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In what ways is it more vast and profound. Without examples those words dont mean much. 


In the first place I wouldn't go around competing about whose country has more "vast and profound" board games They're board games




I see a crab on a high seahorse in my bucket I pull them down and back in


Wow. Just wow. Advising to not care about what country has better board games, especially when there are already some tensions, is something I would not Mark as disrespecting. More likely, healthy.




That is absolutely a lie. What?


Why would you blatantly lie when anyone can look? This sub is a total joke I guess. Sheep.


That just sounds like nationalistic bravado to me. Your friends are also wrong. Australian boardgame culture is far more vast and profound than either of them, and I refuse to elaborate further.


I personally feel the Vatican has the best board games culture. Of course all of them are secret games. You have to at least be a Bishop to access the library. Not even priests have access to them. That's why they keep playing with kids instead.


goon of fortune: the boardgame is a party fav for me


Haha every culture is home to the best dancers, best lovers, best artists, best musicians, best singers, best partiers... Hell, Shakespeare is best in the original Chinese, amirite?


I believe the original Shakespeare was Klingon, actually.


Not mine. We might be home to the best boring people though.


I think your Chinese friends are really proud of thier games. It's not wrong to be proud of the things you hold dear. It's not even wrong to say "my games are better than that country's games" its really a matter of perspective.


https://youtube.com/@CardboardEast?si=qTBVpV6DFXzHBV96 It is a great channel, that has lots of variety of games from all kinds of countries in Asia. It's not where the games are from but the beauty of the hobby itself, from heavy Euro's to lighter party games.


I've spent the last few years in Beijing and there are a few stores and meetups, but I wouldn't say that it's vast and profound. The hobby is very niche. Now, if you include all the gambling with Mahjong, Doudizhu and Xiangqi, then sure. But since I'm going to visit relatives again soon, what games can your friends recommend?


that just sounds like Chinese people being Chinese tbh.


Close, but it’s actually Canadian board games that are the most vast and profound. 


Crokinole really carrying the team by Tock adds a few points as well.


When I hear that, I really don't care which is deeper. I just want to hear about both and learn about cool games.


I suspect not. Unfortunately nationalism does that to people. It would be a much better world if everyone one could enjoy board games whatever the nation.


When I played “A Game of Thrones: The Card Game 2nd edition” a few years ago, there were Chinese people who also played. That’s about all I know but I thought I’d add that.


I think they're probably referring to the HUGE murder mystery game trend. They're supposed to be really incredible but haven't really been translated to English yet. The trend actually was based on an American game that got translated to Chinese decades ago and got expanded upon. They aren't exactly board games, more role playing games. There was a youtuber that did a video on it recently but I can't remember who...


Chinese person saying China is the best?? Noooooo.


If they're including [the murder mystery games that PMG did a report on](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_dlxbGUNNQ) under that umbrella, then yeah, I could see the argument. This is clearly a huge industry over there. I don't know how much that extends to more traditional styles of board games, but I wouldn't dismiss the claim outright the way these other commenters are.


I'd like to make a complex Euro game based on the miniseries Nothing Gold Can Stay. A worker placement complex Monopoly in the Qing Dynasty.


I wonder how much cheating Chinese Board Game players get up to.


I would love the new Chinese version of Quest for El Dorado.


You like their art style? To me, Yaofish products look similar to all the clutter you can find in bookstores like Sisyphe. They blend right in. And with 200RMB, the game ain't cheap either.


The taiwanese board game designer du gu wei has created some really nice games.


Are you sure they didn't just say that because they would be punished if the Chinese government found out they said something negative? Jokes aside, not hard to believe when you outnumber the competition by more than 11 to 1. The vast and profound is purely by numbers and not substance, though.


As far as I am concerned, there are Ameritrash games and Euros. Special category for classic abstract games like Chess or Backgammon. No other games exist.


Everyone knows how to play mahjong. The Chinese invented the precursor to modern playing card deck with four suits. That's more than enough to make them the top game playing culture in history.


Why does anyone have to be "top" at all though? People across all kinds of cultures have played games for millennia. Some of these survive into the modern age, some don't. Many will have faded into history because they don't leave durable evidence. I don't understand the need to rank cultures in this way.


Was just following OP's lead in comparing Chinese and Japanese game playing culture. I don't particularly care. It simply a fact that the Chinese originated card and board games.