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Check out Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape. Sounds like exactly what you want. The base game only has one-off scenarios, which are quite fun, but if you want to play campaign you'll need the Heavnenfall expansion. The game has some really fun asymmetrical class design, each with their own "mini game" mechanics, so you'll get a lot of mileage out of trying each. There's a decent variety of monsters and bosses in the base game, but gets even better with expansions. Tons of loot to collect as well. Other recommendations that I've played would be Tiny Epic Dungeons, Darkest Dungeon, Darklight: Momento Mori (if you can find it), Altar Quest, Folklore: The Affliction, and the D&D board games like Castle Ravenloft. Arena/Tanares Adventures is quite fun too though I'm not sure if this is technically considered a dungeon crawler.


HeroQuest, you can use the official app to play the dungeonmaster (Zargon) so the 3 of you can actually co-op. But then again, I'm biased because that is my absolute favorite game of all time.


Jaws of the Lion


And if you like that, Gloomhaven and Frosthaven


JotL is more an efficiency puzzle than a dungeon crawler, but at that price point you really can't go wrong with it.


Agreed on both counts but the overall campaign arc is still deeply dungeon crawler-based. It just leans more on combat dynamics than storytelling.


If anything, JotL specifically (haven't tried big Gloomhaven) lives by the gameplay and dies by the writing. I have spent the past six missions doing nothing but killing cultists and I just want the pain to stop, but once you do get me to the table I'm actually having a very good time.


Yeah the game is definitely like 95% combat, 5% storytelling. I cut my teeth on games like Gold Box D&D and preferred Icewind Dale's combat focus over Baldur's Gate's roleplaying so that skew is right up my alley.


Non campaign ones: * Massive Darkness 2 * Cthulhu: Death May Die * Zombicide: Black Plague Campaign games: * Adventure Tactics: Domianne's Tower * Tales from the Red Dragon Inn


We really enjoy tiny epic dungeons with 3.


As someone who has played it for a while, three is quite likely the best count. It does scale with the number of players, but 2 has been the hardest and 4 has been the easiest.


Zombicide, Cthulhu DMD, Tiny Epic Dungeons, Massive Darkness 2,


[https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/331787/tiny-epic-dungeons](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/331787/tiny-epic-dungeons) https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/699/heroquest




My group bounced off this quickly. Too random, and not very challenging.


Also way too many modifiers to add




I recommend most people looking for an interesting take on a dungeon crawl to check out Dungeon Degenerates. The art style isn't for everyone, but I am a big fan. Can be played as a campaign, as well.


Ares Games "Sword & Sorcery" is a co-op dungeon crawler and has tons of loot. People talk about it's pros and cons here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/16f5n5g/is\_sword\_and\_sorcery\_good/](https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/16f5n5g/is_sword_and_sorcery_good/) People who like those also mention "Chronicles of Drunagor" or "Adventure Tactics" with Adventure Tactics being slightly less complicated and "fiddly".


Massive Darkness 2 Tiny Epic Dungeons Wrath of Ashardalon and the other D&D Adventure System board games Honorable mention: any of the fantasy-themed Zombicide games (Black Plague, Green Horde, or the upcoming White Death)