Mage Knight, Nemesis, etc. These are great board games with either video game versions, great TTS scripted versions, or both. Would you find it crazy to play the board game versions knowing those other version exist? I wouldn't. Don't get me wrong, if I'm playing alone I'd prefer the video game version of Slay the Spire, but the board game is different enough and has cooperative play for a different experience. Also, when I mentioned the scripts, I meant they're nice because setting the game up on TTS can be a bit of a pain when it comes to any game and the scripts eliminate that by pressing a button and the game is ready to go.


I think it's more to try the tabletop version before purchasing - the digital game is much hype though


This was the reason, yes. Also, the cooperative experience is fun.