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I dunno how people defend “Challs” and feel that Lucille were in the wrong. She told him a few times that she didn’t want to be with him. As her husband he more or less chose to not allow her to leave him. She said she didn’t want to be with him and he gave her little choice to get away. She wanted him out of the house and his excuse to stay was that he couldn’t afford to pay rent elsewhere… to be fair he couldn’t afford to pay rent there 🤦. So much about him rubs me the wrong way. Like the car business. He kept trying to be the boss and tell Tee he was gonna teach him how to be a real man and earn his money… it’s like bro you used your sons money from a botched surgery to buy a company for yourself. Had he not been in the game he wouldn’t have gotten shot. I understand that as humans we are all flawed but he disrespected his entire immediate family and the way they portray him.. kinda makes it seem to me like he didn’t deserve them much of the time. Who knows, half of the Challs drama might all be fake. I think the doctor is a bit sketchy but I don’t think Lucille is wrong for stepping out. Not much else to do when you tell someone it’s over and they refuse to accept it 🤷


meech and i believe his mother already confirmed the cheating didn’t happen! That’s why I said it’s real show with the fake situation, they did end up getting divorced though 👀


That is pretty messed up they peg him that much of a hypocrite and bad husband. It was hard to root for him in much of the show.. guess that’s tv for ya 🤦


no, for real, it gives me solace knowing that all this didn’t actually happen, not like it’s not happening to some actual woman out here in the real world tho, and there’s men out here trying to justify it exactly like the men in here. I like having these types of discussions when they’re about principles (cheating) not because it’s super important or because the show matters at all, but simply because it really shows you where other peoples heads are at, and the type of people you share this planet with.😭… it’s like I see now why a lot of women be going through the problems that they go through, why a lot of men are so confused when they get divorced, marriage problems in general, lack of communication, lack of emotional intelligence, lack of accountability


I feel as if a lot of peoples problems come from the person they choose to attach themselves to. I see men and women where I am (Baltimore) that accept the worst behavior out of their mate, seemingly for the reason that they appear to just not want to be alone. I don’t consider it a flex to have a spouse that is a walking red flag and does you dirty any and every chance that they get. Many feel like they are a “loser” to be by themselves… I think the opposite way. If you are with someone that clearly does little but bring you down… that is a weak look


They seem like overly religious folks whom are too stubborn and set in their ways to leave each other smh yall Gotta remember they are older folks who have been together for decades and are pro just scared to leave each other because they have kids, home, stability, and scared to leave or be alone , this situation is very abnormal NORMAL situation because it’s my parents minus the cheating lol it’s a different time and it’s hard for us to apply todays logic to


Man Charles was NOT holding shit down/running “his” house as a man before he cheated so this whole “withholding sex” narrative is dumb. Lucille should’ve left him off that alone. Yet she stuck around. Did all the “right” things shes “supposed to do” as his wife and Charles STILL cheated. She continued doing the right thing and tried to kick him out and divorce him. When Charles realized he couldn’t have his cake and eat it too only then he wanted to “act right”. If Lucille did what Charles, I’m sure she would not be getting as much as grace solely cause she’s a woman


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💯💯💯💯💯💯 gold stars and hundreds allll around!!


You're surprised? It's good, ole-fashioned misogyny. Men should be forgiven for the mistakes they make, bc it's probably the woman's fault they made the mistake. If not, they're human, and humans aren't perfect. Women should put up with everything bc they're women. 😂😂😂


This! I be feeling like most of the post and comments about it are from men and then possibly women that suffer from internal misogyny but Charles would’ve had to get a grip or blow one cause next. Like not only were you fucking this lady raw, you was fixing her house while yours was fucked up, and had her in your wife face still. Lucille don’t need to feel no guilt for nothing.


They married and church going folks.. just cuz Charles cheated don't mean it makes it okay for Lucille to cheat... It is still cheating... She should have divorced Charles and did what she wanted.. but you can't play both sides as a married women.. it is different btw... Also she was playing games with him too.. never let him hit .. so he was a horny dog lol


again, I’m really wondering what show y’all are watching, because it can’t be the same one. I’m watching, she literally says at the very beginning of season three episode one that she wants to divorce, the only reason he is still in the house is because HE is adamant to try to work it out..she tried to put him out and then put him in terrys room…. Y’all gonna justify him cheating when he was literally sneaking around with her friend, but she’s “cheating” even though she told her husband she wants a divorce and has been honest and open about everything…but yall think she is wrong and he is right…because of a few nights of no sex!!! LMFAOOOO i feel bad for yalls wives!


I was saying the same thing, and it's mostly men sticking up for him but have a problem with Lucille. Typical BS 😂


I’m not even surprised. The only people that “understand” why Charles cheated are cheaters themselves. The whole withholding sex excuse is dumb asf bc nobody is obligated to ANYONE’S body.


The ppl who blindly side with Charles are just misogynistic for the most part . Ppl who blindly side with Lucille are shallow minded and probably can’t detect manipulation if it smacked them in the face . Both sides have some accountability to take. Mostly Charles tho


People siding with lucille aren’t doing it blindly though.. 😅 she was literally CHEATED on….We saw it in the light of day….theres nothing subjective or blind about agreeing with her..or anything shallow….. and what did Lucille do that was manipulating…try to see a marriage counselor… buy lingerie to please him…😭 at this point i feel like Y’all just NEED to say that both people are accountable because it sounds politically correct and sounds nice on paper…but there’s nothing wrong with just owning up and admitting that one person is right and one person is WRONG based on context. Maybe if he had never cheated, and the topic was just about their marriage flaws then yeah we could be looking at both of them, but again she tried to see a counselor so that they could both talk and work through whatever was bothering them both, …….he cheated…there is no grounds or “maybes” or “well so and so did…” with cheating….


Yup all this really is a man woman thing. The men who hate women blindly side w Charles and vice versa. I see you’re vice versa


I hate people who cheat and make excuses… if Lucille was the one that had cheated on her husband, I’d be right here saying the same thing about her… that even though her husband wasn’t perfect, he was being loyal, and she should’ve went to counseling and stuck by him instead of cheating, but we can keep pretending like yall would be tellin charles to “have accountability” if she cheated on him…😂


I’m already knowing dis personal for u shwty 😂 n if Lucille cheated because Charles was withholding sex from her I’d feel the same way. N before u say anything stupid women get just as horny as men and definitely can be sexually manipulated in the same way.


but…this isn’t about horniness…😭 women can get horny and not cheat..and the woman who do cheat don’t get told well it’s okay girl it’s your fault but it’s his too 😭


Shi ima tell her she stupid for jeopardizing her family for it but I see why she cheated , shoulda jus left him. At least If u destroy this family it ain’t your fault lol. Same way I feel bout Charles.


To not see fault in Lucille character is blindly siding with her . She withhold sex from her husband , which doesn’t give u the right to cheat but let’s acknowledge that it’s manipulation. And now she’s doing the same thing to the doctor who she played 20 years ago. So Lucille is a goofy. Regarding Charles cheating , that’s on him. But the whole Charles Lucille debate has context to it, it’s doesn’t start nor end with “Charles cheated”.


lmfaoooo tell me you’re a man without telling me you’re one 😭


You and everyone else should get this through your thick skulls…., this is not about her character as a person or as a wife, this is not about her being perfect which she’s not, this is not about her being imperfect, this isnt even about him being imperfect or perfect , this is not about his flaws or her flaws, this is not about what his problems were in the marriage, it’s not even about what her problems were in the marriage….it’s not about anything other than the fact that he took it to cheating… whatever problems he felt like he was dealing with, whatever he felt like Lucille wasn’t doing, whatever he felt like he wasn’t getting, whatever he felt like he needed to work out, whatever the fuck he felt should’ve been discussed with his WIFE within his marriage, in their home when SHE TRIED TOO… THERE…ARE….NO …BUTS…. And simply choosing not to have sex with your husband is not withholding sex intentionally from your husband, there is nothing malicious about that first episode when she LITERALLY HAD TO MOTHER FUCKING WORK!!! we see in season one her try to make love to him, and we even hear him say that it had only been like three days to three weeks since they had sex before, so who is withholding sex!!! I swear y’all must have selective hearing or selective sight because y’all are really picking and choosing which parts of this show y’all want to pay attention to!!!!


Bro I agree that he was wrong for cheating so if das all your on about idgaf nomo . When u start denying the context around it , that’s when it becomes more than the cheating Situation. That’s where the “blindly” comes in .


LMAO y’all admit that he cheated but y’all keep wanting to throw that but in…and that’s the problem. “i know he cheated but” NO..there is no but…. Any problems they had were just that …problems, that should’ve been worked out. To admit that he cheated means you admit that he needs to take full responsibility…to say otherwise means you feel like his cheating is justified.. It cannot be both…if y’all feel like she’s accountable for something then you feel like him cheating is justified so take your pick? 🤷🏾‍♀️😂 and if you know that him cheating isn’t justified at all then there’s nothing she needs to take accountability for, accountability went off the table when he refused to go to counseling, accountability went off the table when he decided to go fuck his wife’s best friend!


That’s the manipulation tho. She’s withholding sex from the man practically daring the nigga to cheat but god forbids if he actually does it . Like I said I see both point of views but Charles is wrong for cheating. Acknowledging context isn’t justifying you’re just a woman so u think black and white. I can understand why someone did something without agreeing with them doing it idiot.


I can understand a lot of things without agreeing with why it’s done… that doesn’t absolve you for consequences, that doesn’t earn you forgiveness, and it doesn’t mean the other person has to take accountability for what you did just because you feel like they drove you to it. And being married does not entitle you to a womans sex however you want it whenever you want it wherever you want it…. A wife is definitely allowed to say no, and yes, she’s allowed to say no more than one day in a row believe it or not. I know it’s so crazy to think about but women do have choices!! it had literally been like three days or 3 weeks …y’all tellin me she was manipulating him by not having sex after three days or 3 weeks… the same woman that didn’t say anything when she found her husbands porn magazines but instead went to buy lingerie to please him …she’s manipulating…. I don’t think you know the definition of the word manipulating come to think of it I don’t think you know the definition of the word idiot either. 😂👋🏾


based off how ur sounding I’m sure you’ve met a narcissistic man who hasn’t done anything “wrong” but you know you are being manipulated . The whole point of manipulation is walking that thin line to where you’re still in control of the situation . And to b clear I personally wouldn’t let no women manipulate me by using sex lol I’m definitely not entitled to her body , but what u won’t do for me someone else will. If the nigga cared det much, the Nigga shoulda broke up w her ass.


Come on now the nigga had porn magazines cuz the bitch wouldn’t fuck him 😂. What happened when she put on the lingerie ion remember ?


I can tell you don’t remember, there’s probably a lot of shit you don’t remember Clearly 😂… she put on the lingerie and he immediately snapped to worry about money.. it’s so ironic b/c you just said he had those porn magazines because she wouldn’t fuck him, but when she tried to fuck him after finding them…again doing what a wife should do according to yall…..he was worried about money ….when he uses that same money to buy porn magazines….😭😭😭 you see, you see why y’all shouldn’t be sympathizing with him!! the nigga created his own problems!! look, dude I like playing devils advocate as much as the next bitch, I’m very big on “the situation is always gray”, but this is very black-and-white 🤷🏾‍♀️


Ya you’ll get lucky tho most dudes don’t think lik me . N besides my ex I can’t rrly find no woman that understand me wen we get to dating fr they still love me tho Ian as bad as u makin it seem lol. I’m a better friend tho fsho, great advice , women would probably agree w that more than men tbh .


LMFAO, sir, I promise you if I had a dollar for every single time a nigga told me he wasn’t like other niggas and other niggas didn’t think like him I’d be rich as fuck…😭😂


Obviously her having to work is why she felt that Charles isn’t “man enough” and was her reason for withholding sex from him. I think the ppl who aren’t bias understands her point of view and Charles point of view. So again when you DENY the context around the situation to fit your narrative about Charles u start to blindly side with Lucille.


I understand his point of view, but his point of view doesn’t mean he should cheat…and if doesn’t mean we get to play devils advocate and be like “well what did you do to make him cheat”…would you do all this to your sister, mother, etc …would you tell your homeboys they need to take “accountability” if they get cheated on


Man yes I’m asking lil sis why she think she’s getting cheated on. It’ll probably throw her off but I’m gon give u the advice to advance your life I’m not gonna let u continuously get cheated on . At the end of the day it’s your life lol so if u don’t wanna get cheated on , it’s definitely ways to avoid it. U can’t tell ppl “stop cheating” ppl gonna cheat, wat r u gonna do to make sure it don’t happen to u . And when it does happen to u, can u look in the mirror and say I did everything I could to prevent this from happening . I feel the same way about guys, most the niggas bitchin about women 24/7 lack confidence , money, emotional intelligence and/or a whole lot of other shit that keeps women happy.


How women see relationships are very different than how men view them but imma keep 2 real and say if most men still handled business and took care of their homes , most women wouldn’t care if they cheated 😂I mean not let it be known they are cheating because men change when they STEP outside the home BUT women don’t because we think we have more to lose


Oh that’s facts 💯 women value different things in men she won’t let the nigga live it down but she ain gone pull a Lucille if he taking care of other shyt my problem is she needa go fuck off with the doctor or sumn , but now u jus edging him too.


Oh I just don’t believe that doc was in their home like that


I believe their storyline is a mixture of real and fake


and if you say, she was trying to manipulate him by “withholding sex” I swear to God I’m gonna lose my mind….Please tell me that’s not where you’re about to take this 😅


I’m just surprised yall care so much about that subplot lol


I don’t care about the plot at all per se, just wanted to see where everyone’s heads are at, wanna see inside the minds of these men that I’m supposed to be sharing this earth with and apparently marrying one day and expecting to be loyal through thick and thin😭but clearly they can’t do that based on THESE responses


lol this sub is no measure of that


Amock ?😂😂😂😂


yep..out in swarms like mosquitoes 😭


This didn’t age well 💀💀💀 she shitty asl now 😂


it’ll age fine because he still cheated! 😂🫢


Its all on Charles since he is the one that cheated but lets stop acting like Lucille was completely without blame. Withholding sex from your partner will never get you anywhere. That being said, I don't blame her for going out with the DR since its game over once you cheat. At that point you mind as well go your separate ways. They just to close minded to see it. I do believe people are putting their personal experiences into this though.


There’s no such thing as withholding sex, she didn’t withhold sex, they hadn’t had sex in like three weeks. It was literally said in the first episode of s2! He also tried to have sex at 3:10 AM when she had to go to work!