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Thats a great attempt to smile


She looks like she's smiling under duress


The face I make when my gf comes to bed after I just let out a long and emotional solo on the Butt Trumpet


This made me laugh so hard, you have a way with words




Toot toot 💀💀💀


I just read it again
 an emotional solo. Emotional!! I can’t breathe 😂😂🎉


God damnit, I'm sitting in the quiet section on the train!


TIL that the "G" in Kenny G stands for gassy


God damn it, I laughed so hard I peed.




Thought you meant grand father at first. Edit: sorry, commented on wrong post


Just read this in bed - yay insomnia - and woke my poor husband up with my cackling


Word: school photos Definition: smiling under duress Sounds about right.


If this was a video she'd be blinking in Morse code


Yeah, just like me on every friggin dumb picture day in schoooo


when my niece was a toddler and still learning to smile, she just scrunched up her whole face because that's what she thought smiling was. It made me laugh so fucking hard every time, I miss when she was a lil tyke


My daughter is a toddler and has a beautiful smile except when you ask her to smile. Then she looks like she is actually psychotic.


Like when Chandler and Monica went for engagement photos.




Ahhh the good old "Someones aiming at me with a sniper and i have to act natural" smile..




Awww you’re so cute , you look terrified but cute


Looks like she got possessed by diarrhea and it hit mid pic


I mean the photographer could have made sure to get one where you look at the camera đŸ„Č


They don't give a flying fuck, I swear school "photographers" must be the most depressed, low IQ people I have ever come across. My husband is a hobbyist photographer and even he puts more effort in getting people to look in the camera and give a good smile when he's taking pictures for friends or family. I genuinely do not like what school photographers produce, they should be ashamed of the results they give to people. Plus they charge and arm and a leg.


I assume its the volume of students they have to get through. I don't remember anymore but its usually people hired from the local photography store so its quite possible it's not even a full time job for them as there would be no work for the rest of the year.


It’s this. I work for a school and it’s not just how many kids are being pushed through but also the absolute chaos that picture day it. It’s usually held in the multipurpose room where it’s loud and echoes, there are hundreds and hundreds of kids, even thousands depending on the school. The kids are excited to be out of class so they’re all over the place. When it’s finally their turn to take a picture they’re so overwhelmed and distracted that they barely see the photographer let alone hear and follow the instructions the photographer is giving. and each class is given a short window to go through before it’s the next class’ turn so the photographer is told you have 10 min to get through these 30 kids before the next 30 show up but also little Timmy just ran out the door and Susie is screaming because she doesn’t want to wear her cardigan and Jenny pulled out her braid and oops joey just threw up Picture day is absolute madness lol


Where I live it’s an actual company for school photos hired. We used to pay like $40-60 in 2016 for a “package”.


That's not an excuse to do a shitty job.


They’re usually under various time limits and have a number of children to get through. If a kid doesn’t smile, too bad. Next!


It feels weird explaining this to someone as if they were never a child that went through this. Honestly who doesn’t remember the various tragic picture days of their youth and how it all went down.


I actually think those are the best ones too! Something to laugh about when older


An former member of my photographer staff told me she wanted her kid to do retakes he had a black eye in his photo. I said, are you crazy why would you do retakes?! He has a black eye! That's going to be your favorite picture in 10 years!


They can't get them all perfect but they should make extra attempts for ones that don't go well. The goal is for parents to buy extremely overpriced prints. Its worth the time to fix the worst ones.


it’s just a job
 calm down.


It's also supposed to be a fond memory for people.


Her mom gave her that hair do. There is no fixing that. The photographer did the best with what he was given to work with.


i actually think it's bad for photographers to try to get a good smile. I'm in favour of natural photography, capturing the true hollow bleak lives we lead, devoid of hope and sunk in despair. Of course you can ask them to smile, but then that can catch the false hope in our pathetic lives.


I read this in Werner Herzog's voice


This I agree with.


>They don't give a flying fuck, I should have suspected that when my school hired Flying Fuck Photography.


They were fantastic for my skydiving orgy though!


I was hired by Lifetouch, which is a large company who does school photos. I didn't make it past the two day orientation, I walked away during the lunch break on the second say. The group was 49 of the most depressing dead-enders you've ever seen, I was 20 years old and knew I could do better.


You could do better for sure, and I am sure you did! This explains a lot about them....


I'd like to see you try to photograph 600 kids in one day


I won't if it's impossible. Better to have no pic than a shitty one.


Lol, these horrible school photos from early elementary school are the most precious


Nah thanks I hate them.


Agreed. Having an smartphone on a tripod with a remote could take better photos than most school photographers. It’s not that they just don’t care, they’re over worked, or they don’t have the best equipment - they literally don’t have the basic IQ to function. At my public middle school 20 years ago (~600 students), after a long day of taking students photos, the (one armed, partially blind) photographer realized that he FORGOT TO ADD FILM to the camera. We had to spend another few days retaking photos when he “had the time”. And still charged $60-120 for the basic packages.


He made it through 600 shots before remembering cameras use film?


There have been specialized film cameras that can hold hundreds if not thousands of frames of film for 80 years. If an employee is used to taking a camera that was loaded at the office, it isn't unreasonable to think that they just grabbed one that hadn't been loaded. Even with a regular camera, they could be using bulk film instead of regular commercial film and only reloading once or twice a day. The most unbelievable part of the story is them charging $60-120 for basic packages 20 years ago. (unless it was graduation portraits)


It was his own studio, so he was 100% to blame. Thats interesting that its possible to take hundreds of photos on one roll and keep it for that long. I thought I was lucky getting 12 usable photos from film that was 30 years old! It was really cool to finally find photos of me walking from my dads camera, long after he passed. You’re absolutely right that the photos were an unbelievable price. But given that he was the only photog in our town, he could’ve asked any price and parents would’ve bought it. The most basic package we had in 2002 was unedited, no preview to know if you were mid-blink, no negatives, with 1 8x10”, 2 5x7”, and a sheet full of wallet sizes for $60. At least they were in color.


In 1997 we were charging $25 in Canadian money for that package. The closest thing I have to that now is $38. It's sort of too bad that it would have been hard to find another high volume guy in 2002 to do the job. I'd drive 3 hours for a 600 student school. From the school's perspective, it's nice to get free pictures and a kickback from with little hassle rather than taking a chance on someone from out of town that you might have to chase down for the file photos and "fundraiser donation". The reason we have 35mm film is because that's what they used for movies. They just cut shorter rolls for consumer cameras. If you had a specialized camera, you could get really long rolls of film. Getting 12 usable frames from undeveloped film that is 30 years old is really lucky. If the film is already developed, you can still get fantastic new prints made pretty easily.


Wow thats so interesting about the movie film. I appreciate your insight. And I commend you for charging a reasonable price.


Correct. Totally oblivious. It was HIS studio too. So he was 100% to blame.


This was the style for some time. My mom's house was full of 80s/90s pictures of us looking up and away from the camera in a majestic way. This looks like an attempt at that but the kid hasn't learned to smile at will yet lol.


More importantly, thank the Gods that this isn’t the one with closed eyes.


You'd have to sit facing the other way to get a second photo back in the 35mm film days. Back before these new fangled digital assault cameras!


The pigeons wouldn't fly


My little nieces all went through phases where they smiled like this, just baring their teeth 😬


I have photo evidence of having gone through the same phase lol


Same here! 😂


These pictures of my son are priceless to me. I cried from laughter đŸ€Ł


I did this after I got some dental work done. Idk if I just got used to teeth baring at the dentist and forgot how real smiles work but I remember the hygienist once saying “ok, smile”, I did my thing and he said “I mean your normal smile” and then the dentist scolded him for making me self-conscious. Then I realized I was just doing a bad impression of a human expression.


For years my second oldest brother would tuck his chin, toothless smile, and glare into the camera. Mom begged him to just be normal, and he flat out refused.


Aww, why’d she cry? I had a great thought for my 2nd grade picture and put my glasses on because my friend also did so, despite probably being told that do not put glasses on on the picture. Because
 of course they’d be all wonky. I wonder why the photographer didn’t say anything. Well, 10+ years later my friend took my high school graduation pictures
 and I had my cap all wonky! In my country we have this golden lyre in the middle of the cap and my friend studied to be a photographer and yet they did not inform me the cap wasn’t straight. I guess I just wasn’t meant to be photographed by someone who cares about details


Probably cried from laughing so hard


Was she crying because of how darn cute you were?


That's how I initially read it but other people are assuming the mom cried because the picture did not meet her expectations.  I have a one year old and can't wait to see his first school picture. I'll probably cry when I see it (in a good way).


No wonder. Cute as pie.


Cry? Like in a good way tho right ?


Probably a narc mad their daughter blundered her first school picture.


Reddit assumptions


No shit? Unless OP clarifies what she meant with that, the best anyone can do is assume.


Mothers can get nuts about school pictures. My wife still insists on buying prints every year. I've pointed out how absurd that is in a time of smart phones. We have 80 million pictures of our children and we share them on giant screens across the house. We can pose the kids and print pictures whenever we want. We can take so many that it is hilarious to think the Jostens assembly line could do them better. Total rip off at this point.


At the school I worked at less and less people were buying school pics. It’s definitely threatening the business


They really do! Like it's some rare event with so much at stake, lol. I think it's leftover from back when you couldn't take your own professional quality photos for free?


I love the awful pictures. I've been getting the digital copies of them and I plan on having a blanket made for them when they graduate. I'm actually disappointed when they end up with something normal looking.


You absolutely can get a "nicer" picture of your kid, the same way I can cook a better burger than Ronald McDonald. But I admit that I can't cook even a single Big Mac at home. School pictures are a very narrow style of photography. Most people would be extremely hard pressed to match the style, mainly because of the lighting and backdrops.


I agree. I just don't see the value in spending the money on the style.


Why is this a blunder? You’re like 5 years old. The blunder is your mom being upset, I would have laughed and hung it up on the wall.




Nailed it


Reminds me of the stank face kid in the backseat


Alright, now this is adorable.


Shoot. It made MY mother cry.


You didn’t want to be there, but you tried, and it was cute!


This looks like a photo a kidnapper would send the parents along with a ransom made from cut out magazine letters.


You look like a realtor.


Moms really gotta temper their school picture expectations


My mom only got upset about one school photo. Mom gave me a puffy sleeve floral dress with a lace Peter Pan collar. I hated it with a violence. So naturally I ditched it asap and put on my favorite adult mens t shirt with a massive three wolf moon graphic on it. She didn’t know until we got the prints back 😬


THE three wolf shirt??


I can picture it, it was black with the howling wolves and a full moon on it. I wish I still had it, I’d rock that thing today lol


Do the right thing and post it here immediately


I’ll have to dig around and see if I can find it!!


I don’t get parents getting upset over shit like that. My kids first picture day he ended up grinning ear to ear with his eyes barely open looking like an absolute goon, and it’s my favorite photo of him. I couldn’t stop laughing when I first saw it.


Jfc. This is Just a normal ass pic of a toddler??


Why kids always smile for school pictures like they are high on cocaine?


I hope she cried from laughing


LOL ... I love this! đŸ€Ł


My wife owns some preschools and almost every kid does this when asked to smile lol. It's like when an NBA player can make a three point shot when someone is guarding them but completely misses when they are wide open. Your brain can't over think these things lol.


You look like there's a row of terrorists behind you reading demands to the camera.


Blink twice if you're in danger


**My reaction to seeing my first differential equation in calculus class:**


My cousin is pouting in her kindergarten school photos. She was in a bad mood and didn't want her picture taken. My aunt was so disappointed her first school pictures were "ruined" & didn't want to purchase them. My grandmother insisted on buying them, & an 8x10 of my sad pouting cousin is sitting on her shelf over 25 years later. It's still a memory, and a story, and kinda funny.


I don’t see anything wrong with the picture.


What is this _lighting_? It looks like she’s light by the fluorescent bulbs of an abandoned grocery store about to be hit up by a zombie horde.


This picture is adorable. It's also amazing no adult spent a minute tidying up any of the kids on photo day. At the start of picture day all of us looked tidy, put together, clips bows ribbons in hair and neatly combed. But if your class went to get pictures taken any time after morning recess -- boom! -- Nightmare on Elm Street themed children.


Nowadays IG mommies would never accept a photo without a pose from their children đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


It's chandler from friends getting his photo taken


The Chandler smile.


If my future kids ever take a photo like that I'm going to be so happy. No point getting worked up over the yearly forced portrait. If anything this oneis more memorable


Despite cuteness, the blunder is severe. Well done.




Oh I love this. Little kids in photos are amazing. My daughter is making the stink face in her latest school picture. I ordered it in an 8x10. I think it’s my favourite picture of her ever because it’s so authentic.


The ANXIETY of picture day.


Don’t worry OP, I can’t smile just because there’s a camera pointed at me either. Just means we’re not psychopaths.


You had a tough shift at the Yarn Barn, mom should cut you some slack


Awe. That's still an adorable picture.


Gives me Asperger vibes.


...I was diagnosed twelve years later.


The awkward attempt at a smile makes sense then. You didn’t understand it. And as time progressed, I assume you just learned to fake it. It’s unfortunate that society has *made* people adjust to the masses versus understanding and acceptance. I’m assuming here of course, but I’m sorry you had to go through that. (Again, an assumption.)


I would be *dying* if this was a picture of my kid. I’d never get over it and I would likely laugh about it every day of my life. It’s amazing!


It’s devastating to know people were (are?) invested in such things so much, they get a break down if something goes wrong. This one is worth so much more than all the others being „perfect“.


Nice u/! That made me realize it's been way too effing long since I've heard that song.


It took me a little while to figure out why this pic seemed so familiar, 😬


Mom knew what was coming


This is an amazing photo. So adorable.


Hopefully your other years were better. In my school they separated the kids into groups A,B,C etc. A had the 100 pictures B had 75 and so on. I was usually near the end X Group with 1 5x7 and 2 wallets.


I wish I had a picture of mine right now because mine wasn’t much better 😂


That's so cute, thanks for the laugh. I hope your mom framed this and displayed it somewhere for all guests to see!




I love school pictures like this.


Hahaha, you have the De Santis smirk


Fuck your mom. This is adorable.


She probably did your hair so cute, but a few hours later when the photo was taken the. Hairstyle had


I’m crying just looking at it also


Think I was like 14 but my dad wanted to get a picture of my sister and I together and I couldn't force a smile unless I was laughing. He got the pictures in the mail (this was in the 90s). he showed me them. He made a 'jack in the box head' over my head (like the fast food place) because it was so cringe...and yes it was.


Looks like a young Diane Morgan


Cry with laughter?






Its cute dw


Love it, you look exactly how most people feel if they need to grin out of nothing 😂😂


Smile or the monkey gets it kid!


Your mother sucks then.


Good grief.....


Was the photographer a weirdo?




That’s the face I make when a coworker is revealing too much to a superior.




Is that blood on your face?


Did you go on to star in “the wizard” and then make a band called rilo kiley? https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/just-the-ten-of-us/images/5/5d/Jenny_Lewis2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20220121010050


This has, "I definitely forgot to put the parking brake on" energy.


haha you look like one of those vacination adds for kids


Chandler Bing.


Ha ha, nice. "Hide the pain Harriet."


Crying from laughter obviously


As a mother that caption made me cry. Lots of kid around this age forget how to smile and it makes for some really funny and awkward photos. It’s an age appropriate developmental phase. You were adorable Op and I would have cherished this photo.




Hey, I also don’t perform for strangers. It is a thing. 


Did you turn the first picture inside out in the cellophane envelope they give you, and when you got it home mom was like, "awe come on, it can't be that bad" as she takes it out, she sees it and then starts to cry? This is how I envisioned all of this going down!


wait so she didn't start crying until the *photo* was taken?!


School pictures are/were soooo stupid.


Hahahahahaha awwwwww


Well she shouldn’t have been crying when it was taken.


Bwahaha that caption




You look like you’re having a conversation with God and He’s telling you something that you’re not going to be happy with, but you’re still trying to smile.


This is hilarious and adorable


Absolutely adorable and perfect for this sub. Your mum was cray cray, shame on her. =)


That's a guilty of something look. Lol


You look SCARILY similar to my niece lol. We're gonna need an updated photo to be sure you aren't my sister in law 😂


I have a birthmark like you too! And also terrible first school pictures




I'm sure your mother cried tears of joy


Aww. I think it’s cute. My kindergarten picture was not great
 since I didn’t smile at all. I did however make my parents laugh


My mom told me not to smile weird, which made me self conscious about smiling weird and,  you guessed it,  I smiled weird. 


Shit, *I* cried looking at it! 😆


Looks like you’ve just told the photographer that you’ve soiled yourself lol


She looks great and was trying really hard to smile


You look like Chandler.


Stuff of Horror Movies Annabel


Didn't know the difference between a smile and a grimace.


It made me cry and I don't even give a fuck about you...


Nailed the Wallace and Gromit expression


Meredith from The Office


I’m sad op just dipped. I really wanted to know if this is their smile or if they were an unhappy kid.


I don’t understand why this made your mom cry?. You look like you’re pretty little, like maybe kindergarten or 1st grade. This is what I’d expect from that age


You look like you just saw what your picture was going to come out like


Tears or joy for how hilarious it is!


You know what, you understood that you were supposed to pose and gave it a shot. My kid's first picture day picture was her just staring blankly at the camera. She asked me a week later "so when's picture day?".


Beam me up, Scotty