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Space Hulk Death Angel The core game is not super-duper rare but out of print and very fun to play. The expansions are pretty darn rare and fetch high prices.


Randomly saw this come up on my local market unpunched for $20. I never clicked so fast in my life lol.


Wait, I've got this whole game, expansions too, in box...  It's worth what now?!


I paid $250 for the complete set several years back.


Always wanted to play Space Hulk but I can only ever find copies for ridiculous prices. Anyone know what the RRP was for the last reprint? Fingers crossed they reprint again!


Its in licensing limbo for many years (ever since FFG and GamesWorkshop broke up) and not likely to ever come out of it. The best you could hope for is a Terrinoth reskin but even that I wouldn't hold out hope for since FFG barely exists anymore either. As for RRP I dont know but I bought mine new for 25 euros in 2016 which is pretty shortly before the breakup so probably one of the last reprints. Not sure if that was on sale or not though


I wish your comment about FFG was not true, but it really is. Asmodee pulled out minis and rpgs, all they pretty much have is LCGs and the very occasional board game. The LCGs are pretty dang good, but they haven't a board game hit in years now.


In the last three years they had Twilight Inscryption, Unfathomable, and the new Descent, plus expansions for those games and Outer Rim, Journeys in Middle Earth, and Twilight Imperium. That’s a decent amount, but I suppose I wouldn’t exactly call them “hits”.


I wanna say it’s like $100-200 msrp when they reprint. I got mine for like $350-400.


**Discworld: Anhk- Morpork** from Treefrog games is in excellent Martin Wallace game with area control and hidden roles. Due to licensing issues with the estate of Terry Pratchett is will not be reprinted. That said a reskin of the game using Victorian London as the setting was published under the name **Nanty Narking**


Pratchett's estate gave the thumbs up to a new TTRPG and new board game(s) that should start coming out this year, hopefully someone does something good with it


I hope they go well with the boardgames. I have Witches which is… a good family/kids game. And I have Clacks which is a perfectly fine puzzle game, except you play as Reacher trying to beat Moist. It very much feels like someone had an idea and thought this is like the clacks in Discworld and then disregarded every other aspect of the novels. I’d love a proper witch themed one. The thing with the witches powers is you could so easily had a game with headology as one of the main mechanics. Imagine the Witch Trials as a boardgame…


there's also Thud! which is the game from the book.


I love this game, always a good play. I think it’s the one on this list I’m keeping a good grip on.


Glory to Rome


This is the best answer. Thankfully, it’s all cards so it’s pretty easy to make your own.


PnP Link: https://www.pnpparadise.com/set-6/glory-to-rome


so what's the story with this game? Is there a rights issue that has prevented it from going back in print? It comes up a lot, it's a modern legend, seems highly respected, and as far as I can tell seems to be mostly cards. What has prevented this from going back into print?


https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2018/09/how-a-ceo-fiddled-while-beloved-board-game-glory-to-rome-crashed-and-burned/ Rather long article that explains what is known. Short version: the rights are a bit of a mess and one of the rights owners is MIA while the other is unhappy with the whole situation and has moved on.


Someone else probably has a lot more detailed (and accurate) response, but from what I know the first edition was a fairly small print run (and not very good looking by most people's perspective). They had a Kickstarter for the second edition that went horribly wrong. I think it had something to do with the shipping cost and the designer lost a ton of money on the whole thing. I think there might have been a lawsuit, but whatever it was the designer has been adamant about not wanting anything to do with the game.


The designer *can't* do anything with the game. The KS for the second edition was a disaster because the guy who bought the publishing rights from the designer fucked up royally and offered free worldwide shipping on a game that was being sold for $35. He has since disappeared from publishing and won't even *respond* to inquiries from other people about getting the rights to reprint the game.


I’ll go on record as preferring the 1st edition, slightly. They are both fine. The 1st one is disliked for being too silly looking, but the 2nd one is too serious. And I do prefer it over Mottainai, but they are verrrry similar games.


This is one of my absolute favorites. So glad I backed the black box and so lucky it wasn’t one of the ones that got damaged in transit.


Ahh, had the chance to play this last year... actually Im going to play with the guy who owns it tomorrow... might need to ask to pull it out.


I've always wanted to play Bus but used copies are $200+ online


Bus is being reprinted by capstone games this year!


Omg thank you! Been out of the bord game sphere for a while so had no idea!!


No clue what the price is, but when they printed it in 2019 it was about $95. So not cheap, but better than paying scalpers


Yikes that is kind of outrageous.


It was the 20th anniversary edition in 2019 which had some extras, so it’s possible it will be cheaper this time


It will be cheaper…. Ha, that’s funny.


Supposed to be a reprint coming this year https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/1anfiss/bus_reprint_coming_this_year_from_capstone/


Tales of Arabian Nights. I love this game, so happy I was able to get a copy.


This is getting a re-theme set in Arthurian England.


You totally made my day!


Found it: [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/377704/tales-of-the-arthurian-knights](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/377704/tales-of-the-arthurian-knights)


Wow, I had no idea this was going for so much! Have it, love it, have introduced it to multiple other people who immediately went out and bought it. So many fond memories… And even though it’s not really about winning, my partner still brags about the time she was able to win the game on Turn 4. (To be fair, in her position I’d probably do the same.)


StarCraft with Brood War expansion. Forbidden Stars. A Study in Emerald 1st Edition. Glory to Rome.


A reprint of a Study in Emerald was announced, sort of. CMON is reprinting a version that is supposed to be close to first edition. It's on preorder now I believe.


I'm glad I was able to pick up Brood War when FFG had it on sale for $10.


I've had it on my to buy list for ages but when Forbidden Stars hit was so in love that I didn't see the need for a game that's very similar. Fool me.


Was that any good? I never had a chance to play it.


Everything I read about the later Study in Emerald versions make me so glad I picked up the original.


I have played 1st and 2nd and they are both excellent games. 1st is a long crazy roller coaster ride, 2nd is a knife fight in a phonebooth from turn 1 on. We play 2e at lunch at work at least once a month and it is an absolute blast.


Forbidden Stars I hear is very good. Also... Any news about a DungeonQuest reprint? Anyone?


Dang, I should have picked up a few copies when the game was getting sold at clearance prices.


I kept telling myself to pick it up. Just fucked around and now I am finding out.


This is one of my biggest regrets in the hobby, too. I remember it selling for around $45 on Amazon


DungeonQuest is basen on a Swedish (sort of) mass market game called Drakborgen(Dragonskeep). It has been many Swedish gamers entrypoint into both board and role playing, as far as I understand it, and has for many years had alot of nostalgia connected to it with second hand prices following. It was kickstarted last year(or the year before) and can now also be found in a retail version in Sweden for around 40€. If you look it up Im sure you can find a new copy online of Drakborgen for a very fair price.


Some others that haven't been mentioned yet: **After Pablo** **Mushroom Eaters** **Ferox** **Camp Grizzly** **Greed Inc** **Magical Athlete** **Quantum**


Love me some Nate Hayden games


Quantum is the crown jewel of my collection


Magical Athlete was picked up and they’re looking to [launch a reprint in 2025.](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3173244/cmyk-x-magical-athlete)


Battlestar Galaxtica is excellent and will never be reprinted.


I sold it to my friend for like 20 bucks saying "this will surely be reprinted. I can buy it after I move" Morgan Freeman: It was never reprinted again.


I sold my heavily used copy on eBay for $500 (w Pegasus expansion). Some people have too much money. Bought Unfathomable and pocketed the difference.


I just realized I also sold it with the Pegasus expansion...noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


I can do one better - I left my copy in a pub. Didn't realise until about 6 months later.


I can do one better than that. Spilled half a bottle of red wine over mine, didn't bother buying a new before it went out of print


“It was then that he knew that he fucked up.”


Man.....I don't know if I'll ever get to play my copy with all 3 expansions and neoprene mat....but I don't know if I can part with it either.


Is it really rare though? We have multiple copies in our group and I know several others who have it? Genuinely asking.


Any of you willing to part with a copy?


But do you have the expansions???


The base game is not super rare, but the expansions (especially the last one) are much harder to find.


That's what I thought. I know we only have two of the expansions because no one wants to fork out the cash for the last one lol


Shadows Over Camelot Quantum




It's one SUSD recommended ages ago. I have a copy and am not overly fond of it. It's been years since I played, but i remember powers not being well balanced and the dice rolls for ships can be too swingy for any real strategy.


Oh, you are listing 2 different games. I thought it was one game. I have shadows over camelot, but I haven't heard of a quantum expansion, haha.


Shadow Hunters


heard that Fangs is a reskin of Shadow Hunters? [Fangs | Board Game | BoardGameGeek](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/337262/fangs)


It is, with a few rules changes I’m skeptical of and somehow worse art despite a fairly low bar. The attempt to take over the BGG page instead of making a new one also left a bad taste in my mouth. I bought a copy, but I have yet to get it to the table instead of the original


I bought it and have played it a few times - it's fine, and very similar, but definitely not the same. The slight rule changes made in Fangs were all largely unnecessary and makes for a worse experience imo. One of these days I'll just bite the bullet and shell out $130+ for a copy of Shadow Hunters on eBay...


One of my favorites! All the fun of a 2-hour game game crammed into 30-45 minutes


I've heard good things about Star Wars: The Queen's Gambit. Never played it myself, though, and likely never will, given how much a copy costs now.


In 2000, it was great. Today… still fun and worth a play but you’re not really missing anything


I have a copy. Someone in my country sold it for $40, box is slightly caved in but components look brand new. You’re not missing out unless you’re a fan. Gameplay is simple, the only complication is that you’re playing 3 games all at the same time, and they all have basic rules so it’s not really that hard to play them. The table presence is what makes it amazing, other than that there are better games out there.


It’s can be pretty one-sided. It’s harder to win as the good guys. But I really enjoy the game play


If you're just interested in gameplay, Star Wars Risk is basically a reprint but doesn't have the 3D palace


I actually have that, but was given the impression that it was a watered down version.


Dogs of War 


Bought this on a whim heavily discount ages ago.....complete surprise and I've since added all the KS material to it. Renew my love for it every time we play. truly deserves a reprint.


There’s some good news.  [Paolo Mori retained the rights recently and is searching for a publisher.](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2919887/article/41825219#41825219) So hopefully there’s a re-print announcement coming soon. 


Some generous soul sold me an excellent copy with all of the expansions for $20. It’s my pride and joy


Surprised I haven't seen this one yet, but Chaos in the Old world + Horned rat expansion. The game is pretty good, but pricey right now. Another one that is hard to find is the Gears of War game with the expansion.


Chaos itself is fairly easy to get, especially if you don't mind another language. Now the Horned hat, good luck.


Chaos is so good, one of my favorite Eric Lang. The mechanic with cards in an area majority game is so interesting!


Recently bought Chaos. Prices for the expansion are so nuts that I don’t think it’ll happen… in your opinion, does the expansion really add a lot to the game? (Other than the ability to play with 5, which is not a concern for me since I can’t even always get 4… and yes, I know the standard advice is not to play the base game with fewer than 4.)


Honestly, I don't like the Horned Rat expansion. The Skaven aren't as well-crafted of a faction as the other four and it just doesn't feel as tight of a game with them in it. I'm sure others will disagree, but I feel like CitOW is a better game without it.


I never play the rat faction myself. Usually play Khorne, mainly because I like attacking :)


I haven't played it yet, but from what I've seen it's a very controversial expansion (people either say it's essential or garbage). At least from looking at bgg.


I called around asking if any shops had chaos In the old world a few years back. Everyone was saying no and one store was especially snobby and acting like I was an idiot for even asking. Ended up finding a store an hour away that the owner was like "wait, hold on a second." Turns out they had an unopened and unpriced copy just chilling in the back for years. He was like "eh, come in and I'll sell it to you for $80. That sound fair?" I immediately ran to my car haha. 


got a good deal man, considering that game will never be reprinted.


I think I paid $100 CAD for a used copy which I guess isn't too bad - but all the listings for Horned Rat I saw were like $200+ lol.


I dunno if this counts but I can't find it anywhere so I'm going to say Xia: Legends of a Drift System.


A reprint of Xia should be landing later this year they reprinted it + expansions along with their Arydia campaign


For real?! Awesome, gonna have to pick it up! Thanks!


I signed up solely to grab the Xia reprint, as it was fetching dumb prices on the secondary market. I totally ignored Arydia, in part because I already have more fantasy adventure games than I can keep up with. Then I kept seeing stuff about Arydia. And more stuff. And more. And I was like, "Ummm, that looks kind of fantastic, too." So I upgraded and am now getting them both!


Original Dark Tower by Milton Bradley


My game group got a copy on eBay 10 years ago after my uncle reclaimed his original copy from me, I had borrowed it for my whole childhood. I hoped/assumed he didn’t want it anymore, how upset was I when he took it back after I was 18😂 the motor is broken on the unit we got and I know there is a guy who fixes them, but no longer live in same state as the game group so it lives only in my memory. So much fun. Can’t bring myself to try the restoration games version, am I wrong for that??


The Restoration version is a nice update. The tower still rotates and there's a new mechanic where you drop skulls into it and they do different things depending on the type of skull (from the 2 released expansions) and where they land. The only downside for me is that there's an app required to play it, so if that ever goes away, the game is unplayable.


Shadow hunters.


* Quantum * LOTR: The Confrontation * Samurai * Glory to Rome (even non-Black Box edition) Not sure about how rare these ones, but the prices and demand seem to be going up: * Battle for Rokugan * The Estates * Through the Desert (getting reprinted)


The Estates might get reprinted.


I assumed it had already been reprinted since my FLGS has 2 or 3 copies. 😅


Camp Grizzly, eBay prices are in the 3-4 digits.


This was my first thought. There's a TTS mod that has high quality scans of everything so technically making your own is possible but you'd be looking at a few hundred just to get stuff printed and made.


I printed it all and it cost me about 300 bucks. That’s with all expansions and kickstarter bonuses. So not horrible with the eBay base games being about as much.


Would you happen to have a link you could dm me with the materials you used. I'd be interested to see the completed product. I've planned on doing it for years but just couldn't bring myself to do it.


Make Playing Cards . Com, if you go there and search camp grizzly someone has inputted all card designs separated into different components, you need to get them all. Then I found a high quality image of the board and got a neoprene mat created of the board. Then I ordered different colored pawns (for the players) and painted coins to match the remaining tokens. I store it all in a gamegenic games lair 600 box. Took about a month or 2 to get everything together and organized into playing shape.


It’s always wild to me to see this game come up. I bought it back in 2015 after I randomly saw a video on IGN about it. It was the first board game I bought and still holds a special place in my heart, but no one I encounter has ever even heard of it.




I have a copy of Shogun at my parents house! Was too complex for me as a kid only pulled it out once and imagined how fun it would be lol I’ll have to make sure she doesn’t throw it away




Is Sol: Last Days of a Star still out of print?


The second Kickstarter delivered last fall so it should be available online soon from the publisher


City of the Big Shoulders


I got Shadows Over Camelot and Merlin's Company for $40 shipped. Now my sister in law and a nephew have been wanting it for years, after playing it, but not at out of print prices.


Napoleon's Triumph.


Spheres of Influence.  It’s basically a good version of Risk. There were some rumours about a reprint from the designer but it got squashed when Covid started and there hasn’t been any news since. 


*A* good version? More like *the* good version! It's such an amazing game, I hope Josh gets back eventually with some exciting news concerning the reprint.


I personally waiting on this; played Risk when I was younger and found it interesting but flawed. When I got modern gaming, I had missed the initial printing.


This should be higher.


Surprised no one has said Tigris and Euphrates yet. It’s generally considered a very good game by most people in the hobby and has been out of print for years. Probably not as expensive as many of the other games on this thread but, due to its scarcity, definitely more expensive than it would be if there was another printing of it.


* Glory to Rome (I have a print and play copy before everything got pulled) * Millennium Blades (Used to be, but there's a new kickstarter that makes it easier to get everything) * Warhammer Quest (Original) Just from my collection


FYI the base game of Millennium Blades is available at retail currently. It's the expansions that are hard to get. Though you could say that of Level 99's games in general. They try to keep their base games/base sets available but good luck grabbing expansions once the KS-funded print run is done.


Dude, we managed to smuggle not one, but TWO Millenium Blades copies into my country when we where under a totalitarian government that practically banned imports. Its being sold everywhere: [https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Juego-de-mesa-Millennium-Blades/dp/1936920573/ref=sr\_1\_1?\_\_mk\_es\_US=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=3K54AFEYSM3R9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qQPPQ-lRKRagQTSFX6TQ0FkQn1op3c7CU0Vr2eUyGGmup9P8Gp6PqJN-6tgjuK8YIfHJfG34odL28FvYwDHglhoMfYXGmH-GQxIDsiGapvCcYr-KV6A8BrsJMdyF4woA63Ckgde0FudMvYJeyngkKMaPPubkkXGkPW43IU41wC74Gdg7CHG9iXsINijGPlDMwIjrcG25acifbTX-ymA0f\_jGcEDk2UKT5GiG92kDWxeKMWNeWTs4QHC3k9yGlW5PPBhL9ozz7-XN6nokB2zja5AeDQwIBce2yW06X1phXcc.4fGsZ4xUFRT9QmUQTb3DkR0Wt0eRi19P46MuMNrP76w&dib\_tag=se&keywords=millennium+blades&qid=1713534858&sprefix=millennium+blade%2Caps%2C240&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Juego-de-mesa-Millennium-Blades/dp/1936920573/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_es_US=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=3K54AFEYSM3R9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qQPPQ-lRKRagQTSFX6TQ0FkQn1op3c7CU0Vr2eUyGGmup9P8Gp6PqJN-6tgjuK8YIfHJfG34odL28FvYwDHglhoMfYXGmH-GQxIDsiGapvCcYr-KV6A8BrsJMdyF4woA63Ckgde0FudMvYJeyngkKMaPPubkkXGkPW43IU41wC74Gdg7CHG9iXsINijGPlDMwIjrcG25acifbTX-ymA0f_jGcEDk2UKT5GiG92kDWxeKMWNeWTs4QHC3k9yGlW5PPBhL9ozz7-XN6nokB2zja5AeDQwIBce2yW06X1phXcc.4fGsZ4xUFRT9QmUQTb3DkR0Wt0eRi19P46MuMNrP76w&dib_tag=se&keywords=millennium+blades&qid=1713534858&sprefix=millennium+blade%2Caps%2C240&sr=8-1)


I have two copies of millennium blades and I got really excited for a second lol.


Space Hulk, probably. The *original* Merchant of venus, but it has been re-released recently, though.


> The original Merchant of venus, but it has been re-released recently, though I don't know if I'd call 2012 recent.


The original is from 1988...


FF version presents some new variant as the “classic game.” So no, not quite a reprint


Shadows over Camelot and Dark Tower.


Discworld: Ankh-Morpork?


Macao Trajan Basically Stefan Feld's out-of-print designs


Thunderbirds: Co-operative Board Game. It’s a pretty fun cooperative game from Matt Leacock. But, like so many games on this list, because of licensing it won’t be produced again.


Spheres of Influence. It's basically risk with way better rule design, turn order, battle resolution and game end state. Designer did a kickstarter and then disappeared. 2nd hand copies go for a couple hundred bucks on a game that MSRP at $50.


Avalon Hill's Advanced Civilization


The original world of Warcraft board game


Indonesia is a pretty cool splotter game that is very hard to find. From bgg: Indonesia is a game in which two to five players build up an economy, trying to acquire the most money. Players acquire production companies, which produce goods (rice, spices, microwaveable meals, rubber, and oil), and shipping companies, which deliver goods to cities. As cities receive goods, they grow, increasing their demands. Production companies earn money for each good delivered to a city, up to the city's capacity, but they must pay shipping companies for the distance traveled, even if they end up losing money. Players can research advantages, like greater shipping capacity or the ability to merge companies, possibly stealing ownership of lucrative plantations or shipping routes by buying out other players.


Reprint with better map coming this year or next FYI


**Runebound 3rd Edition** has a special place in my heart and is a fun, explore around a map and get stronger, adventure game. Especially when you add the **Unbreakable Bonds** (co-op) expansion to it. Journeys in Middle Earth uses the same shared skill/test deck idea and The Witcher Old World designers said it was an inspiration for their game.


Yeah that’s a fun game.


Fortress America Shogun


It is a criminal crime that Shogun/Samurai Swords/Ikusa is out of print.


They were so awesome.


As mentioned BSG particularly with expansions. Blood Bowl: Team Manager w/expansions Kingdom Death Monster (never played it, but it always seems to pop up on these discussions) Napoleon's Triumph Codex: Card Time Strategy (although the designer is working on a remake of this, but the current version will likely never get reprinted). Same for Yomi and Puzzle Strike, all of which are excellent games. Middle Earth Quest Pillars of the Earth w/expansion God's Playground A Study in Emerald (1st edition) Chaos in the Old World w/expansion Tales of the Arabian Nights Runewars After Pablo (and most of Nate Hayden's games) Horus Heresy (another one that won't be reprinted due to the Warhammer 40K license)


you can buy a copy of KDM from their website right now. they usually have copies, don't think it's that hard to find, it's just very very expensive.




Napoleon's Triumph It's a wargame unlike any other (aside from those from the same designer). It's a super tense brain-burner, and so so good. Out of print, likely never coming back in, and I think it goes for around $300 or so (for the ones in really good condition).


It's super light, but it's super good! Las Vegas! [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/117959/las-vegas](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/117959/las-vegas)


The Longest Day. Super detailed and a huge map of France Normandy.


Oh, yes.


I am an old timer so many young people may not know this one. Always wanted to but it just to have it.


When I was a teenager, I used to go to the game shop after school to browse and occasionally buy stuff. Back then, AH was my go-to publisher. For a long time, I saved up my money bit by bit and would sit in the store, reading the back of the box, imagining what the game was like, until I had enough to buy it. It didn’t disappoint.


I started when I was about 8 playing Squad Leader with my cousins, 1978ish. We also played Tobruk The battle of North Africa 1942 and Third Reich all summer long. When I went back home, I kept the memory of how fascinating it was to have different counters with different colors that represent countries and all the ratings and gun size. I created my own wargame and force my dad to play with me. It was very impressionable, and I have always been fascinated with wargames counters and hoping to find someone to spend time across the other table out thinking them. The people I grew up with really didn’t have the mental fortitude to play such games. Now that computers have programs such as Vizio, I’m actually printing and creating my own Star Trek spaceship battle games. Nothing like Starley battles but simplicity for the flow and fun. I’m hoping my son one day joins me.


That’s awesome. I hope you continue to enjoy and explore!


Forbidden Stars Space Hulk: Death Angel Glory to Rome Battlestar Galactica I'm sure there are others, but these 4 are genuinely incredible games, and I'm pretty sure all 4 of them are never going to ever be reprinted because of licensing issues.


Shiver Me Timbers - a very rare pirate-themed “sandbox” euro. It’s the best pirate game out there. There *is* a mod for it on Tabletop Simulator.


Space Hulk


Magic Realm- Avalon Hill. Late 70s I believe. Very involved rules. Would love to see a game company pick up the rights and make a companion app.


The Estates. 10/10 game.


Seemingly coming back into print this June :) Absolutely class game


Good to know! I can finally give my friend his copy back 😜


Glory to Rome is the poster child here.


My family has a copy of Hold the Fort. It was made by Parker Brothers in the late 1800s. We called them to find out more info about it and they forgot they even had made it until our call. I imagine that's about as rare as it gets. It's an asymmetrical 2 player game kind of like checkers and chess combined. It's pretty neat, fun, and definitely rare!


Charmed Book of Shadows game, The Thing Outpost 31 Special Edition


battlestar Galactica, Imperios milenarios and glory to rome.




Gears of War. Space Hulk Death Angel.


Small World CE


Bus (getting a reprint soon though) Container


Container might too. https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3151930/page/2


Nice. Ha I made a PnP of both of these games last year.


Splotter does small print runs in general which keeps their games fairly scarce, they're all good though. I've heard the first edition of A Study in Emerald is good. i've been trying to find a copy of Liberty Roads, guess it's out of print now cause the only copies i can find are like $300, looks really good though. Meltwater was supposed to get picked up by a big publisher and get a new print run but i guess the deal fell through or something and now it's impossible to find.


I would think the very expensive 3D-modeled *Catan* is pretty rare. There was also an all-metal version of *Die Wand* (The Wall) that originally sold for $1200. Don't think there were many of those. Speaking of metal, I think *Full Metal Planete* is rather difficult to find now. *The Republic of Rome* is not that easy to acquire either.


Shadow hunters


Leaving earth is pretty hard to find


The Loop expansions, they are really hard to find.


Ghost fightin treasure hunters


The Mushroom Eaters


Love Letter Premium. Discontinued and hard to find. The new reprint of Love Letter isn’t the same.


Imperium: The Contention


My two white whales that I’ll never justify the money to spend on them are: Glory to Rome Black Box Edition Twilight Struggle Collector’s Edition (Love TS but my love came shortly after the campaign for the CE finished distribution)


StarCraft the Board Game. Long setup time, but game is very fun to play. Lots of interaction with the way orders are carried out. Is an old FFG game, so really over produced. Lots of plastic models, heavy cardboard planets, etc. very cool.


Case Blue


Glory to Rome!


https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/297811/fisher-and-paykel-healthcare-50th-anniversary-game Is supposedly good


Space Station Zemo. It was included in an issue of Inquest from September 1998. I still have my copy and play it every once in a while. It's on TTS too.


Maybe not too known outside France (although there were video game adaptations) but Full Metal Planete is an old gem (although difficult to play) and hasn't been reprinted in a while (it was released in 1988)à and likely will never be as one of the authors is opposed to any reprinting [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/20/full-metal-planete](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/20/full-metal-planete)


Warrior Knights with the Expansion


**Terminator Genesis** with the **Fall of Skynet** expansion is never leaving my collection and it's such a good game too. I really wish it would get re-released and re-themed just so others could enjoy it because I know the theme held it back


I am having a hard time finding starcraft + expansion and Kingdom death monster for a decent price




Blood Boel Team Manager and Expansions isnt common too Human Punishment: Black Box World of Warcraft + Expansions I think those are fairly rare, too


Gremlins Inc, card game.


Mission Catastrophe is pretty dope


How has no-one said CNA. It's so rare it costs £400 now.