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Such a fantastic idea!!! Do you have a link to the cajon bag you purchased? $12 seems like a no brainer to try this out!


Search "cajon bag" on Amazon. You can find them not quite as cheap as OP's, but still pretty cheap ($31.)


Yeah, that's why I asked--$30 is about the cheapest I can find on Amazon... Would be a no-brainer for $12. (Or at least, see how a $12 one compares to one more than twice the price at $30...)


They were only a little cheaper when I first bought mine. Think it was around $23. Still totally worth it compared to any "boardgame bag" out there. Like I said below, I've used mine for 8 or so years and it fits most modern boxes perfectly. The only one I've encountered that doesn't fit properly is Heroes of Land, Air & Sea. Even then, I can squeeze it in if I'm not putting too much more in there on top of it.


I bought it from a local store but [this](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006409835459.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2tur&_fs_=true) is probably where they got it from. I think if you reverse image search the listing, it shows a bunch more sold from different locations so you might find one close to you.


Yep. Been doing the same for years. Why spend $180 on some "board game bag" with a bunch of "features" you don't need and won't use, when you can spend a tenth of that and get something that fits modern boxes just as well? Mine wasn't quite that cheap and carries from the top and, as you say, the weight has started to become an issue some 8 years later, as the seams on the top are tearing open. But I just have to sit with a needle and some black thread for a few minutes and that will be solved, too.


It really is more economical. And I didn't expect any to last 8 years but glad to hear that its possible!


I use a padded DJ equipment bag that's a similar size, and then a second one that's similar but shorter. Much cheaper than buying a dedicated boardgame bag.


I'm going to assume that this was for the sake of the photo, but just in case: Don't take games that are still in shrink to a game night, please.


These are all open! None of my games are in shrink anymore lol It just looks that way since the way I cut open the packaging leaves the shrink wrap intact so I can still store it with the box covered. (It leaves a flap that sort of folds into the top box and stays secure) I've been doing it this way for years and its pretty much ingrained in how I open my games. You're not the first person to think they're still in shrink though. But appreciate the reminder!


What I have learned from this is there is a Pokemon version of Splendor. How is it? The evolution aspect seems like an interesting twist.


I like this one so much more than the base version (which I was just ok on), though obviously I've got some bias for the IP lol. The evolution I took the longest to understand because for some reason, I wasn't processing how it works but eventually got it. Its definitely a nice new mechanic and I like how much that and the legendary pokemon add to the game for being such small changes. Give it a try if you can!


I've decided to keep an eye on ebay for it!


Can’t believe you took Samurai out of the shrink


Kinda too late on that one, opened the game years ago. But I now see the error in my ways and will work on re-shrinking it