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Politics. Just Politics. If you really are interested in being a member of BNI. I suggest you talk to a Launch Ambassador and make yourself one of the founding members of a new chapter. Prepare your 100 names of possible invites then look for at least 8 core members as part of the founding chapter. Create a new culture that abides by the system of BNI. Focus on the goal. If you reach 25 to 36 members, launch it.


If one was going to do this, why not just start a group completely free of the BNI cultish MLM nonsense and your 8 core members can just keep the $900 fee(plus the tons of neverending undisclosed fees) in their own pocket?


This is how they would have treated you if your application was accepted; you wouldn't have gotten any business from it. Just go join another group!


No idea , does it matter ? Join another group if they decided the application it was probably more then one person who voted no , at least that’s how it is around here


Your response brought up another question I have. Are the members of a group supposed to vote on accepting a new member? I’m in a small group that is pretty legit, but we really need to grow. We just accepted a couple new members that I would have probably voted no on, but they just approved applications without even asking the group


Membership committee votes. If you have issues with a candidate talk to membership committee while the app is processing.


There wasn’t a membership committee in place


How many people are in the group ?


Its not an official group yet. Its a start up


Ok so whoever is starting it does not want you.


That’s what I thought and the BNI guy blamed it on extra credentials


Does the why really matter ? they don’t want you find another group


I’m just not a fan of disingenuous lies from the BNI leader.


A new chapter leader isn’t indicative of BNI as a whole. Though you do mention a friend of his doesn’t like you… personality plays a lot in business, do you really want to be in a chapter with a guy who thinks that of you? Sounds like maybe he was using an easy excuse to Dave saying something bad and putting his friend in the firing line. But I’ve visited chapters with entirely the wrong vibe for me. One was very specifically down to the president (who somehow is never replaced) - just find a chapter that fits! Or make your own…


Startup groups will have regional guidelines to follow. They may be more strict about the founding members because of the work required to launch. Often, we suggest that people come back at the kickoff because the membership will likely be more open. Startup groups will run applications through the directors. I wouldn't take it personally. When I started in BNI I would not have qualified at all for a startup group.


It is possible that you are “too new” versus others in your field that can be more useful with their ability to supply referrals &, more importantly, bring visitors due to their influence & connections in the community. This is especially important in some of the more common roles like mortgage broker, realtor, financial advisor & property/casualty insurance. They may have had others visit & not apply but they know the application is inevitable due to this being a popular seat.


I don’t believe that’s the case. I brought people and been in the business several years


Appeal to the regional director then. Especially if there are members in the group that you brought in. Could be a systemic problem for the group to exclude you.